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> One single bad rep on a heavy lift destroyed my lumbar spine. DL (and back squat) is something I take a great deal of care and attention to now. EDIT: Long story short took a period off of power lifting to focus on cardio, speed and endurance. When I came back I went back to my old weight and relied too heavily on a belt for form rather than using belt to improve an already solid form. Bulged and herniated discs aren't fun. Take your pick, guys.


How can someone this dumb use the internet?


"power lifting"


That thread has everything. Poor form destroying spines of glass. Alternate grip, what is it good for? Coaching jerk. Random crossfit hate. Fake plates. There was even some rippletoad tossed in.


Didn't expect a grip jerk, that was surprising. Muh novices shouldn't be using mixed grip because of imbalances is pretty great.


Oh hey, I saw you the wild. Then came here fully expecting a thread about it There's a lot more to jerk to. Like this [comment on form](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/84nhw4/comment/dvqvxgl) Or this chain of [comments on grip](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/84nhw4/comment/dvr0be0)




>As above. Its not impossible at all. Enjoy cat backing 600 you cunt. Thank


ive been deadlifting for 20 fucking years. never had a bicep injury from pulling. people fucking suck, they watch two youtube videos of bicep tears and think something is common... fucking infuriating.


Well, if you attended every single world record attempt at a meet, it’s inevitable that you would eventually end up seeing a few.