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You might be perfect for a career in User Experience (UX) design since it combines psychology research/empathy with design and an artistic mind.


Besides that you might want to look into non-profit marketing!


I was going to suggest this too! It's a very competitive field, but once you get in and build a portfolio, it opens a lot of options.


I think the more interesting question here is - if I suggested it to you right now, do you think you would be able to see it? I say this not to be annoying, but to suggest another approach. One of depth. Because if you don't go deep you might not be able to notice it even if it was right in front of your face. As someone who too did a BA in psychology and left the traditional way of doing it behind I know first hand what it's like to not belong there. But how did you get there in the first place? Because if you don't know how you got there you might end up there again. If you just choose something else and then do it only to find out years later that too is wrong you'll be left in the exact same position as you're in now. So what do you do? I would suggest going deeper - beyond the superficiality of the labels that are being provided to you, "Psychology, Design, Art, Environment." these are broad and wide terms that cover massive areas. What exactly about psychology are you intrigued by and get really specific. What about Design? Is it graphic design? What type of graphic design? And who is someone who does that and what does their career path look like? Does that specific path feel like a calling to you or just another option on the list to go through? Or maybe there's something that's not on the list that might be the right path... And although it's harder to dig into this over a few days - it might keep you from going down the wrong path again - saving you years of time.