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I like to answer my questions personally, and in great detail. I know that probably sounds pathetic. I really care about my little bird. I'm such a softy.


This doesn’t sound pathetic at all! I view it as a journal and if I feel like writing a lot, I just go for it. I’m surprised how much it’s helping me. Sincerely, a fellow softy


I feel it has helped far more than my therapist has. I haven't had the best luck with therapist so far. Glad to know there are other softies out there


I do that sometimes especially if I am very interested in the question! But usually I'm just trying to get them on the adventure so I can unlock the micropet. I like your approach!!!


Added you as a friend 😊 sometimes those questions are SO hard. Answered one the other day and now the little birb hates “The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar” book.  Cheers,  Bexie Roo & Tiramisu ☕️


Don't you just hate it when they hate something you love. 😂😭


If my birb winds up hating coffee, she’s going to have an identity crisis. Lol


Lettuce told me she doesn't like crystal balls the other day. I don't know who hatched her, but it wasn't me! lol


My bird also hates the very hungry caterpillar. It’s their only hate so far though, they were jealous of the caterpillar




NO the hungry hungry caterpillar was my childhood (along with mister rodgers, ofc)


Mine told me today that she hated BALLOONS.


change the past 100%




Change 5 mins to the past becuase j can do that over and over if a situation goes wrong! if i can only see 5 mins in the future that won’t help me discover the right solution to whatever problem there is Also cute finch?


Past … If I saw into the future but couldn’t change it that would crush me


My idea is that if I see the future I would still have 5 minutes to change it.... In theory at least. I could make a different decision in the 5 mins to change




Definitely would rather change the past


Added you! Also, that is such a good question! I also think very hard about how I answer my birbs questions, even though I've stopped trying to guess how mine will react lol


I’m surprised by all the change the past comments. I picked future right away because I can make the right decision now if I know what would happen. The past IS now. I get the argument for retrying over and over to get it right but that also sounds nightmarish like Groundhog Day.


I feel you overestimate the amount of confidence other people have for making the right decision EVEN IF they could see the consequences. Everyone here including me most likely has more experience with regret than validation.. 🥲


That's fair if you keep going back over and over it would be like a 5 minute groundhog day. It's just 5 minutes so maybe it wouldn't be that bad. But being able to go back and figure out a better way to do something sounds nice. I live with a lot of regret.


Change past, might not be very useful in life. However, it will save me 5 mins to open the house again to grab my sunglasses, then again for my wallet....and so on. The future one only if I'm planning to enter shit like jeopardy.


Yes exactly I am so forgetful that it would be nice to have that oops button and go back.


Yessss 😭😭


Added you as a friend!


Functionally, these are the same. Let’s say I’m walking down the street, and I turn left. A little less than five minutes later, I have been roped into a sitcom plot and am trying to run an entire Michelin-Star restaurant by myself. If, on the street corner, I saw five minutes into the future that I would be roped into sitcom shenanigans, I would decide to go right instead. And if, at the restaurant, I changed the decision from five minutes ago to turn left into a decision to turn right, I would now be existing in the timeline when I turned right and had a pleasant walk. Personally, I would choose to see into the future, there’s less paradoxes that way


i pi ked 5 minutes into the future, but yes there are days where i stare at my phone not knowing what option to pick-


The past for sure, I might not be able to see the immediate future, but if the future sucks I can always undo it in five minutes. Also I like the element of surprise, god forbid I spoil something for myself like a surprise party or an engagement or something else.


What if changing the past ruined something good about the future? 🤔 I actually the past few days have had some moments that are tormenting me (wish I had said something different/handled things differently), and I have the grace to feel a tiny bit embarrassed and ashamed. But I remind myself that these feelings, as uncomfortable as they are, are actually so important to experience for personal growth. When we know better, we do better. Sorry for the tangent haha. 😅💕


Change decisions up to 5 mins for sure. I think the “see up to 5 mins into the future” would end up being like “that’s so raven” where she tries so hard to avoid her psychic visions from happening but then she usually makes it worse! Plus I’m socially awkward and would love to redo the things I say and do.