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There are quite a few things I find odd in your post, or maybe misinformed is the better way to put it. Firstly, who told you higher protein would lead to more fat gain? Fat deposition is going to be based on how large your caloric surplus is. In fact, I would argue that if you want to maximize muscle growth and minimize fat gain, you should have a higher protein ratio while in a surplus. Something in the range of 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Second, why are you eating low calorie foods while bulking? You’re literally trying to eat more calories than you’re burning in order to maintain a surplus. This is a good time to include fattier cuts of meat, nuts, peanut butter, pasta, whole milk, and other whole fat dairy. Caloric density is your friend while bulking. Save the large veggie intake for your cutting periods.


Agree with most of this!! but you don't need more than 1 gram of protein per lb of BW. I do think 1g per lb is acceptable. BUT you can actually do with even less during a bulk because carbs are protein sparing.


Gotcha, It seems there shouldn't be hesitancy in the increase of consumed sat fat from caloric dense foods, prior I would count the grams eaten to a T 😅 thanks for the feedback!


Fruits, potatoes, oats, nut butter, avocado, basically any whole food that is primarily carbs (low to medium gi) and fats. Fat is 9 kcal/g and carbs 4kcal/g. Bananas and strawberries with peanut/almond butter is my favourite combo to fill up calories.


I have read that the whole excess protein thing has been debunked. I could try going to Google Scholar later to get the publication...  Anyway, berries are in season now so they make for a great low cal snack. Try eating with yogurt if you want to have more calories.


Your body can only digest/use about 30g of protein per meal due to enzymatic restrictions, so maybe try to balance with more carbs. Carbs are not bad and will give you much more energy, and you should be eating more of them when in surplus in order to fill those calorie demands. I’m not a fan of counting calories, but you could use my fitness pal for a few days just to get an idea of what your breakdown is like and if you should increase carbs or fats. Healthy fats are extremely important for your body, so you don’t want to cut back on those too much.


Extra carbs will lead to more visceral fat around the stomach area, so ideally, you’d eat more fats


That is not accurate whatsoever. Excess calories in general lead to fat gain. Not carbs specifically.