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the bulk of the playerbase isn't using the steam launcher. Steam numbers aren't relevant for this game. Also, what are you talking about? The steam chart is basically the same amount of steam players as during the release of EndWalker (peak 95k for EW, peak 92k currently). So despite your poor choice of source for the number of players, the relative data shows that it's basically the same as it was the previous release.


numbers are likely much higher due to xbox players being in as well now.


Steam numbers are relevant, wdym. That’s not how statistics work.


They are irrelevant as an absolute value because they do not give a complete picture of reality. This is because the standard launcher, as well as the PS/XBOX players aren't counted. However, as I mention in my second part of my message, those numbers can be useful when taken in relation to their past values, and this analysis shows that the performance is basically the same as during EW. You saying this last line like this makes me think that you don't know nearly as much about statistics as you want to pretend you do.


Yeah I don’t know that much, but you know less. If less people are playing on steam, less people are playing on the launcher. And numbers are less than EndWalker…and the gap would be even bigger in the launcher.


The amount of players on steam for this game are abysmally low. It’s only a small snapshot of the actual player base. Most people that play mmos on PC download the individual launcher and play the game outside of steam. It’s arguably more of a con playing this game on steam than off of it. Then you have both PS5 and Xbox numbers not on there as well. I also know there is plenty of people playing because all the servers are still full….


Steam numbers matter, but going off what they said 95k and 92k, that leads to a small dip of 3.2% player loss on steam alone, which isn't a lot but it still somewhat noticeable. The thing is, since we're going off launches, endwlaker launched at the tail end of the pandemic. This led to higher than normal numbers. You could argue that if it wasn't for the pandemic, we may have actually seen an increase in the playerbase this expansion.


With a sample size that has barely even begun to reach any meaningful number (only hitting 1k as of today) no, they are not relevant, not even a little bit.


Highs and lows will be similar to the other launchers, so yes it is relevant. Zzz


Literally ever server is full. Pretty sure they are doing fine zzzzzz


Yeah, you’re right.


This is when every expansion except Endwalker launched, but thanks for the pointless post.


i don't think you need to worry about ffxiv's popularity. just play what you want and let people play what they want.


I have no idea why people are excited for the Steam summer sale - oh look, the exact same deals that all of these games have had intermittently anyways. You can say all these things, but the fact that there's a half hour queue when I try to log in during peak times tells me you're just guessing.


i had a single game there that i bought this year there is almost nothing good on sale that i wouldn't own as a indie enjoyer already.


Yeah. There was a time when you'd get a bunch of AAA stuff for < $10, but that time is gone. Now it's 20-30% off at best, and like you say - if it's not AAA it's already cheap enough to just buy outright any time, and let's be honest here, I'd rather the indie devs get more of my money than less.


yep most indie games just get full price for me. have never been disappointed in one of them either.


> I have no idea why people are excited for the Steam summer sale - oh look, the exact same deals that all of these games have had intermittently anyways. Seriously. Every time I look at the steam store page there's some kind of sale going on anyway. How is Summer Sale any different?


Most of the games people buy aren’t even going to be played anyway so it’s doubly so a strange thing to be excited for.


Are you trying to farm engagement or something? The servers have been so full people can’t log in.


not on EU


Cool, that doesn’t really change the fact that it’s so full in many cases people are complaining. This is far from a no-hype dead drop.


? i wasn't arguing anything. just felt like adding that EU hasn't had these issues.


I too like hearing myself talk at times.


of all the things to get passive agressive about.


You said it yourself: You just felt like talking. I do it too. nosce te ipsum


Alright, my bad then. hope you have a good day \^\^


"Hype is zero" *people have been excitedly talking about it since the trailer and loving it* "steamdb low" *vast majority of 14's playerbase is not through steam* "Who thought releasing it near Elden Ring DLC was a good idea" *Yoshi-P explicitly releasing it later after the DLC to give people time to play both* Sir how many clown awards are you fishing for again?


Not everyone cares about Elden Ring nor plays it tho. i sure dont. I also do not use Steam and I dont buy games often. The timing is fine. Other expansions have released around this time of the year before and they were fine.


gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8


Deadlines are set months before release, even before the release date for ER DLC was revealed. You will always get in a way of a release. Plus since this is an mmo it takes so much more work and money to release to the public and simply changing the release date will cost a lot.


The complainers are getting desperate. They're pulling out the Steam Player Count card even though it's been known for 10 years that a majoriry of the player base doesn't use Steam.


Perhaps, but there's other factors to consider. XIV's PC userbase is split. The vast majority of people I know don't play the game through Steam, for example. I don't have concrete numbers but I'm pretty sure most people don't. Steam is very much a secondary market for XIV, so I doubt something like a steam sale was in too high regard vis a vis release window. Also to consider that MMO expansions don't work like most game DLC. If you want to keep playing new content, you have to buy the new expansion. The people that want to play Dawntrail have likely already bought it, and any new players will probably start with the free trial first, they weren't buying the game anyway. edited for missing a couple words


I'd imagine a very small percentage of the player base goes through Steam. After all, as you said. XIV' *PC* player base is split, with a majority not using steam, but then you have Playstation, and now Xbox users as well.


What on earth are you talking about? This expansion, not DLC, was actually delayed a couple of weeks specifically to avoid competing with the Elden Ring DLC. That, and the devs wanted to play it too.


Steam statistics for this game are useless. Lots of people play on PS/Xbox and I’d say most people very likely just use the official Ff14 launcher. Steam is an irrelevant drop in the bucket.


Steam had 92k on the launch of early access, it's 3k less than EW had. And pretty much there was and is a ton of hype, i've no idea what are you talking about.


As others have said you can't compare Steam numbers to previous overall totals because the majority of the playerbase doesn't play on Steam. You *can* compare it to previous Steam totals, and it's pretty close to Endwalker's launch. Keep in mind that Endwalker also had the benefit of a pandemic release and a massive influx of players from WoW.


No one is rushing you to play either game. Both games' producers have specifically stated in the past that they want people to enjoy the games at their own pace. So any pressure put on you by Elden Ring, FFXIV, the Steam Summer Sale, etc, are all of your own making. If you're measuring YOUR enjoyment of the game based on how its metrics are on Steam DB you really need to step back and take a measure of your value structure. If you're worried about the game's health and popularity due to its release window: Stop. You're not being paid to and there are people who know a lot more about this than you do who are in charge of it.


Not everyone cares about Elden Ring nor plays it tho. i sure dont. I also do not use Steam and I dont buy games often. The timing is fine. Other expansions have released around this time of the year before and they were fine.




Currently playing Dawntrail, and I've completed every modern Fromsoft game, we exist.


That why it has 10x the time what ff14 has xd


Again your basing that off of steam numbers which is stupid 😂


What makes you assume it's the same playerbase?


because it's the platform it is at? ffxiv has a minority on steam. The vast majority is outside on the actual launcher.


FFXIV community: "don't buy game on steam!!!" Also FFXIV community: "it's a failure have you seen the steam numbers??"


Not everyone cares about Elden Ring nor plays it tho. i sure dont. I also do not use Steam and I dont buy games often. The timing is fine. Other expansions have released around this time of the year before and they were fine.


I'm a Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West fan... First time?


Imagine using steamdb stats for an arguement on a reddit that always recommends using the non steam version


The hype of Dawntrail was crazy leading up to it. I’ve never seen so many folks ready for an expansion like this community. For weeks leading up to early access, folks were always talking about what to do/prep/what to tell my boss/taking time off. This is peak gaming.


Who cares about elder ring, i didnt even know it existed till a week ago 


Who cares? People who like this game will play this game. I don't even know what's elder ring. I don't care about that game... Or any other.


I'm just curious, anyone except game journalists, actually care about ER dlc?


Plenty, to the point where even Yoshi P name dropped it.


People who play Elden Ring probably do...? It's the biggest FromSoftware title and won GotY in 2023. Hardly a niche game. I'm sure the FFXIV devs themselves probably care about it, considering how big it is in Japan.


My brother took a break from playing FFXIV to play Shadow of Erdtree. Eldren Ring has sold 25 million copies so it's not exactly a niche title.


Its not the Elden dc fault.Its the terrible MSQ story with Wuk, there is already a heavy disappointnement with it.


>there is already a heavy disappointnement with it. *ad populum.* What's your specific opinion on it, and describe your thoughts on Wuk Lamat.


You hate me because i tell the truth. In a week you will see a report that will say. Dawntrail was a flop


We'll see some shitty click farming "news" site say that, no one worth their salt will be reporting on it because numbers wouldn't be released that fast


Simple say you didn’t like dawntrail. If you like a game based on how well it sells you have problem.




So because you don't know how to read charts it's somehow a flop? Not even 1/32nd of the playerbase even uses the steam version of the client. It's not, and has NEVER been a true sign of the number of players. Most people play using the non-steam version of the client or on PSN, and now with Xbox having the game as well the steam number amounts are not an accurate representation of the playerbase totals.


Nah, You’re being downvoted because your take is Moronic


Why don't you describe *your* opinion on the expansion pack and the characters/story? ad populum is the weakest form of argument.


*yawn* people been saying this for every expansion. Find a better bait. Specifically, find a bait that is not in contradiction with the metric you put forward yourself