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"He loves them so much" Ah yes, William Afton. The man who smacked his daughter across the face just because she wanted to show him a picture. The man who has a young and clearly traumatized son that has a fear of animatronics, and yet, not only does he do jack shit about it, but he also slammed the door in front of his son's face when he saw him putting a suit on an employee. The man who is implied to also physically abuse and hate his oldest son. Trying to kill him twice after years of separation. Going as far to say that he doesn't belong to him despite the fact they're so similar in appearance... A loving family man everyone!


Not to mention the man who stabbed his own daughter for getting in his way in the movie


Or in the silver eyes timeline, made Elizabeth feel like she was never good enough


True she was practically driven to insanity trying to please him


Yea I was like damn he really had no sympathy or care for Vanessa he rlly basically said in a way "What's 17 more years? I can always start again... make another kid." generally I rlly felt sorry fot Vanessa there


Lmao legit went omni man mode there (also on a side note I also feel that his decision to stab Vanessa wasn’t solely out of anger but also a partial desire to further fulfil his blood lust)


fear dam combative memory scarce kiss chase literate forgetful plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


spoilers dude


Movie (and books) kinda don't count, but he would do it anyways


didnt he constantly lock CC in his room as well like in the midnight motors mini game?


Yes. Not to mention the invasion of privacy by trying to get into his room through the window. Literally no normal parent does that. Dude is beyond psychotic


“I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your parent by coming in anyway”


“For behold I break in like a bandit.”


Wasn’t that Michael?


No, he's the guy watching TV


You say that like we know it 100% when most of the evidence a shirt colour that got changed to purple the game right before pizza sim and text colours that are notoriously inconsistent.


I thought that was supposed to be some representation of the mother


She's heavily implied to be dead or divorced and the guy watching TV has grey clothes and tanned skin and speak in gray text just like OB, it can't be her.


Have you seen the other sprites? Most of them are NOT detailed 💀 and also, we have no idea how the mother is meant to look 💀💀 also then who is that lump of dirt clearly implied to be a grave/burial?


That’s debatable It depends if you believe if Charlie ir CC died first in the timeline since we know MM takes place later after Charlie’s murder. I personally believe Michael is run away kid because 1. I personally believe CC is the first person to die in the franchise. It gives Afton a motive to hurt Henry and kill Charlie. 2. Couch person sounds way to caring about CC to be Michael, who is known to bully CC. If anything he would ignore his father abusing CC 3. CC isn’t known for, putting this lightly, being the bravest person. So for him to be willing to break his window, runaways to a place his father’s disapproves of is about if character. That sounds more like Michael


1. William never loved his kids, then BV dying never will motivate William for kill Charlotte and hurt Henry to begin with, especially because not only BV's death has no correlation to William killing Charlotte and hurt Henry, but we also know from the Novels that William never needed BV to wants hurt Henry and kill Charlotte and his jealousy from Henry's abilities, he wanting to be better than Henry and William just being a psychopath is motives enough for he do it, also Pigtail Girl seems to implies that the murders had already happened when BV was alive and that William and BV wasn't related until Sister Location came out and he still killing kids, then BV's death being William's motive to kill never was something implied. 2. This is a very superficial vision about his character due OB cares deeply about BV to apologize to him when he accidently hurted him, he asking for his father to not disturb his brother because he had a bad day fits in his character, and that OB is the only option for who is the Couch Guy, Henry has no motive to be here and Mrs.Afton is heavily implied to be dead so it wouldn't make sense to be her. 3. You know that we never see BV's personality because he's scared after he sees what he saw, right? and Midnight Motorist happens before he sees what he saw, then nothing prevents BV to be someone like the Runaway Kid before FNaF 4 happens.


https://youtu.be/pIgpiIzhYRY?si=Nz3m8JTEyscm7B6R This is a good video where its also explained who the robot footprints belong to. This vile man is scaring his son by coming outside his window in an animatronic suit.


CC is dead by MM


Who’s CC


Crying Child or Evan as some refer to him as


Wasn't CC the one looking himself up?


I don't think so, considering he keeps banging on the door and saying "Please let me out!"


That's the FNAF 4 night 4 minigame(I think),the guy above me was talking about midnight motors(FNAF pizzeria simulator)


Ohhhh sorry, nevermind then.


Don't forget that he used CC as a lab rat for his fear gas that caused hallucinations to create the nightmare animatronics, which were actually just manequinns wearing costumes.


apperently fnaf 4 gameplay parts might be Micheal actually after each SL night the 8bits are obviously as Evan Afton


The thing is even if he was an amazing father and was a loving family man. He still has a kill count, 6 confirmed to us but probably a shit ton more


5 original kids in FNAF 1 5 SAVE THEM kids in FNAF 2 1 puppet for total of 11 the list goes up much higher if you count the number of people killed indirectly (like Funtime who killed workers and Elizabeth), in books and post-furrification (like driving VR fellas to suicide)


also like, he let his kids around HIS murder bots?? like i grasp that he never intended for CC to be put in fredbear’s mouth, and i know he told elizabeth to stay away from the MURDER BOT MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR CHILD MURDER, but i feel like after the SECOND kid dies, you hold culpability for that, right? even putting aside all the other abuse (and, you know, *the murdering of potentially dozens of children* that objectively makes him a shitheel), he had TWO kids get killed by HIS robots. technically all three if we want to count michael as “undead”.


Vanessa: >!being William's daughter.!< William: >!Fuckin' stabs her without hesitation!< **SPOILERS**


“William Afton did nothing wrong.” “He killed 11 children across 2 or 3 years.” “…He’s adopted?”


I feel like even Loki would like to have words with the Aubergine Asshat


What? Loki genocided his entire race lmao


Oh yeah you're right. I'm sure Anakin Skywalker would give him a stern talking to though.


Anakin definitely has a higher child kill count than Afton.


At least Anakin was being horrifically gaslit by a literal Space Wizard Nazi


I love “Aubergine Asshat”, js


"Your honour, my client was just in a silly goofy mood"


“Your honor, if you are what you kill, then my client would be at least half a dozen innocent kids.”


Your honnor, my client was seen saying the following after the MCI: "It was a joke, lad!"


“Your honor, people die when they are killed, but just because you are right doesnt mean you are correct”


Shiro Emiya most definitely would have been stabbed by Afton... If Afton wasn't such an upstanding guy who never did anything wrong!


Lol more like the other way around, afton would have been killed in a millisecond if Emiya ever learned about what he did


Actually 25+ 🤓




Same here, I hate it when people say "He did nothing wrong," it's like, ah yes, Planning your children's death (Maybe) and possibly abusing and neglecting your children is absolutely fine! Nothing wrong with that AT ALL.


wdym possibly he tries to kill his son like several times


As an Afton fan, yeah he’s a piece of shit


"I could fix him" yeah? well i could accept him as he is. you don't like the murder? grow up. the atrocities are part of him and ive decided they're funny


Most based Afton fan. There’s a Tumblr post that fits perfectly with this: “I ain’t coddling no toxic boyfriend, we are a villainous power couple!”




Where'd you get that information from? Mrs Afton has never had any role or actual confirmed appearance in the games, books, and doesn't really exist in the movie (to my knowledge, seeing it for the first time tomorrow).


Right he's doctor evil with a dash of dick dastardly and the Joker, fun character, abhorrent person.


dastardley is more tame i'd say, i don't think he killed anyone, hell the only bad thing I recall is simply being a cheater


I was thinking of his tenacity, like him, William doesn't know when to quit.


it was the abhorrent thing that threw me for a loop


As a fellow Afton fan, he was indeed a horrible person, which is why fans like him, because he’s a villain




no exactly, I was about to say. I love the dude, like a top 5 favorite character for real, but like it’s *because* he’s so horrible lmao that’s what makes him so fun


Same here! Springtrap is my fav but man do I absolutely love to see him suffer lol He deserves everything he gets and more


Are they saying a child murderer did nothing wrong? He killed atleast 11 kids, including the daughter of his business partner, he's a massive piece of shit.


he did also cause severe trauma to his eldest son, possibly experimenting on his children, causing generational trauma so hard even after his SECOND death he was still causing bad shit to happen


and he was more than just business partner that was his friend thats like killing a family member whos a child out of your own spite.


And he doesn’t even have a reason for doing it other than “HeHe I’m InSaNE”


“my honor i woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning”


“your honor i would like to plead ‘oopsie daisy’”


I love the logic of: this company at one point sold children’s books thus every book they publish is for children. Now I don’t deny that the fnaf books are meant for kids, but I’d argue there more meant for tween to teens.


They clearly never so much as looked at a FNAF book or heard anything about them considering how brutal they get


Ya I think there is one story In particular that really unsettles me still and it’s the end of the one where foxy is trying to steal the guys eye and arm (step closer I think it’s called?) he is alive and awake as the surgeon take out his eye and cut off his hand, but of course they don’t realize that they think he’s dead. Uh it still gives me the chills. That’s not even mentioning all the body swap stories in fazbear frights, those are also quite unsettling.


\*guy gets hit trachea ripped out by a metal endoskeleton\* "Definitely for kids"


*kid gets his body twisted and contorted in impossible ways until he resembles a "flesh octopus" "Definitely for kids"


Teens and up definitely. These books get disturbingly vivid


"William did nothing wrong" Sounds like this comment was made by Janusz Korwin Mikke (Context: He's a polish politician who believes Hitler is innocent man)


Jest nagroda 500tys faztokenów za cień dowodu na to ze William Afton wiedział o dzieciach w kostiumach


No żesz kurwa mać, spodziewałem się dosłownie wszystkiego, poza porównaniem Aftona do Korwina


Teraz czekamy na polską adaptację z Korwinem w roli Fioletowego Typa


I love vengeful/grieving father William Afton as much as the next guy but insinuating he hasn't done anything wrong or that Cassidy is in the wrong for being angry at Afton for killing her is bonkers


Grieving William is my favorite headcanon too, but he still did bad things and I can't deny that.


If Cassidy is so vengeful she must have been killed in a brutal way I imainge that afton placed her in the golden freddy suit and either straved her or springlocked her


Nah, bro really forgot that William murdered at least 11 people (including kids) while he was still alive.


Nah its justifiable because his own son that he gassed and neglected died but Cassidy on the other hand who probably got springlocked paralysed and watched the others lose their identity and can only do nothing is a bitch and deserves to go to hell.


Actually at least 12, the DCI were 6 kids as ther is also an extra blood puddle under a table.


Whats DCI stand for?


Dead Children incident, the one we see on the SAVE THEM minigame of FNaF 2.


Ah. Thanks.


And Elizabeth got killed by the Baby animatronic he built so that’s 13.


This place doesn't seem half so bad by comparison.


Freddit can get really tiring but Jesus Christ what is even going on in the FNaF Tiktok community


I’m not against the idea of trying to make William a bit more sympathetic, but the issue is most people take the idea and act like that makes up for all the bad shit he does You can make a character someone you can feel sympathy for but that doesn’t mean your not allowed to acknowledge that they ARE still bad people


>He had a job, so he didn't willfully neglect his family, he loves them. *William on his way to abuse his daughters, lie about his wife in court, murder kids, willfully become immortal, send his son off to die underground, brainwash the kids he murdered into working for him and killing innocent people, and gaslight his youngest son into thinking his brother hates him and that the animatronics around him are evil* (he's actually a good father and the kids he murdered are in the wrong because they got mad at him for it)


The "he had a job" line is so telling that these are manosphere incels who are ready to defend any family man doing the bare minimum of his role, up to and including turning a blind eye toward child murder.


*Oh god this reminds me of the Gacha fandom.*


Genuine Brainrot and hell


DON'T. 💀 This was so 2020 and I used to be hating on those videos even then.


I hate this recent surge of Afton sympathizers


Your honour how could have afton commited hate crimes if he loved doing it


Man kills 30 kids and there are still supporters


This reminds me of a TikToker I saw defending Jeffrey Dahmer because he was gay and calling everyone else homophobic because they recognized him as a shit human being, y'know, like any sane person would. I guess you could say he took the phrase "be gay, do crime" to a whole new level (did I do too much? I did too much. Sorry 😅). Anyway... I swear, each time I see another Afton apologist, I die a little inside. Their takes get increasingly worse every time. "Oh, he loved his family so much," WHEN!? Never in my time in this fandom have I ever seen this man be loving in any way, shape, or form. HE'S A MURDERER who has a laundry list of victims! And who's included in that list?? HIS *FAMILY.* So SIT THE FUCK DOWN. "He's just misunderstood!" Stop. Just stop it. There's no misunderstanding a mad man who took innocent lives. Even before any deaths occurred, he intentionally designed his robots to be walking, singing OSHA violations. No children's entertainment mascot should have the ability to deploy a Child-Snatcher 9000 claw, which by the way, KILLED HIS DAUGHTER. Still think he's a family man?? "His family was so ungrateful when he tried to put them back together." Right. The first reaction anyone gives, having been forcefully and unjustly retired from mortal existence and now being reanimated through AI, is "Oh, for a second I was *so mad* about being dead, but this makes it all better because now I get to *move around* and *sing* while processing my eternal suffering! Thanks a bunch!" There are so few things I've come across that sound more dense, and don't even get me started on the Afton simps. He's not some misunderstood, purple-skinned Tumblr sexyman who kills people and eats toast. He's a sick bastard who deserved every last consequence he got. Do better.


"william afton did nothing wrong" he ONLY does wrong things


The closest thing to a right thing is trying to put his family back together, and that's using the results of all the experiments on literal children, which is obviously bad


i'd count the way he went about doing that as still wrong


Wait people actually defend william's actions?


there's a 1 million plus viewed YT video that was titled something, something like "Did he deserve this" (obviously referring to Afton). And oh boy did the comment section do wonders.


Question: were the people in the comments in the video defending Afton for what he did? Or are there comments in the video who are saying he deserved it?


Majority said he didnt because "BeInG sPrInGlOcK wAs eNoUGh"


Bruh- why do I have a feeling that it’s just people trolling?


I mean, no one's perfect 🤷 /s


"Everybody has their bad days"


"Sometimes, you just need to stab some kids to releave yourself of all of that built up stress".


You can like William, I myself do. But trying to say he did nothing wrong or that his actions are justified is just madness. Griffith did nothing wrong vibes fr


Lots of people go through hardship, very few *murder children*


Dude murdered kids cannonically, tf you mean “he did nothing wrong”?


Sometimes I’m validated of not liking “William snapped because of BV death” because it leads to this


"William haters" bro is literally the main villain of the series.


Why do I have a sneaking suspicion these are "Gacha Life," kids that make FNaF content.


There's a very high likelihood that you're correct.


> William haters > Cassidy fanboys WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT


Fun fact: the most popular and sensible theory for the 4th game is that William set these robots up in his own house to get remnant from his son.


“William Did nothing wrong!” Also William: Killed his best friends daughter, killed over 11 children, Neglected his Youngest son, created animatronics for the sole purpose of Capturing/Killing kids, (his Daughter was one of those kids,) condemned His Oldest Son to a fate worse than Death, Captured and killed more kids because he was Scared of Death and wanted to to be Immortal. (Dittophobia) He DEFINITELY got what he deserved. People need to stop defending a Serial Child Murder, it’s Sickening and idiotic.


Hitler looking from hell at holocaust deniers moment.


Jesus Christ, I can't even describe how dumb this is


I guarantee you hands younger than 14 wrote that comment.


I bet below 12, as a recent 14 year old I can say I and most of the people my age where not that dumb


Somebody can have a motive, a tragic backstory, and not be a cardboard cutout of a character AND STILL murder 11 children and be a terrible human being.


Not surprised people defend a fictional child murder when it happened IRL as well. Let’s not forget what happened when Netflix released “the show” (I refuse to use their name as it just gives them the attention they want). Regardless of his motives Afton still killed a bakers dozen of kids, kids who where innocent and defenseless


okay and william/springtrap fans will do anything and everything to negate the fact that he *murdered multiple children*. but it’s okie because he’s traumatized 🥺


These people are fucking disgusting need they be reminded William killed AT THE FUCKING LEAST 6 kids? That alone would’ve gotten him the death penalty, not to mention that even if Cassidy didn’t constantly torture him, he would’ve suffered the same fate in hell, and hell is eternal torture, so either fucking way he got what he deserved


I hate how people still defend William for what he did and saying he's a broken villain. He is not. He's as pure evil as he can be, on the same page as other pure evil villains like Jack Horner and Destoroyah, there's no sympathetic motivation behind he's actions and even the Mimic seems more sympathetic than Afton himself. William is (and should) remain pure evil, that's what makes him a great villain


Holy shit. Actual braindead takes. I don't know who i hate more. Afton simps who glorify his actions or Afton apologists who excuse his actions as an act of love to bring his family back despite him never showing love for his family in any canon FNAF media.


The Gacha FNaF fandom like 2 years ago (I don't know how they are nowadays):


"Free William my man did nothing wrong"


Holy fuck these people are actually excusing murder And I guess they thinknit's absolute canon that CC died before Charlie or something? Or maybe they even think Charlie died after Elizabeth lol I mean. . I don't see it, but that's not really the main point. Your own kids dying is no excuse to start killing other kids. I kinda figured that was common sense?


This wave of William sympathy reminds me of 2014 when “purple guy” was dubbed Vincent and people drew a bunch of quirky fan art of him.


That's what we call the Oncler law. "No matter how objectively bad a characters actions are, even if admitted by said character. A certain subset of people will vehemently argue that they did nothing wrong. To the point of parody"


Tf is wrong with people? He literally murdered 11 innocent children, leaving their souls to suffer in purgatory inside those animatronics for decades and you say he did nothing wrong?


The YouTube FNaF fandom is full of William Afton apologist


Bruv- "DoOmEd" to always come back, that's literally what he wants, to be immortal, just not as an animatronic. Also, why wouldn't Mike hate Will, he was literally killed because he looked too much like his father, whom might I say. Is. A. Murderer. I get wanting him to be nice dad or wanting to make him a baby, but even I can say without a doubt that he is an awful person, through and through


I'll do you one better; Steer clear of YouTube comments in general


Thé fact that I got a Fentanyl ad under this sums up what these commenters are on...


Really happy that the movie made it clear that he does abuses children


William: serial killer who kills kids, created animatronics specifically to help him kill kids, said animatronics kill his own kids. Continues to kill kids regardless, even after dying still intent on killing other kids. These fucking weirdos: WILLIAM AFTON DID NOTHING WRONF


These are just children. Back during the creepypasta craze of the internet there where similar kids adoring and defending characters like Jeff The Killer or Slenderman, purely because it's edgy to try to make a killer sympathetic.


No way did they claim that a child murderer did """nothing wrong""".


the fact is that i already seen a guy defending gurple puy 💀


Listen dude i love william too as a charcter and other wyas like hsi designs motives and other stuff but he isn’t a . Good guy hea. Achild murderer who made aniamtronics to kill children is absusive and maybe or maybe not experimented pn the crying child or micheal afton with gas and illusion disks


No WAY people think Afton didn’t do anything wrong… The whole games are ABOUT HIM KILLING CHILDREN


what? did they ever touch any official fnaf related media?


They got all their FNAF information from Gacha Life videos probably.


"can't go to heaven" Yeah I wonder why


I never understood why people get such a hard on for William being this sympathetic villain. Giving him a tragic backstory and motive for killing children isn't necessary, and makes him feel less like an actual serial killer. Real serial killers are sick people who get off to killing people because it's simply something that scratches an itch in their brain. They don't do it because they believe what they're doing is right, or justified.


I like springtrap. He's my favorite. But still an f ahole


this is just scary tbh


*Consequences comic flashback"


tf. isnt the whole point of the games, book and movie to hate Afton? he is literally a main villain for a reason


"bro did nothing wrong" I feel like this person also likes irl serial killers and "finds them fascinating", bUt tHaT's jUsT a tHeOrY


Wait……this is a joke right?


These people are literal children who completely lack media literacy.


They are most likely fan girls who want that grandpa robo dick


I want to die in a fire after reading that


William is a good villain that’s why I love him


"William did nothing wrong" Me, looking at the like 20+ bodies of rhe kids he killed, the animatronics he hid them in, the murder bots he made, the neglect and abuse of his children, the torment he put them through, the fact he wants to kill in death. But yes guys, loving family man who did nothing wrong but want to kill and torment everyone and everything


The only thing worse to a FNAF fan than a serial child murderer: *women*


William did nothing wrong is like saying Hitler was onto something


I'm going to go step by step and debunk each and every defense of William made in all 3 of these images let's start with the 1st image: * "Loses all of his family" This is entirely William's fault as he was the one who: Modified Fredbear to have enough bite force to crush a human skull, built Circus Baby with a claw that would grab a child when they were alone, made a scooper strong enough to tear apart animatronics, and Finally may have driven his wife to suicide. * "his only living son wants him dead" Michael has every right to try and kill William because William is trying to murder innocent children at the FNAF 6 location. In addition William has already murdered at least 10 children and is actively trying to manipulate Elizabeth into becoming a serial killer. * "stuck in an animatronic, can't go to heaven, doomed to always come back" William loves being Springtrap as it gives him more power which he can use to murder innocent children in perpetuity. William doesn't want to go to go to either Heaven or Hell because he can's murder children there and he is not doomed to always come back he loves always coming back. * "was in Hell, got springlocked, burned 3 times, went insane 3 times" William deserved to be imprisoned in Hell and brought his springlocking on himself by putting the suit on and laughing. Every single time William has been burned it has been in self-defense or the defense of somebody else: In FNAF 3 the fire may not have even been intentional and if it was it's justified because William was trying to kill the Fazbear's Fright night guard; And in FNAF 6 William was as I said earlier trying to murder innocent children at the FNAF 6 location. And while I don't currently believe in GlitchBurnWilliam if it is true then it's still in self-defense as William would be sending Monty, Roxy, and Chica to kill Gregory and Gregory is setting William on fire to protect himself and Glamrock Freddy. Also did I mention that William would be trying to force Glamrock Freddy to kill Gregory against his will because that's exactly what William would be doing. Finally William was never insane he was just so sadistic and power hungry that he murdered at least 10 children and indirectly killed at least 2 of his children under Mikevictim and all 3 under Mikebro via machines he made to murder more children. * In regards to Cassidy she had every right to torture William for what he did to her and so many others. Now let's move on to the 2nd and 3rd images: * The idea that a pure evil maniac is simply a childish definition of a killer is genuinely one of the stupidest things I've heard someone say in quite some time and the 3rd image speaks for itself.


he did it to bring his family back kore like he did it to become immortal


What did I just read?!


🤦‍♂️. Don't get me wrong, dude's an unfortunate person since his rabbit hole starts after he loses his family. But, it doesn't really excuse what he did. Having an unfortunate past doesn't necessarily mean you have the right to kill little kids and revive them in animatronics so you could get your family back. The dead should stay dead. It's hard, but it'd be better for you to move on.


Are they actually being serious?


I have only read the novels but not the graphic novels


video where you found these goobers, now.


There are plenty of good apples in this community, but there’s also an exasperating amount of bad ones


i just realized William Afton is just Peter Griffin in the ways he abuses his family


W-what the hell?


i hate when that happens -_-


Are we talking about the man that was copied by an AI, and the AI immediately became evil, manipulative and, most importantly, a furry?


William did everything possible wrong


no doubt that william has been through hella but it’s all deserved 💀 he killed 10+ CHILDREN like what😭😭😭


The motives of the antagonist should always make sense to the antagonist. However, having a reason does not mean that the antagonist is a good person.


"william did nothing wrong" gives me the same vibes as "nothing happened in tiananmen square on june 4th 1989"


Reading this I want to take back every single mean or snarky thing I've said about the FNAF fandom here on Freddit. Y'all can do little wrong after having just read this ode to media illiteracy.


you could've told me these were posted in 2015 and i would've believed you


Do they not know that he murded SEVERAL CHILDREN?


Dear God, what the hell?


Everything listed in the first image was entirely his fault


Bro killed children, end of story bad guy. He can have any excuse he wants, but once he crossed that line he deserved every negative thing he got.


Also the people who thirst over William 😭 I feel like most of the posts I see like that are jokes but guys 😭


Crazy how much people defend him like this when he isn't even that attractive going by his graphic novel depiction


It remind of holocaust denier who likes Nazis


Meanwhile, my William: • Is a narcissist that refuses to admit fault. • Has severe psychosis. • Has undiagnosed schizophrenia yet refuses to take medication when told. • Has anger issues. • Has an alcohol addiction. • Beats his children (including his youngest, sadly). • Uses C.C. as a literal test subject for hallucinogenic gasses. • Has locked all three of his children in their rooms for hours at a time at least once. • Killed his wife because she saw something she wasn't supposed to and framed it as a suicide. • Planned the death of his daughter yet faked being upset to keep a good image. • Nearly murdered Michael after the bite. • Has killed at least 9 children for the sake of experimental remnant production. • Killed two dogs in his lifetime. • Does *not* and will *never* regret killing children. • Has a God complex the size of Texas. • Murdered his best friend's daughter out of jealousy. Just gonna say, he's not a "good person" and he in fact did some fucked up shit.


William Afton: [literally the bad guy] Youtube FNAF fans: Such a sweet fellow 😊


William is given some depth in the books, he’s a killer seemingly because he is envious of Henry’s ability to make such good animatronics.


Man really killed at least 10 kids and they still say “willam did nothing wrong”


Ah yes. The insane serial killer who’s obsessed with wanting to harness the essence of life to live forever…totally a victim. Some people make me fear for the future of humanity.


Yeah this guy murdered heaps of kids because his own kids died and they have to pay the price for it ​ What a good guy, amirite?