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A lot of fans thought the same as you. But it's a good thing because all the negative reception the movie has so far will only help Scott and Blumhouse try to improve and make much better movies in the future, if they're ready to listen


I hope this is the way they take it as well- this movie, although imo it wasn't bad, definitely has many things to improve on and if they're willing to listen a second movie could truly be great.


I agree, I was disappointed. most of the movie was family drama, and the 2-3 scenes where the animatronics show up lack any tension or suspense to atleast make it passable as horror. felt more like a comedy. I'm extremely disappointed


Right? If the movie did one thing right, it was the anamatronics, but it's insane that they didn't do shit. All the killing scenes were just them staring and them rushing their target, and that's it? I never got a sense of dread from them, other than Freddy just staring at Mike for a few seconds.


As someone who enjoyed the movie, I agree that it could have been better, although I wouldn't say the movie was bad or anything. My main gripe is that William was completely absent throughout the middle of the movie, so much so that you almost forget about "Steve Raglan" (I think that was his alias lol). I know the point was to make you not suspect much of him, but I feel it would've worked better if he at least called Mike once or twice during the middle of the movie to play sort of a phone guy role? This would've also built up some sort of trust from Mike and made William's reveal at the end shocking for him. I would've just liked the ending to be a little more expanded on as well. It sucks because I really think that tweaking some scenes and adding a few more new ones could've really brought the movie together more and made it better than it was. I did still enjoy it though!


I think they had to think of something lighter and more pg-13 friendly and watching a six year old getting a non consensual lobotomy is not pg-13 friendly. Do I think the movie could’ve been better, tighter and scarier, yes, do I want the movie story to be 1 for one to the games lord hell no. I think the movie(s) (hopefully we get more) work In the same way we use the books to theorize or fill in gaps in the communities knowledge. They aren’t a 1 for 1 retelling but a lens to look through while we fill in holes in our theories for the main timeline and story. I agree the fort scene did kinda make me cringe but it made sense once you factor in the pg-13 rating and the fact they probably used up all their “scary time” but still wanted to give the animatronics screen time.


Pg-13** friendly, sorry for any typos


PG-13 isn't the same as PG


My biggest gripe is that in a movie that is 1 hour and 49 minutes long, Springtrap doesn’t show up until 1 hour and 33 minutes into it. And his performance just… didn’t for me. The springlock scene was pitiful. But I did enjoy seeing the animatronics genuinely happy and having fun, that was adorable. From a lore standpoint? I pretty much gave up before I watched the movie. Thinking of it as outside of the actual universe made it a much more enjoyable experience. Not a fan that Mike is Schmidt.


There were a lot of missed opportunities/playing it too safe imo too. I knew Afton was getting locked at the end like in the novels. I just wish it wasn't like... that. The movie feels like a hybrid of like the game canon/concepts and the book trilogy's, as well as doing it's own thing too. It felt like they had a lot of groundwork to lay for this version of the lore and it ate up a lot of script, and I hope that means they can hopefully ramp up things like the scare factors and violence in the future since that was the biggest complaint people had. I know FNAF isn't overly violent or gory, but it does like to throw you a shock every now and then. Maybe they were scared of angry parents or something since a lot of kids enjoy FNAF too, idk I did have a lot of fun tho and it was great seeing it in theaters. The energy and joy from the crowd was great. I do hope we get a Springtrap sequel in the future and Lillard gets more screen time.


Movie was great for the theorists and it lays the groundwork for a more scarier movie. This was the lore of fnaf 1 but we all know that the next games have much scarier lore. So there is potential.