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Honestly I used to feel similar but then in grad school I actually made a schedule




An hour? I wouldn’t have time to get anything meaningful done in an hour. Between studying and papers, actually getting my work done for grad school was a solid thirty hours of non-distracted work a week. I would be twenty hours behind on my reading by the end of the first week if I did only an hour a day.


By an hour a day, I mean on top of everything Classwork wise. I'm a math/comp sci double major so it's easier to break apart I guess. Doing everything in small chunks helps my retention so much. We have weekly projects that take 20+hrs or so to implement well, so I guess that's similar. To practice math, I just do example problems based of what we did in the lectures, usually 2-3 from each lecture that day that take 15 mins or so. I still have way to much time on my hands.


Grad school is such a different experience than undergrad. Things like... being prepared, having an adult schedule, caring about your work. Because if I'm gonna pay a shit ton of money for this, I better learn something.


I *wish* I was only required to be present somewhere 30 hours a week. I’d work out twice as much and read three times more.


I work 30-32 hours a week and it's pretty fantastic, I lift in my home gym five times a week. Right now I'm in the middle of doing two programmed days in one because I have nothing better to do.


I am so jealous of you that I hate you for it.


Ha you should see my bank account, you'd probably feel better.


I can relate man. Although there are times where I remember that dude from Bigger. Faster. Stronger who lived in his van outside of Gold's Venice and I think "how bad could it be?"


about 25-30 of my fraternity would make it a point to go to the gym between last class of the day and dinner, a few more motivated guys would roll through the house rousing people and we'd all longboard over to the gym.


General rule of thumb: The majority of stress or extremely busy periods for students are entirely self inflicted. Source: was a student who procrastinated too much.


Going through undergrad, medical school, and a year of residency has given me perspective on "time to workout." It's not until you start hitting 70-80+ hours per week that you legit start to run out of time. I can usually still get 2 sessions in on those weeks. But now I'm joining home gym master race, so I'll be able to squeeze in quick 20 minute sessions more frequently anyhow.


Meh, depends on what you study. I don't have a problem finding time, architecture students might though.


I'm in law school and I still find time while managing about a 3.0. Yes it is hard but people can always get up earlier and use the weekend more productively. It really falls on what you find to be important


I was in engineering and found time my last two year to "workout", even at the busiest I probably could have found time to do it with the amount of procrastinating I did. I definitely had some friends that had to study a lot more than I did or other majors that had a ton of papers/research to do so I don't really hold it against them. Granted most of those people wasted a bunch of time being "social" and hungover on the weekends when they could have still done some work to free up time during the week to workout


My thing is this: I'm not willing to let my grades detract from my life experiences, my fulfillment of goals, or health. I have to explain this all the time to people in my classes. I could not lift, but I'd hate myself for doing so. I'm certainly in the camp of hardwork sucks, but the fulfillment from doing it makes me want to do it more. I agree with you too about people wasting their weekends. I was invited to come over to a house and drink at a bonfire with my classmates and I declined because I really didn't feel like drinking (which I ended up doing anyways because I'm a piece of shit and need to refocus my weight loss). Everyone got persnickety about me not wanting to come over and drink, and of course made the "all you think about is school and your lifting, what about having fun". I just sort of don't like stupid shit like that. No problems with people who don't lift, but don't judge how I spend my time because I do.


Yeah I get that, I didn't really start getting dedicated about lifting until after college but I spent a lot of weekends just visiting my gf at another school, I don't think I ever really did classwork on the weekends, she would have to, but it made me realize that "difficult" coursework could mean two different things. Engineering was "difficult" in a way that it was challenging to understand but if you grasped the concepts the course work wasn't really overwhelming (and even then most homework was like 10% of your final grade), however if a concept didn't "click" it could take a ton of time to master or understand... then there was her stuff in accounting where it was insanely time consuming no matter how well you grasped it especially with the number of papers she had to write, she was incredibly intelligent and her coursework still bled into the weekends. It really just boils down to priorities, some of which aren't in your control.


Time management is a completely non intuitive skill for a lot of people.


Oh for sure, it took me until spring semester to figure it out


For sure, but specifically architecture students are assumed to have 12hr work days (7 days a week, as in spending time at school, in studio, at tutorials etc) or more if they want good grades. Anyway, of course we can all fit in working out if we choose to do so, but some need to sacrifice more than others.


I work a full time job, am back in school full time and am planning a wedding. 15 credits ain't shit.


A wedding? Major congrats!


Thanks, bb


I don't know how much 15 credits is, sorry man :/. And yeah, I've gotta back pedal a bit, I think that a 40 minute workout 3 times/week probably is doable. I was coming from the mindset of 2 hr workouts 5 times/week (inb4 that's exactly how you train). Are you the one getting married :)? 'Grats.


15 credits is 5 classes a semester, which is considered full time in most US universities. And yes, I'm getting married. Thanks.


To a grill?


No idea. I hope so. My parents arranged it.


Hope she likes big dicks.


Doubtful, but maybe she'll settle for a 6'5" asshole instead :p