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Fuck, beat me to it. That gym looks to have sufficient dankness to fit my needs. I can smell the powerlifter stank just looking at that photo.


Yeah from the single photo and the management's complete disregard for propriety I've got enough to determine that place looks dope.


Turns out mirrors are a vital component of PerfectForm^tm


I'm amazed, everyone in there was such a super smart form expert! I bet they're all really rich and successful coaches.


Are you trying to tell me that you don't stare at yourself in the mirror while benching? Psh you don't know anything about "weightlifting".


at a powerlifting gym i used to lift at we had "you are not allowed to do curls until you squat over 500lbs" on the whiteboard. would cause all kinds of conniptions here wouldn't it...


Well it's dumb because light curls are a good way to fight off elbow tendonitis acquired from squatting and benching.


are you trying to say that a HARDCORE POWERLIFTIN' gym should be smart?


If they want to stay a HARDCORE POWERLIFTIN' gym for more than 10 minutes.


Everyone shitting on the "janky" gym has never lifted in a good gym. There's so many self-satisfied, smug shitheels in there.


They only lift at the pinnacle of gyms... Planet Fitness


One day I'll get video of the genius who puts his palm on the mirrored wall to do rows. The whole panel flexes and I keep waiting for it to break.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shyjP6BwAnI I see so many magic exercises...


..... wut.... That's amazing.


Every day I'm tempted to walk up to at least one person and ask, "are you so advanced that you think you need a special movement to really make that muscle group pop?"


I almost never get to see anything that weird. I need "better" gyms.


You do. Had a 6mo stint at a Planet Fatness a while back. Most of them were fine, just doing meh stuff from fitness sites. But there was some gold. My favorite was a doughy guy with no muscle, always in a sleeveless flannel over a sleeveless T-shirt, always with a weird tough-guy grimace. He would adjust the pulley on the variable-height cable machine really violently, trying to make it look casual. Like the thing was so light he couldn't control his strength. Then he'd do a couple 1-rep maxes on curls and such, and leave. He didn't gain a thing the entire time I was there.


I speak fluent Skelly, and I can almost guarantee some variation of "I do it this way because I hurt [joint] back in high school, and this keeps it from acting up."


I haven't been on /r/funny in years. Seeing the "18 million" banner shocked me, I remember when they were stoked by 6 million.