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I believe it when i see it. Until then, it's a coin flip between being something they actually continue expanding on and including more things in it, or completely forget about.


Small indie company, please look forward to it.


On one hand, “small indie company.” On the other hand, NFT-levels-of-stupid company.


On one hand, XIV probably keeps the company afloat so they can never go under with another "spirits within" disaster. On the other hand, XIV doesn't get the freedom and budget as some of Square's failed titles.


Imagine if XIV got annual Forspoken level budget.


.....you do realize video game budgets are spread out over years, sometimes an entire decade right? I agree FFXIV should have more money ey put behind it, but you're saying it should gobble up an entire other games entire budget every year?


Considering XIV made more than forspokens budget last year, kinda yeah.


Yes. That's why I specified "annual"...


> Imagine if XIV got annual Forspoken level budget. What do you think would happen? They're still on a tight time table of releasing patches and expansions with proper amount of QA, not to mention recording music, voice lines, localization, etc. More money doesn't mean you're gonna get a drastically better or different product. You guys are just idiots when it comes to game development.


> More money doesn't mean you're gonna get a drastically better or different product. You guys are just idiots when it comes to game development. Yoshi-P himself has bemoaned that they don't have "WoW levels of budget". If they did, they likely could afford better servers to support things like instanced housing, a better glam system with less restrictions, and so on. Also I have a degree in game development. I know scaling things up won't always work out well (*cough* triple A in general nowadays *cough*), but FFXIV is clearly limited by some budgetary constraints despite being SE's biggest cash cow right now.


I don't think FFXIV's problems are something that are affected greatly by budget.


That was the old CEO, who has since resigned and let someone else take over.


The new CEO is a relatively young guy who got poached from a web3 company focusing on crypto and was made a director right away, very rare for Japanese companies. By the way, he was Chief Strategy Officer... as in a guy majorly responsible for the path they're on. Also he only had worked at SE for 3 years before being made CEO. So, he has absolutely no experience or history in the game's industry and little understanding of SE's internal culture. He was clearly given the position by old men who didn't have a problem with their current focus, they just thought they needed a young guy who "understands" crypto, NFTs, etc better to pull it off. There's very little reason to think things won't get worse over at SE.


Just let me put every artifact armor in the armoire, please SQenix I beg you


From a software development perspective, it makes sense to have proof of concept systems that they can start small with, have low impact, and continue to iterate on to eventually replace jank rather than just Sending It™. And if we know anything about CBU3, it's that their process is very iterative and errs on the side of caution when touching legacy code. I'd call [the TOP Tower Incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1546xqg/the_patch_yesterday_changed_how_the_p1_towers_in/) the exception and not the rule, but all things considered there are surprisingly few breaking changes made. I'm sure people will correct me if I'm wrong lol


New World is a great example of just releasing something nearly untested in a patch and it somehow breaks the whole game


You know what? Fuck you. *moves chair** *breaks economy with another gold/item duplication exploit**


*opens the game* *gets grieved by some fuckwad posting code in the chat box*


First time i played the game the server got crashed twice within the hour and i never played it again


The literal first time I opened the game, 5 minutes into actually trying to play, I actually had some dipshit pull the code crash on me. Was so annoying that I instantly noped out, uninstalled, and refunded.


Based troll saving you money when i think about it. 


True and real even


The problem with New World is that most of the issues could be foreseen by experienced devs.


This is, quite literally, how most of SE's updates over the expansions have went. It's one thing. Then the next. Then the next. Then suddenly you look over and its just All Done.


Exactly. People may complain about it taking "forever" but it's the price you pay for stability. I very much enjoyed the gameplay side of WoW for the first half of this year, but the amount of bugs and seemingly nonexistent QA that directly affected me and my playgroup in that relatively short amount of time made me appreciate XIV's SDLC a lot more.


As much as I appreciate the massive amount of iteration WoW does, it really is a different feeling to login and know your game is going to work 99.9% well on patch day. Not bad. Just different.


Would be pathetic to have bugs if all you do is copy paste the same content right?


Here's hoping!


They did say they had a WoW-style transmog system ready to go with UI and everything but their trash netcode sank its actual implementation. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love for some headway to be made there. But I expect the facewear slot is only possible because it's a limited amount of data vs ten thousand different pieces of gear to account for when their networking seems to require loading the status of all unlocked gear for every single character in the zone on top of melds, customization, dyes, minion, life story, inventory, mother's maiden name, declaration of independence (load-bearing, can't figure out how to remove), name of first childhood pet, and favorite cereal.


I'm totally aware they've said in the past that netcode was a barrier to a better system. But how long ago was that now? I think that was early if not pre-Shadowbringer times. How many other things they considered problematic have been solved over time by them improving on game code, y'know what I mean? This system seems to basically be the already-made transmog system implemented in small scale, and I do think they're testing it to see if it works well and if it's worth expanding on. They've told us in the past the server was already at it's limit in terms of registerable stuff it has to have constant access to, but then we got our Glamour plates expanded, then we got Portraits added and now we got Facewear. I think they're improving things behind the scenes to make more and more data-stuffs possible.


> But how long ago was that now? I think that was early if not pre-Shadowbringer times. During the buildup to Endwalker hype train. Like I said, I'd love to be wrong. You might even take the second dye channel of a sign of some extra data they're fine with handling. But ultimately the single most consistent thing about the game has been garbage netcode/data handling, and I think the facewear slot is only possible because of the super limited number of options they're sticking to—we don't even get to pick between all the existing dyes for each slot.


But at the same time they also have been putting a lot of effort into improving the netcode the past 3 years. It is entirely possible they are testing the feature in small capacity to see if the backend improvements they are making are sufficient for a possible larger scale implementation in the future.


shit that recent? but yeah the dye-slot is also a sign that I think they're slowly improving things in the background. I can't imagine the facewear isn't a trial for a system to be expanded on tho, cause they could've just easily made facewear into regular equippable gear y'know. That would've put less strain on servers as well. ultimately I am still just speculating and hoping tho, but this system is just set up in a way that makes me optimistic


The thing I don't understand is that the Glamour addon (especially after assimilating Palette+) handles model swapping and coloring just fine. And with Mare, other people will have your glam data. I'm not a programmer, but it seems fishy to me that the devs couldn't just contact the programmers behind the mod and even just give them a temporary contract. I understand that the exact method is a bit different than how data transfer is done for the game, but clearly the ability is there because someone made it work.


it's *because* Mare is a mod that it works. If anything even remotely functioned like Mare in the game, it'd be a complete nightmare. It's a fantastic mod, pushing boundaries I've never seen before in a modding scene, but it nearly completely trusts the client, has almost zero security, doesn't interact \*whatsoever\* with XIV's character databases, and frequently has issues where you do not sync with your friends consistently. Glamourer functions by telling the game to load gear models onto your character or to change your character's customisation data with zero checks for if you should be allowed to do so. You can change race, gender, and equip ultimate weapons at will without the server having a single word in if you are allowed to do that. The issues are not in displaying gear, they are in databases and how checks and authentication can happen so the game stays an actual *game* instead of people being able to wear literally whatever they want without needing to obtain it


Just the other day, my friend was stuck as male hyur (in a dress) on my screen while he was still an au ra and it didn't go away until he relogged. There's no way and would not be acceptable for this to happen for official FFXIV content and systems.


mare once managed to turn my carbuncle into a naked male hyur for one of my friends until they told me and i realised they went the entirety of the 89 dungeon just seeing that


As with all plugins the plugin devs do not have to put in weeks of QA to get stuff approved. A plugin breaking means for us just turning it off. An official feature breaking means in the worst case an emergency maintenance and a lot of angry customers.


I understand that, but those still happen all the time (see Known Issues sections and emergency maintenances/patches) and most issues with either of the mentioned mods only break because of a change in the game related to new models or updated code. Which if the system was officially integrated (which has happened before) then those such changes would be made before a new patch goes out and thus preemptively accounted for.


that mod is merely on client side. just the player itself alone see the change. but not on server side where it directly change data on it and everyone can see the effect. correct me if im wrong.


correct, but through the use of Mare you can share your setup and thus anyone else with Mare can simply click your profile and import whatever your 'public you' is. Which, in terms of networking, is emulative of client-severe information. Just instead of checking every tick, it is a static change to the client.


If they actually manage to add this I will personally suck the entire team off and be happy


I wonder if improving the netcode is something that could ever feasably happen? My mind moves to assume no as I'm not sure I've seen a live game really mess with its infrastructure outside of tick rate tweaks but then again I can't really recall a game with netcode so problem plagued. Hell, even if they could, they may appreciate it as the whipping boy. SE **loved** to point at the PS2 every time someone asked them to spend a dollar on FFXI up until it died of apathy. Obviously a little more justified but they still took it *deep* into meme territory.


The netcode would be a giant undertaking so it seems unlikely. Personally i got so used to its flaws that wouldnt want changes at this point, but better netcode is better netcode after all


Lets see. 2 bytes can hold up to 65536 of item. Lets say 1 byte for the color, 2 if two color. (as they don't use RGB). So 4 bytes per item. Lets say they went insane and decided 32 bytes per item. Is still just 32 bytes per item. I don't think is the netcode. Maybe is the search if you got the item in their database before showing the item. I can see how doing that would take server time. Netcode. No way.


You'd almost think that maybe networking is one of the most difficult things in videogame development, especially for an old game that's practically made out of spaghetti, and that perhaps the devs know a bit more about the limitations than Joe Redditor. But hey, that's just a theory


Limitations such as checkmarks being impossible right?


Along with this, I've been wondering for a while if the Island Sanctuary decorating system was a test for a new Housing decorating system. Everyone's been begging for more & more item slots for houses, and here comes the Island, with a decorating system that reminds me heavily of WoW's transmogging. It would be one solution to the storage issue. The only downside to that would be all the crafters screaming when the market for housing stuff tanks.


As a crafter that made a small fortune selling furniture... I would sacrifice my little business empire to have something similar to the transmog for the equipment, don't care much about that for furniture tho, I don't change my house decoration that often xD


Our FC changes its house decor anytime a) we get bored with the look or b) someone has an idea and wants to do the work. So it changes every couple months. I would be OVERJOYED if they went with the Island Sanc system, and I make a ton of gil from crafting housing stuff. I might just be twitchy over old memories of playing WoW and its player base going bugfuck whenever some change had a potential to affect MB/AH sales. Good LORD, the whining over getting rid of ammo for bows & guns because it "made the engineering craft unprofitable and no reason to take it"...(shudders)


Heck take it a step further and have a Creative mode where you can design furniture concepts that snap together and have it saved in a set list/available to share. Then when X play wants to use it they just need Y items and Z space to pull it out and place on the ground fully attached together. Would allow players to be creative with their designs and perhaps share some fun combinations that players might want to put in their own house. Or even request, like a player asking another if they could help them make a dining room table that looks lived in, full of food, plates and the like. Then a player could put that together, share it and the player in need could use it having their idea fully realized without having to go through all the effort themselves to make it.


There would be a significant impact to the crafting community... not catastrophic, but it would remove a fairly large Gil sink from the game, leading to possible inflation. Housing is an endgame meme because of how pricy it is to furnish and decorate a house, and a lot has to do with each item being purchased separately. That being said, I would absolutely like to have an Island Sanctuary style system over what we have now.


Doubt it, one thing I've come to accept from this game is their love of adding systems that would solve old problems, only to never actually apply those systems to the problem and just sorta leave it to rot. See: Island Sanctuary and Housing / Trusts, Duty Supports and Squadrons /


Sure, I'll huff that copium. Getting my hopes up has never backfired before!


I was discussing this with a friend. I wouldn't say it's a "test" so much as them being forward-thinking with their technology instead of hacking together whatever works. Personally, I think we'll see this menu re-used to make "aesthetician plates" within the next two years. They'll let you save a hair style/makeup to the plate and swap between them at the glamour dresser.


Man all I want is there to be some other options than just glasses there. Like, I dunno, some actual beards finally.


I hope they allow to dye the glasses, because picking one from hundred pre-colored variants isn't a great idea to be honest.


It's a bit limited as is, although I appreciate being able to swap colors without having to actually put dyes in my inventory Honestly ultimately I would just want dyes to be registered in a menu, so they're stored completely separate from any other inventory, and can then be accessed freely through whatever glamour system we end up having.


Or they could remove dyes and could pick any color with sliders like in Pso2


nah I think they wanna keep the system where you have to buy dyes and use them individually per gear piece. It's a money dump and creates some scarcity for rare colors


That's fine and all, but I really wouldn't mind some more options. There're a lot of good-looking undyeable pieces and some where dyeing results in a significant loss in surface detail/alteration of material. Trying to match some of those OG colors with the limited palette we can work with is often enough an exercise in futility.


so what you’re saying,hypothetical if this system succeed, we can do something like placing the facewear slot beside headgear piece,we can then glamour our headgear over? copy and reapply that to hand,chest etc?


You can already use Facewear together with Heagear pieces, provided the headgear doesn't cover the eyes already, as far as I understand. What I am saying is that, in my hypothetical world, the glamour dresser and manual glamouring gets replaced with a system like the one used with Facewear, where equipping any piece of gear registers it's appearance for the corresponding slot. It is then listed in that slots "equip" menu, and selecting it glamours it's appearance over the actually equipped gear. Essentially, if you had any piece of gear equipped ever, it becomes available as a glamour appearance, without having to put it in the dresser and hopefully without slot limits. Similarly, the dyeing function is part of the menu itself and doesn't require you to carry individual dyes in your inventory and run back and forth between your retainers and dressers when you're trying out different colors on your outfits.


Ah I see what you're saying, basically because eyewear doesn't have a lot of inventory slots to use, they are testing if a system in which X items are registered onto a slot will be cumbersome to the system. So in theory down the line maybe the eye slot will be moved to a new toggle called "glamour" and in that glamour location when you click on it it would show you all the glamour you have access to allowing you to change your gear anywhere as long as the gear in question has been registered by owning it at any point in time. Which in theory could work if they make it a twofold system. Basically you have your Base Glamour gear and then you have variants of that gear. So if they design the system where it layers like say For example the Ala Mhigan Doublet of Crafting has 5/6 other variants. So basically whatever the first variant of that body piece is in this case it it the "Ala Mhigan Doublet of Crafting". --When you click that then you would have another option that would say "Variants" which would showcase the other options, Handking's Doublet, nabaath doublet of healer/casting, Brightlinen doublet vest and snow linen doublet vest and then from that point you would have the option to dye if you have X dyes' avaiable.


I doubt it, I don't think they are even close to solving the data problems for this or any other hypothetical system. There's also a few important differences between the facewear slot and the existing glamour system, namely that the facewear slot doesn't correspond to a real item that you have equipped (which is important since that's used to determine whether a given glamour is valid), it's its own entirely separate thing, and it doesn't use the ordinary dye system.


It would be glorious


You are likely right. They likely test this system to see if the servers/database can handle it. Probably easy to calculate the extra ressources needed for more slots after some testing


Well if they do this I hope they eventually drop the facade and removal of glamour restrictions barring af gear.


Could be, but afaik the issue with the glam overhaul when previously mentioned was how the implementation would interact with the large pool of glamour that would need to be stored alongside your character (as they've said that character inventories are stored alongside your character/transferred across loading zones). If that's still the case, and this system constitutes that kind of additional data, then the implementation of this doesn't really mean much for forward progress to that final end goal, because where transferring the data for an additional 30 glasses or whatever (it's likely to remain a fairly small set) may be feasible, to open that up to general glamour would mean thousands of items' worth of data instead. Would love to see it happen though.


Or egi glamour 2.0


It seems more like a re-invention of the fashion accessory system to me, removing all the "if"s "and"s and "or"s from them and just turning them into something that's permanently attached to you. The problem with the glamour system was never really how it was implemented through "spaghetti code" it's that the sheer weight of having to pull so much data for each character's glamour is a nightmare server side, they'd have to rework how the server reads the data of what items you've collected, Facewear can get around this because like fashion accessories there's only so many in the game that even a sloppy "does character have X,Y,Z fashion accessory = true/false" would work compeltely fine.


right but I adressed that in my OP. If this was the case, they could've simply kept them as fashion accessories and said "these work permanently now" The fact that they separated them and created a new menu indicates to me intent to expand, essentially


I just don't agree, Eyewear is something that a lot of players would probably want to add to their glamour and tying them to the fashion accessories system would just make the fashion accessories even more confusing, I'm sure adding a UI element to simplify it was probably pretty simple, if they wanted to solve glamour problems they're better off just buying more time and expanding the dresser again. At best I expect it to be "expanded" by just including more fashion accessories as permanent wearables, though I personally hope this doesn't happen as realistically it'll just end up with wings and it'll just turn into Diablo 3 with everyone having unfitting wings.


I think you should hold your horses. This post reminds me a little too much of the "Island Sanctuary will be instanced housing!!1!1!one!" posts. Don't expect anything more than what's been announced, all we've seen so far has been glasses and that's it. If you end up disappointed because you wanted more, it's because of the expectations you've set yourself.


There are two things I would love to see in a new "glamour" system. 1. I think it would be neat if rather then a weapon's glow affect is attached to the weapon itself, it's instead something that is wrapped around another weapon. Granted I know they would have to change a lot about how the glow effects are designed, it would be much more interesting to have the glows act as a beacon to showcase trials/achievements achieved where a player could go "Oh that is neat looking how did you get that?". 2. Would be nice if Ninja could have an offhand glamour with their weapons. At this point I think there isn't much excuse as to why they can't do it, it feels like it would be a simple code, just alter the way the weapon is equipped and then offer an exception option where if slot B is occupied then replace offhand model.


Nothing is changing. This is just the old belt slot they have repurposed


it is very obviously not.


Oh ok then


I think you are right.


Hear me out ; just adopt WoW Transmog system. No need for Replicas, Glamour chest storage, no need for item slot storage. It becomes a piece registered that you've collected and now have access to using it as Glamour even if the piece itself is destroyed.