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That’s only half of it 😂


It can keep the other half. I'm gucci


You’ll get the other half… about 100 times.




Without spoilers, do the temple cloister challenges to find out who it is. Very eye opening. It's design is that of a sea creature and it shoots out it's "pain"


The fact that it's in so much "pain" that it's tears are death inducing makes this worse.


Well it's more of a mental pain than physical. If you want me to tell you, I'll tell you. But if not, do the cloister trials the first time you're in the temples to save yourself stress and backtracking. This is the most interesting summon in the series imo.


I'm sure I will stumble into it. But I thought clearing a temple (like the easy one where you get ifrit) WAS the trial? Have I not been introduced to a mechanic?


In each temple there are “destruction spheres” that must be placed in the right spot to unlock a special item. Normally, these items are just a special sphere for the sphere grid, but the last one, in Zanarkand, is a VERY powerful item for Yuna.


You have to obtain special spheres from each temple. Obtaining that temple's summon is NOT clearing it. If you google "final fantasy x cloister trial no spoiler" you should find a guide


Ahhhh beans. Okay I got work to do


But trust me on this, this summon is fucking nuts. Once you learn it's back story, you can call for it to appear once during the final fight against a certain character. Do so


Every temple except for one can be returned to later and you can re-do the trials. The one temple you can't return to, you can't fail to open the chest you need to open (the chest blocks your path to the exit, you can't leave the trial without opening it). So it's not permanently missable. However, late game (after getting the airship), the temples at Besaid and Macalania get blocked by superbosses (presuming you're playing the HD remaster or the international PAL version; the original version doesn't have them), which obviously makes returning to those temples at that point more difficult. For most of the game, it's possible to backtrack to earlier areas and you can revisit temples without worrying about a superboss. It's just a _long_ trek before getting the airship.


I wouldn't feel to bad, I didn't know they existed until I had a strategy guide for the game and was basically already done with my first playthough lol The game doesn't do to good of a job in my opinion that there's additional secret there




Look man half the world already knows I'm low iq smooth brain 🤣


Yea, well, I'm an unapologetic Grammar Nazi. Lol


I respect it and I will not be editing my comment lmao


I never asked you to edit your comment. Lol


Lol no no no. Not at all good sir I just wanted it in the public record




It's is both possessive and a stand in for "It is"


Wrong. Possesive form of that word has no apostrophe.


The sentence you attempted to correct isn't using the possessive, though. It's using the contraction.


Not the second use of the word.




No, we can’t tell you without spoilers. Fairly big piece of the backstory.


Damn. I was intrigued but don't wanna ruin the plot


Arguably the strongest aeon in the whole damn game


Can I obtain said demon lord and add him to my roster orrrr? Lol


Have you been doing your destruction Sphere bonuses in every temple so far? If you missed the destruction sphere treasure in Besaid in particular (or in Macalania later), you will have Problems.


I was tryin to. I've only been to kilika and it kicked me out of the temple


You have also done the Besaid temple. If you missed some of them, you can come back to them later to get them... but Macalania and Besaid temples are both gated with one _hell_ of a beef gate. If you can get past it, then even Anima is well behind you in the power curve.


I've done Besaid?? 😰 I'm gonna be honest. We made an adult game out of it (it's a 22 year old title) we rip the penjy every time we need potion in combat. Lmao sometimes I get lost


Besaid was the village where you met Yuna, Wakka and Lulu. You did the temple trial there to get Valefor, and potentially scored a Rod of Wisdom for Yuna from the destruction sphere treasure in the trial. If you missed it? Good. Fucking. Luck. :) (Tbf you could just Yojimbo that boss to death if it's the only one that's blocking you from getting Anima later)


Is selling equipment bad? 😅 I can't even remember if I got the rod and if I did I probably sold it for something I wanted


If you got it, you would probably be using it at this point because it would probably be Yuna's best weapon for a long time. Sensor, magic +10% and magic+5% iirc


I'm playing tonight I will triple check


Dafuq is rip the penjy?


If you know you know 😂 I don't wanna be the adult that lives and breathes bad influences


Take a slap of the old Penjamin! I read you loud and clear little homie. I envy you for playing through this game for the first time! This game has some of the best world-building of any of the final fantasy’s imo. Enjoy your journey and post your progress! We old heads love to see someone experiencing this gem for the first time and love to see your updates as you go!


I promise I'm not that young 😅 just a childish person but will do. Hopefully I don't need that many potions 😂


"Beef gate" doesn't appear until you reach the airship.


See my other reply.


In the case of Besaid it's not big deal. I can say this. The thing is very weak. In case of macalania is much much more a hell of a problem indeed


Very weak in comparison to the rest of the super-endgame. Very strong in comparison to the rest of the main story though. Although tbf Anima is overpowered for the main story too.


Not sure on the precision of this but honestly I think you can just beat him with the magus sisters without even grinding. And if you need any grinding is minimal. So not big deal imo


But if you don’t get all the destruction sorted your magus sisters point is moot 💁🏼‍♂️


no because you need to beat belgemine only till bahamut to get what you need to unlock the sisters


"Problems" don't appear until you reach the airship.


No, the problems start appearing as soon as you leave Bevelle. Source: Ran into a problem when backtracking through the Thunder Plains, before I'd gone up Gagazet.


They all appear at different times. The one in Besaid appears after leaving Bevelle. The ones in Bikanel, Mushroom Rock, and Zanarkand appear after obtaining the airship. The one in the Thunder Plains appears after viewing the Calm Lands intro cutscene. The one in Macalania appears after defeating the boss on the Highbridge. The one on Gagazet appears after viewing the Zanarkand campfire scene and then repeating the ball-throwing trial in Gagazet. The one in the Sunken Cavern appears after completing the events in the Sunken Cavern and then leaving it.


True, but being able to revisit trials also doesn't so that's unfortunately a moot point outside of blitzball recruitment, Al bhed primers, Energy Blast and Jecht spheres.


You are able to run all the way back up until you reach lake makaraina


Yes, but you still can't enter the cloister of trials again until after you reach the far north.


3 magus are stronger


Yeah but they sort of do what they want, and their overdrive does less damage.


only few times they do nothing but for the 75% let's say they'll do what they are asked to do and even like this they are just so much more powerful than anima. Anima goes down in few shots against strong opponents while the magus can resist much more (plus reviving and cure each other). And i disagree on the overdrive, anima's is one single hit above 100k , the magus one is like dozens of hits of 80-99k


No anima OD hits 16 times and magus delta attack 6 times. If you're to the point where you hit 99,999 dmg, anima is just better. And yes, they have their edge over anima being 3 persons instead of 1, and having powerful attacks. When they do what do you want they are up there if no stronger than anima. But even wakka can strike up to 12 times with his OD and you need to get "2x" three times. His 16 hits overdrive is just the strongest ability in the game, *not counting cheating zanmato.*


yeah you're right I don't know why in my mind Anima OD was one hit. It might be because of the final number that can go above 100k. Btw I have all my characters almost maxed out now but indeed I was trying aeons OD mostly before maxing out the characters and before monster arena grinding sisters OD is indeed more powerful. My bad


Np. If you toggled "skip animation" you indeed see only one number. When you hit that juicy 1,5X millions it feels good. Dark aeons are different specimens though


ooooh that is it lol I checked Anima OD on youtube and saw multiple numbers and I was wondering if my mind was getting tricked or something ahahahah


It _was_ one hit in the original release. It was significantly buffed in the PAL and HD Remaster versions.


Yojimbo can literally one shot everything in existence.


For the right price and when he feels like it


THIS! It's why I don't like Yojimbo. Sure there are ways to tip the odds in your favor, but without a guide you don't know what those are


Without a guide you only know what Yojimbo wants you to know. The answer is money, and he wants it.


You could give him a million gil and it would not guarantee him using Zanmato.


He wants more money than that, should have given him 3 million obviously.






At 252 compatibility, if you selected the third option when recruiting him, when he's got a full overdrive: * 16 gil against a zanmato level 1-3 enemy gives you 100% chance for zanmato * 8,388,608 gil against a zanmato level 4-6 enemy gives you 100% chance for zanmato If you pay the maximum gil it's possible to hold (999,999,999), you have 100% chance for zanmato against a zanmato level 1-3 enemy no matter what your compatibility is and no matter what his overdrive bar is at. (The same is true for a little as 67,108,864 gil.) Against a zanmato level 4-6 enemy, paying that much gil gives you a 100% chance of zanmato if his overdrive is full and his compatibility is 160 or more. Paying 536,870,912 is always exactly the same as paying 999,999,999.


I'm convinced a lot of aspects of this game were designed solely to sell more strategy guides.


I had the guide back when i had this on the ps2. It didn't have anything in it about the hidden calculations to get zanmato.


Huh, really? I mean it wasn't really Zanmato that had me thinking that (more the celestial weapons and secret airship destinations), but it does kinda fit the bill as information we're never really given in-game and just kind of have to guess at.


good news is that it is possible to get that summon for Yuna. ready for the bad? taking a minor guess based on one of your previous responses you may or may not have encountered a certain "destruction" sphere in the cloister of trials for each of the temples you've visited which are the key to unlocking it but if you didn't I would not attempt to go back to besaid any time soon. I would also try and get and use the destruction sphere in machelania because you also would not like to go back and revisit that place to get it. near the end of the game, you also find out more about that that thing actually is


Damnit lol I have to to back to some places


You should go back to the first temple BEFORE you get the airship. Make sure you got the hidden treasure there. You must get the hidden treasure in every temple to get this special summon. If you wait till after you get the airship, a super boss will be blocking the path. Make sure you get the jecht sphere outside the temple as well if you want to upgrade aurons overdrives. Edit: My bad, even though you can go back, you are locked out of reentering the cloister of trials until after the aireship and highbridge scene.


Thank you


you are no fun sir XD


by all means you can attempt to, and may yevon be with you if u do. all I ask is to let us know how it goes with either a video or something


Oh 1000% will. That's why progress is slow rolling. I capture every second of gameplay


If OP is only at Luca then they’re safe to go back to Besaid for now.


damn that's unfortunate......I mean, horray I guess I don't recall since I always did the d-shperes and got valfores second overdrive so never went back till way later


How do I go back 😭😭😭 the game is dragging me from place to place via cutscene


If you go back to Luca, the ship that you arrived on should be there I believe. You have to go back to Kilika and then Besaid IIRC.


Ohhhhhh thank you lol did not explain


Just a cool summon he inherited.


I'm no stranger to plots. That man is definitely not a good guy. Final answer


Nah. He even joins the party later. Bad guys can't do that! (less of a spoiler than you think, I promise!)


Nah man. Fuck that guy 110% (shooting blind here but ignorant assumptions are how I get thru games) lmao


Haha! Enjoy, FFX has forever been in my top games list. I would love to be able to go through it the first time again!


*sephiroth puts down new paper*


On my first playthrough I was getting real Sephiroth-wannabe vibes off Seymour. While he doesn't end up being the game's *primary* villain, he's definitely a power-hungry maniac with serious mommy issues. He also has some kickass theme music later on.


Speaking of THEME MUSIC. I have a clip I'm sitting on cause I don't quite know what to do with it but AURONS THEME?!?! Dude. Whole badass personified. My fave character 🙂 so happy he joined my team.


Auron was always one of my favourite characters. Nowadays I'm a little soured to him on account of how much useful information he just never bloody shares, but he always knows what's up. You'll be seeing quite a few flashbacks of his backstory soon.


I LIKE THAT SHIT THO. "I know something yall don't know, I'll fill you in if it gets important but the amount of questions and bullshit that follows me telling you things... I'm just gonna wait until you NEED to know." 😂


He also gets one of the best overdrives later in the game. Not for damage (Wakka and Tidus get first and second there), but for status effects. Banishing Blade inflicts Power Break, Armor Break, Magic Break, and Mental Break, all with 100% chance to land so long as the target isn't completely immune to the status. (Some enemies are partially resistant, like "Armor Break only works 50% of the time" or "Magic Break only works 2% of the time", and Banishing Blade still lands 100% of the time.) Also, while most of the characters' ultimate weapons reduce their damage as the character's HP goes down (or MP, for Yuna and Lulu), Auron's damage with his ultimate weapon goes _up_ as his HP goes down. For everyone else, their ultimate weapon damage is (10+(ability percentage))/110, meaning 100% damage at full health/mp and ~9% damage at 1 health/0 mp. Auron's ultimate weapon damage is (130-(hp percentage))/60, meaning 50% damage at full health, 100% damage at 70% health, and ~216% damage at 1 health. The damage reduction is meant to offset the fact that they treat the target's Def as 0 (so despite the damage penalty, the ultimate weapons still generally deal more damage), but Auron's ultimate weapon treats the target as having 0 Def _and_ gives him a damage buff.


Pretty sure it was made for him


Potato, tomato. It was a gift from his parents.


That is the physical manifestation of motherly love. If you know, you know.


.___. I'd disown my mom ngl


You don't want a giant fish monster from hell with a bleeding eye? I'll take it if you're not using it.


You can have my friend. For you


Probably my absolutely favourite FFX Aeon - Anima was awesome


o this is gonna good. eh what the hell there's also a second overdrive u can get while in besaid fir valfore if u didn't get it so I guess another reason to visit.


Noooooo dude how did I miss so much


everyone misses that first time around it's a random ass mini quest all within same area just some hide and go seek ass npcs xD


hahah "Dont look at me with it, Put it away" Michael Scott : That's what she said..


Dude had me tweaking out lol


"ohwhathefuckisthaaaat" 😂 do you stream or post your playthrough anywhere I would love to watch your playthrough!


I'm not suuuuure what the rules are regarding that 👀 I am doing a blind playthrough Monday nights on Twitch. Then I put the clips on tiktok and reddit and youtube shorts. But the unedited vods are on Twitch and it is streamed weekly 🙂 I'm only about 10 hours in I think.


Without spoilers it's really hard to explain. Consider it a manifestation of a dream of a fayth who gave this power to Seymour. Any aeon is basically a manifestation of a dream, but only Seymour has this aeon, Anima. You'll find out why later.


I'm hooked


“Can you tell me without telling me?” …no. Lmao. You’re gonna want to find out for yourself, trust.


*whispers* amiiiiinaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Every guado's waifu




Biggest load of bullshit that's what it is, make sure you get your destruction spheres done right


I have been informed I did NOT do the destrco spheres properly.. it's all downhill from here


A friend of your enemy


I thought we wanted enemy of our enemy to become friend. Hmmm


Maxim #29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less.


Hey wait a minute.....


Which may or may not be true the more you play the game


It's me before I've had my coffee


Lmao well there’s a pretty crazy story about that summon but you don’t want spoilers so sorry can’t tell you


You really want to discover this one on your own, mate.


I'm terrified now


That's the Sqaure Enix version of Disney's Foghorn Leghorn🤣


It’s probably just headcanon, but I always thought as a teen, that Anima wasn’t “shooting lasers” from its eye, it was literally RIPPING apart pyrefly essence, causing instant dematerialization of the fiend the pyrefly creates. But to a living creature, it was instead separating the soul from the body. Which seems pretty morbid, since you are just “KO’d” and not actually dead. I know it’s all just for game mechanics, but I like the idea that Anima essentially just shreds spirits to their very material, even in a living being.


Thats fuckin hardcore dog wth 🤣 ripping their souls out is way cooler than lasers


Yeah. The ability it’s using is called “Pain”, which in combat is a targeted flash of light that kills the target. I think it also does major damage too if it’s immune to death (It’s been a long time for me since playing X)? Since there is no real projectile or connection shown, I always figured it was a telepathic attack on the soul. But of course, in the FMV, we see it literally just scattering the fiends back into their respectable pyrefly groups.


Maybe I too can one day inflict "pain" on my enemies. I'm brand new to the game


Oh, you will. If this is your first time playing it, have fun. We all did. XD


>a targeted flash of light that kills the target. I think it also does major damage too if it’s immune to death (It’s been a long time for me since playing X)? Yes, death+non-elemental damage. Pretty high power attack, so it can reach 99,999 relatively early.


Thank you for the clarity. :)


Thats just a big fish… source:trust me bro ☠️


I believe you 🥹


Basically it’s a hidden summon you can obtain. You’ve technically already gone past where it’s located by the first time you see it.


Come to me anima. Feel my PAIN.


I hate everything about this message


It's an aeon and you can have it much later. That's all I can say without spoiling the plot.


You feel that pain…soon


Ominous. Perfect


It's an aeon. And it's not much of a spoiler because that scene happens in the second act before you even recruit all your party members.


Well yeah I knew it was an Aeon ig to be more clear I didn't know if there was a non spoiler kind of like "oh yeah he's the demon king blah blah blah" cause he looks soooooo different than the other Aeons I've seen so far. And like why does he have to be dragged up via chains? I was just taken aback lol


You said it. No spoilers. Thats HIS summon


Welp. HIS summon gets to live in MY "nope box" along with spiders.


The name of the creature isn't a spoiler, but I'll cover it anyway. The name of it is >!Anima!< It's also >!Seymours summon!< which I believe you should already know or will find out soon. Real actual spoilers: >!you will see this thing multiple times through the game if you 100%!< 1 >!st time will be as a boss!< 2 >!nd time will be as a summon, and!< 3 >!rd time will be as another boss (if you have the internal edition)!< Overall a super cool.... "Thing" lots of story around it too. One of my favorite "things" in the game alongside other spoilers


I would write more about the spoilers, but it's too easy to accidentally click on the boxes.


It’s more of a tragic character in hindsight, or what it represents anyway. Stop asking questions and play


Jeez man 😅 I did play


Oh mb thought you hadn’t finished yet lol😅


I haven't 🙂 lmaooo I played a little last night 😂 I got up to Ixion.


Damnit, Meezy! Go play!


I. DO. PLAY. for about 4 to 5 hours a week 😂 https://preview.redd.it/nnylfnnw64sc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590d55d6b80fcb66f79547f02231b5414bd39f41


Tell you without telling you: it’s mother


Her backstory is tragic and twisted, but you will come to love it especially at highest levels


It's a summon silly goose!


Impossible wen she gets name dropped


Exactly as OOP says, “Summoning a literal God of Demons”.


Oh… oh you got WAYS to go and probably soft locked yourself from ever attaining it bc of side stuff




Not truly soft-locked. Admittedly there are two temples that can become inaccessible due to certain obstacles in the way but even those can be surmounted eventually, and realistically you don't actually *need* this aeon to get through those. Honestly, nobody actually needs her for any reason except completionism. You aren't realistically even supposed to find where to get her without a guide, and even then it's only accessible after you've basically proven your ability to get by just fine without her.


That aeon is a very tragic character




It’s a very animated evil.


It's the reward for all the orbs of destruction


You think that's a demon? Valefor, your first summon, gets its name from the Lesser Key of Solomon, a real-world grimoire on demons. In it, Valefor is one of the dukes of hell, and commands ten legions of demons. Ifrit is a kind of demon in Islam. The next summon you'll get is named after a Greek king, who in Greek mythology was the first person guilty of kin-slaying when he killed his father-in-law. Then you'll get one named after the god of destruction in Hinduism...


That is the love of a mother who sacrificed herself for all the wrong reasons, they is just as vicious and dangerous as they look, luckily they are under the strict control of the hero of the Guado


Auron also gets a great reintro here too. What a great fucking game. My fav theme and character in ff.


Me, after a whole afternoon short on pepsi and chips.


The AnimaSol is a catholic image of a woman suffering. They're big into that. The movie Gothica also used it as a plot point.


That’s Big momma and her twin. Their special attack is the Reverse Eiffel Towel.


It's a largemouth bass


In each temple there’s a treasure chest you can only get using the destruction sphere in the right place. Usually the item is good but the real prize is if you do all of them and go to a special place with a code that youll likely have to look up later, you can get this summon (anima is the name) along with some story and lore. I highly recommend doing it cause anima is very powerful and can break damage limit out of the gate


If you collect all hidden treasures in every temple you can aswell summon this aeon. Hope you collected the treasure in besaid cause if you want to go back there later on you are in for a nasty surprise.


Exactly what it says. It's a summon.


Very clever. Much entertain.


That's the briefest I could be without spoilers. Do u wanna know if it's a summon you can get yourself? >!Yes!< >!it comes much later in the game and there's a whole backstory there!<


I am super hype now lol I wanna be demon daddy


Where are you currently at in the game? If you haven’t reached a certain point I can tell you how to get the destruction spheres you may have missed (plus a fun little bonus weapon) without spoiler except for the name of one boss.


I just finished the blitzball tourney. I'm thinking my first task tonight will be backtracking to some old temples


Now is not the time for that. There will be an optimal point in the future where backtracking will yield better results, you’ll get the things you missed, an interesting weapon, another overdrive for one of your party members and another overdrive for Valefore. If you go now you won’t get half of that stuff and if you want it you’ll have to backtrack again later. Just remember the name Spherimorph, once you beat this boss there will be a cutscene that tells you how to get some stuff, after that you can walk all the way back to Besaid, revisit any temples to get destruction spheres you missed along the way and get some loot. Also you can talk to the NPCs and get more world building because by that time a lot of things have happened and bunches of them have new things to say. Even for experienced FFX players this is the optimal time to do a bunch of this stuff, so you haven’t gone past any point of no return or soft locked your way out of anything. Just know it’s quite a ways down the journey and backtracking will seem like a long trip but it really doesn’t take that long and it’s ok to flee from most of the fights when going backwards. Just remember Spherimoeph, Curscene, head back to besaid talking to people along the way. Good luck, happy hunting.


Thank you for the info. I will change my plans lol especially considering I didn't even know I missed anything


Also remember, like almost all Final Fantasy games, you’re going to miss stuff. None of this is required to beat the game or have a good time doing so. If and when it’s time to do this and you decide it’s too far or you want to keep progressing because you don’t want to stop the flow of the story that’s fine too, the real point is to enjoy it. This is my favorite game of all time so I’m glad to help and I’m glad you’re enjoying it, however you choose to play it.


I'm just happy to finally get around to playing it (22 years later) I played the demo disc on ps2 when I was 6 and probably spent 40+ hours fighting animals in Besaid (that's where the demo ends)


>and another overdrive for Valefore You can go back and get the second Valefor overdrive as soon as you leave Besaid village with Yuna and Lulu in your party.


True but I’m sure OP didn’t do that.


You’re right still fairly early in the game. Start again and be sure to complete all temples.


thats seymour's mommy


That makes it worse


An Aeon what else?




You asked and theres no other way …besides you don’t learn anything else about it in the main story


there is a cut scene in zanarkand that triggers if you walk to a certain area that does explain/allude to it


Yeah that’s faaaaar tho but it being a aeon doesn’t give a spoiler since yuna says it’s a aeon before leaving luca


His motha