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Il block all these with my eye socket BITCH


How do you not put up your hands to defend yourself????


I didn’t put my hands up the first time I got into a fight as a kid. He probably just hasn’t really been in a fight before and didn’t understand the situation very well


Sounds like the kind of guy that shouldn’t call people a bitch then.


More bark than bite. He feels like the type of guy that says *"put your money where your mouth is"*, only to not put his money where his mouth is..


Or rather he wrote checks with his mouth that his ass couldn’t cash


My answer to that has always been, "oh I'm broke, man".


He did a reaction video and he claimed he knew calling him a bitch would lead to a fight but he just "thought it would be more organized" Like they were gonna set up a ring and bring a referee in.


They don’t know til they are notified with a broken nose


How do you not understand moving your face from the first flying at it. Self preservation should come naturally.


Universal reaction set: fight/flight/freeze


Funny thing is he’s an actual LA pimp with girls and shit. I think he either had more to lose as far as getting on no jumper again and was sitting so he couldn’t get punches in.


Nice disco volante shirt


Because he hits like a bitch. Whatever his name is right. Dude looks and hits like a bitch.


The dude in the white pajamas has pillow soft hands. How is this a real podcast? Like middle school posers talking shit. Who the fuck are any of them?


Apparently he’s an associate of Mr. Ben Franklin




Um, the first President of the the United States. /s


He's still in charge


Ben Franklin was never a president.


/s means sarcasm.




From another post there 18 and 19 years the one in black use to pimp two girls and that about as much I remember I didn’t watch the podcast but here it is https://youtu.be/x_4WtxY1dhE


The dude in the white pj’s perception of himself is so far from reality. Like it would take an object traveling the speed of light one hundred trillion years to travel that distance. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a more stupid human or a more desperate attempt to be relevant. This sad fuck should be studied by science.


"The dude in the white pj's" HA.




I'm glad he got his ass beat then.


Average redditor. The weirdo with the braces that got beat up wasn’t the pimp, the weirdo with the slicked back hair was


Nobody has hands like a reddit commenter. Hommies face would plastered on the back wall if was one of us hitting his face.


Lol. I've seen middle school kids throw harder. Don't know who either of these clowns are.


It's kind of a trashy podcast all around but for what its worth Adam22 (the owner and host in the video) has had real gang members/criminals/street people on his show. He even hires them sometimes. T Rell is a real Hoover and AD is from Compton Crip. And Sharp is a legitimate pimp. Or former pimp. He's got the arrest records to prove it. He was arrested in a small city I used to live in years ago.


Sharp is also a weird cunt


Only recognize him to the left as the person behind this particular podcast. Maybe he’s famous. I wouldn’t know. He has been on Rogan


Why would you want these two clowns on your podcast? Although, I would probably pay $7 to watch these two try to beat the shit out of each other.


> Why would you want these two clowns on your podcast? Here we are posting videos about it and discussing it.


But only in the general fight porn sense. Beyond that, not really.


> But only in the general fight porn sense. Beyond that, not really. I've only kinda heard of that Podcast before, now I know it's name and the hosts name and what the podcast is all about / pretty sure I'm not a unique case, so it worked.


Adam22 (the guy on the car left) hosts this podcast and it’s sole purpose is to bring on d list internet celebrities and let them talk their shit. He very often is responsible for escalating internet beef to real life violence. He’s a dirtbag, he also has some assault allegations himself.


Ahhh. Got it.


sexual assault allegations, to be clear. He's an all round piece of shit!


He throws like he's got 2 loads of laundry to do, but only enough change to fit 1.


Lol nah because this dude is used to talking shit online and not in real life to unhinged people.


My pre-teen daughters have pillow fights that hit harder than this guy throws.


I remember the Adam22 bitch punched a BMX rider called Austin Augie. He screamed "I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT" at the top of his voice. Proceeded to wind back with everything he had and punch AA directly on the jaw. Austin Augie literally laughed while saying what are you doing. And he never got like that with Austin when his friends weren't there. Adam22 (the host) is a bitch and must love associating with other pillow hands it seems. 😂


When you never been punched, it's hard to think someone is going to punch you, I know I didn't, I got messed up, because I was in shock. I also suppose, on stage, with multiple people around, you doubt the other guy would actually do it.


He did have his hands up


Those punches looked weak.


Probably used to people talking shit and not getting into a fight. If I'm at the point of calling another guy a bitch, I've been ready to get into a fight/get hit for awhile. It's not a matter of being a big tough guy but I don't make a habit of shitting on people I'm not friends with. This guy was way too relaxed.


How can you call yourself a hip hop fan and not adhere to the golden rule of Wu Tang? Protect yo neck!


He was in his safe space and thought that imaginary place was actually safe


Those punches weren’t doing any damage haha.


Lmao did you see his face after?


Best part of this is I can proudly say I've never heard of these clowns. I would like to keep it that way...


\*these bitches


WHO THA FUCK YOU CALLIN A BITCH BROOO *flurries pillow hands*


No pillow hands with all that blood


true, he got fucking battered


You can draw blood from the face incredibly easily, that's all cosmetic damage.


Nah, he's going to be swelling soon too. It's deceptive how hard shots can be sometimes, faces cut easily but those shots have more power than they seem.


He just got a soft ass face. You can tell he’s never been in a serious fight.


Lmao I imagine your face covered in calluses and scar tissue


It was the spit for me..


Bing pow pow bing pow


Doesn’t matter. Benjamin Button has heard of them…or something. I dunno, I wasn’t listening.


The name is lil mister flippity-floop, and you’re best to be sure that Ben Franklin does indeed know who I am,sir.


You’ve never heard of Ben Franklin?


I see this comment every time this is posted and I agree.


As it turns out, they were both bitches


The correct answer to most conflict


One is a clown*


It turns out, the bitches were the friends we met along the way\~


Yea. The dude didn’t even throw 1 good punch.


In a pimp vacuum only the guy who got lumped up and spit on is a bitch...I think.


Those punches looked way too weak to do that much damage. Crazy.


I think he cut him with his watch (or something)


lol dude punches like the clothes he wears.




Soft as cotton


His jewelry did the damage not his power


it doesn't take much to cut someone's face with a punch, even a weak punch, especially if you're someone who cuts easily.


Yep, skin over the orbital socket bone gets cut stupid easy and bleeds like a mofo. Goofing around one night, there was a speed bag height lamp. Barely tapped the damn thing. It broke, dropped pulling some of its wiring out. Swung back and clipped right on the damn bone. I didn't even felt it, turned out I was bleeding like a stuck pig from it. Edit, I don't cut easy either.


Damn bro, got beat up by a lamp? My condolences.


Prob a ring/lighter or something in his hand


2 or 3 of those connected real good though tbf


Tbf? To Ben Franklin?


Yo man. Who knows Benjamin Franklin


He wore knickers.


That's racist


He’s throwing dream punches


Gets offended by being called a bitch and then proceeds to act like a total bitch


Gets so angry over being called a bitch that he starts punching the other guy in the face, and then says "you crazy" over and over after he gets pulled off


100% is that kid waant a kid, but a man his size or bigger he wouldn't do shit. Bitches only pray on bitches.


Aren't these guys supposed to be pimps or something? In the grand scheme of things I'd agree, but in pimp vision you can't let people disrespect you like that and allow them to get away with it. Yes it's in general a bitch move, but it's literally part of the job description.


I mean he did say “I’m calling you a bitch” - that’s pretty confrontational. Think we could call them “fightin’ words”


Yes I also believe them when they say that they are pimps on the street, beating up johns for not paying one of their many prostitutes that they have working under them. Most real pimps go on shitty podcasts and start bragging about their crimes


Bitch status confirmed. Nothing rougher and tougher than losing your shit over a lazy schoolyard insult. ReSpEcT.


For real, look at how insecure both of these clowns are. Never heard of them before and it seems like they're not really worth watching.


Can't even throw punches properly 😅


First left was almost good, he put his left foot forward and stepped in, hook in almost the right angle. But all the other shots was like watching two kids trying to put shit on his face like hold still


Good ol Reddit. The only place you’ll be disliked for being reasonable


The fuck is this being disliked for?


Probably team /r/iamverybadass who's fantasizing about the epic le haymakers they would have been demolishing dude with. First couple were solid, but he looked gassed about the third punch.


I don't know who any of these losers are


Ben Franklin does, supposedly.


WHO ???


[BEN FRANKLIN](https://media.tenor.com/iHNnx9UtU4YAAAAC/the-office-office.gif)


Who you callin a bitch, doe?


Who you calling a female deer, you female dog?!


trash podcast, trash people. i dont know who the fighters were but adam 22 is a douche


Yeah that asshole was about to run away. Imagine going on a podcast and the host leaves you to get your ass beat. What a cunt.


in the 82 times this has been posted in the last week on crazyfingvideos, public freakout, this sub, and a dozen other places, what i've gathered is the guy yelling "WHO ARE YOU" is the guest host of the podcast, which is sort of a self own, and may have derailed his normal thought process, like "oh shit i just insulted this podcast for having unknown guests" and then "oh shit podcasts are like 3 hours long and i'm already screaming at this guy" so he just swung on him to get through it.


I thought they were both pimps or something, or was dude just saying that in an attempt to flatter himself or whatever?


First time I watched this I did some digging. Kelpy is indeed a pimp (in the literal sense) in Orange County. I have only seen one of his hoes on an interview named 'Crystal'. He got some critique from other pimps for not being able to being able to hold his 'stable' filled. Also something about his hoes being addicts and kelpy being an addict (he claims to be clean now). He's a 19 yr old twerp who was an easy target to attack. Only reason the other guy startes swinging, albeit like a bitch. Also he has no drivers license and his mom still drives him.


That is not fightporn. That's ohmygodisthisreallyhappeningtomeithoughtiwaspreparedforthiswhatdoidogodpleaseinterveneporn


Lol I'd sub


He let the cameras roll? Bro that’s gonna hold up in court.


i know absolutely nobody from this video. lol


didn't realize the point of the fight subreddit was knowing who's in the video


I think that comment was more about how everyone in this video seems to think theyre someone


both of them were bragging about being well known, did you even watch the video


bro, they both claimed that everyone knows them ;-)


And no one still knows who they are, except one now has an assault charge. They are all bitches, including the host.


The host goes to hide at first haha


Smart business move tbh Nobody can say he egged the situation on or anything.


The person who threw the first punch is a massive pussy. Hope they get jailed or lose most viewership on their podcast.


It’s actually a really popular show in the hip hop community but known to instigate a ton of shit. Unfortunately this will probably just add more viewers


Eww violence on a podcast? What uncivilized tribal behavior wtf


I don't know why you got downvoted. I don't know either one of these clowns but the guy in white has such a fragile ego that he resorted to violence cause he got his little baby bitch feelings hurt. Seriously, these idiots and anyone who thinks this is cool has the mentality of a fucking toddler.


People probably noted the word tribal, a black guy in the video and downvoting me out of an assumption that I’m 100% a racist piece of shit. Or something along those lines.


I didn't downvote, but I kind of assume it was the "Eww" part. Just comes off as something a high school chick would say.


Once you play the fools game. You lose. Whether it’s yelling, saying stupid shit. Play his game and you lose.


This is in America, that geezer is going to get sued, HARD! He's on video starting shit, CLEARLY, what an idiot


Well he was a bitch for punching a guy sitting down and repeatedly punching him in that position


To be fair, I don't know who any of these people are.


>”No Jumper” >Person gets jumped smh


I don't think anyone was jumped


Stay Puffed IS a bitch, but they’re both morons.


If you can't handle words, ie being called a bitch, I've got bad news, you are.


Not to mention he instigates it talking shit to the other guy otherwise it never gets there.


*Immediately talks shit after getting beat up for talking shit*


Trying to go for the second lawsuit


Doesn’t Adam do BJJ? Why’d he get up all scared , instead of instantly breaking it up.


He doesn't know if one of these morons might a knife or something.


You’re right . And I saw a interview saying he now owns the studio they operate out of . Time to tighten up security I guess .


Adam was baked.


When is he not?


Talk hard after you don't let the man up?? Weak shit... Toe to toe .. Gtfoh with that sucker punch shit


Dude on the left all tatted up and looking tough. Watch him when the fight pops off. Lmao


Nobody in that room has ever been in a fight before in their lives. From the pillow fists, to the flight instinct of the guy on the left, to the defenseless rag doll that has no coordination or fight inside him. All pathetic lmfao


two nobodies dick riding an old ass culture vulture, nothing to see here


Nice disco volante shirt


I wonder if this guy could have ever imagined that defending himself getting called a bitch, would only further prove, that he was in fact, a bitch.


When nobodies think they should have a podcast.


Oh the fragile egos..


This sub needs an Assault tag


And a repost tag.


Bruh too real. Seen this at least 10 times this week


And now they will pay people they don't know, money that they don't have, to protect a reputation that doesn't exist, to then get ratted on and serve time that could have all been avoided if they had just been polite to each other.


You are a week or two late pal


Imagine getting into a fight over Travis Kelce.


So he insulted the guy first then assaults him on film...he is a pretty smart guy lol


He is a bitch with his sucker punchin ass


If you assault someone who’s sitting down while standing over them, you’re a bitch.


Dunno either of these losers.


It’s so funny cause the dude was sitting calling him names relentlessly. Then he gets called a bitch once and freaks out. The ego on some of these people man


Some people are champions at being offended at words


Them punches were mid. If his fucking is anything like his fighting, he couldn’t hit the g-spot on a 12lb pussy.


2 or 3 connected cleanly but I think his fake jewelery did most of the damage


They both did plenty of damage…….to my eyes.


This is the type of behaviour/mentality that pisses me off the most in the modern world. This whole “I must get violent if someone *disrespects* me and if I don’t then I am weak and pathetic.” It’s meant to come across as “strong,” which sure, physically, yeah, but on every other front, it is the weakest, most pathetic reaction ever. It’s akin to a child throwing a tantrum, and then these guys have the gall to act like they’re hot shit and it makes them “badass” for being incredibly toxic. If someone says some shit that offends you, or you disagree with, you just move on. You address it, you tell someone you’d appreciate some respect, or simply that you agree to disagree, what’s the worst that’s going to happen? People will think less of you for… **NOT** *beating someone up?* Reality is fucking sideways sometimes.


I understand the urge to hit someone when they disrespect you, but we're not supposed to act on that feeling. Also aren't both of these dudes rappers or something? You'd think they'd be better at shit talking.


Kelpy the Wimp sounds about right


idk man, kid ate the punches. tbf tho, those punches look weak af


I mean the other dude is a bitch for sure lol


Adam looked so scared😂


The good thing is the law suit should be pretty easy. And hopefully he'll spend some time in jail where he belongs.


Why would you upload a video of you committing a crime?


Who the hell are these fuck asses?


If I had a little sister, she'd probably punch harder than this dude in the white.


Lot of insecurity on this podcast.


What a pussy ass bitch.


Who are these guys? Who cares?


2 no names that idk


adam didn’t know what the fuck to do


What a room full of goddamn fools


Why is the dude in the white dressed like he just stepped out of 2006?


Did he spit on him before he started throwing those teletubi punches?


Surprised no one noticed that so far in these comments. He definitely spit on him first. That's a bitch move lol.


Pull your trousers up bitch.


Thugs being thugs


Fake thug. A real one doesn't pitty-patter his unblocked shots.


A real thug wouldn't give a shit about what some nobody thinks... A lion doesn't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep or whatever.


Imagine being downvoted because you used a word describing 2 losers.


Can we stop posting this video everywhere already


People who watch nojumper all look and act like lil pump


The white guy should have guarded his face instead of trying to reach for white coat’s collar, and use his legs for offence while trying to get up from his seat


Once again, this isn't a fight. This is an assault. A fight is two willing participants. This is one man acting like a child.


Don’t think this has been posted 100 times already….thanks for showing us


Can’t tell who’s a bigger group of “tough guys” The bitches in the video, or all you bitches in the comments.