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Hi there, u/foreignhoneyy! Welcome! Based on your post flair, it looks like you are asking for help. Please remember to check out our Wiki page, where we've assembled lots of resources which answer many frequently asked questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/findomsupportgroup/wiki/index/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findomsupportgroup) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are a ton of us.


hii i do but i like to show my face time to time


Makes it harder for sure but can work


here I am


Heyyy any tips?


1- AGE VERIFY. It’s really important for subs and fellow dommes to know you are of legal age 2- Consistency is key 3- find your niche! 4- Have multiple payment options 5- Set your boundaries 6- Interacting with other sw accounts also helps 7- subs that actually send are always in the shadows and lurking 8- if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Someone offering you £1000 for doing nothing? Too good to be true 9- don’t poach other dommes’ subs. It’s not nice to steal others’ subs 10- never ever pay a fee to get money. It’s a common scam 11- interact with your fellow dommes! We love hyping each other up 12- don’t waste your time talking to subs that don’t tribute. While some of he ask for tribute before messaging as a sign of respect, others don’t. If you have spent hours talking to a dude and he hasn’t paid tribute, he won’t pay it at all 13- and most importantly do NOT pay anyone to give you advice! What works for them may not work for you and viceversa Being truly dominant is doing what works for you and not giving into pressure. I promise you that no matter how you choose to present yourself, as long as you are authentic- you will succeed ❤️ all the best sweetheart ✨


Thank you!!!🫶🏽


i'm a faceless dom and it works for me :)


How long have you been doing it for?


over a year


same here!


I do!


Would you say it's worth it?


Yes. It’s protected my privacy as much as possible.


It's not common but I think it's doable on Twitter (x)