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dude weed lmao


...what kind of groups did you run with where this is a common occurrence?


All kinds of groups. Long-term friends, duty finder randos, party finder randos, savage statics (though I didn't find out until we kept getting bodied on easy mechanics for way too long), Limsans. It's all over.


I had one guy who was in my static for years that was very frequently drunk or stoned. It often manifested in zero comms restraint, oversharing, and clumsy playing. I felt bad for him as a person, but it was not pleasant to behold.


I see it a lot in PF. Who knows if it's true or people just trying to sound cool or whatever but genuinely I hear it a lot.


"Oh I'm so nervous, I just want them to think I'm cool...Hey guys I'm a junkie!"


Almost. Last one was, "Sorry I screwed up I'm high LOL" I just rolled my eyes and let him stay dead for a bit.


Neither my friends nor I really do. Might have a beer or something while playing, but certainly not to the point where we are drunk.


When I was smoking/drinking more I definitely did, but that's mainly because I had personal issues and was self-medicating. I played FFXIV high just like I'd go to work high or do chores high. Never mentioned it in chat, and I was still competent because overall the game is easy and if something is muscle memory, a bit of weed isn't gonna make you a stumbling idiot. Only really drank for social/casual content, or to get over tankxiety.


Do you mean it genuinely or disingenuously that you would throw back a few drinks to get over tankxiety?


....genuinely? I'd just drink enough to get a buzz but not really impact motor function. I had a really bad experience tanking in WoW and its put me off the role ever since.


That's fine, not judging, just couldn't tell.




You can just say lager.


I drank rum to help the delubrum runs be a bit more bearable




I feel nothing but pity to people who cannot have fun w/o consuming drugs.


i feel nothing but pity to people who make sweeping assumptions that partaking in substances means no fun can be had unless inebriated.


I never said anything about people who can have fun despite occasionally using substances. That's your assumption that I did.


is your high horse pity pooping or just you?


There is nothing high horse about disliking people choosing to ruin their body and mind. Edit: Someone cannot see the difference between things like alcohol/nicotine and actual medicine.


big yikes thanks for telling me my choice of medicine is ruining my body and mind feel free to dislike me, i promise i feel the same way about you.


hear that? quit your antidepressants. you can have fun without drugs


Oh I pity clinically depressed people too, but with a different kind of pity.


Was in a HC group with a dude who was almost always high. He was sober for our 2.5 days of prog, but after we cleared it was right back to it. If anythung, he might have played better high. Consistently able to push top 10 logs and one of the best co-melee's I've played with. I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance, so it was pretty common for me to have a few drinks on the weekend, but I mistakenly bought a beer that was ~10% ABV once and downed the whole six pack in our 3 hour raid night. By the time I hit 4 I realized, but figured I might as well commit. We had a drunken raid night soon after and it was fantastic.


Sometimes I pour out a bit of booze when going on a Frontlines marathon to take the edge off. Not a lot though maybe like 2 shots, it just enhances my PvP killing spree experience. I do see from time to time though there are people who play the game while baked, stoned, or drunk while queuing for roulettes, especially for like Alliance Raids and Frontlines.


We've specifically done drunk Savage reclear nights, but other than that no.


I might start thanks to the latest LL /s


Dude im the greenest white mage you ever did see. How do you think I put up with the community sometimes lol


If I'm logged in, I'm stoned.


Not exclusively, but I've been known to partake of the devil's lettuce while playing. I actually had a decent portion of my DSR and TOP prog being done while I was high. Reclears too. Generally speaking I try not to when I'm progging - at least new mechanics, don't really include improving consistency as progging in the same way - so I can lock in and not be a burden to my comrades. But look, the bottom line is that I'm playing a game and having fun doing it in my off time to relax. I'm strongly opposed to getting too fucked up and actively messing things up unless it's a super casual for-fun thing with friends where we're all getting a little unsober. But for less strenuous instances where I'm just vibing or having a good time I won't usually split hairs and just focus a little more to keep from griefing.


None? What the fuck. Whenever I play with friends we're doing content


Literaly exclusively lol (weed only)


The amount of people getting downvoted is wild. If I’m playing a video game I’m probably smoking.


i never plan to drink but PFing drives me to it


I drink so that I can socialise better. Otherwise I won't approach anyone due to shyness/anxiety. A drink takes that feeling away


My homies and I are on that gaelicatnip more times than not. I frequently encounter randoms who claim to partake also. "Sry, I'm a lil high," they'll say at the start of the duty, but then continue to play perfectly fine. You've all probably played with someone in the group baked out of their gourd and don't even realize it because they just hit their buttons and do their thing, o/ and gg and out. Honestly, it's the "sry I'm binge watching Jersey Shore rn" people you gotta watch out for. That's more imparing than weed and booze combined.


Casual content? Sure, often. And I've done Savage high, too (never Ultimates), but usually because I wasn't expecting to be doing Savage and got asked to help.


i am a baked potato :D edit: y'all are sensitive as hell about the legal things i do in my own home, but go off


Is there another way to play?


why wouldn't i be high? kick back, play some games, do some vaping


I'll admit I've played drunk a lot to overcome my extreme anxiety in PF environments, BUT I'm self aware and know when I'm not in prime condition to play. Funny tho that my most successful clears (and funny numbers) happened while I was drunk, maybe not shaking and almost having a heart attack due to anxiety helped lol


Ive been raiding in MMOs since my early teens and I remember one of my old guild leads in WoW doing a line of Coke before we started a raid night. The last staic I lead in ShB we also had a few stoners and drinkers. Had a BLM that got baked before we dealt with Titan.


Played with a guy in HW who consistently raided high. Never missed a single mechanic or interrupt in midas... until we asked the homie a question mid fight 😂. Good dude. Still hang with him to this day.


A few of my friends and I play while having a beverage. Drunk gaming is practically the standard in my own friend group.


Personally I play stoned a lot and most of my ulti clears I was high during. I'm much more competent at the game when I'm stoned it helps me relax and really get into the zone


I had a static member who use to drink whiskey every night during raids. It was never a lot to make him like a big hinderance, but yeah. I also had a few members before show up drunk (found out last minute they were drunk). Never have known anyone who played high though. Personally this is the last game i'd want to play drunk. I usually play horror or party games if I have a drinking night with people online.


I usually pop an edible before bed and I might play a bit then, but I'm at my best when I'm stone cold sober. I used to drink and run content but in spite of how fun it might feel I was definitely a shit player and it wasn't fair to anyone unlucky enough to land me in their roulettes. My sweet spot is logging on when I wake up and doing my thing while I get caffeinated for the day. I work evenings at a bar so I've moved my playtime from 12a-4a to 8a-12p.


I’m a casual player so I only rarely do savage content and wouldn’t if I did, but I’ll often have some weed before playing, it’s a nice way to relax and I have a good time. I don’t partake often but while gaming is when I enjoy it most. I also never mention it to strangers ingame, I don’t see the point.


I only drink whenever something that looks good goes on sale at the grocery store I work at, maye once every few weeks I drink. My raid group occasionally does drunk raids but not often. On st patties day though we all got blasted and did all-green (healer) runs of random stuff 


people who are voluntarily impairing themselves are almost always the biggest source of wipes you should absolutely make a moral judgment on it lmao


Not always, the best, most consistent player in my last group was always inebriated. I wouldn't have even been able to tell if they didn't say something.


ffxiv is the one game, were I really notice the difference when being under the influence of drugs. Being drunk generally ends up missing out on some critical information during mechanics, but savage is still manageable. Being high is a no go, even for normal content I phase out every couple of seconds, not knowing what just happened


I can't not play inebriated anymore. This stupid game that I could easily quit drives me to drink lol