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Kudos! I just got ripped on another post for saying it’s possible to be fit post pregnancy. Ignore the haters!


I was really surprised at the hostility towards saying that kind of thing in of all places a pregnancy fitness sub. I guess people come here to just be told it's too hard??


A lot of people hate on the women who have the genetics and/or diligence to bounce back. Crabs in a bucket mentality. It's honestly like that on all the top posts with thin or fit women. So many of the comments are "good for you but remember, everyone else: this is not possible!" Really condescending and annoying


It’s not that it’s not possible…it’s that it *might* not be possible or as easy as the lucky ones make it out to be. I have been on the good end of the genetic lottery until post partum recovery. Pregnancy/labor literally ripped my core apart (DR and hernia). Its not just about being diligent. I have put in more work than my sister and she is back to normal while I have a long way to go. I am not hating…just keeping it real.


I think that a lot of women use pregnancy as an excuse to just "let go of themselves". If you take care of your body before pregnancy (and I mean no drinking, no smoking, eating healthy, having good habits etc) you will 100% have better chances of having a more chill pregnancy and a better recovery. What happens is that most already have a bad start so obviously they will.not have an easy post partum recovery, that's logical! Most of us don't have the "good genetics" but you would be surprised what discipline and consistency can do for you. What I do dislike is when others try to tear you down because of your effort to achieve your goals while themselves will always find an excuse. I have a 3month old, 2 dogs, a cat, no help at all (husband does help whenever he can as he works about 10 to 12 hours a day), and I still find the time to squeeze a 30 minute workout. OP looks great and you did it once I'm sure you will do it a second time! enjoy pregnancy, enjoys your babies, the rest will come!


Currently 13 weeks pregnant so don't have experience with the after but others will be hateful when you put in the work and improve your physique when you aren't pregnant. Seems if your working hard some feel the need to tear you down regardless of situation. I definitely agree a lot of women let themselves go during and after pregnancy. Then wonder why they're depressed.




Misplaced anger 🙃


FWIW I agree with everything you said !


Out of curiosity, how do you have so little stretch marks? Did you use some oil or was it just luck with genetics? :)


Not op but I also didn’t have stretch marks and it’s all genetics. I did buy one cream but frankly it gave me body acne so I stopped using it. I’m pretty convinced stretch marks are mostly genetic. I did supplement collagen as well though so who knows?


Ah thank you! I don’t mind the stretch marks. But if there is something that helps I might as well try haha.


What collagen?


I use an organika greens plus collagen and a pill based one I got from Costco whose brand I forget.


So I got lucky and only got 3 tiny little stretch marks on my lower abdomen that you can’t see even in a bikini. I did get stretch marks on my boobs but that’s because they were small to begin with and now I’m breastfeeding. I was expecting to get A LOT of stretch marks because women on both sides of my family got them and I also gained like 45 lbs (mostly in my thighs and butt) BUT I didn’t. I don’t know if it was any of my supplements/topical items or if I just got the tiniest bit of DNA that said no/little stretch marks during pregnancy but what I used was sweet almond oil that I ordered on Amazon because it was recommended in a book I read called Bringing Up Bebe. I was also taking collagen supplement from Sun Warrior. They make a few different flavors but my favorite is coffee. I was also really good about hydrating (1- 1.5 gallons of water a day) and prenatals.


I feel like I got stretch marks on my butt, boobs and a couple on my hips. I did you cocoa butter every day but I don’t know if it was that or genetics.


Not the OP but I didn’t get stretch marks and I’m very petite and had a big baby (8lb 5oz). Idk if it’s genetics because my mom got stretch marks but I used bio oil religiously. Probably a mix of genetics, being fit from the start and oiling myself up every day multiple times! It’s relatively inexpensive!


Same I don’t know if I have the genetics but I certainly have the will and these posts really give me hope that could get to a point where I feel comfortable with my body post baby


It’s not just this sub, it’s also real life. I was very active throughout my pregnancy, I bounced back quick. I went back to weight lifting 3 months postpartum. My in-laws came to visit me and baby at that point and my MIL was actually angry that I looked so normal. She asked me how much weight I gained and did I keep exercising during pregnancy. And then she was disappointed that I didn’t gain a lot ???!! It was the weirdest thing ever.


Definitely jealous probably bc that's not how it went for her.


I mean it is possible to be fit, but not as well. And this pictures are a proof


Would love to hear more about your recovery, workout routines PP, diet etc. you look amazing!


I started off with 3 x 30 min peloton boot camps a week. Hiking boot camps - wasn’t quite ready to run yet. So 15 min incline walk and 15 min strength training. I do arms, legs and a day of full body. Never intentionally workout abs. Then upped it to 4, then 5 times a week when baby was able to nap for longer. And started running. But never more than 30 min a day. But lots of walks with baby. Around the mall. Circles in our backyard. Holding her, pushing her. And diet - it was so hard to make food at the beginning!! Meal prepped for the first couple of months. Mornings were eggs, toast, avo and turkey bacon Lunch was oatmeal Dinner was sweet potato, brown rice, chicken, veg I was so motivated to eat healthy at the beginning after being a sloth during pregnancy so this meal plan was fine for me. I became more lax as I started to feel more comfortable. I also breastfed so needed to fuel myself. I wasn’t on a huge restriction at all. Actually the portions when I started were large. I was ravenous. I mean like 3 eggs, 4 turkey bacon. And then eventually my portions got smaller as I was losing more weight. I think the biggest thing was just not taking a week off. I tried my best to just keep going even if it was just walking.


Thanks for sharing details! You are so inspiring. Wow! Your hard work is super evident.


I just got back on my peloton bike, but I was never consistent at arms or abs. But now you’ve motivated me! Thanks for the detail. When did you start seeing results? And did your supply take a dip at all?


The only time I found my supply dipped was when my period came at 5 months post partum but I did not offer formula. I found the oatmeal helped and if I ever felt my supply was low I’d drink a glass of brewers yeast. I would say 5/6 months I started feel more like my pre pregnancy self!


Really helpful, thank you!


wow girl, you even look better in that last pic. goals


Right? She didn't just recover she blew past that.


Should say found I was pregnant 2 days after LAST photo was taken. Can’t edit the post for some reason


Wow!! How do you feel about that? I remember feeling both ecstatic and at the same time crushed, staring two years in the face to get back here again. I felt like I had just found myself again.


I’m actually 12 weeks now. The 9 month pp photo was in April. I have a little bump now. I was crushed. I felt like I was peak fit and then all of sudden I was like shit I hate being pregnant and now I’ll have 2 under 2! I have come to terms with it now though and I am feeling more positive about it all


Yes girl!!! Similar happened to me, best shape ever PP! Now doing round 2. Well done!! X


Please let us know what you did during pregnancy to support this!! 😍


Oh absolutely nothing lol. I gained more than double the recommended amount and barely worked out. I was so sick the entire time. I also had zero stamina when I started training again pp.


You give me hope!! 💓


Me too!


Thank you for posting this! I feel so guilty that I’m couch potato-ing everyday cuz I feel so sick by the time I’m done with my shift. Working full time with morning sickness and exhaustion is not a joke.


Honestly enjoy being a couch potato while you can. This time around with a one year old I can’t relax like I did my first pregnancy. Wish I enjoyed that more!


Amazing work!! Your 2 week pp is better than my current 12w body. I’m determined to be in better shape and look better pp than I was pre!


Part of your recovery is your ribs and muscles returning back to the placement they were pre pregnancy. For me that shrinkage wasn’t noticeable until around 6 months. You’re still so early


Did you do anything specific to get your ribs back to their regular placement? I’m 39 weeks and my rib cage has expanded so much


Would you mind explaining this to me as someone who is 8, almost 9 months PP and whose ribs are still very much expanded and flared? I’m breastfeeding if that makes any difference.


You may have diastasis recti. Consider seeing a pelvic physiotherapist for physio exercises to support it reknitting together. I had four fingers separation plus with all my pregnancies. Physio knit them together very well. Didn't prevent it from happening again though


Has been my suspicion, I have lost the weight well but definitely carry more volume in my middle than before, along with extra skin and have lost the shape in my waist, along with my ribs being very flared. Thank you <3


Thank you for saying this. I’m 4 months pp and I do have some weight to lose still but I just feel like my abs are so messed up and loose still. Even though I apparently only have a 2 finger separation!


i love seeing posts like this!!! im currently 29 weeks with my first and this gives me so much hope and motivation that i will be able to get back into shape after baby. i think a lot of people want it to just happen right away, so to see that this took you 9 months is refreshing and helps set realistic expectations!


Girl.. you look amazing! 🔥 Thanks for the motivation 29 weeks pregnant with #2 and as much as I love this baby can’t wait to be me again. I was in the best shape PP after my first so excited to be working towards the best version of me again. Wishing you a healthy first trimester! 💫


Girllll! You looked good in all the phases- but the body is bodying in the 9 months PP pic. You got more curvy and abs are amazing!!! Also congratulations on the new pregnancy- I’m sure you’ll bounce back and come back better.




Oh my god. The redemption story that will save my mental health


Gorgeous!! Took my anxiety away seeing this post. Thanks a million for sharing! Wishing you the best 🌼


This gives me hope. Thank you 💕


Thanks for providing hope!! 🥰😇 You look amazing!


It’s hard! My son is 22 months and I’m just about at my pre-pregnancy weight now. But my fitness is way higher than before! I run 10k multiple times a week, I can do PULL UPS (which is HUGE) for me, and I can hold a handstand without the wall now!!


Do I have a chance if I’m not in best shape before getting pregnant 😭


Love it!!! I got in the best shape ever after my 2nd, currently expecting #3, but looking forwards to doing it all over again!


Woah congrats


Wow you look absolutely amazing!! This is some serious motivation for me :)


Currently 2 weeks postpartum with #2 and was feeling discouraged. This has reminded me it doesn’t happen overnight!


Wow you look great! Fingers crossed I can recover similarly 😭🤞


This is so inspiring, and that dress in your 9 mo pregnant photo is stunning! Good job!


You’re a real one for this ❤️


Omg you look amazing I am shook


hell yeah, you’re a badass


Girrrlll! What was your post partum workout routine and diet?


This is awesome!! I am also in great shape as a mom to a 2yo. I have been feeling anxiety about recovering from a second pregnancy, and this photo montage makes me feel confident I can get mad fit again 😍


Wow 🤩


I’ll admit, I probably don’t have the determination you did. But I know that’s on me! So, I’ll keep this in the back of my mind if the day comes.


Thank you! I needed the encouragement! Feeling so big at 8 months!


You look great! Did you breast feed? What did your diet look like? Just your pre pregnancy diet or more dialed in?


Answers to your question in my comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/fitpregnancy/s/ZCCuSvk7G5


Amazing! Our bodies are really so incredible! I love the line 💗


So proud of you!! Currently 8 w PP with my second and just started working out again after a rough pregnancy with exercise restrictions and it feels SO GOOD! I’m trying to love my body how it is now but also looking forward to feeling (and looking) more like my normal self


You look amazing! Any secrets you can share?


Wow you look amazing!! Such great motivation for me once I can get moving again. Sitting here with a one week c section insciscion. 😂


How did you do it???? I lost all the weight but my belly is *so* flabby/floppy still. My husband and I took a slowmo video of him punching my flab (lol) and it literally looks like he's hitting water


Im sorry but that is hilarious! I still have extra skin. When I bend over it’s a little freaky lol


Sending you so much good vibes rn lady! I literally am so tiny without the hormones pumping through me but I know once they’re gone I’ll probably bounce back fast. I’m kinda inflated like a balloon atm and not in a cute way. Knew it would happen, but I’m so impatient for my son to be born so I can be myself again haha.


Thank you for posting this! I'd like to see more of these for motivation and expectations.