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Don't let them get you down, you have to remember that these people probably don't know much about FNaF anyway, and that doesn't mean you should totally write of what they say though, but it's something to take into consideration. I'm very glad you and friend enjoyed the movie though! It sounds like it'll be great for fans, and that's what really matters. The critics didn't exactly wait nearly a decade for this... And everything I've heard them say negatively about the movie sounds like normal FNaF stuff, which only shows how little they know about the source material lol.




If the movie is successful among the fanbase, then it's fine. We waited for it for nearly 9 years, the critics didn't. They'll leave a review and move on with their lives, writing new reviews for new movies. We won't -- we'll cherish the memories of the day we finally got the movie we waited for so long. Don't let some hired guy's opinion outweigh your own -- the latter is times more valuable.


In times like these, it’s important to remember just how many movies had bad reviews from critics at first: Jaws, Star Wars, The Shining… critics can be super dismissive of things that aren’t actively begging for their approval, especially if they’re movies made for the “general public”. Believe me, as a film major I’ve sat through a lot of long, boring movies that critics praised all over for how cool they were. Guarantee nobody would remember those movies if I asked them about it today. Worst case scenario, it becomes a cult classic for the fandom. But critics aren’t the judge, jury and executioner for films. Especially nowadays when it’s easy to see everyone’s opinions and realize those guys don’t have that much power anymore. Art is subjective and film is art, so just like what you like. If you want reliable reviews, stick to people from the fandom or at least people that know what FNAF is.


I know, right? If it was the other way round, and the movie was successful among the critics, but dissatisfied the majority of the fans, imo it would be worse. I might not be a film major, but I totally agree with you. BTW, for some time I worked in an agency promoting movies online. We went out of our way to make people watch *Wonder Woman 1984*, *Tom & Jerry: The movie* and some other titles which... well, weren't actually entirely successful, and neither we liked them personally too much. But we had to paint them in the brightest way possible. What I'm leading to is that, like you said, art is incredibly subjective, especially among those who watch it for fun and those who watch it for work.


Not sure why you need to put down acclaimed films to prop up the FNAF film. Both can be good to different people. So many film majors seem to detest the classics they watch in college, if this is the case, what even got you into film?


I don’t mean the actual classics of cinema when I talk about the critically-acclaimed films. Really, I’m referring to the ones in the past 20 years that beg for recognition from the Oscars and things like that. The ones that make movies because they just want to seem pretentious and serious when they really aren’t saying or doing anything new. What I’m trying to say is that critics don’t have the final say on movies, especially in the modern era when we have access to basically anyone’s opinion. Sorry if it sounded like I hate classic movies, I definitely don’t. I got into film because I had no idea why all the new movies stopped catching my attention (with some exceptions of course), and I kept watching old movies instead. Admittedly, I’m very biased towards the FNAF movie and really want to watch it. But it’s not one I want to see the critics’ evaluation of until after I see it.


Critics arent all one person, a completely different set of people could have reveiwed those films vs the Fnaf movie, so comparing scores you dont like doesnt make sense.


I saw it too, I couldn’t believe how amazing the audience were, this is the only time I’ve ever been to the cinema where the audience cheered at points and had fun.


Can't wait to experience this tomorrow night my theatre is PACKED


REAL before the start we all went harharharharhar harharharhar


Here is the thing, critics aren't like you, me or a random person you'd see in a grocery store. They do this for a living thus their tastes are vastly different, especially if these people have never even so much as played/heard of the games before. The real score you should be concerned about is audience score. Critic scores means nothing in the long run, so many moves got poor critics score but massive approval from the audience. Also, I wouldn't call critic reviews slanders unless they are flat out lying about things that didn't happen in the movie, it's their tastes no matter how bad they may be.


Critics are already really hard on horror-related movies to begin with tbh. There are soooo many horror movies that are considered classics today that were eviscerated critically upon their release. Plus FNAF is already pretty different from the rest of the genre already, so I'm sure the critics and casual audiences had different expectations going into it too. The critics really bummed me out too initially, but don't let them take away the joy that you and everyone else in the theater had. You had fun and they didn't lmao it sounds like you won here anyway


Yeah horror is a genre that often gets unfair treatment from criticis and audiences alike, many of my favourite horror films this decade so far didn't get good reviews.


Its because horror movies need a specific gritty-ness and tone to be scary, fnaf is more of a lighthearted afair compared to alien or something.


If you think about it, early days of FNAF were just like this. Remember when it was cool to hate fnaf cause it was a "dumb jumpscare game for kids"? And look where we are now. This is just the same thing. You enjoyed FNAF despite them back then and you can enjoy it now.


I think it’s because they really expected it to be gory or scary even though FNAF is more disturbing and quirky.


This. Many critics are also comparing the movie to *The Banana Splits Movie* (2019) and *Willy's Wonderland* (2021), even though both of these were R-rated films explicitly aimed at an adult audience, whereas *Five Nights at Freddy's* (2023) is PG-13 and aimed at a younger audience. For example, the *Digital Spy* review mentioned the FNAF movie "not being scary enough".


I never thought it was gonna be scary 😭


you never thought the horror movie based off a horror series of horror games would be scary?


I never found the games genuinely scary, just disturbing, intriguing, and funny


To be fair. There's a lot of horror out there that isn't "scary". Existential dread for instance isn't scary. There's a lot of emotions in the horror wheelhouse. :)


Thats still scary you just described something scary


It does not cause me fear or to be frightened. So. You do you.


Big man doesnt find existential dread scary, do you know what dread means


Oh you're one of those. Yeah man you got me. You win.


its a serious question have you litterally never had existential dread?


If you think existential horror can't be frightening then idk wtf kind of existential horror films you've been watching.


That’s also what many, many fans seem to want fnaf to be. They know what it is, but they don’t want that


I honestly just take it as it comes really


i loved the movie !!


Les goo!


You’re just finding out that critics don’t like FNAF? I kind of thought that was obvious. Hell if you look at cites like meta critic and shit the games aren’t regarded highly. But who cares what some critic devoid of soul has to say about something you enjoy.


Fnaf itself was quite literally born from critics not liking things if you recall.


I still remember playing Chipper Co. before fnaf was a thing, overall it was actually kinda solid for little me. That and the camping one (forgor the name) still have a place in my heart.


Bro Sit N Survive was my shit. I wish he would let clickteam make ports of those games for mobile devices.


>But who cares what some critic devoid of soul has to say about something you enjoy. So, when they don't like something you've been excited for, they're devoid of soul?! lmao, this fanbase can be so pathetic


Nice profile pic


Exactly, people hate critics when they disagree, and then site the critic score when its for something they do agree with


Bruh they dont like anything didnt you notice?


Critics dont care about fun that's their job...to critique stuff. They deliberately look for negatives


It's not their job to look for negatives lol its their job to give their opinion. Negative reviews aren't the only things they write.


that's not how it works


then you better not look at that "cuties review" for some reason they love that movie and it hurts my soul


This is entertainment, if you were entertained, then that's 100% valid. I respect film criticism but when it's your job to analyze and criticize media even if it wasn't made for you, it takes out the purpose imo.


Ive also just seen it and was the first time ive been in a screening where ive heard clapping, so happy it came out after all these years


The FNAF movie was made for the fans. The critics are not fans. The movie by design was never going to appeal to them.


Lmao that’s kinda sad bro


Why works the critics be ruining it for you? You watched it, you liked it. Why world you concern yourself with the opinion of someone who's job is to stir up shit for clicks?


I figured I would be fine looking at reviews even if I haven't seen the movie yet (I'm doing so tomorrow), and yeah they are mostly bad. I think it would be easier to get past if the critics just said it wasn't their cup of tea, but it seems like the standard for them is to come out with some extreme opinion. If you give it an indecisive review, you won't look as 'knowledgeable' or sophisticated. Basically: What I'm focusing on to keep myself hopeful for this movie is that these critics are just looking for something witty to make their argument more convincing, while still completely not understanding the film itself.


who cares? I probably won't like it either, but as long as it's a fun time, then I wouldn't really care if it's "good" or not


Womp Womp who gives a shit about the critics


A bunch of fans also loved the Mario movie and that was like the most unfulfilling shallow narrative experience ever so I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.


Crazy how 16 year olds can have a great time at the movies but if someone tells them they actually didn't then they feel they didn't


No one said that.


I had this issue as a teenager, lack of confidence in my own opinions, others could influence my thoughts and I'd not want to like things I like because it seemed uncool, learned to stop caring about that but it takes work.


Why do you care about their opinions so much? And I don't mean this as a rhetorical question; genuinely, think about why you care about the opinions of people you've never met, and don't even remember the names of. You enjoyed the movie. Your friend enjoyed the movie. The audience you were with enjoyed the movie. That's all that matters. Your goal was to enjoy a movie you've been waiting nearly a decade for. The critics' goal was to review a movie based on a game series they have no ties to. Don't worry yourself over people whose opinions don't align with yours, especially over trivial topics like this.


Over half the critics on Rotten Tomatoes give glowing reviews of the soulless Disney live action remakes. You shouldn't care what they boo given what drivel they cheer lol.


I’m a person who generally doesn’t care about what people say, whether it’s toward me, or a movie like this. What matters most is YOUR opinion and what you thought of the movie, so don’t let these poor critics get to you. They don’t even know what a good film is anyway


I already don’t respect film critic’s opinions so I’m not super surprised. I’ll judge for myself this Saturday (cries in America)


Don't let them. Critics are viewers just like you.


I loved it, but I'm not gonna disagree that some things were written pretty badly. But the critics are all full of shit


I guess they arent aware of fanf, all they know its that its big and horror, so they may rate is bad cuz its mot scary? Maybe popular horror = insanely scary i have no idea...


Ultimately, what matters is how a movie was to you. No one else can rob your opinion from you. Take it from a Sonic fan lol.


The fans havent all posted THEIR reveiws yet... just wait. The reviews are actually going up on most sites slowly.


I had this conversation with some fans that i had become friends with during the movie we were talking about how the reviews were so down but how this movie was for the fans. Like my cinema was screaming at the cameos of our favourite creators this was something i had never seen in a cinema it had more energy than endgame. So i would say ignore the critics at the end of the day they didnt wait 8 years for the movie and what you like doesnt matter to what other people think.


>I'm absolutely fine with critics not liking something I like > >I haven't seen a SINGLE positive review for the movie. That's what's annoying me You can't make this shit up


Honestly I’m glad they don’t like it. Critics wouldn’t know a good movie if it slapped them in the face. Whatever they don’t like, the majority does like. Just a bunch of spoiled kids in my opinion.


Reviews for hardcore fandoms are always going to be skewed and all over the place. Some just don’t “get it”


Well you just gave a positive review!


If they think the movie isnt good then they will give it a bad score, there isnt some imaginary quota for good reveiws. You like the movie, so other opinions shouldnt matter


Watch Chris Stuckmann's review on youtube, he is usually so harsh but he loved the movie! So strange because another youtuber reviewer called the movie Dog s\*\*t, WHICH IS WILD! The movie was outstanding!! I loved it a lot.


You shouldn't ever listen to critics about ANYTHING. No matter what they say you should make your own opinion about it.


Most of not all of them are not even FNAF fans, so quite frankly screw em.


They have no childhood


Other people sharing their opinion is ruining the fun for you? Sounds like a you problem, ngl. You might not like it, but negative reviews are just as valid as positive reviews


Being a critic does not exempt someone from criticism


The same mentality applies to the movie, they are allowed to criticise it, they are allowed to call it complete dogshit, if they want to. There's just a bunch of people pissed that the fnaf movie didn't get good reviews, and I don't get that lmfao, people don't like the critics just because they said something they think is good is bad. And let's face it, it's mostly kids who do this.


Critics like big pretentious critics expect high art. This is a fun slasher what did you expect


But if they gave the movie a positive score, suddebly you'd be fine with the critics.


Trust me as a zack snyder fan, just ignore them




It’s like the Mario movie. Critics hate it, fans love it


But that movie was lame. It only got by on Easter eggs, references, and a kid-friendly approach that left people going "awwww, how can I hate something like this?!"


Agreed I watched that movie and liked it. Saw some things they could have definitely improved on but generally liked it. This is going to be just like the fnaf games where they listen to the critics and bad reviews and adjust that to make the movies better in the future. I guarantee it




Well the mario movie was actually bad.


No one cares about movie critics anymore


As a Godzilla fan, just ignore them. Critics will never be happy.


They really loved Shin Godzilla


They didn't love king of the monsters


Yeah but you said they'd never be happy. I'm surprised by the reaction to king of monsters tho, it's the best American Godzilla imo.


Same bro, I'm honestly not even gonna watch it


I Watched it Like an hour ago I loved it and I feel it changed my life ngl worth the 7 year wait


Honestly here's my opinion on critics: they are almost all unqualified. We've seen this same situation with the mario movie, they were not the target audience of that so they were lost on a lot of stuff and as a result are unqualified to give it a critic level review, same thing here, most critics are unaware of anything fnaf (I assume) so the amount of movie that likely went over their head was so much that again, they are unqualified to critique it. Sure they can represent the average joe who isn't part of any given fandom, but their ability to judge anything from a different point of view is almost always VERY limited, and as a result, they are incapable of determining if a movie is good or not. All art has a purpose and how good it is relates to how well it meets its purpose, if you are unaware of its purpose how do you judge how well it accomplishes its goal? You don't, and to act like you can is fundamentally anti-art.


Mario movie wasn't even lambasted by critics, it's just a mediocre movie. Even though it's a fantastic Mario movie, it doesn't stand well on its own legs. By your own logic, critique also has purpose since criticism is a form of art. Art by nature is also subjective, and therefore not definitive.


Critique has a purpose yes but when you claim a movie to be bad or mediocre or anything else when you are ill-informed on the goal of the movie you are not achieving your purpose, and as a result your critique of it is bad. Art is largely subjective, but most people agree that if you make a comedy sketch with the purpose of making people laugh and no one laughs, its a bad comedy sketch. Art is definitive in terms of how well it accomplishes its goal, in terms of how well it resonates with you that's entirely subjective. Both of these should go into a critique, and most critics only use the second one most of the time, and thus fail their purpose.


I REALLY WISH MY CINEMA WAS LIKE THIS. theres only 5 of us and NO ONE SCREAMED AT THE REFERENCE OR JUMPED AT SOME SCENES urgh its so frustrating it feels like im the only one having fun watching it. ​ i dont think its a herd mentality my dude, as someone who also waited for 9 years, there are some scenes that i would definitely tell the whole world about it but thats it. nothing more, nothing can be glamorized other than the scene.. was there.. ​ im sorry that you got disheartened by it


You want 5 other people screaming in you're ear? Suit yourself I guess


Same, never understood that mentality, I want to enjoy my films in peace, seeing people scream like they found a mutilated corpse over a movie is annoying


obviously not in my ear (unless youre somewhat a dumbf whod think someone would want to) but i was expecting them to level out to all the surprise it has on the scenes and none even gasped at anything. i guess thats how they found how boring the movie is.


They’re just npcs who just judge movies rather than enjoy them don’t worry about them so much it doesn’t matter


What makes them npcs. It's ok to disagree with critics but it's anti intellectual to start claiming they're useless and don't enjoy anything, having critics is valuable.


Fanboys are npcs who likes a movie because it has a popular name like mario or *gasp* freddy fazbear.


The critics are viewing it as just a movie, similar to the Mario movie, they don’t understand what the movie means to fans of the series


Imagine getting bent ouf of shape about professional critics not liking a kids horror movie


Remember: RottenTomatoes has been bribed to give good and bad reviews. Combine that with the sheer ridiculous disconnect these “critics” have from audiences and, well, those stuffed shirts don’t matter one bit.


Rotten tomatoes wasn't bribed to do anything. Blog based reviewers were bribed to review a select few indie films marketed by a specific agency. The real issue if there is one is rotten tomatoes letting too many "critics" in, they should only be letting in very high profile independent journalists or people with official publications. Letting in blogs was a mistake. Also what disconnect do they have from audiences? Their job isn't to guess what audiences will think it's just to give their opinion.


Most of the time, critics are not fans of the source material of movie-adaptions, they judge the movie based on what they see, and don’t look further into it. Some critics are just plain-out wrong, and in this case, they don’t understand it, and they’ll never do. It happened with the Mario Movie earlier this year, fans loved it and critics didn’t! Just turn your head and ignore the critics, and show the love for the movie. FNAF Movie was made for the FNAF Fans, and what the fans think of the movie, that’s what matters, not what (snooty) critics say.


Get used to it. They'll do that a lot with good movies


This happened with Mario.


I would be sad if it happens to iron lung


Don’t listen to critics, I mean there’s been a ton of super fun and enjoyable movies getting dogged on by critics who’d rather suck up to anything Disney related


Stuff lien the Mario movie, Godzilla Kotm, The 2007 Transformers Movie, ect ect


Don’t take Critics seriously, they hate anything that had quality but they defend Sonic’s first design for the Sonic movie like their lives depend on it, if the crowd hates it then the critics love it and if the critics hate it that means it’s actually good.


1 critics are a group of lots and lots of people who reveiw different movies. 2 just because they didnt like something you liked doesnt mean they are wrong.


People saying critics don't matter, but if they liked the movie they would be so fucking LOUD about it. Just enjoy what you enjoy and stop whining about people that are just doing their job, for Christ's sake.


The movie is terrible seen it last night the plot is ridiculous at best, the acting is mid apart from the children and i expected a bit of goofiness but not that much goofiness. Although i had a good time me and my friends just took the piss with it along with the rest of the audience who were all confused at a couple of scenes asking stuff like "what the fuck is this? Its fine if you enjoyed it i did too but it is a terrible movie if i watched it myself i wouldve been so bored.


Don't listen to critics. The original purpose of film critics was to help people form their own opinions of a given work. Now, INSTEAD of doing that work ourselves we allow critics to form lur opinions for us. If you like something, LIKE IT. That's your opinion and it's wholly your own and not someone elses. I encourage everyone else to FORM. THEIR. OWN. OPINION.


I think it was an ok movie but too many plot points at the end that likely will never get answered and quite a lot of things that didn't need to happen at all


Critics are always whining about horror media. the critic approved pieces of horror I have seen usually are the worst parts of the selection. either through poor quality horror elements or not enough horror elements. Critics look for things that are not usually congruent with horror media. they are usually looking for the next Shawshank or Avatar. the horror movies are just random things they don't want to see in the first place.


just ignore them like dont bother searchin for reviews


Don't listen to them? Form your own opinions.


I’ve just come back from seeing the movie and trust me don’t listen to the critics


Critics are looking for “art” whereas fans are looking for fun! Go and enjoy your experience! Life is more fun when you allow yourself to feel joy


It's always about the public opinion about movies. Half of these critics just want to put their names out so that the negative attention gives them attention


how many jumpscares are in the movie


The movie was made for the fans.


critics usually dont have good taste


critics dont like most video game movies anyway so its no suprise,just injoy the movie,the critics dont make up the majority of the audience


Tbh if the critics just blast the movie there is a very little chance we will get a sequel


I suggest making accounts of websites that do film reviews- IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, etc. Review it honestly and get those numbers up!


I just got home from it and fucking loved it, it was so lively in there it was brilliant, and so much purple!


The critics don’t get the anticipation and excitement from real fans.


I kinda knew this was gonna happen most of the this year's movies had a bad critic review and a good GA review


Just as a test go look at the Oscar nominees for the last award show. There are movies that get robbed on a constant basis for not being 'good'. Might be more cynical with age and all that but critics comments aren't worth paying attention to. I get some pissed off with 'the next best thing' being total shite. The current trend around The Flash sticks in my mind everyone and their dog including James Gunn 'best superhero movie ever', spoiler it wasn't. Make your own mind up, watch, enjoy, spread your honest review and bring balance to the chaos.


like the director said the movie is made FOR THE FANS and critics are most likely not fans on FNAF so they probably don't experience the joy and amazement of the film like FNAF fans do. And yes Non-FNAF films can still enjoy the film, just Non-FNAF critics are more critical and harsh because that's their job and they tend to have more sophisticated tastes because its their job to watch new movies and create reviews.


Do you often let other people ruin your movie enjoyment? I mean, a lot of the time, I tend to independently agree with the RT critic consensus but there's movies I disagree with them on. I liked not Silent Hill movies, for example, which critics hated. Devotion was my favorite movie to come out last year. 9.5/10 at least, but RT's consensus puts it at 81.


Fuck the critics


Why do you care about what a critic says? As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters


don't worry dude, take the mario movie as an example, the critics vs fan reviews on rotten tomatoes are like night and day. Don't let the critics under your skin


Who. The. Fuck. Cares. What. Any. One. Else. Thinks. If you loved it. Then you loved it. Why even waste time bitching about what the critics think? lol This is the silliest post. Do what you love and fuck the rest my guy.


Dude I bet most of the critics didn't live fnaf over the years, they didn't wait 9 years for the movie, to them this is just a silly movie, without any bigger meaning. Don't let them take the joy away from you.


what i do is completely ignore critics, most movie critics wouldn't have played the fnaf games or know anything about the books or the lore and i feel like the movie is definitely more suited to fnaf fans than non-fnaf fans so i'm not shocked critics reviews are negative but fans of the series seem to like the movie so far, i loved it


sorry the critics didn't take your personal feelings into account when doing their jobs but it's their job


the movie was made for the fans critics don’t appreciate those type of movies


There are only two movies I’ve seen in the UK that got reactions out of the audience. That being Sonic, and FNAF. I’m just out the cinema now and the movie was excellent. Solid 8/10 for me. And the audience were clapping and cheering the whole time.


Don't let someone else ruin your own fun. If you had it, you had it, no critique should change that. The critics can point out the problems with the movie, and some criticism is fair, I definitely thought the movie had some issues, but I can acknowledge the problems and still think the movie was fun. Don't let other people dictate how you feel about things :)


The copium in this thread


Having watched it, I loved it! I came in with low expectations and I was very pleasantly surprised, not perfect of course but the 2/5 stars I've seen from every review so far is largely unwarranted IMO. It feels like they're reviewing it as if it's competition to Willy's Wonderland or Banana Splits when that frankly misses the point of the movie (*and franchise as a whole*), and it's very disappointing seeing these reviews that misunderstand what it is so much to the point that others dismiss it as just "*another bad adaptation*". I really do think they watched it strongly as a horror film with Wonderland/Splits in mind and as a result didn't get what they were expecting. I do fully understand newcomers might not enjoy it but that shouldn't mean the movie HAS to be for everyone for it to be good. In a perfect world there'd be a balance struck with that, but if they tried that I'd argue the movie would be worse as a result because it's VERY hard to succeed at juggling newcomers and long-time fans without dropping the ball. The obvious ofc is that the reviews do not equate to how well the movie will do, and as long as the movie does well (*[which it already has](https://www.cbr.com/five-nights-at-freddys-movie-earned-back-budget)!*) then I can really see a sequel from this. Take The Purge for a good Blumhouse example, which has a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes currently (*so equal to a 2/5 like FNAF at the moment*). With a 40% and a budget of $3,000,000, it made **$64,473,115** total with **$34,058,360** being from the opening weekend. Safe to say as long as it's profitable which it ALREADY is so far that's all that truly matters to Blumhouse. I'm very confident in a sequel happening, and I don't really see a reason not to if the first continues to succeed.


The critics hated the Mario movie but fans absolutely loved it. No doubt it'll be the same here. I've completely ignored Critic reviews. The real reviews that matter are what the audience thinks because that's what the fans or general public think about it and are far more accurate than critics


avoiding spoilers but fuck im i just ignoring all the negative mfs and just waiting to see the movie ((deadass tired of the negative non fans and fans, wish they would just piss of too some other fandom to ruin)) idk icouldnt care if the movie is cheesy or ""bad'" i waited years for this and ill still enjoy and love this movie. dont let the negative asses get ya down. critics are always shitnosed snobs anyway.


That's when it's OK to smack some hoes


Here's the thing It's going to be a cult classic, and cult classics are *renound* for not doing well with critics. Fuck film critics honestly


The film wasn’t that good lmao. As a fnaf fan, I loved every second of it, but as a critic, the film wasn’t good.


One thing i love to do is look at critics' reviews of stuff like Pokemon: The First Movie, none of them understand it, it's not made for them and they all have such serious critiques and wild comparisons that they make for it despite it being a great, fun movie with some interesting deep themes from Mewtwo's story but they're critics, they're looking it as a media text and not going "did i have a good time watching this? Would an average person walk out of this say they enjoyed themselves or would they regret spending time with it and want that time back?"


Don’t listen to them, they’re only looking for something that’s “deep”


Mario movie 2.


Dude do you think anyone interested in the fnaf film will care about critic reviews. If Scott wasn't involved or the animatronics looked bad it might be worth reading some before going but this film was clearly made for the fans


Same here for the uk cinema part, like usually the audience is dead as hell, even for like one of the first screenings of endgame in a popular cinema, audience was silent before and after. Fnaf movie was the fullest cinema, most interactive and engaged audience, and you could tell everyone was there for fnaf specifically, not just because they were watching whatever movie was on. Like there were cosplayers, people in suits, shit was such an experience. Point is was very clear that actually fans liked the movie, and similar to the Mario movie, it was evident the critics weren’t the intended audience.


I always think back to John Carpenter movies. When they came out, they were panned by critics who called the movies pointless filth. Nowadays Carpenter is one of the most influential and prolific directors of his time. His films are studied in film school. I’m not saying this means all horror movies that get bad reviews are good, there’s plenty of bad ones out there and plenty of bad ones with good reviews out there. However, when it comes to more niche genres, it’s important to remember that there’s only one opinion that really matters: yours. If you had fun, that’s the most important thing.


Don't let them ruin the fun for you most critics are pretentious grouches that think they know everything and that they're opinion holds weight you just enjoy the movie and to hell with what anyone else thinks if the fans are giving it praise that's good enough for me.


I’m American is the movie good? Pls don’t spoil it


Is the movie scary? I've been told it is, and it isn't.


A little personal rule I have is to not really take the critic rating for horror movies that seriously, critics have a long history of always giving horror movies bad reviews, granted some times they’re right, but most of the time they’re dead wrong


Critics hate horror movies tbh I rarely seen them leave a positive review on any horror movie


What matters at the end of the day is what *you* think about the movie. This is the same thing that happened with the Mario movie. Critics hated it, but fans and the general audience liked it. Don't let others opinions shape your own. If you like the movie, then you like the movie.


It’s not herd mentality among critics that lead to them giving bad reviews. It’s controversy. The more controversial their opinion, the more clicks it’s going to get. This is why there always seems to be such a big gap between what critics rate a movie vs what the public rate a movie on sites like Rotten Tomatoes.


i don’t know why you’re letting other peoples opinions get you down, as long as you liked it then who cares? i thought it was good and enjoyed it quite a lot.


Imma go get my "garden hose" to "water" the critics.


I’m going to see the movie tomorrow, and this confirms my fears for the movie. This post is telling me that the FNaF movie, just like the Mario movie, from a critical standpoint that isn’t that good, but people still love it because it’s a movie about FNaF


Yo, I'm one of the people who watched it in the UK. Listen, don't let the negativity get u down. Overall, I thought it was a genuinely fun movie and a true love letter to the fans. It's all about people's outlook. Some people are expecting a horror masterpiece and they're gonna be disappointed. That's on them


I personally don’t listen to movie critics opinions, especially after I heard critics reviews on the Transformers and Sonic movies, complaining about being too much scenes with their respective characters.


Did you like the movie? Yes? Then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Don't let the reviews and opinions of others effect what you enjoy Sincerely, someone who absolutely adores critically panned movies and games. Even ones that have poor user reviews. I liked Speed Racer and Starfield dammit.


this usually happens with “fan service” type movies; critics don’t understand it and they hate it.


Don't you think the fans are the ones that aren't understanding the film language and are just swallowing shallow fan-service? Sorry but I trust the film critic with years of experience watching actually artful films instead of the 16 year old FNAF fan.


I saw it tonight with my fnaf loving friend, as well as some mates who enjoyed the games. They thought it was alright. Could've been worse, however me and the other fanatic absolutely loved it! I think it was almost perfect. Maybe a couple things, but it was everything I wanted. I so hope for a sequel. It was truly amazing


I’ve seen plenty of positive reviews of the movie from FNAF fans. Like they said, this is a movie that the fans will enjoy


What others said. I am a Godzilla fan too and love a lot of movies that movie critics shredded apart. I don't care, they are great movies to me! Ultimately, the important thing is what YOU think of the movie. Critics are there just to give general input on the movie and to let an average movie goer the quality and expectations for a movie before going in. This movie was ultimately made for the fans (and based on yours and other fans feedback so far it seems to have accomplished that).


I haven't seen it yet, but Christ I keep hearing all this bad stuff about it. It's kind of putting me off watching it.


Im going to watch it tomorrow and i really hope no one fucks this up


Okay so I haven't seen the movie yet, but from these reviews I'm getting the idea they haven't done their research. They saw the movie, wrote their opinion, and go on with their lives. It feels like they see it as a standalone movie. But it isn't. It's part of a very big franchise of games and books. There's a lot of lore behind it. If you go into the movie without researching anything, the story will make less sense. If you go watch a new marvel movie without having seen any other movie that relates to that one, it will make less sense as well. Not that you won't be able to follow it at all, but you miss a lot of references and cameos. I think it's similar with FNAF. I feel they're just missing things because they don't know much about it, which might give the feeling the story isn't fleshed out. But I trust Scott that it is. Also it's confirmed this movie isn't made for everyone and anyone. It's made for the fans. If it attracts new fans, sure you're very welcome, but the regular folks isn't the target audience. And I think they don't realise that either. Than the scariness. They see "horror" so they expect to have to piss their pants every two seconds. But lets be honest, FNAF has never been scary in sense of gore, designs etc. Especially FNAF 1 is just some puppets really. It's not scary on its own. However it's eerie as fuck. It works on our instinctual normal-detector. Most of us see animatronics as a normal object. It's some pre-programmed slightly moving robot to entertain people. These days they're everywhere and quite popular. But now, this seemingly normal object, made it's way to your office, which it shouldn't be able to, and is staring at you through the door. No, not really, it's staring THROUGH you. It's just standing there, menacingly, seemingly normal. No weird "I'm gonna kill you" looks or poses. Nothing. But we know something is not right with that. It's an instinct. And that's what makes it scary. Also the fear/anxiety of the jumpscares plays a role. Than there's also the fact that it's also supposed to be for younger audiences, because we all know a large part of the fanbase is quite young and Scott wanted to include them as well. But even than, in my country it's rated 16 years or older and that's probably for a reason. So I trust it will be at least eerie enough. And critics tend to love movies that the regular audience hates, and hates the ones we love for some reason. They don't watch the movies the same way we do. So don't take these reviews too seriously. If you loved it, you loved it. And that's what matters. I assume most of us will love it anyway because some of us have waited for year. It's made for us, not them. So what if they see it differently


Did *you* enjoy it tho?


The movie is for fnaf fans and not for the critics tbh, I try not to think about their shit reviews because their reviews aren't facts they are just opinions.


critics don't appreciate video game movies, it's just the truth


I loved that at the end when a specific thing happened, I actually talked about it to a COMPLETELY RANDOM STRANGER- NOTHING has made me and a stranger connect in such a way, and it just shows how much love the Fandom and horror film fans have for the franchise. My sister, her friends,, and my friends, now want to get into fnaf because of it.


Then simply don’t pay them attention and quit weeping


Critics are not going to do the countless hours of deep diving in FNAF lore like its fans have already done. They haven't spent almost a decade waiting on this movie. They are going to probably look at a Wikipedia page for a summary of the games' lore (which is definitely surface level), go to the movie, and write their review based upon that. So the little nods and the easter eggs and YouTuber cameos aren't going to appeal to them like it would fans. And, remember, they are writing reviews for the general audience, not the fanbase. So if you like something they don't, then that's okay.


>It was exactly what we hoped it'd be. Please stop lying to yourself


don't worry the critics are stupid they called this a "Willy's Wonderland/Banana Splits" ripoff even though those movies actually ripped off FNAF, they just came out sooner cause this movie was stuck in dev hell.