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Some complain about William's reaction that he's not feeling enough pain which I can kinda see And some complain about the line


I see it as him not wanting to show weakness so he can at least try to have some semblance of power over the kids


Same here. Not only that, but the adrenaline he must be feeling in that moment.. 4 killer robots who were initially on his side just suddenly turned on him with their realization. The moment they realized, he must have been scared shitless knowing what they’re capable of. Even if he didn’t show it, anyone in that position would be terrified. And that tends to eliminate a lot of pain.


Makes sense, I mean, he did say "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Which I guess happens in all movies when the antagonist is about to die/get karma.


Yeah, and also, the metal spikes in his lungs


My guess is that it's from shock, pain, and fear. I mean you're dying in a painful way while the children you killed are standing around you, slowly dragging you away. You know your chances of survival are slim and being found are slimmer. After all, nobody ever found the kids. You are completely helpless for the first time in your life.




still, with all the pain he was going through he 100% should have been screaming (if his vocal chords weren't shredded)


If you look at his face, props to Lillard, it looks like he’s in a lot of pain. Reddening face, protruding veins, bloodshot looking eyes. To me it looks like he was holding back from screaming but wanted to


he did a great job acting out the pain of that without screaming, but i still think that a springlock failure should be a thing so painful that you cant resist screaming


Considering those spring locks pierced his lungs, you aren’t screaming after that. Hell, the book even says the spring locks would flood your lungs until you drown in your own blood. He barely managed to get his “I always come back” out.


Counter argument: Afton is just HIM.


He was shaking so much from the pain.


If I'm remembering correctly, it was stated in the novels that your lungs would be punctured by the suit and you would be unable to scream.


I would’ve liked to see a slight bit more turmoil but I definitely read it this way too. However if you’re being ripped apart…you can’t really help but show some signs of severe pain.


I dont think that flies when it comes to a visual movie. Maybe would work if it were words in a book


You missed the point. They are saying he isn’t actively screaming in the scene BECAUSE his lungs were punctured (among other reasons), they arent just pointing out a random fact. It actually makes sense with the film to have this bit of knowledge from the books imo


i swear fnaf fans make so many of these logic jumps to cope with the movie being mid


Honestly i think he said the line because he kind of knew that because of how the children lived on in the suits, he would most likely wind up that way as well. Or, maybe he was springlocked before, and it was just never mentioned. There was no way of us being able to see the scars anyways, so who knows.


Also I think they weren't certain about getting a sequel and wanted to get the iconic line in.


They certainly expected an agony 'Heeeelp' and blood spitting everywhere. But then the first death of William Afton will be too cruel for kids.


I didn’t expect much blood or gore due to the PG-13 rating, the majority of the blood would’ve been on the inside of the suit anyway. It just didn’t look traumatic or agonizing enough imo. I also didn’t like the whole rube goldberg machine aspect of it. It’s more effective when it’s fast and shocking. Springlocking is probably the most explicitly brutal thing to happen on screen in FNAF. If there was a time to push the age rating, it should’ve been there. It just didn’t have that razzle dazzle it should’ve to me.


Without all minigames to support emotion, the cruel execution of springlock scene will cause confusions among new audiences. Only old fans will shout 'Die harder and STAY DEAD' in that scene.


I don't know, you can tell he is trying to hold back a scream, maybe to keep the springlock from going off faster, or because he doesn't want to show weakness. As for the line. It does make somewhat sense. "coming back" doesn't mean resuscitation. It means coming back to someone's life. Like he came back to Mike's life after killing his brother, like he came back to control the kids he killed. He puts the head on, because he knew he would come back as springtrap


It's not even about the scream, people say that he "looks like he was kicked in the stomach" And I agree about the line, he returned to the pizzeria, and yeah he knew he will return and "possess" Springtrap just like the kids possessed the animatronics Also, even if somebody knows nothing about the games they can still understand it, he puts on the mask to "die" by his rules


He’s definitely not feeling enough pain. The twitching/convulsing at the end after being dragged away by the kids was perfect, though. All in all I’m glad it wasn’t super realistic (the spring locking I mean), because I could watch it with my kids who are massive fans.


I just think it wasn’t traumatic enough


Well its impaling his lungs so he can't scream


But he still says the line


Christopher Lee told Peter Jackson off for directing him to yell when his character was stabbed, saying that the wind is knocked out of you when you get stabbed - so him getting impaled and gasping like he does makes sense, instead of him screaming and running around like I guess some were expecting?


You have to understand the Fandom of FNAF is far and wide and vary in ages and backgrounds just because of the sheer size of it; and with that being said no matter what they do they are going to alienate a certain group of the Fandom no matter what they do with the scene let alone the movie. Some wanted gore... Some wanted a more grimey feel to the movie in general Some are happy etc Just worry about how you felt about the movie rather than the masses because once again this Fandom runs widdddde and there is so many opinions... BUT REMEMBER they are exactly that... Just opinions not facts.


BUT REMEMBER THATS just an opinion, a FNAF opinion




Unrealistic expectations. Ever since we've seen the spring-lock failure in FNAF3 there have been numerous fan recreations in all sorts of forms. Animations, audios, arts, renders, cosplay etc. All of these recreations made sure to make the spring-lock failure look as painful, bloody and sometimes even as gory as possible since the og minigame has blood spraying out of Afton like he's a water sprinkler so people expected the same from the movie and since it's obviously fairly subdued just like in The Silver Eyes graphic novel (altough even that version has some blood) people are angry.


I feel like there'd be some blood coming out of his mouth at least.


I’m wondering the same thing… And it wasn’t like he wasn’t bleeding *at all*. Thinking about it from my measly first aid knowledge, i know that if you got stabbed with something, that you shouldn’t take it out because whatever you’re stabbed with it keeping the bleeding from being much worse. So thinking of it that way with the spring locks, you could say they’re making the outer bleeding less worse, right? Just my own observation of the scene, idk


Idk about you but I think an inch wide metal rectangle pushes itself forcefully into your abdomen several inches is a little different than a knife that Is millimeters thick


For sure, hence my *measly* first aid knowledge. I don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s just an assumption XD


On the outside it’s the same. It’s plugging the wound


Nah its accurate for it to barely bleed. Impalements dont bleed much because the object is mostly sealing it, but then the swelling of the wounds will fully seal it shut.




Adrenaline is also a vasoconstrictor, so a fear response can also cause someone not to bleed as much as they normally would if they weren’t scared, and in fight or flight 👀


And that I didn’t know, that would make sense 👀


Bleeding at all?? There was a close up scene of the spring locks plunging into William’s skin which was bleeding!


Reread my comment, dude. I said it *wasnt* like he *wasnt* bleeding at all—double negative, meaning I said he *was*. Read it slowly if you need


i don't hate the scene, i just didn't like the part where he says " i always come back" it just feels too shoehorned in. in my opinion, they should have saved it for the sequel, where it has more context and weight behind it.


I agree with this part. Hearing him say always come back was kind of a "huh? Youve never died though?" kind of moment.


That we *know* of... Honestly I do believe it was just a reference that wasn't needed. However it also could be hinting that afton has died before or something similar.


I mean a simple fix would be to include him in more scenes in the movie, and have him say "Don't worry, I always come back" a few times as like a friendly jokey thing That way they at least set it up in a way that kinda makes sense


Let's be honest, Afton really isnt set up at all in this film. We barely get two scenes with him before he shows up as the main killer, his reveal just isnt a reveal and treats it like every knew this (which yeah most of us did but you cant make movies assuming everyone watching knows the lore of the games) and his personality is just non-existent. I couldn't tell you anything more about him than I could FNAF 3 Afton.


At the very least I wished they saved that quote for maybe after the end credits? Or even right before the end credits when the child shuts the door on William.


He's saying it to make the characters paranoid, he's seen possession first hand so it makes sense that this might not be the end of him and he also knows the power of an image, hence why he puts the head of the suit on, because the image of the suit holds so much power, it was how he controlled the animatronics in the first place, originally by gaslighting but now he plans on using fear, they may have killed his body but his raging spirit will not be put to rest yet, he will come back through willpower alone if he must, his story cannot end here and he will come out on top


Then he should have said "I will come back"? By saying "I always come back" it absolutely does imply he has come back before. He has not. He's literally just a career counsellor in a rabbit costume. The protagonists (and the viewers of the movie) are JUST going to be confused by that. There's no additional threat behind it.


It really just is as simple as he said the line in the movie because that’s his catchphrase, and there’s no deeper meaning to it. People will still find a way to cope tho


I mean him being there then is having come back to the pizzeria to do more murder, also the word "always" will make them more paranoid than "will" because it gives the impression that no matter what they do he will be there to torment them


This is a great explanation for why he said it. Sure it still feels a little goofy but it fits and I'm 100% sure if he didn't say it people would be like "why didn't he say his famous line that would have been great for the scene"


I *loved* this part. Bit cheesy but I loved it!!


I agree! I thought the same as you. Even though that sentence still gave me goosebumps, I believe it would be much better if they had saved it for the sequel, and replaced it in this scene with "I'll be back" or something.


I think instead of “I always come back” it should have been more “I’ll come back” or something like that.


"iI'll be back."


It doesn't feel shoehorn to be honest


Yes, that one was cringe tbh


Really, I think the only reason William wasn't showing much agony was the combination of his Ego not wanting to show weakness, and the fact that his lungs are being punctured and crushed making it even harder for him to say anything or scream. He was most likely saving his last breath for his "I always come back" line to try and sound intimidating or to just let the spirits know that they won't kill him that easy.


Plus the adrenaline. Bro was probably scared shitless that these 4 murderous robots who had just seconds ago sworn to protect him now hated his guts and were looking to kill him. All that adrenaline really does help when you’re in pain.


I thought the scene was great. Even if the springlocks in the movie make way less sense. Those spikey ribs have zero reason to be there.


My only complaint is that they didn’t snap at once, like they are supposed too. Even when we see the springlock clown girl costume go off, they all snapped closed at once.


I felt like it was more accurate since it’s old and busted up, it’d make sense it was slow moving. Plus they kinda did that when Vanessa showed Mike earlier in the movie, so maybe it’s just the fact that they’re snapping into skin and bone which makes it a little harder to go in so quickly


It makes sense since in sister location you have to wind up spring locks individually, so taking from that it kind of makes sense that it doesn’t collapse all at once


They're not supposed to fail in the first place, obviously it's not going to act as it's supposed to, otherwise it's not a spring lock failure, it's a switching modes at an inconvenient time


I’m not saying it’s “supposed to fail” I’m saying that in every iteration that we see springlock failures, they all snap closed at once. Like a bear trap.


I didn't hate it, but it's also not exactly lore-accurate or very interesting. First and foremost, I don't know what the Springlocks in this adaptation are supposed to be for, lmao. they're not holding back any sort of mechanisms, they're just kinda sharp blades that stab you in the stomach. Remember that this suit is supposed to be slowly transforming back into an animatronic with the body still inside. The games show this transformation is so brutal, the animatronic eyes are jammed into his skull and metal sticks through where his bones should be. I think even just adding some mechanical sound effects to convey he's practically getting blended in there would have gone a long way.


To be fair the eyes can't be jammed into the skull because the head springlocks never went off, he put on the head after the springlocks were triggered in the torso


I know, but you get my point. Either the movie just miscommunicated what actually happened, or the springlocks here are way toned down from what they're supposed to do in the games and books.


The games? The game never showed that. You must mean the graphic novels.


No, the literal springlock failure William had in the game. Where the ghost children corner him?


I didn’t see a closeup of William’s eyes getting replaced. Just an 8-bit yellow rabbit spilling red squares.


no, the games. remember the easter egg screen of Springtrap with the mask ripped off? The eyes are the only things that stay bolted inside of his skull's sockets. No, the process is not shown, but the aftermath clearly shows these things.


> **The games show this transformation is so brutal** Maybe I misread it, but to me it seems like you implied “The games showed the transformation”


it just felt so... anticlimactic he looked like it was only a minor inconvenience for him


"Just walk it off, it'll be fine"


For me, it’s the cheap attempt to have him put his mask back on only to once again say the now ruined line “I always come back.” In the context of the movie, he didn’t come back from anything, he was always there. The head canon Ome might try to spin is that he knew his fate and tried not to panic while the locks went off, but this is just poor writing. I didn’t ask for the movie to be one edge fest of blood and guts everywhere. I wanted subtle horror which the game series capitalized on. In FNAF 3, those rare screens are of Springtrap trying to escape his own death trap, they at the time we’re terrifying to come across. The movie would’ve been better in quality (not quantity of financial success due to child friendliness) had it stuck to its true horror elements, and had little bit just enough horror to remind viewers of the nature of the lore. The movie was bad, it wasn’t what I expected, but it was fun. That’s why I gave it a 6/10 in terms of overall rating.


We can assume that he's been arrested once or twice already, why would he have changed his name if he wasn't trying to hide? And since he's obviously not in prison anymore, he sort of "came back", it's just my little theory, don't need to get mad over it.


The springlock scene is perfekt✨✨✨✨✨


The only problem I have with it is William saying "I always come back," when it would make much more sense for him to say it in the 3rd movie, when he'll presumably actually come back.


I would expect it in the 2rd movie, and that "I always come back," was VERY cheesy to say the least.


I feel like you guys say people hated the movie or parts of the movie just to circle jerk on how it wasn't actually that bad, i literally see more people complaining on how much people hate this movie that actual people hating on the movie. But, if you want a reason on why people didn't like that scene; one, because the "i always come back" line doesn't make any sense in context, a "i will be back" or something like that would have been better, and two, the springlock failure was kind of underwhelming, between the canon minigame and the fanon recreations i feel like people have a determined and clear idea on what that should look like, while in the movie it was just to tame


it was underwhelming I'd say. The product of a pg-13 rating.


It just felt anti climactic personally. I kinda just expected it to be more dramatic. Especially with the fact that Williams reaction also seems very subdued. And the “I always comeback!” Felt very forced and goofy. Maybe it’s unrealistic expectations but I can’t help but be disappointed.


It didn't felt forced to me


I don't hate it but I do have one gripe with it. It's just too goofy.


Have you heard of something called the whole of the fnaf franchise post 2015?


There was still murder post 2015?


There was murder in the film too


Because it isn't exciting. That's it. It's just a boring scene to watch Shaggy twitch a couple of times, say a one-liner that makes zero sense, then put the mask on and be dragged away by people in FNAF costumes. People here say that he couldn't scream because the springlocks destroyed his lungs or vocal cords. But here's the thing: if he DID scream, do you think these people would be complaining that it makes no sense? Or would they be making excuses for THAT? My guess is the latter. A more intense version of this scene (whether it be through the acting, or the effects) would have probably been better. It's a big climactic moment and very little actually happens. Especially since it is triggered not by the ghost children scaring Afton into the suit, but by... the Cupcake... jumping on him...


It was more realistic on half of it only. I have no idea why he decided to put the head on. And the line somewhat felt forced in, but honestly it didnt bother me. I was still on the edge of my seat


The way I interpreted it was that he knew since the animatronics were possessed, he’d eventually become like them too, so he decided just to get it over with. He also has an attachment to the Springbonnie character/costume in most adaptations, so this could be their way of adapting that as well.


Yup, I think it was his way of accepting his new identity rather than showing weakness and a lack of wanting to become this. He knew the second the springlocks activated that he, William, would be gone soon, so he could either just pout and fall down in pain, or he could accept what’s happening and become something even more powerful. That makes sense too for that moment saying “I always come back”, since he knows he’s gonna be reinvented inside the Springbonnie costume.


The line “I always come back” feels so forced and that’s the worst part for me.


I think its a bit underwhelming as a springlock failure is very painful and his reacting is kinda boring and doesn't really show what a springlock failure really is.


The reason I didn't like it is the acting. If thousands of springlocks dig into you, you be screaming in absolute pain and fear. Instead, he's treating it, and he stubs his toe.


I haven't seen the movie but wasn't he be wearing the head to when he got squashed??


No, he wears the head after the springlocks had set off


The springlock failure scene was one of my favorites to be honest.


I just wanted more screams of horror


You know I just thought of a major plot hole for five nights at Freddy's if Afton knew that the only thing that was keeping the animatronic from attacking him was that picture of him supposedly being the good guy why the freak did he not hide it behind all the other ones so when she drew the picture of him as the filling she would have had to rip a bunch of stuff down before she would have been able to get to the photo they needed to take off the wall


I loved the scene I just think they rushed into this scene too much. Like all this anticipation of a yellow bunny then boom here’s here boom he’s Afton boom he’s dead-ish


To be fair, from what we saw from the mini game, it should have looked a hell of a lot more bloody. Also, he reacted to getting stabbed by giant metal spikes the way I react to stubbing my little toe into a doorframe.


Cuz promised horror movie, given not horror movie


Don’t hate it at all. I just love the scene in the game and the movie version just didn’t live up to it to me. The scene worked with the last 2 games in mind to where you see how William murdered and basically mocked these kids only to have the consequences come around as he’s laughing at them. Dooming him to the fate he gave them. On another note, “I always come back.” Is another thing that works when you take the 2nd game in mind. It felt like they wanted to get that line in for fan service.


I didn't mind it much at all honestly, I thought it was really well done. Now, having Afton there in the first place? Ehhh... He really feels like a last-minute edition that doesn't really add much to the movie aside from "Ooohh, they said the name William Afton!"


Because the concept of a Springlock suit that fits either an Endo or a human would have those connections literally all over the body So why was it only in the ribs?


How does spring bonnie work?? Like aren't the springlocks supposed to hold back endo parts?? Also the head was put on after the failure, so when william posesses it it's not gonna be in animatronic mode so he won't be able to control it. The head is not even attached to the torso of the suit anywhere, how is the animatronic supposed to move its head if it doesn't have a neck??


Too many fans base a majority of their understanding of the story on fanmade videos and art like the fnaf VHS tapes or that viral audio of the springtrap scene that just draws it out as a drippy, screaming torture porn scene. When the movie didn’t live up to that, people got upset. Frankly I loved the movie despite its flaws.


“In terms of lore this would be realistic” no? Have you actually seen how the lore portrays springlocking?


I think media has over dramatized pain and injury on Hollywood and that this feels more of a realistic take.


The springlock scene was my favourite only because when William Afton said “I always come back” the entire audience in the movie theatre I was at clapped and cheered.


This is more of a nitpick than anything, but I just kind of expected it to be a more snappy failure. Like, in the game it goes from "everything's fine" to "ouchie all my bones have been crushed" in a split second. william gets a lot more time to process it in the movie Not to say there needs to be blood flying around everywhere but the springlocks failing so slow made it feel a little less eventful (for me at least). Haven't rewatched the movie so this is just first impressions. Might be misremembering? ~~(Also the cupcake being the catalyst for one of the most important events in the series is kinda sorta dumb maybe)~~


For me personally, my issue is that it doesn't happen like in the games that I think handled it better. I liked how in the games he put on the mask to scare the ghosts of the children, then he's confident, and the boom. The springlocks malfunction all at once and it's terrifying. They even showed with Vanessa poking the other springlock suit, that they all went off at once. So the slow, drawn out death was my problem, not necessarily the blood level


Its the most realistic we’ve seen them. We wouldn’t see much blood outside, and he wouldn’t be screaming.


i personally didn’t like it for two reasons. the first one is the cupcake. i wasn’t a big fan of the cupcakes use, something personal. i wished one of the animatronics would’ve caused them to fail. it looked kinda ridiculous to me when the cupcake bit the side and that was it. then i didn’t like the one-snap-fails-after-the-other decision. it is more dramatic but i think it would’ve been more of a big shock moment if they snapped at once. it would’ve been scarier and would’ve been a big “holy shit!” moment which i personally would have preferred. actually, another thing that made the scene not that great to me is something that happened due to translations. i watched the movie in german and it was kinda disappointing when the namedrop springtrap would’ve been, they had to translate it and he ended up saying the german translation in a very intentional dramatic moment that did not have any drama in the dub, as it was not the intended name drop.


besides the springlocks are pressing ~into~ him right? i dont think blood would dramatically spray out everywhere i think the sound effects and matthews lillards performance does a good enough job of conveying how painful it is for a rated 15 movie


It’s not more accurate. Firstly, the depiction of the springlocks doesn’t feel satisfying. We know that the springlocks are devices meant to hold the animatronic devices back to create space for the performer to wear the suit. In the movie, the springlocks look like and are effectively just metal ribs. We don’t get to see how they work in holding animatronics back and are what kill William when the more accurate depiction would be him getting crushed by the animatronic parts returning to their original places. Furthermore, the way springlocks go off isn’t how it’s normally depicted. When characters get springlocked, they all fail really quickly. Springlock failures are extremely dangerous because of how quickly the carnage is. AFAIK every depiction of a springlock failure is incredibly quick. Furthermore, there would definitely be a puddle of blood. The suit isn’t leak proof and systematic springlock failure would injure the entire body. People have argued it’s better William didn’t scream because it’s more realistic but A) it’s a movie-a work of fiction And B) William HAS screamed getting springlocked at the end of The Silver Eyes. His screaming stopped at some point, but he did scream when the springlocking started. Furthermore, other FNaF media has depicted characters screaming getting springlocked such as Kelsey in The New Kid: “Kelsey started **shrieking** with the first snap. Once, when Devon was little, his mom was driving him to school and she ran over a cat in the street. The cat didn’t die immediately. Instead, it made a sound that was like all the sounds of suffering rolled into one—screaming, wailing, howling, and other vocals Devon couldn’t even describe. That sonic signature was embedded in Devon’s brain. He’d always thought it would be the worst thing he’d ever hear in his life. He was wrong. This was the worst. And the sound wasn’t the bad part. It was bad, yes. But the bad part—the really, really bad part—was the way the suit started jerking in a spastic, horrific dance. It looked like the moth-eaten, mildew-blotched gold bear was convulsing.” Will’s death scene is incredibly anticlimactic and inaccurate to the source material


For me, I liked the scene but I feel like there’s been many miss opportunities. Like, I feel like he should have been purple in the suit, would have been purfect!


some detail that I like about the scene is the fact that 1. the mechanisms don't trip just because they are old or because of the environment, I never complained in the game, but it would actually have been stupid if in the film they had tripped due to a few drops of water. 2. the springlocks do not all start at the same time, but instead one at a time (a possibility that is described to us in the books), because it makes it seem much more painful, every time in the scene you hear a block starting you almost seem to hear it, even the way of how William gradually loses his breath and the strength to hold on, or how the metal bars slowly enter his body. I would have preferred perhaps a strong and fast impact like in games at first glance, but the more I think about it and look at it, the more I like it


They didn't, you just made this post to get comments and karma 😂


It's just really underwhelming compared to how it's been described previously: > First, all the locks will snap right into you, making deep cuts all over your body, and a split second later all the animatronic parts they’ve been holding back, all that sharp steel and hard plastic, will instantly be driven into your body. You will die, but it will be slow. You’ll feel your organs punctured, the suit will grow wet with your blood, and you will know you’re dying for long, long minutes. You’ll try to scream, but you will be unable to: your vocal cords will be severed, and your lungs will fill with your own blood until you drown in it. . > When he threw both arms straight out to his sides, an ear-stabbing metallic clap resounded off all four walls around them. The clap was followed by a fingernails-on-a-blackboard scraping sound. As abruptly as it started, the scraping sound ended with a loud SLAP. This triggered a cascade of snapping sounds, like dozens of steel animal traps springing into place one right after the other. Kelsey started shrieking with the first snap. > And the sound wasn’t the bad part. It was bad, yes. But the bad part—the really, really bad part—was the way the suit started jerking in a spastic, horrific dance. It looked like the moth-eaten, mildew-blotched gold bear was convulsing.


What is up with this fandom and this terrible copium? Why do we care about realism in a movie about ghost kids possessing giant furries? You guys really think they couldn’t have made one of the most pivotal/memorable moments in the games thrilling?


Some people wanted lots of gore and for his entire body to be crushed like in some YouTube shorts. Which I can agree with, but at the same time, they probably had a hard enough time making it PG13 with what we got. I wish we got a gorey springlock scene, but I'm definitely not disappointed! Edit: Also people think he wasn't in pain enough and with that I can agree. Kinda just seems like he was taking a big shit


I’ve only seen praise personally. It just depends on where you look. Everybody has different opinions and that’s okay


"The I always come back!" Part was cringe. This can be said about most of this film as well. It was lackluster there was no building up to him being William Afton it just happened making it seem as if there might have been a scene or two cut from the film just so Mike can have another stupid dream sequence where almost nothing happens Mike just seemed like an idiot that didn't know how to do anything for himself every character around him had to fill him in on the plot because he was too stupid to explore the pizzeria and find shit out on his own i guess they didn't do this because it would make Vanessa a completely useless character because she only existed to give exposition one of the worst things about the film is the extremely stupid custody battle Mike shouldn't have a child in his custody since he's clearly not fit to be a caretaker the more I think about it the stupider this film gets how is it for the fan's at all It just seemed like one big cash grab hopefully the next 2 are better


It wasn't cringe but Jesus saying it's a cash grab is a little too much don't you think


People didn’t like it?


I loved it


I think it was too long, they should have had all the locks go at once and have him screaming in agony.


I thought the scene was like a 9/10 until he said the line, then it took it to like an 8/10. I love how they did the springlocks, and even though we didn't get the meme scream and blood curdle, I think the amount of pain he's showing is consistent with him not wanting to show weakness, hence why he put his mask on. (Also because he wants to become immortal(


they should have made it more like that fan-made audio clip. maybe with freddy's music box aswell. it would have been 10x better imo. And i think the animatronics should have flinched too. Like maybe something to demonstrate they wanted revenge, but not like that


This scene went so fucking hard


His reaction is completely realistic, people are only complaining becasue the popular audio going around on tik tok set such a high bar for it even though it's very unrealistic. You would not be able to scream if this happened to you, especially if you have the full suit and your face and neck get crushed and ripped open you would be physically incapable of screaming. People saying otherwise have no idea how humans react to severe physical pain, trust me you are too focused on the pain to scream. It will be exactly like in the movie, just grunts and moans of silent agony. I think Matthew Lilard did this perfectly.


People hated it? I loved it!


I was too used to that one audio that makes it sound like he is experiencing the worst pain possible. This one wasnt bad, but I was just too used to peak


I’m not sure. I’m just happy we got a springlock scene. Throughout this entire movie, I was EXTREMELY confused on how it worked with the timeline. That springlock failure tied it allllll together for me at the end.


I only don't like it because i didn't really like the design of the Spring Bonnie suit, it looked too "costumey" like i get its a hybrid of a costume and an animatronic but i don't like how its kinda like fluffy cloth on the outside


Im gonna be honest the scene itself was fine, I was more disappointed that the audio for it wasnt as gruesome as that one fan made rendition


VHS ruined people’s minds that’s why😂


I've mostly seen people upset that he isn't like, yelling and screaming like fan audios and it honestly baffles me - at a certain point, pain renders you completely ***incapable*** of speech, if he were screaming and yelling it would just be... goofy, and not in a good way. it's a miracle he manages to speak at all while being actively springlocked - between both the pain and, y'know, the metal rods... making their way into his lungs (and other organs)


They hate it because they’ve never watched a horror movie in their life besides this one


I loved this movie. I can’t help but just love it. It’s what I’ve wanted for years and it finally came. Seeing all these characters come to life (no FNAF pun intended) brought me so much joy. And I happened to be on the R rated side but realized how well they made this movie just bordering that rating with implied gore like use of shadows which is honestly more accurate to the games anyway. You never really saw crazy blood until the jump scares in FNAF 4 if that even counts. Besides that I love how they were able to spin off so many different parts of the FNAF fan base into one movie. Also have to appreciate a very similar chronology to the first book but without the same characters. They did an excellent job in this movie at pleasing everyone and making it have enough gore to please some of the people on the R rated side while also keeping it PG.


You know what doesn't spill blood? Most horrors scenes, yeah obviously that's not how it works But it's how we imagine how it would be, it's been turned down It's like Disney movie death you know? "Oh no he died, but we can't make it seem that bad, so let's just change this and that" If they could, they would completely remove the spring lock suit scene and just make Freddy push him to the depts of the pizzaria and imply that something happened.


Why I was not mad at William Afton death in the movies: A-his game death was in a 8-bit minigame, creative libertys could be taken B-he knows how deadly these suits are so he’s trying to keep calm, +he a bit crazy, so he probably has a higher tolerance to pain C-his second death was in a semi canon grafic novel D-this was a PG movie with kids in the theater so have a lot of blood will make it R rated E-this movie was made with a pretty low budget, this is blumhouse, blood could be really expensive, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is less of a point but it still worth keeping in mind


Why are you booing me? I’m right


I had 2 issues with this scene, we did not get enough of it, should have drawn this out more, and also in addition wish they would have made him show more pain and suffering other than that they did good with afton and the suit


I just think including a living William Afton was… kinda lame Also “I always come back?” Lmao bruv thinks he’s the main character


I just want to see the animatronics back him into the back room when we then see the kids looking at him *SNAP* then the spring lock scene happens


I just didn't like the "I always come back" it made no sense in more ways than one


I feel like there a least should have been a little bit of blood leaking out


It definitely wasn’t the best springlock scene but it still holds up. They couldn’t make the it the goriest thing because that would take away the Pg-13 Raring, but I still liked it.


William didn't show that much pain emotionally, needed more blood, line was forced


The line + I personally thought it was too slow and not as painful as it should have been


It’s because it’s not suppose to be “realistic”, which is just people using it as an excuse to defend the scene, William is LITERALLY being crushed and stabbed in many places in his body, there should at least be some type of visible physical pain instead of William just walking it off.


in the fnaf 3 minigame it has blood spewing out.


I liked it


Huh, weird. Although his last words tell us, he’ll be back.


Off topic but this image looks like he shit himself


I feel like he just didn’t react that much to metal spikes and stuff stabbing into him like he just flinches and grunts like yell like it hurts not just a grunt. But 9/10 movie


I don't like the spring lock suit. Like...all they did was shove a whole ass bear trap in it and called it a day


tbh i don't know why people are surprised at the lack of gore, the FNAF fandom has a lot of so it just wouldn't make financial sense to make it super explicit. i think the movie and the acting was good for what they were going for


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you’d probably see plenty of blood through the gigantic hole in the suit but what do I know


Waiting for him to say, I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!


general rule of thumb ppl want to complain, the sooner you realize that the sooner you can enjoy movies and shows


The springlock scene was so good wtf. I liked how the made one spring get loose each time. It made William die slower and provided a longer scene instead of everything getting loose at once resulting in a quicker (yet maybe louder) death and a shorter scene.


I just in general feel the movie was poorly made. I enjoyed seeing it though, the animatronics were so cute.


For me the sound was missing a bit. I’m just too much used to the fanmade springlock scream(which probably all of you heard) and that caused that this scene was a bit too quiet


I can see why, because hes reacrion wasnt really that good, but i dont care personily. I loved it anyway. This movie gets a 10 out of 10 from me and is officily one of my fave movies now.


I liked it but I definitely pictured the springlocks differently. Less like a nutcracker more like a circle tightening around the entire body. It just didn't seem like a springlock accident. Still metal as fuck though.


Pun intended?


He would have bled more. People bleed A LOT and the suit would have been drenched in blood. But if they showed that they'd have lost the PG13 age rating that they wanted for something that didn't really change anything meaningful. That's fine. It IS just a movie after all.


I personally expected him to scream a bit but that didn't really happen. I still really enjoyed the entirety of the movie including this scene.


Well yes, as far as gore, it’s accurate. But he could’ve yelled out in pain at least once or twice.


I thought it was pretty cool when I saw the movie


Who is saying they hated it? I've not seen anyone say anything about how bad it is, I have only ever seen people praise it. Only two people I've seen say they don't like it is Jacksepticeye and Ethan Nestor.


No blood cuz he’s choking on it.


Isnt that why he put the mask back on, to hid his looks of pain and terror? I also thought he was kinda lowkey getting what he wanted cause now he knew that he would be kinda immortal with the suit


I think they should have made the scene a little bloodier


To be honest I loved it. It’s Completely realistic and people are just mad that he’s not in a pile of his own blood screaming Bloody Mary..


The part that I disliked the most was that the little girl just did a quick drawing put it on the wall and the animatronics were like “bet” and attacked springlock. Like…what?!


I think the spring locks should have been more, I mean there is no way your convincing me those ribs not being folded in all the way stop it from being a robot lol, they look useless, I wanted to see more then just ribs


I don't hate the scene but they could've used more blood, there is a metal spike in his stomach and I think, realistically, some blood should come out of his mouth


Yeah, plus that moment where when he puts on the Springbonnie head *and the eyes activate* gave me chiiilllllllzzzzz.


I liked it, I think the adrenaline kicked in fast and later on it faded away. Also the line was a lil cringy but my little sister loved it so I’m glad it’s in there Also guys kinda random but theirs nothing wrong with fnaf doing things for younger fans. It keeps the fandom alive, and also it’s personality helped me bond with my lil sister


Personally I don’t like how the cupcake was the one to trigger the suit but that’s my only complaint. At least they added the “I always come back” and included that part in general to be lore accurate, so I am happy with that.


My theory is it was anticlimactic on purpose. In the trilogy, which this references a lot, he gets springlocked and survives it at the start, only to get killed later


I didn't enjoy it, but I wasn't surprised because it's pg 13. It couldn't have been great with a ph 13 rating imo. Getting metal rods shoved into your body and puncturing your organs should definitely be something horrific 💀


Fuck him, i care about the cupcake jumping him with all kinds of goofy sounds over it


Man ppl tryna correct the scene acting like they dont know the man who wrote it IS the creator of fnaf. If thats how he portrays it, its like that, deal with it


For me it’s aunt janes body, she just died like that? What did they do with the body? A headless woman who just won custody of a child would put Mike in a sticky situation.


I didn't like the scene for 3 reasons. 1. It didn't look like he was really in pain, especially when he said his catchphrase. 2. The scene was very rushed and felt like it was put there to fill a checkbox rather than have the scene feel earned and satisfying. 3. Dialogue is pretty goofy. (Overall, the scene could've been great if they they tweaked it slightly.) Edit 4 reasons. 4. The spring locks itself. This is more of a complaint about the movie than this one scene, but the spring lock are just giant claws, which is far from what they are as shown in Sister Location and a couple of the books. The springlock failure is probably what I was looking forward to seeing most in this movie, and he just ended up getting stabbed by a couple claws like any other horror or action movie.


people complaining about the lack of blood in this scene clearly watch too much movies because this is realistic as hell. he wouldn’t be profusely bleeding and having it gush only because what stabbed him is inside his body still. only if they took out the weapon would it have started spewing blood out of the wound lol


I liked the springlock scene but honestly the “I always come back” idk it just didn’t feel like the game one