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Amount of fat doesn’t look too alarming. But at nearly 4000 cal, you should definitely be eating more than 17 g of fiber.


From a body composition standpoint not a problem. IMO though, your saturated fat is probably a bit high...


So your saying it will affect more inside My body heart etc rather than appearance?. I can Cut it down, Like I said I bought 10% beef mince by accident, will buy 0% or whatever is lowest Value and Had 10% fat Greek yogurt for breakfast so I can definitely cut it down


Well both. It’s harder to do a cut with saturated fat and it’s not heart healthy. I try to limit my sat fat to less than 10g a day. And eat about 40g fiber. You have so little fiber for so much calories and protein. In short, eat more tofu, beans, salmon, tuna, chicken breast. Eat less beef, chicken thighs, and animal fats, bacon. Etc. peanut butter is fine but keep it 1 tbsp a day max. Eggs are fine but I try to keep it 2 or less a day and often mix in egg whites for the lolz and extra protein. Eat more chia seeds and oatmeal. Less spaghetti and rice without beans.


Fiber can make me Full a lot quicker and keep my full for a longtime so I try avoid Wholegrain foods tbh


Fruit and veggies are a great source of fibre too. The amount of sugars you're getting from those seems fairly low (compared to your overall sugar), so that could be a helpful addition. Beans and lentils are also great.


Hell yea. Apples are my go to. Can’t believe how much fiber it gives


You don’t do cardio? Swimming?


I do Bro Trust me lol, I lift boxes all day up and down stairs average 20,000 steps a day and Live right next to ocean so go for the occasional swim


Try swimming every morning to do a mile (1,750 yards) about a hour. I could easily eat my diet and still often hungry. Maybe get a blood test next time you see your PCP just to rule out your cholesterol levels and pre-diabetes.


Sounds like quite the challenge lol Might have to do It


I agree with the other comment fiber needs to come up. you should consume 14g for every 1000 calories.


Yup exactly. I'm pretty sure that dairy like milk and yogurt are not as much of a problem as the meat though. it doesn't need to be eliminated totally but maybe reduced to 10% of daily caloric intake.


You need at least 10g fibre per 1000 calorie’s minimum


Lower Protien and fat whilst increasing carbs in my opinion


You would be better off eating more carbs and less fat, yes. But that's not an absurd amount


Ya I have been prioritising Protein Too much, Probably had too much today


What app is this?


NutraCheck, basically MyfitnessPal bit cheaper


Thanks internet friend


Hi! Could you detail a little more your diet? I mean maybe you can show us how are your typical meals… And what’s your height and how much do you Weight?


If you're worried just swap some fat for carbs. Most bodybuilders stay between 50-100g of carbs in a bulk and get the rest through carbs and high protein.


yes, you need to be less then 70. https://imgur.com/qX6edPZ my physique


That’s 30% of calories fr fat. That’s not crazy. But it should be easy to reduce your amount of saturated fat by substituting more healthy fats. That could be more beans, lentils, grain or higher quality sources of animal protein if that’s your thing.


Saturated fats definitely seem high.


Fat itself no. It is EXTREMELY calorie dense, which is helpful. Saturated fat, try to reduce that. Aim for non-saturated fats (if it becomes solid at room temp, its saturated). Lard, Olive Oil, and Avocado are high in fats..........but one is not beneficial.


"Is this Macro Nutrient that is fundamentally required for life and even more important for engery during lifting and gaining mass too high for gaining mass?" No. Most people don't eat enough fat during a bulk. Just limit junk food and try to eat healthy fats.