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Former fat boy reporting in. What the fuck? Eating 2000 calories is starvation.


How.... How dare you!? You don't even know how much I eat! Let me ask you this: Do you or any of your little COCO, wack-a-noodle, wanna-be-scientist friends actually have any real world data to back up your asinine theory? No? Surprise, surprise! Your ridiculous cult can't seem to explain the complexities of a real person. Does that one factor account for every biological process in every human? How about this.... I'll "put the fork down" when you stop putting other people down! And start realizing that there's more to people than some silly COCO Equation. "Open your heart" - Christiaan Barnard


I just want to cover that delicious pasta with bolognese and track every calorie.


This is my new favorite pasta.


How can anyone get 2000 karma a day without pasta?


Anything less than 3k is starvation.


the guy thinks a can of refried beans constitutes dinner.


he doesn't seem to know what food is.


Open a jar of peanut butter with a spoon in hand. Boom, 2000 calories no wheat


>spoon What are you? A filthy casual?


I like to have my bottom ribs surgically removed, stick my dick in the jar, and then eat it off my own dick. Anyone else?


Personally I just use a dick shaped spoon.


And an ass shaped bowl


No I use my spoon-shaped dick in my ass-bowl.


hello marilyn manson


By spoon i mean ladle


ladle is such a nice word, it just rolls off the tongue so smoothly *ladle*


Honestly I've made at least one PB&J every day for the last six years, and I've found that the fork is the best tool for the job. It is easier than a knife for getting a substantial and measurable amount (eyeballing 2tbsp is easy), but it's better than a spoon for spreading onto bread. If you're eating it straight it's good too because it doesn't stick to the tines of the fork the way it does to a spoon.


I haven't eaten bread in months and I'm eating over 3k Cal's per day and it feels like I'm barely full. Does this guy not know what rice is?


tfw i just ate 2500 calories of plain chicken


At least throw some hot sauce on that shit.


I did eat some mustard. Plus it had like some herbs or something on it.


you're disgusting


i agree




One serving of bread is only like 60 calories.