• By -


It all went to your chest?!


And I’m joking. You look strong af. It’s not as much fun cutting but you can do it


I’m actually cracking up 😂


Who can teach us this ancient wisdom!!


I think that’s implants?






I don’t think you did too much you look amazing. I mean, I know a lady never tells, but what are you squatting these days? You look super fit and strong in a good way imo.


Thank you 🩷 when I was bulking I was squatting 225- being on less calories I’m at 165 🥲


I'm 165, and feeling a little bigger than I'm used to- it's perfectly ok and relatable. Honestly, your pics look amazing and it's got me wondering if I'm too hard on myself 🤣 We can slim down together, it's all a journey and the time passes anyway!


Always too hard on ourselves. I’m sure you’re gorgeous! ❤️‍🔥


This is it. Idk if you're just comparing yourself to the over-filtered, photoshopped fitfluencers, or what; but you look great.


Weight is just a number. As long you’re happy with your self image, I think that’s all that matters. Inside and out.


Both impressive numbers!! I’m also 34 and have two kids. It’s a wild ride physically I think. My PR is 180 but I am still down at 135 after nearly 6 months consistently squatting and 18 months after having my youngest. I think half the battle is realizing the body we used to know for so long is different. Be patient and give yourself grace. I saw you mentioned inclined walking and the stepper for your cardio. Have you tried running? I definitely don’t have the expertise a lot of people here do, but I will say running is a super effective fat burner even at low miles a few times a week makes a big difference.


That’s an amazing PR! It’s so tough with our changing bodies. And yes! I need to start HIIT again I think. I’m not a naturally good runner, so small spurts are better for me. Gotta start somewhere I guess!


I do not have any advice, just here to say you look great in both sets of pictures! Make sure you love yourself! It's ok to strive for improving ourselves, but I don't see anything that NEEDS changed in either set of pics. You look fit and healthy.


You’re kind 🩷


They are right. You look amazing in each of the pictures.


This! You look fantastic. Enjoy the journey


You look strong AF 💪


Have you tried crushing a watermelon with your thighs yet? If I ever get this strong, totally trying it


Me too!!’


You definitely did not bulk too much, you look incredible


Just wanted to say I think your legs and butt look amazing (the last side pic 👍👍)


Thanks! I’m proud of muscle I put on, but miss that thin feeling. Didn’t realize how much size I actually put on.


Muscle mommy aesthetic is best aesthetic


If you feel like you bulked too much, then move away from the weights some to where it's just comfortable, don't eat as much protein and spend more time doing cardio. If you aren't using the muscles in the same way they will shrink down some from a change in nutrition and not putting them in a growth state. You were already really lean and muscular looking in the before pics and yes, are definitely bulkier in the later, especially in the legs. If dropping down back to where you were or to a lesser degree still isn't good enough, then unfortunately it sounds like a self image issue rather than a physical one. This happens often where people who aren't happy with how they look will ALWAYS find things they don't like rather than being happy and staying right where they are. If that's the case, a change of mindset is in order, but obviously I don't know you or your thoughts, so that's something only you would know.


Oof. Thank you for taking the time to type this out. Definitely something to think about!


Nothing to be ashamed of, a LOT of us struggle with it, even the biggest of guys. It's why there are people where they want to get big and then they get there and it's not good enough and they are never happy with themselves. The key is to find a spot you like and be happy with it. 90-95% of people who are into fitness and participate in it do so because they want to look good. Very few actually do it for the strength aspect. Even I have issues where because I was obese as a teen, I have extra skin in my lower stomach and bigger than average nipples and a more pointy chest. It bothers me sometimes but at the end of the day, those don't affect my goal or what Im aiming for and never once have those things stopped me from being with the women I've wanted to be because the reality was they didn't care. We have to look at the reality and truth of the situation rather than allowing our feelings cloud it and I totally get that it's tough to do. It's one thing if something is a goal purely for that goal and you reach it and then set a new goal, but it's another when the goal isn't about pushing a limit or reaching the goal itself, but actually about feeling good about yourself. Usually in cases where people aren't happy with how they look at either end of the spectrum, it generally means it's a self/mental issue and not a physical one. Tons of people struggle with this, ESPECIALLY in today's society where social media puts things in front of our face of how we SHOULD be 24/7. The one thing they fail to ever mention is to just be happy regardless. That far outweighs anything. But as a side note for you, there are MILLIONS/BILLIONS of women(and men) who would absolutely kill to look like you do in your before pics and more than likely those same women would kill to look like the after. You've clearly put a lot of work in and you should be proud of what you've accomplished. That right there is time and dedication in it's purest physical form.


Seems like this advice will go against much of what is posted here. Firstly, you look great and did not bulk “too much.” Congrats on even getting to this point, a lot of women are scared to gain weight to change their physique. I commend you for that! Hard truth is that if you’ve been in a caloric “deficit” for over ~6 months your basal metabolic rate has lowered and you likely are expending less calories through NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis). Your metabolism has become more efficient and requires less calories for the same functions. If you are eating a lot less you are likely moving less, this can be as small as sitting down to brush your teeth versus pacing your bathroom. You should get really clear on your goals. It sounds like losing weight isn’t your main focus, but rather body fat. Because muscle is so much more dense that fat, you WILL weigh more now with more muscle. This is not a bad thing. I would highly recommend you to not think of cutting as “less.” Do not “cut” food rather eat MORE veggies, high quality proteins, and foods that make you feel good. Even in a traditional cut, you will want to eat high volume in order to stay full and not crash and burn. Some of my favorite high volume foods are cauliflower rice, spaghetti squash, and sweet potato. As counter intuitive as it seems you likely need to eat more calories as well Because I suspect your metabolism is not operating at its high function at the moment, I would recommend doing a reverse diet. This is where you slowly add back in more calories week to week to allow your metabolism to adapt to a new normal. Before attempting a fat loss phase it is recommended to be at your optimal maintenance calories for 12 weeks. If you attempt to do this, which I highly recommend, please keep lifting weights with the same intensity you have been. Your muscle stay on your body by being used - so use them to retain the benefits of all the hard work you’ve earned. Please count your calories and your macros if you have not been. At your current weight you should eat around 150 g of protein per day. Play around with your % of fats and carbs for what makes you feel best. Feel free to dm if you want to chat more on anything.


Amazing! Thank you so much! Yes you nailed it and put my thoughts into perfect words. I really just want to loose some of the fat that I put on during the bulk, not necessarily the muscle. This is great advice- thank you so much! I might sneak into your DMs with some questions 😊


I understand we all have different goals, so I get that you want to lose some muscle. But OMG can you send it to me? You look amazing and I’m endlessly jealous of your legs.


I’ll send it over!


Me too please! You look amazing!


I know! Those legs are my goals!


Cutting takes time, just keep at it.


Binge the podcast ‘mind pump’ You’ll learn a ton and laugh. You’re good. And gorgeous. You’ve got this!


Thank you! I’ll put it on tonight! 💜


can you recommend any episodes or where to start?


They repeat the same stuff every episode so just start where ever lol.


They do repeat themselves quite a bit. I listened to just the second part for a long time but now listen to the entire episodes. But just listening to the questions at the end is a great way to get into them. They time stamp everything in the description so you can fast forward to whatever interests you.


You look great and you brought out your body’s athleticism and made it visible. I personally would be proud! Some people would die to have your physique or to have someone with a body like yours. I’m o each its own though and you should be comfortable in your own body. If I were you and this is the goal then do lighter weights, higher reps, less calories, maybe even an activity for cardio like something you can learn and build upon to keep your drive satisfied. Good luck!


No such thing


How did you bulk so brilliantly...I want to be able to do that !!


I just ate cleaned and lifted superrrr heavy! More carbs on leg day, less on non leg days. I worked hard, maybe too hard 😂


Uhm…. Respectfully…. RESPECTFULLY….. I disagree….


You didn't bulk too much you look amazing. With a disciplined cut you can lose that body fat you don't like in 1-2 months. If you're finding it hard to cut calories, try carb cycling. Atkins/keto diet with a cheat meal once a week. If you want something less extreme, up your lean protein intake, and replace carbs like rice with sweet potatoes and quinoa. Add sustainable cardio like stair stepper in. Lastly, be very careful about mistaking muscle for fat. Don't weight yourself, but take daily progress pictures in the morning and at night, and use a tape measure for the areas you store the majority of you bf. All of the science I've seen lately suggests that intermittent fasting only works because it reduces your caloric intake, and/or shifts your body into ketone production more quickly btw. Personally, I've found that I have to keep my metabolism engaged by eating early and having smaller meals, or else I start to store bf even with restricted calories


Very insightful-thank you! I tried fasting and did not like the way I looked & gained weight. So for me eating first thing in AM is better as well. But this is all great info- tysm!


Absolutely! Also, Another insight I've noticed for myself: the more muscular I get, the heavier I look body fat wise as I'm bulking. It's just resting on a larger frame. It's almost like magic when I do a strict cut, and it comes off more quickly every time because of higher caloric demands to maintain that new muscle mass. It looks to me like it's mostly muscle you've gained, and the body fat should come off fairly quick with a disciplined cut. Lastly, progress is delayed, so you're usually seeing all of the work you've put in up to 2-3 weeks ago. In other words, if you've been consistent over the last few weeks with Calorie reduction, you'll probably see the results of that with your body in a couple weeks. That's anecdotal and total bro-science, but I stand by it. The point is, reduce Calories or utilize ketosis, stay strong, and don't despair. It's hard coming out of a bulk seeing the extra weight, but it's part of the process.


If you’re not losing weight, you need to eat less. If you don’t want to track calories cut out one or two of your snacks. Congrats on a successful bulk


Honestly embrace it. They put a whole new category in women’s body building for the booty. You should check it out.


How much did you weigh at the peak of your bulk? How much do you weigh after 3 months of cutting? What was your caloric intake then versus now? If you aren’t tracking this, that’s the missing component.


I was at 162 peak bulk down to 155 😕 I was carb cycling during bulk 2200-2500 calories daily down to 1650.


I have a feeling that you aren’t counting consistently or correctly and are eating more than you realize. Double check what you’re actually eating, make sure you’re using a scale, document cheat meals, etc. If you are being meticulous, then I’m at a loss.


This is my thought as well. It’s been said to the point where it’s annoying to even type this out but weight loss is calories in and calories out. If you’ve cut your cals but also cut the intensity of your work outs then that will be a factor. The point of bulking, I thought, was to up the cals so your body has energy to put on muscle, fat is just a side effect, then during the cut you continue at a maintenance level with your work outs and cut your cals to lose the fat not the muscle. I’ve seen other comments saying focus on cardio and cardio is much less effective at fat loss than weight lifting is. If you were squatting 225 at peak bulk you should probably be aiming your work outs at 80-100% of what you were doing during that period during the cut. If nothing else, get your steps in. Walk as much as you possibly can every day.


It’s def possible. I’m going to reconfigure my diet plan and break the scale out again. I was using measuring cups for carbs, but I think I need to weigh it all again and go back to my math. Going to add more cardio in too. Thank you!


Oh definitely weigh them out, especially dry carbs. The volume measurements are rough estimates and even more inaccurate when combined with poorly standardized measuring cups.


Thank you! Also- love the username. Time to dust off the scale.


Thick thighs save lives.


You look great both ways but I know it can be frustrating to not get the results you wanted. I’m a woman who puts on muscle extremely easy and I bulk fast. Whatever muscle you want to slim down, stop working it and do tons of walking. That’s what usually helps me shrink and lean out. I have also switched to Pilates because heavy lifting just makes me look too masculine and my clothes weren’t fitting anymore. Also I have a herniated disc from heavy lifting.


Ugh, I hope you get that disc figured out! Yes it’s so easy for me to put on muscle but to loose weight is so hard. I’ve been considering Pilates and yoga, a lot of those places don’t offer childcare and I rely on that for the gym. But I think that’s great advice and something to think about’ thank you!


Thank you. I’m sure I’ll need surgery but I’m holding off as long as possible. Seriously try walking! Then when you get where you want to be you can add back in some weights. I love the Align app for Pilates. Bailey Brown is so cute and positive! And I use the Down Dog app for yoga. Way cheaper than going to studios. Both apps have workouts from 5-60 minutes so you can choose what works for you on a given day.


If your preference tells you it’s too much, then so be it but damn girl, you’re rockin it! No complaints here.


First of all, you look FANTASTIC! Literally goals, you look strong and toned and powerful. But hey I get that feeling! If you think you bulked more than you’d personally like, I’d consider a cut but take it slow and steady - I’m not an expert at ALL but my first cut I ended up being way too strict with myself and triggered some serious anxiety and binge eating so if you’ve got a history of that then be very gentle transitioning to a slightly different routine. Proud of you friend, and I hope you find some happy with yourself ♥️ you deserve it, you’ve worked so hard!


Thank you! That’s great advice- I appreciate you!


You did not…


It’s a battle. I like the bulk, personally and like muscular women. It portrays healthy. I was 220 and got up to 240 when I went full on with my app personal trainer (future). Back to 230. Didn’t put much fat on if any, but feel like when you gain muscle you gain fat and when you loose fat you loose some muscle. So I am in calorie depravation mode and ensuring I get my protein. Keep up the good work!


Work out for yourself and the body you want. If you think you bulked too much, that's your opinion and yours alone. No one else is allowed to determine that other than you. As an outsider looking in, you look great in all photos, but ultimately, it's what you want to see in yourself and when you achieve that, your confidence will grow and IMO, confidence is key to feeling comfortable.


Thank you 🩷 gotta work on that second half I guess. Eye opening


The thing with bulking season is that it’s always bulking season!


Looking great. Maybe a little fat to cut, but those legs are looking really good!


Looking good!


Great job! My advice would be to get in a caloric deficit and add cardio after the workout. Always helps me cut in the winter. Actually pair my cut tomorrow !


You look AMAZING


I don't think you bulked too much, you look perfect to me! Sure you have a little fat you could cut, but it's probably not worth maintaining that low body fat anyway 😊


Thank you. I think the extra fat I put on is my biggest issue I’m having. Going from a size 2 back to a 6/8 is mentally killing me. But I’ll work hard and cut back down to some extent!


The front lighting is different than the back lighting. Still looks good to me. 


I did consider that as well! My old house had great muscle lighting- my new one not so much. Thank you!


Like. Honestly there's Alot of improvement muscle wise. You've done a good bulk lol. Look at the separation of quads/hammies. The improvement is insane. Wish my own bulk were as good but I've just gotten fat and strong


Thank you! I really tried to stay eating clean and lifted sooo heavy. I’m proud of my progress but just don’t realize how much fat/size I would put on. Thanks again!


Um… no you didn’t.


Nope. You look great. I’m curious how much you weigh (and also how tall you are) now after being 200, then cutting down to 127. Based on your bottom pictures, all that muscle distributed itself very well proportionately, though, so I wouldn’t worry about having too much bulk. It looks good.


I’m 5’1” and currently 155-157 pounds!


Wow, super petite. Good job! Considering your height, it's even more impressive that you're so fit, esp at 155. You're built like a female MMA fighter!👍


Thank you! Ugh I wish I was as badass as them! I couldn’t take a hit to the face 😂


Oh, don't worry about it. Only a small percentage of women AND men can make it doing that kind of stuff. You're putting your body on the line every time. Speaking of which, and piggy backing off of your OP, if you'd like to really tone up, you should add kickboxing (or regular boxing) to your training regimen. It's an amazing workout!


Wow, super petite. Good job! Considering your height, it's even more impressive that you're so fit, esp at 155. You're built like a female MMA fighter!👍


awesome gainz girl. looking sharp


I mean, regardless you’re objectively very attractive so I wouldn’t worry too much


You look great! How tall are you btw?


5’1” I’m very short 🙈 which doesn’t help


Those quads are 😍


Could just stop doing legs and stay in a deficit while working out the rest of the body, your muscle mass will reduce in your legs first then. If nothing changes after cutting food you are not really cutting calories you probably just replace it with calorie dense food but smaller portions.


You look incredible. You are my body goals!


Idk I really don’t think you look too bulky. I think you look strong and curvy. Being totally honest here!


Fuckin crushing it. Save some gains for the rest of us jeez Louise.


Definitely didn’t bulk too much at all!! You’re looking absolutely stunning!! Quads and glutes are looking powerful 💪🏻💪🏻!! Stomach is still fairly lean, you’ve got good shape and definition…really impressive work!!


What is your routine? Please PLEASE share!


Push, legs, pull, legs.. heavy squats & deads! I do deads on back day. ☺️


You bulked perfectly imo… great work


Thank you 🩷


Look amazing great work!!


For added context, how much do you weigh post bulk? How’s your health?


Health is alright! 162 at the end, now I’m 155-157 fluctuating.


Are you trying to lose fat or muscle?


Fat- a gained a little while bulking.


You look great on both sets of pics, but here to say your bulk looks AMAZING! dude your gluteus and quads are nuts!! I think you're Killin it!




Heyyyy, firstly congratulations on 200-170s that take dedication and the will to change a lot of habits! Regarding your current predicament it starts in the kitchen. You need to cut more calories or perhaps you picked up something that you enjoy more now. A drink, a snack going out to eat there has to be something different there vs when you lost the initial 30 lbs. l would try to evaluate what you were consuming then vs now. Then how much time you spent at the gym. How many days you were there. What exercises did you do? Are you being as effective now or are you only focusing on your glutes. I personally avoid sweets and alcohol, while increasing my cardio when cutting down. On days I eat a lot I make sure to do an intense cardio session. On gym days, I do longer gym sessions including HIIT training, to increase calories burned. In three months if your not losing muscle/adipose tissue something is missing. It's hard to give up excess calories once we get used to eating and then trust me every time I go through it I am never full. You go this! You just need to refocus on what was working and what have you changed


Great advice- tysm!!


Ma’am you look great!! Now you can cut and all those muscles will peek through!


I’m trying 😅 i just don’t know what I am Doing. Everyone here is great though, got a plan! Will post progress in a few weeks/months!


Killing it!!!!


Have you been squatting fully grown horses? Holy shit.


Only in my spare time 😜


Damn u look good


Maybe this only works for my body type, but I am also easy to bulk and the best way for me to drop is by cutting carbs, upping protein with calories saved from carbs but otherwise keeping calories mostly the same… Do that for a few weeks if that doesn’t work then try a small calorie cut


Wowowow just wowowow


I think you look great? Keep the hard work 💪


LIES!!!!!!! You look great. Haha


Um, no. You look amazing.


You look great! Great work!! Seriously, be kinder to yourself- lots of folks would love to see those gains! Cutting can take a while to dial in. You’ve got a different body now- it requires a different amount of calories. How much did you cut back? Less is typically better, and keep training hard - if you up your cardio, still do it FUELED, not fasted, and always after your strength or on a separate day. You’ll get more out of any training if you’re properly fueled for it. Keep an eye on your weight and if it’s trending up, cut back the calories a little more, rinse and repeat until the numbers on the scale start trending down.


Dude. You look awesome


If anything, to bulk to this form is quite hard and impressive. You can always do cutting and you will lean down beautifully in a couple months. Keep it up!


Hey, future ex-boyfriend of a 34F with 2 kids, you look amazing! Much better in the bottom pictures, but I know you already know that. Let me know when the OF launches.


Your current body is my end goal, I think you look amazing!!


You look fit and strong! Keep it up!


You have so much muscle definition! I’m jealous!!! You look great, but I understand how frustrating it is to work really hard and still not look the way you want to. If you don’t mind me asking, what program did you do during your bulk, how long was the bulk, and how much were you eating? I would LOVE to get results like yours! And FWIW, if you do decide to cut again, you’ll have even more muscle definition to show off this time!


You think that's too much? I go from 76-77kg to about 85-90kg without even trying, and believe me, not a lot of those kilo's are quality mass 😂 You're max 2 months from a great shape!


No, you really didn't. You look fantastic. Half the 20-somethings at my gym would be jealous of you.




Be gracious with yourself. You look great! Also look strong! 🔥


You look amazing


You say too much, but I say you look amazing! Excellent work!


Ass 4 days! Don't change! 🍑


Looking strong! Great bulk in my opinion.


No you look fine ...


I usually just train males but that's a great job bulking so here's my .02: - I tend to agree with everyone telling you you didn't overbulk, you look pretty tight everywhere and i don't mean that in a creepy way - there's no super salient fat deposits which is a fantastic point to start. - I don't think you've posted any deets of what cutting has looked like for you in the past 3 months but if i were advising you i would: - keep the program pretty similar to the bulking program and still try to maintain/increase performance to keep the muscles. - Make sure the non-gym activity hasn't reduced too much (which might be a factor if you've recently started on the Masters and have to do the studying), - Assess the cutting of food to see if it's been significant enough on energy intake or if it's been more volume-based (which can happen sometimes when people don't measure, but you've been through a productive massing so i'd kind of think you have calorie intake down). If those pics are recent, then just based off visuals your muscles look pretty full which i'd interpret as there being enough food still to keep them loaded and i'd take that to mean you're deficit may be too small or maybe you just cut out a chunk of the surplus. I would also not cut down the protein and the cardio will help accentuate your deficit but like, you've got a masters to do and cardio is time consuming so i'd pepper it in once the deficit, neat and exercise are getting uptake and you need a boost. Feel free to DM if you wanna dive deeper :)


Awesome advice- tysm!!


Which one makes you feel most confident? You look gorgeous in all of these! I am toeing the line between bulking and having yoga body, because my body’s lower half is a mesomorph and my top half is an ectomorph. The muscle gains can sneak up on mesomorphs! Not sure how much you want to thin out, but as a 39-year-old woman, I am looking forward to seeing how my muscle gains will support an easier hormonal transition into menopause.


You look great!




Perfect bulk result. Looking strong. Great job


Thank you 💞


My recommendation is to try out the MacroFactor app and stick with it for a few months, and follow the instructions (log everything or don’t log anything), weigh in at least a couple times a week, and let the app do it’s magic with computing how much you need to eat. It will work. I can promise you it will, but you have to be diligent with your logging so that you’re accurately representing everything you eat. Their [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/MacroFactor/) is a good source for resources.


QuadZilla! Looking strong! 💪🏼


Appreciate you!


You gained a crap ton of muscle, which is obvious to anyone else! Losing just 5-10lbs of fat will probably get you to where you feel great. Are you having trouble calculating how many calories you should be having, or sticking to it or what? I'd recommend a -500 calorie daily deficit and high protein target (like 100-110g), try that for a couple weeks and if it doesn't work you can cut a little lower.


Thank you!


One bit of advice: At this point, stop focusing on the scale. Unless you're a professional, your priorities should be 1) be healthy, 2) look good (with "good" being defined by _you_). The moment that your body composition starts to change, the number on the scale stops being correlated with health and looks. The number could go up and you look & feel slimmer, or the number could go down and you feel/be fattier. If you don't like the size of your legs, then do less legs. (Or different kind of legs, focusing on mobility and not weight). If you want to have a bigger butt well, then work out your butt. Smaller butt? stop working that caboose so much. PS: Everyone is already telling you look great--it's true! you do! but that's not really the point. You should be happy with the way that you look and it's ok to want to change stuff, within reason. PPS: You really do look great.


Not looking at the scale and numbers in my clothing has been a challenge for me, it definitely affects the way I feel about my size. Thank you for your advice!


And your head fell off!


Bahaha that explains a lot 🤪


Goddamn if I saw you in the gym I would cry jealously


Or we could work out together!


are those chest gainz natty?


I mean I think you bulked just right! Your what everybody wants. I know everybody feels differently when it's them compared to seeing it on someone else. But if your like me you will never be satisfied with how you look in the mirror to yourself. It's a mental disease is what I say. But you look damn good thick like that. Wish you would share more pics of you 😉




Look great. Great job


Echoing sentiments that you look really good. But hey, a strong posterior goes a long way to preventing some causes of back pain I think, so your future self may thank you. Great job!


Not to be an echo chamber here. But if you’re trying to get smaller time to focus on CICO + cardio. I’ll also add, since you’re a momma it might be helpful to go to a nutritionist [or study up on/read, since finances are tight right now as you’ve said] who understands the hormonal changes you’ve gone through. And cardio. Don’t let go of the weights … just be sure to get more cardio in.


You look good at your bulk


Nah, that's the perfect amount of bulk. I actually think you should keep going. The quads are looking good!


Sis omg your legs! Do you do pole by chance? Those legs would be an absolute power house on a pole. But nah you look great. I don't have any advice for you. I do empathize though because even though all of us here are complimenting you if you're looking to make changes that's what's important. Best of luck in your masters program.


Thank you! I have taken classes once or twice. It’s something on my list but with the kids can’t find the time for. Gym has daycare- pole classes don’t. Hopefully over the summer I can get back at it!


Awesome there's a really great subreddit for pole if you do. I hear you on the kids. I have two myself. Gyms with daycare are a godsend!


What happened to the elated confident you that commented this 23 days ago? You seemed so happy then! What changed? https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/s/k1LeVeMUAi


I took pictures and compared 🙈 I didn’t realize how large I have gotten. And it’s a mind game because I have abs and some definition but my size itself is just so large now.


Awww how frustrating!! I hope you make peace with yourself - whether that’s slimming down or staying as you are. No wrong answer either way! 💪


This is proof that women will never be happy with their bodies


So… cut? Muscle disappears if you stop trying to make it appear


Fasted cardio melts fat for me.


Why would you say that?




If your children ever get stuck under rubble there is no doubt in my mind you will be able to get them out. Bravo buff mom


Not that you asked but your booty looks amazing!


You look great I'm not seeing a problem.


No, you definitely did not bulk too much, you did good! Look awesome!


Agree to disagree


You look great


You definitely did not


Cardio is the key for now.


The devils advice .. jk ty!


You're fucking perfect


You look incredible either way! I’m in the same boat right now. I definitely gained some muscle, and unfortunately a belly. It’s been hard sticking to a strict diet. I’m thinking about going keto for a bit and seeing if helps with food cravings. That could be an option? Anyway, good luck with your journey. You did the hard part already.


It’s so hard since having my Kids to not gain in the lower belly. No matter what I do, it won’t go away. I’m sure you look great!




wtf are you talking about too much?! im trying to get like you hah. and im a dude!




can you give me your leg routine? quads/hams/glutes. im seriously about to switch up my leg days because of you


Day 1: squats, leg press, hack squat, quad extension, lunges, then split squat. Day 2: rdl, hamstring curl, kickback, hip thrust, leg curls. It’s exhausting honestly lol


fuck it i want sets and reps and ill do it on my next quad day


Cmon.....you know damn well that you look amazing


What has your attempt to cut looked like?


I started doing to original diet my trainer had me on. Lifting 4-5x a week and 3 days cardio (fasted incline walking or stepper). Diet was low carb, high protein, eating every 4 hours. Breakfast Oatmeal & eggs- snack macadamia nuts- lunch chicken, sauerkraut, pineapple- snack protein shake- dinner lean beef and rice- snack yogurt or cottage cheese- bed. Recently started doing HIIT instead of listed cardio.


Are you active throughout the day outside the gym. If you have an Apple watch or Fitbit, try to get at least 10k steps, EVERY DAY. If you are already doing that, then it's time to take another look at your diet. Your best bet is to reduce calorie dense food sources like rice, bread, and pasta and up the salads. Keep protein high and aim for 1 to 2 pounds per week. Drink lots of water.


Look at the MacroFactor app. It requires you to count your macros (the ui is really great after learning it) and weigh yourself. Essentially, if you count all the calories you’re taking in and aren’t losing weight then the app has you drop your calories a bit more. You keep dropping calories until you start losing weight. The app has you set a target goal for weight loss too (e.g .5% per week) so it knows where your intake should be. Now as for keeping muscle on while during a cut, you need to keep your protein intake high and continue resistance training. This signals to your body to keep the muscle while using fat. As for the amount of protein to get in, I think a good target is around 1g per goal weight. Also make sure you don’t go too low on your cut, a slower cut (400-500 deficit) should be good. Disclaimer: I’m an amateur going down this path right now but based on all the research I’ve done this seems to be the best route to go. I’ve also seen some incredible results on the r/MacroFactor subreddit. Jeff Nippard on YouTube has some good videos going over this too and he always cites scientific research. Good luck and I hope this helps!


Well first of all I think you look great after the bulk but I’ve been there too, where I felt a little too bulky for my own personal taste despite everyone telling me I looked great. CICO and prioritizing protein while continuing to strength train would probably get you where you want to be. You can get a calorie and macro target online, I like the NASM body weight planner. I’d also suggest creatine.