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This minigame is the dci. There's no way around it. FNAF 2 location with the toys and withereds. You play as an ALREADY possessed Freddy following the puppet around a restaurant filled with dead children (notice how they aren't in the backroom?) The toys aren't possessed (except for mangle...? But maybe that's because they use parts from the withereds?) Literally the only problem this minigame brings up is mangle already being possessed but you could chalk that up to it being an oversight by Scott. This isn't even about whether or not the toys are possessed this is just plain and simply a different murder spree from the MCI. (although I do personally think the toys are possessed because why wouldn't they be?)


Mangle being possessed is not even an oversight. Possession can occur as long as there’s some sort of close proximity. There’s a body directly in Mangle’s room. It’s completely possible Mangle got possessed moments before the minigame and is the first of the toys to be active.


True and there's a body right next to them! Good catch




No, no she isn’t. That’s one of the common bits of false information. There’s zero implication she’s possessed by a dog, instead it’s pretty much impossible.




She’s a Toy Foxy, she’s a fox — in which “cartoon” foxes sometimes look like dogs. And that thing in Elizabeth’s room in FNaF 4 isn’t a dog, it’s a toy. The toy animatronics originated as toys, way before they got animatronics versions; there’s another kid in the FNaF 4 minigame which has the toys of the Toy Freddy, Bonnie and Chica. There’s also not any implication the Afton’s had a dog, or any pet.


Dumbass children incident..?


Yeah (it stands for dead children incident, sorry for the confusion)


Is that one different from the missing children incident?


Yes. MCI were brought into the backrooms of Freddy's. DCI refers to the event depicted in this minigame in which the children weren't lured into the backrooms nor stuffed into suits. It's also important to note that the MCI happened at the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. While the DCI is depicted to take place in specifically and quite clearly the SAME restaurant as FNAF 2.


Exactly this. This minigame, and FNAF 2 in general, took place AFTER the Missing Children's Incident. That's why the Toy Animatronics are equipped with facial recognition systems and predator detection AI, after all. But somehow, Afton managed to sneak past the sensors, get himself a job at Freddy's, and strike again, killing five more children outright. According to the FNAF Timeline mini-series that Game Theory released back when MatPat was still the host, Afton may have even noticed Freddy and possibly the Puppet wandering around on their own, leading him to discover Remnant.


Mangle's minigame image file name is "HEWASHERE" referring that Afton had already been there. I think this is why Mangle is moving 'cause Afton tampered Mangle first.


But I thought the toys were just really advanced ai?


"Hello? Hello...uh...what on earth are you doing there, uh didn’t you get the memo, uh, the place is closed down, uh, at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one, someone used it...now none of them are acting right." Night 6 phone call. At the very least they were possessed by night 6 but from the FNAF 2 teasers we can infer that the toys used borrowed parts from the withereds, and because of how remnant works that implies they are possessed.


So the whole ai thing is a bluff?


It's fazbear entertainment lol - lies are what they're best at. Remember the BS about the "free-roaming mode" that's just the robots being haunted lol


Probably yeah, just like the explanation they gave in the first game about the animatronics stuffing you in the suits because they think you are an Endoskeleton.


It's about as truthful as the animatronics in 1 having faulty code that makes them think you're an endo.


They do have facial recognition and the ability to walk around, they’re just possessed ontop of it The facial recognition is why the mask works, otherwise they’d just realize you’re a dude wearing a mask and kill you


But then why does it work on the others except Foxy and Puppet? They don’t have facial recognition.


The withereds were being retro-fitted with newer parts too but they just stopped doing that eventually Foxy either had his broken somehow or was never given the new parts, the puppet is older and utilized a different system anyways so she doesn’t really need it. She spends most of her time in a box where she’s not gonna see anything too


I just find the idea of another set of murders that are never brought up again in the entire series stupid. I believe the toys can be haunted by parts from the withereds, but you're not stuffing a kid in mangle. I personally kind of see this as the puppet activating freddy (and presumably the others) to bring them to the mci kids before stuffing them into the suits. People say "why can they walk?" Because it's an established thing that they can do. Even the springlocks could apparently walk. That's the reason springtrap is lured by the Baloon Boy voice lines.


Scott didn’t do stuff with the dci kids because he can’t. in fnaf 2 it is said that after the closing the toys will be scrapped, scrapping involves fires.


Just like how springtrap never came back after the fire in fnaf 3, right?


Cof cof night 6 newspaper cof cof


That fire he wasnt locked in and forced to be engulfed in flames. The pizza sim one he was trapped with no escape and constant flames in the entire place with no spots to hide.


isnt There a exit in fazbears frights? Like right next to the office also William is really good at surviving probably because of like having a indomitable will or something also there really isn’t anything saying that he is just remnant haunting a corpse he could just be alive somehow (I know it doesn’t make since nothing in the series makes since)


Fire destroys *remnant*. Rouge soul juice that has split off from the main spirit to give life to something else. It can’t destroy the main spirit. If the toys were possessed their spirits would have stayed behind


As far as I know that’s never stated anywhere although it might be from the books which I have yet to read but from what I know remnant is the soul attached to metal and if you burn remnant it destroys the soul or allows the soul to move on


Then explain how Afton always comes back? Why it’s required that Charlie give Cassidy his happiest day before he can move on? How can Michael stay and torment William? It’s because those are *souls*. Remnant literally means remains. Leftovers. Excess. Remnant is the excess soul residue and therefore cannot be the main spirit itself. We’ve been told that remnant can be destroyed in flame but souls have no reason to.


there’s a lot of reasons why afton could come back the first fire like I said in this same comment thread as a response to someone else there is a lot of reasons for afton coming back and most likely afton didn’t come back after pizza sim it’s more likely that sb afton is the mimic nothing is ever stated that the happiest day needs to happen for Cassidy to move on it’s clearly shown that she doesn’t because she’s the haunter of golden Freddy, golden Freddy is the vengeful spirit wdym how can Michael torment William as far as I know Michael never gets burned in a fire and then continues to torment William you could make a argument that Michael is the vengeful spirit but It’s very very likely that cassidy who is the haunter of golden Freddy is the vengeful spirit remnant might mean the residue of something but it doesn’t quite mean that in fnaf it has a lot of meanings in this franchise and souls have no reason to be destroyed in fire but they also have no reason as too why they can not be destroyed in fires and as I said the remnant being destroyed could allow the spirits to move on to what ever is beyond.


Here watch [this](https://youtu.be/7ykDrYPAkkw?si=QKGKGCe0yfuqHnfv) then come back


I just finished the video personally I don’t believe the majority of their theory’s although they did do a good job at making it make since which is something that is hard to do when it comes to fnaf lore. i Can see what you mean but I personally don’t believe the majority Of the theory’s discussed in the video.


Aight fair enough


Does it tho? Lol isn't scrapping just salvaging the parts? Weren't they auctioned? They appear in FNaF 3's office


If you google how scrapping works it says “If you're newer to scrap metal recycling, you may be wondering what goes into the process. It can be broken down into five steps: **collection, separation & preparation, melting & purification, solidifying & manufacturing**.” and about them appearing in the fnaf 3 office scrapping is usually used to reuse metal so it Would destroy their endo’s and the remnant within the endo’s but fazbear entertainment would probably keep their plastic shells.


Oh that makes sense. I didn't think of the process outside the animatronic parts business lol thank you for clarifying


No problem!


just because it seems unfeasible that the kids could be stuffed into the frame of the animatronics doesn't mean it's not possible for them to possess them. yes I agree that it was stupid for Scott to just do nothing with these set of children but it doesn't mean that this straight up didn't happen.


My point is that I don't think there is a second set of murders. In every game, 5 kids are always brought up. I believe this minigame is meant to take place before the withereds were possessed and that the kids around the pizzeria are the original MCI


We play as withered freddy and this location has been comfirmed to not be the location that the MCI took place, it was the fnaf 1 location.


Where was it absolutely, 100%, objectively confirmed that the MCI took place in the fnaf 1 location?


It wasn’t explicitly, but it is VERY clear that the location of the MCI is not the FNAF 2 location. It had a pirate cove, which the FNAF 2 location did not


So it has not been confirmed, got it. I do not look at the minigames as if they are recordings of exactly what happened like a lot of people seem to, so the fact that the minigames had a pirates cove is not very definitive for me.


Well, the thing is that we often get *less* detail than is necessary, not more. So we should consider that the deliberate inclusion of a pirate’s cove is in fact important


That’s fair, I totally understand that perspective, but since it’s not 100% that shouldn’t be a hard cutoff. (Especially with the first person I replied to saying it was definitively proven)


The ITP game has the MCI in FNaF 1's location.


the entire place is the exact outline of the FNAF 2 location, down to the withereds being in the parts and service rooms. how are you just gonna ignore that?


The toys aren't possessed directly by stuffing them in a suit, in the minigame we clearly see them on the floor, i believe they are in a situation similar to the puppet, they died close to the animatronics and possessed them. Also the original kids were from the MISSING children incident, i suppose it would be pretty easy to find them if they were on the floor with lots of blood everywhere. And that minigame was on the fnaf 2 location with the toys built and mangle already destroyed, meaning the location was open, if the fnaf 2 location was already open, and only after it was open the original kids possessed the withereds then the toys were built using the withereds not yet possessed parts.


You don’t have to stuff the kids inside the animatronics to possess them, it just has to be within close proximity.


honestIy I find it so strange that everyone ignores this minigame


fnaf fans try to ignore information that contradicts their headcanons (instantly successful)


The logic behind parallels found at last..


Midnight Motorist fr


Kids dying and possessing the Toys because that’s just what happens when you have Charlie babysitting a bunch of ghosts


Remember in Fnaf 2 where you hear the following? "Uh, the first guy finished his week but complained about... conditions. Uh, we switched him over to the day shift, so hey, lucky you, right?" And two days later, we hear  "Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. You know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you that whatever is going on out there, however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. It's just all rumor and speculation... People are trying to make a buck. You know... Uhh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he's on watch from opening to closing." It's pretty easy to say that in that time span, either before or during fnaf 2, the happenings of the minigames happened. And the guard that has transferred is our dear ol' purple guy. Now I have two ideas about this 1. The spirits communicate through the games. While it's not exactly where they died, it's where they were before being led away to die. Possibly taken to another Fazbear's location, where they were put in the suits, or put in the suits there, before the suits were relocated, cause the fnaf 1 suits and fnaf 2 withereds will most likely have been from different locations.  2. They did die there, but with what we know now about remnants, they were never put in the animatronics and used in Williams experiments, as he had figured out what had happened with the Puppet.  Now, why aren't the toy animatronics haunted? We don't know for sure, but we don't see them actually being haunted. We do know, however, that they're security systems linked to criminal databases. It's why it starts losing its mind with William, who most likely was a suspect for Charlie but was never arrested, as far as we know.


The security system thing is a cop out like how Phone Guy says the animatronics in 1 just have faulty code that makes them think you're an endo. This is literally just FazEnt propaganda working lmfao


imo modern FNAF lore is such a complex bloated mess just cause there is SO MUCH 11 Games, A pile of books and with the Movie, there's just too much in my opinion, every game solves a question but in more recent titles they seem to love adding more questions than solving them, like a Hydra when you take care of one several more take their place


what does this post have to do with modern fnaf lore lol


Objectively it doesn’t represent the MCI because it didn’t occur at this location.


exactly. there are people straight up denying that this takes place in the FNAF 2 location despite it being the most accurate representation of any Freddy's establishment we've ever seen 💀


Honestly I stopped trying to figure out the lore ever since the mimic existed. The lore of the original three games, while not complete sense at first, wasn't extremely convoluted. Take Squimbuses vhs tapes for example. (Looking past the obvious), He took the lore given to us in the first three games, (and technically four but he didn't take that much from four.) and made a coherent story that makes sense and has a happy ending. OH BUT NOW WE HAVE SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS FOR GHOSTS AND GIANT MALLS AND ANIMATRONICS THAT CAN MIMIC PEOPLE AND IN UNIVERSE VIDEO GAMES THAT DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE.


a lot of people seem to be approaching old lore as if it's new lore and it just overly complicates things.


Yeah, which really isn't the case. The old lore can be a bit confusing at first, but it's honestly not that bad.


It’s just another set of murders, fnaf fans desperately wanting to create super complex theories makes them not understand even the simplest plot point


Mr. Hippo's words continue to be relevant.


True, there’s literally a person here saying “it could be just ghost hunting, the blood and corpses could be just a memory”


I SAW THAT I could not roll my eyes harder


Well, if this is the original MCI... Why are we at the 1987 pizzeria? The FNaF 2 Location was "New and Improved", so, it wasn't open before that. If this is the original MCI, what is up with Withered Freddy just roaming around the Pizzeria? The Withereds are deactivated, they only move because they are possessed. Also, there is another game that shows the Original 1985 MCI, the Foxy Go Go Go one. In that minigame, the Purple Guy isn't even a Security Guard, meaning that it takes place before FNaF 2. FNaF 1 mentions that the corpses of the original victms were never found, and we later discover it's because their corpses are stuffed inside the animatronics. But in the Save Them minigame, they're not. Those corpses were found, which lead the police to do an investigation in the place, mentioned by Phone Guy. That minigame is definitely not the original MCI, it's a completely different event. In my vision, that minigame represents The Purple Man, also known as William Afton, under cover with his Dave Miller Identity. He went to Freddy's to experiment with Remmnant to discover if dead children need to be stuffed inside an Animatronic to possess it, which turned out to be false.


Let’s not forget Golden Freddy being possessed and active during the night


Forgot that, but yeah, you're right.


This minigame shows us new victims that died during William's shift that would later possess the toy animatronics.


This literally represents the DCI (Dead Children Incident - fanon name). There are five dead kids in the 1987 location.


maybe thats the one retcon that scott was talking about lol i could imagine the investigation being the previous guard and the strange behaviour from the toy animatronics as said in night 4 not a second set of children that is never brought up again


I doubt it. there's no reason to retcon this. if Scott didn't want to do anything with the 2nd batch of kids he didn't need to. he could leave that story thread be. if I were him I'd use a retcon to change something that was established that impacts the story a bit and the 2nd mci doesn't all that much, it doesn't contradict anything so doesn't need to be retconned.


the souls from the toys literally could be from the withereds *Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models... ..sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location, and we just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them. Uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology. But they were just so ugly, you know. And the smell...ugh. Uh, so the company decided to just go in a whole new direction, and make them super kid friendly. Uh, those older ones shouldn't be able to walk around, but if they do, the whole Freddy head trick should work on them too, so... whatever.* "something borrawed. something new" without the dci the fnaf 2 plot doesn't really change, afton would steal the golden freddy costume to collect agony and have a investigation about it, because the souls on the toys sees afton stealing the suit and they act more agressive than ever as said in night 4 *Okay, so uh, just to update you, uh, there's been somewhat of an investigation going on, uh, we may end up having to close for a-a few days, I don't know. Uh, I want to emphasize though that it's really just a precaution. Uh Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrongdoing. These things happen sometimes. Um, it'll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I'll keep you posted.* *Uh, just as a side note though, uh try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Uh, someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems, we're not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. Uh they interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just...stare.* the location would still close because of the toys acting weird and later the bite of 87 from november 14


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a second MCI is ever mentioned anywhere else. Dead kids being inside the fnaf 2 building doesn't mean there was a second MCI. It's still a possibility but not definitive. I mean, why would the bodies be spread out everywhere in the building?


there are loads of reasons why the bodies could be spread out. but we have no possible clue as to why so I won't try and make up some crap story based on baseless lines of logic like a lot of people do but my point is clearly it happened. you can't just deny that a second set of children died when it literally happens in front of you.


Well let's see what happens during the fnaf 2 movie


Phone Guy’s calls and the SaveThem minigame in FNaF 2 strongly implies an MCI occurred at the Toy location, thus being a second MCI.


Which lines of phone guy are you referring to?


I'm guessing these FNAF 2 Night 4 "Uh, just as a side note, though, try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems; we're not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive, towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just... stare."


My fellow commentor has outlined the section on the toys acting possessed but if you're looking for acknowledgement of the incident, Night 6 is really what you're looking for. " (...) the place is closed down, uh, at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one, someone used it...now none of them are acting right."


The latter half of Phone Guy's calls in FNAF2 are about a murder investigation happening in that building involving the night guard who came before you (Jeremy). In SAVETHEM, Purple Guy *is* the guard.


A question I have is where the hell is the kitchen? isn't that a resturauant?


A bunch of kids were killed but they were not stuffed into animatronics like we see in Give Gifts Give Life, and hence they did not possess them. There is the whole concept of how the toys reuse parts from the classic characters and so they become aggressive by proxy, but none of them are haunted directly by anyone.


so in your eyes the extra set of dead kids meant absolutely nothing?


Yes, pretty much. There’s no precedent for them to be haunted at all, nor is there any conclusion for the supposed souls that would be within them during either FNaF 3 or FFPS, so they simply were killed and moved on immediately. In my opinion this minigame shows William attempting to recreate what happened in the MCI, with exactly the same number of victims, but he fails to account for the fact that the person has to be pretty much inside the animatronic or touching it in order to haunt them. In every case I can think of, this is how it works. Elizabeth was trapped inside baby and possessed her. Charlie was cradled by the Puppet in her final moments and possessed it. The MCI victims were stuffed in their suits and subsequently possessed them. William dies inside of spring Bonnie and possesses the suit. I think this minigame just shows the wickedness of Afton and his fixation on how the animatronics became haunted and trying to understand it. In my opinion, the ending screen of FNaF 3 is the most damning piece of evidence, as it only shows the masks of the classic four characters and not the toys, either lit up or not, demonstrating whether or not the children’s spirits are freed, and there’s nothing similar for the toy animatronics, which implies they were never haunted.


Considering that they are irrelevant to the lore and are never brought up or mentioned again, yeah pretty much lol.


The first game is about dead children haunting animatronics, explaining why they do weird things like disobeying laws of physics There's a second game with new animatronics that do weird things like disobeying laws of physics There's a Minigame showing a new set of dead children Does Sott have to draw or what?


Honestly WE DON'T KNOW. Nothing has been clear enough to say anything much about it.


I saw an interesting theory saying that the Blood under one of the Tables was from the kid who possessed JJ, the full Theory is [here](https://youtu.be/hmznFCj758s?si=vVs5FzGRXH83cIno).


It is a second batch of victims. The question of if the Toys are possessed comes from the fact that these bodies weren't ever stuffed


Yeah but at the same time, Charlie wasn’t stuffed and she definitely possessed the Puppet so….


A second incident, like, that’s dumb that this meant to represent the MCI Phone Guy mentioned an old location left to rot and that is separated from Fredbear’s Family Diner so it is a Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza There’s also the fact that the 1987 location opened in 1987 and the MCI happened is pretty much in 1985 (it didn’t happened in 1983, I’ll die on this hill) so yeah, the MCI can’t happen in Savethem no matter what


Can somebody give me the TLDR? Are the toys possessed or not?


It's surprisingly mixed from what I've seen in terms of amount of people who think one way or the other. As anything goes in this franchise nothing is very concrete I wouldn't be surprised if Scott doesn't even know most of the answers to the things he does. I will say that the people who say they AREN'T possessed don't have very good arguments as to why they think that. I think sometimes we need to take things at face value and what FNAF 2 is clearly hinting at is they are possessed, but not the entire game.


The Toy Animatronics themselves aren't possessed, but they are being interfered with by supernatural means, as is most of the tech in the restaurants. I think this mini game shows some of the murders being covered up, and one of the newer animatronics being disabled by the wanted criminal William Afton.


These kids were never brought up again, so I ignore them


During Pride Month we say "Let's get this queer"


No we say “let me be queer” smh


I don't like at all the idea of another set of dead children, it's really stupid and I hate it and it will never be true for me


so you're just gonna pretend this didn't happen?


That a you problem


Personally? This was initially supposed to set something up, but the plotline got abandoned or radically altered in favor of different ones. Simple as. Maybe it once had meaning, but now? I think it's meaningless.


If they aren’t possessed who are these silly little people


Looks about right


It represents the “the community had to rewrite the entire LORE about 3-5 different times now , let’s not do it again” mentality


There are several reasons they aren't possesses. One, if they are then we have a whole bunch of possessed animatronics that were never released. They can't be possessed, at least not by these kids. Notice how these bodies are just.. laying there? They aren't stuffed, or even that close to the animatronics. So there's no reason they'd be possessed. There might actually be some possession going on. Since bits from the original animatronics are used in the toys, remnant from the MCI kids would be possessing the toys. So there's some ghosting happening, just not by these dead kids. This minigame is there to show why the new place is under investigation. William killed some kids, and that's why the restaurant closes... Along with the bite of 87.


They don’t have to be stuffed to possess them. Charlie was never put inside of the Puppet.


True, but the Puppet also collapses right on top of Charlie's corpse. I meant stuffed as in, they are not in direct contact with the animatronics, they are just laying there.


We don’t necessarily have any reason to believe that proximity can’t play a part in possession. For all we know, being in the same room can be enough.


While that's true, all cases of confirmed possession have had direct contact with what they are possessing. MCI? Stuffed into the suits. Puppet? Collapses on top of Charlie. Springtrap? Died inside the suit. Elizabeth? Died inside baby. The only two where this might not apply is CC and Michael. But there are theories that CC was at least at somepoint stuffed, or doesn't actually possess Fredbear, so that still works. Michael could be argued that... well he's is himself. You can't get much more direct contact than that. Or that he's being kept alive by remnant rather than actually having died and possessed his own body. We'd need some direct (in game, I don't really care if it happens in the books) evidence that bodies can possess things they aren't, at the very least, touching. If simply being close to something is enough to possess it, why don't these kids possess a mop? Or an arcade cabinet? Or some random light? You'd need to explain why the animatronics are the go to, rather than literally anything else.


True. The DCI either would’ve possessed the Toys, or just… ‘passed on’ without attaching to anything.


I don't believe the toys are possessed. Maaayyyybeeee Mangle, but the I think it's only the MISSING children possessing animatronics, while the DEAD children have already moved on after being killed. The Toy animatronics seem a bit too small to store children in them unless they're really little, at most it's the MISSING children's remnant being scattered around between the Withereds and the Toys. But that's just my opinion lol.


I do think this is a new incident but at the same time don’t think the toys are possessed, in fact I think it’s more likely if they are possessed it’s due to the remnant from the withereds as it hinted in the teasers that the toys have some of these parts. I think that’s more likely that the toys are vaguely haunted by the withereds instead of new souls that have no importance to the story


Another set of kids, who possess the toys. They have no importance beyond that.




The DCI, though imo they did not possess the toys, rather the remnant from the parts of the withereds resulted in the possession, which is why the withereds are more active (higher amounts of remnant), and why the DCI are never really brought up ever again


that's one of my biggest issues with theories nowadays, a lot of people just ignore what the games shows us like, how can you look at this image and say "nah they're not possessed"


There’s also 5 souls in all the rooms combined which means they could be the souls of the original animatronics wandering and maybe haunting the toy animatronics along with the withered animatronics and the puppet obviously isn’t moving to anyone of the toys


You’re telling me a Freddy fazzed this bear?


Freddy got fazzed the f up bear


What if were wrong about the whole situation and they're only partially possessed, similar to molten freddy and even ennard being a collection of confused souls that aren't entirely whole. We know they used the withereds to repair them when they broke, no matter what part broke, so what if transferring pieces to the toys caused some kind of semi-possession where they're lifelike in the sense that they can be similar to the fully possessed ones, but not enough to remember they're children who were killed at some point nor have any way to trigger that memory


They used parts from the Withereds, just like later when Afton puts parts of the originals in the Funtimes. Pretty sure those are just the ghosts, not the bodies. If there was a second MCI (With the bodies being found) AND The Bite of 87, there’d be no freaking way Henry would’ve been able to open the OG location (88-93). I’m very confident that they’re sorta possessed, but there’s no 2nd MCI


There are 5 bodies, right? Okay. Who are the toys? Puppet(already possessed), Mangle, T.Freddy, T.Chica, T.Bonnie, BB. There is no way in hell to put a child in Mangle or BB, T.Chica and T.Bonnie are iffy, but doable. Not to mention that Mangle is already moving for some reason. Not only that but the corpses are scattered around the place. You can't tell me that any of these kids end up in the toys, there is no way. The only possibility of the toys being possessed is through the withered parts and soul-splitting. But that's still the MCI kids, not the DCI kids. Not only that but everytime souls are depicted there are 5, 6 or 7(in HW:COD I think). ANd always with the OG animatronics.


so you think what happened in FNAF 2 is depicting the original MCI


I mean Fnaf 2 does depict the MCI, but no, I was saying that the DCI kids(shown in the picture above) most likely don't possess anything. I mean you could make some fuckery with them being in the Funtimes somehow, but I don't really like those theories, and they don't make sense to me considering the gravestone ending of Fnaf 6. I think the DCI was just a narrative device to close down the Fnaf 2 location(which kinda doesn't make sense since the bite of '87 would be enough for that to happen), and maybe to explain why the animatronics are acting agressive, since they just witnessed their killer kill more kids.


I don’t remember where I read it, but I thought I saw somewhere that since Toy Bonnie eyes contract, it seems that he has organic material whiten him. Maybe most of the toy animatronics are 50% machine, and 50% flesh?


do not spread that theory out there


…Can I ask what’s wrong with it?


people who don't know what's going on will latch onto it and it'll cause false information


It’s just a representation of the MCI, not meant to be taken as a literal event where Afton just killed some random other kids and left their bodies scattered around the pizzeria, that would be dumb.




Just wrong


it's meant to be taken literally. there's no need ti overcomplicate things. It doesn't need to be a weird representation or illusion or dream bleeding or whatever trauma security breach fans are dealing with now. it's literally afton had killed a second set of kids in the fnaf 2 pizzaria there's no reason to to think otherwise.


this minigame represents the ghost of the dead children, the blood and the corpses are only a memory




Well, If that us the case, Withered Freddy would not be moving, because the Withereds are deactivated in the FNaF 2 Location, and they only move because they are possessed. The game literaly spells "S A V E T H E M" and Purple Guy says "you can't save them". How Freddy, a 4 ton hunk of metal shaped like a bear would save the kids, if one of them is actually what makes him move? No, it's one more of William's killing spread.




Your literally the reason Mr hippo ucn line needs to be bringed up


i don't get why mr hippo's in that insult


“You know, sometimes a story is just a story” is Scott’s way of saying to the fanbase stop creating super complex theories and over complicating the story


we're looking at a random minigame that was probably made to fill sausage (a brazilian saying), and we're asking if the toy animatronics are posessed, which is itself overcomplicating the story since it's in the start of the game that they'll atack the guard because he looks like a criminal


1-the minigame is not random, all the other 3 are literally lore based since 2014, Charlie’s death, mci and how mci got possessed 2- how it over complicates the story? It literally explains the paranormal stuff of the toys such as toy Chica silver eyes, mangle crawling through the ceiling, toy Freddy’s black eyes and toy Bonnie dilated pupils 3- ah yes, the famous “they attack because they we’re programmed to kill criminals”, one of the most infamous mistakes people commit, because NO, they are not programmed to kill criminals, they are programmed to detect a criminal in the restaurant, it’s never said that they were programmed to kill people, because if that was the case, more lawsuits would come


thanks for the explanation


All im seeing is comformation that fnaf 2 is where the murders happened


Bro did not play FNaF 3


I did


FNaF 3 confirms the killings happened in fnaf 1 location, and that fnaf 1 location is also the original location, the one before FNaF 2. Besides also FNaF 2 location was only open in 1987, the murders happened previously to that in 1985.


Can you give me dialouge from the game? Im too lazy to go in and look for it


There's no specific dialogue since it's pretty much all of them, I'd have to copy and paste every phone call from FNaF 3. But in short: Phone guy explains about how to use saferooms and springlocks, later he says springlocks are dangerous to use and the springlocks are left to not be used, then says that the saferooms are not break rooms for employees and that they should not regularly use and to never bring a costumer there by any means, and also that someone has used Springbonnie and nobody should be messing with springlocks. And then he says they are going to seal every saferoom in every location with no further explanation. And in the Follow Me minigames, we are at the FNaF 1 location, and we learn that FNaF 1 location has a saferoom and the springbonnie suit is there, meaning this is the old location where William used the suit to kill the kids, same location mentioned in the tapes.

