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If you can, I’d recommend working with a physical therapist or personal trainer with pre natal certifications. If you’ve never or rarely worked out, you may do more harm than good (not like, cause a medical issue but maybe some gnarly DR). If you can’t, I really like face pulls and row varieties to increase back strength (esp upper back).


Thank you! I will look into my options for PT.


You can do pretty much any activity for the first half or so of pregnancy. I maintained the same core exercise program through about 16 weeks. After that I started to modify slightly, but didn’t really need to modify much until 20-22 weeks. Second pregnancy I did a lot more core early on because I knew that was an area that would suffer second half.


I would consider joining a group fitness gym like OrangeTheory where everything is modifiable and you will have someone overseeing your form. Of course, a personal training session one on one will be much greater attention on you but it can be very pricey.


Orange Theory saved my ass during my most recent pregnancy since I could not do or stomach my usual hot yoga or running, respectively. Highly recommend. 


I’m 36 weeks and it’s the only way I’m getting my exercise still in. It’s too hot to do anything outside! I also really believe that’s it’s helped prevent a lot of common pregnancy aches and pains for me.


This is a tough one. With your history of scoliosis and back pain I would be hesitant to do much without the guidance of a physical therapist, and definitely some kind of personal trainer with pregnancy certs. I would personally steer clear of the group classes and stuff like that right now. Not working out before you really don’t know what could potentially trigger back pain. I would start with PT and go from there. Also keep your OB in the loop once you see them for the first time!


I have done a lot of yoga in the past and think I would be comfortable starting that up again, just avoiding hot yoga. I'm not thrilled about the idea of other group classes. I will look into PT! Thank you!


Yeah if you’ve been fine with yoga in the past I would do that and definitely things like walking are great while pregnant. Good luck to you I hope you find something that works out for you while pregnant !


I agree with others who recommend working with a physical therapist first. While there aren't limitations on activities for the first trimester, my doctor was clear that I shouldn't try things I wasn't already doing. If you are new to fitness, you could end up with back pain or diastasis recti, which you don't want. Some guidance from a PT would be really helpful. I see a pelvic floor PT (24w currently) and a ton of the focus is on core strength that's pregnancy safe.


Thank you! I did just find a place local to me for pelvic health and physical therapy, and one doctor's description was perfect. She does physical therapy primarily for pregnant women. Is your pelvic floor PT covered by insurance?


Awesome! And yes, my insurance covers pelvic floor PT!


Good for you! Just don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t able to stick to a regime during the first trimester from being so tired or sick. Some women don’t experience these things, but want to just throw it out where and remind yourself to give yourself grace!! If you can do something small every day, it still makes a big difference. I was in the gym 5-6 days per week until about 6w, then it all went to crap for 6 weeks. Now I’m getting back into walking and am going to start hitting the gym again at 13w :) Enjoy the ride, congratulations!!!!


I second this so much! I had huge plans for the first half of my pregnancy, but nausea and fatigue hit me hard. Don’t feel bad if you can’t get in as much work as you’d like. I’m finding you can always start it back up no matter where you are in your pregnancy. Just start small and know that something is better than nothing


Congratulations! We are in the exact same boat - I just tested positive this morning and also very early on, I think I’m only about 9 dpo. This is my second pregnancy but I was way fitter before my first - I’ve lost all my weight and more from the first time round but really really need to work on my core and strength training (I was supposed to do that before getting pregnant again haha whoops). Keen to follow along your journey!


Congratulations 🥳🥳 such an exciting time! I’m a doula + prenatal coach- I would recommend focusing on your posterior chain so glutes/ hamstrings and definitely core and pelvic floor strength and endurance training! As a pro in the industry I don’t think a PT is necessarily the answer for you but definitely finding someone that is knowledgeable in perinatal training would be ideal!


Im really early on in my pregnancy but I have a ClassPass membership and its fun to be able to go to different studios and take classes based off what youre in the mood to do. So this week I did pilates, f45 and im taking a spin class today and boot camp tomorrow. Other weeks I like to do less intense things and I’ll do yoga, barre, etc.