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I fucking hate that I love Van Helsing.


I've watched this a bunch of times. It is a fun movie.


Too bad, so sad! Seriously though, Kate Beckinsale and a Slavic accent awoke something in me.


So, you're saying I have to watch Van Helsing now.


I forgot that movie existed! The only thing I remember is that there was always a rope. It was like the 1960s Spiderman cartoon. There was just an infinite supply. >"Oh no! The castle is under attack!" >\*In swings Frankenstein\* I'll have to give it a rewatch. It's been forever.


But those brides.


It's such a fun movie.


I avoided this one when it came out and have since come to enjoy it. Can’t go wrong with Hugh Jackman.


I loved it. It was almost like a play, when it came to the acting. Also the werewolf transformations were awesome. Also Faramir who plays the monk Carl was hysterical in it.


Saw that in the theater when I was like 10 and LOVED it. Haven’t seen it since but I’m sure it’s a bonafide camp classic


I will only admit this since nobody I know knows my reddit account, but...Biodome (1996)


Actually, Biodome is well respected among people who respect comedy. It's not easy to create a movie that's this ridiculous, but still has characters and story that compel the viewer to stay beyond the laughs. The 90's was a lot stupider than ppl want to admit, especially when they would look down on such a well made comedy.


I love biodome watched it years ago. Rat race is like this for me too. Just recently rewatched it and it's not a cinema masterpiece but it has good comedic pacing made me laugh and ends with a smash mouth concert. Truly a movie of it's time that's pretty fun if you look at it like that. A bus full of I love Lucy's rioting always gets me.




10 year old me thought this was the pinnacle of comedy and rented it over and over again. I would never even attempt to watch it today. I prefer blissful ignorance.   *FREE MAHI-MAHI! FREE MAHI-MAHI!*


LOL. I met Stephen Baldwin some time back. He even has no problem admitting it’s a terrible movie.


Purple sticky punch


Biodome is a classic.


None. I enjoy what I enjoy.


This is how I feel about Smash Mouth's 1999 masterpiece of an album, Astro Lounge


Banger album.


I’ve been listening to that album again recently. I love both of the first 2 albums.


Holy shit I thought I was alone. It’s good right!


This is the right answer!


The Flash movie. The cgi is awful and they should have replace Ezra Miller ( he should be in jail instead ) but i really enjoyed the movie and I think isn’t that bad like most people says.


The CGI is the worst I've ever seen, and Ezra Miller deserves to be put in a hole and forgotten... but it's got a good screenplay, and it's quite funny.


The worst cgi you have EVER seen? I can't remember it being that bad.


I feel like they ran out of money near the end with the whole multiverse look they did… I was enjoying it up until then and that was the catalyst that made me not like it…


Agreed. Miller sucks and the CGI is worse than Asylum movies in some parts, but the script is fun and I will die on the hills that the baby-rain scene was hilarious and the multiverse collapse was a fantastic bit of fan service (CAGE!!)


I hate Ezra Miller too but I think they use they/them pronouns


This is what I came to say. It's really not that bad, it's a fun goofy superhero movie with a decent story line.


man I ate an edible and had a blast watching this movie


Spice World (1997) I don't think I really have to explain the hating to admit it part. I dunno - maybe I was just in a mood at the time (it was many many years ago) but it just seemed to take itself the right amount seriously and the girls all seemed to be having a lot of fun which made it endearing to me.


I love this film too. It's weird, camp and dreadful. The alien scene is an all timer. think I need to rewatch


And the random friend in the whole movie while extremely pregnant!


The beauty of camp is that it’s timeless. This movie was somehow even better as an adult.


Loved Spice World! I mean it’s campy, it like a modern version of A Hard Days Night, but kind of silly like Head.


Meatloaf being the bus driver lives rent free!


I loved it!


Honestly, in (kinda) the same vein — *Crossroads* with Britney Spears. A surprisingly decent film, even if there are some... heavy-handed elements. Acting was more than competent though, Britney included. My wife and I rewatched it a few weeks ago, and it holds up.


Sunday drivers! It’s only Saturday!


I was obsessed with this movie. I think it came out when I was maybe 6, and I was convinced they actually knew I was watching because of that final scene where they talk to the camera.


When it came out, one of the rock radio stations I listened to had a charity torture-athon thing in which of their morning show regulars watched every screening of Spice World at one of the local theaters over a weekend. The torture part of that stunt backfired as he ended up loving the movie.


They were smart to try to make it in the spirit of “A Hard Day’s Night” without taking themselves too seriously. My English ex watched this on repeat.


No it’s ridiculous and wonderful - it’s niche but no reason to hate yourself for loving it!


That movie slaps


Battleship and I don’t care who knows it.


I watch that flick as a 'don't ask, don't tell' romance between Kitsch & Asano and absolutely love it -- vive l'amour!


I don’t care who you are, but if you don’t get pumped up when the old sailors get the old battle ship ready, you’re dead to me lol.


Thank you for saying so. (I worked on the film, so nice to hear someone say they like it!)


There was a [Admiral](https://youtu.be/k_LjfwrMr9I?si=SUqVVEXKgpGqt49N) who did one of those “rating the accuracy of movies and tv” things, and he essentially said “Accuracy? 2/10…. One of my favorite movies”


Red Sonya! It’s pure eighties cheese, and I love it!


Oooo, also Beast Master! The ferrets! Just awful, but I saw it as a kid in the theater and I was obsessed


This is a good one! Little me had this recorded on a VHS in the 80s missing the first 5 minutes of the movie and I watched it all the time lol. Great soundtrack and total nostalgia for me.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose. It's disgusting and reprehensible to make a movie based on a real case where the victim who had severe mental illness suffered and died due to neglect and paint it as if it was real demons. But as far as horror flicks go, I think it's pretty decent.


Lauding Jennifer Carpenter’s incredible performance makes up for any embarrassment I feel when suggesting this movie. It is a masterpiece of using one’s whole body in a performance.


Yes, it was so much better than I expected. Genuinely scary, and unsettling. Tom Wilkinson is also great as the Priest!


She's so amazing, I wish I got to see her in more stuff.


Dexter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm still mad!


We're all still mad dang it


Lol I’m really surprised she never ended up in much else after Dexter. I mean maybe she did but I’ve never heard of it


I actually looked her up after reading this thread and yeah, she really hasn't. She's gotten married and has at least one child so maybe she's more focused on that. I hope if she still wants to act she's given more opportunities because she really is wonderful. I still haven't brought myself to watch the Dexter revival (re: still mad) but I will at one point because I just love her so much.


She was good in Quarantine. I think that's her. Too lazy to Google it.


Part that genuinely creeped me out is when dude wakes up and sees her all contorted on the bedroom floor


Isn’t that what the movie argues in the courtroom scenes ? I get that it’s sort of goes a bit too crazy with the horror aspects


Wow. Best answer I've seen.


Agreed. I’ve been listening to podcasts about the Anneliese Michel and I feel awful that the film makes you kinda root for the priest and you almost want the demons to be real. But when you learn the details of the real story, it definitely sours the film a bit. I do love the film on its own though and it’s one of my favorites.


kingsman the secret service was better than it had any right to be


Whoa! You liked a good movie😱🤯


Are you talking about the first one? That movie was great! I’m a little Samuel Jackson’d out, otherwise, a hill to die on.


Freddy Got Fingered. It is literally intended to be awful. It’s one big farce, as Tom Green somehow managed to convince someone to invest tens of millions into making this and he pissed it all up the wall. I love it.


Have you seen [RedLetterMedia's review?](https://youtu.be/gEn3wcpNsg8?si=FjVFCJUKLgBNBtnT) It gave me a new appreciation of its madness.


I thought that movie was hilarious. It made my ex-wife angry, and everybody else thought I was kidding.


The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker


IMO The Last Jedi is by far the best Star Wars movie not in the original trilogy.


I enjoyed those as well as TFA


I can understand TLJ but you're *brave* for saying you enjoyed TRoS. I do not get it. But I am glad you enjoyed


The Postman Waterworld


Waterworld is the tits. Fuck the haters haha


Watch out...Smokers! Loved the movie


The Postman is waaaay too long. And I love it for that.


Yeah, but the critics hated these movies - I love them


I gotta say, i never understood why Waterworld got so much hate. Its a cool movie and a fun adventure. It's not an artistic masterpiece, but neither are tons of movies that dont get trashed like this... i used to love it as a kid and found out later that it got bad reviews and a lot of hate. I still like it though...


TBS or TNT would play these so often they have achieved cult classic status in my mind, along with The Mummy.


How dare you lump The Mummy in with those two movies :P


Both of those were viewed as such debacles when they came out, but to me they’re so fun.


I’m a Hudson Hawk enjoyer.


Megan —- was high as balls but we laughed all the way through it 🥴


should we write a program line like "don't murder people.exe.?" nah!! Also lets give this doll the strength of three grown men 😂


I didn't think After Earth was the worst movie ever


*Ron Howard voice* “It was” Haha just kidding, yeah it was way too basic honestly but it had potential, I like the whole facing your problems motif


He’s just not that into you… probably the most ‘by the book’ ensemble rom/com/drama with the A-Typical cast that we all know for these roles. Still.. I can’t help but route for pretty much all the characters apart from Johansson and Cooper.


Sucker Punch Meet the Spartans


God damn, Sucker Punch is underrated. I'd like to espouse the deeper meaning involving layers of delusional psychosis ... but, that giant robot samurai fight! *chef's kiss*


Those action sequences are phenomenal


But Sucker Punch is actually good. If you liked meet the Spartans, I can suggest some good anti-psychotics.


Frequency with Dennis Quaid, I don’t know, something just gets me about having the opportunity to talk to my dad one last time, he passed away 10 years ago.


I love Frequency! Is it considered a bad movie?


Didn’t have the best reviews if I remember correctly


i love that movie! it was a 10/10 imo, my family loved it too. siblings, parents, grandparents, all of them loved it


Happy Gilmore Not because it's bad or that folks don't like it, I actually think that MOST people think Happy Gilmore is great, but if Happy Gilmore was bad, I could just divorce myself from Adam Sandler. I could say "Yeah, Adam Sandler ONLY makes bad movies, so don't even worry about it," but Happy Gilmore is GREAT. So every time I see a new Adam Sandler film (I recently watched the atrocious "Getting Over It") I am reminded of how good Happy Gilmore is and how far we have fallen. Other Adam Sandler movies are also good, like 50 First Dates, but none of them are SO good that I'd be too sad about never watching them again if I cut Adam Sandler out of my life.


Sandler is a mixed bag. He definitely had a golden era and has flashes of brilliance here and there. 8 crazy nights is somewhere on the cusp of heart wrenching genius and thoroughly unbearable. There is a fantastic movie hidden beneath the juvenile humor.


I haven't seen 8 Crazy Nights, but that sounds likely. Rob Schneider is a great corollary in that 100% of his movies are awful, so you can just write him off, but you can't ever count out Sandler.


Just about any of Adam Sandler films. They are silly and not exactly high-brow, but boy are the comfort films to me. 50 First Dates, The Wedding Singer and Blended are my favourite. Though I won’t go as far as saying I like Little Nicky, that was absolutely rubbish 😂


Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey are both my go to comfort movies from my childhood. I cried laughing on Bruce Almighty in the news scene that it changed my 9 year old brain for the better.


Yup! Whenever I’m feeling down and want to be cheered up, I put on Cable Man! Always can depend on Jim Carrey


Why I like those movies is a mystery. that said I hate that Sandler keeps employing Rob Schneider who I know is a good friend but his characters are truly cringe worthy.


The wedding singer is an amazing movie. People just want to hate it because it's Adam Sandler. His comedy movies aren't for everyone (little Nicky, Billy madison) but wedding singer is different and they can shut up. That was my favorite movie for over 10 years, until I saw silence of the lambs. Now it's a strong #2.


The Wedding Singer is the perfect romcom IMO The song Adam sings on the plane at the end of the movie is sweet and we danced to it at our wedding


My favourite Adam Sandler film is Just Go With It. I know people hate it but it is one of my favourite films. 


Good answer. The movies are dumb, to the point they are kind of hard to defend, but they are funny. I even admit I laughed hard during some of the jokes in Little Nicky.




I was a young boy when he was on SNL and my older brother brought home all his movies on VHS as they came out. I can't not like his stuff. He was a huge part of my childhood and that ridiculous humor was as well. I dropped off with his stuff around Click probably, but just about everything through that movie I still really enjoy. I've really been enjoying checking out his serious roles as well. Oh and Happy Madison has put out some hilarious, under the radar comedies as well.


I honestly don't understand the hate for Little Nicky. I wasn't paying utmost attention throughout the whole thing but I remember it being basically standard Adam Sandler with some funny parts. I don't know what supposedly makes it so different from his other movies in that everybody hates this one. If anything I found it less painful than Anger Management.


In the pantheon of absurdist comedy, Billy Madison is a 5-star masterpiece. The rest... there's good and bad and Little Nicky. 50 First Dates, The Wedding Singer, Happy Gilmore, Mr. Deeds, and Big Daddy are all decent to good comedies.  I'm sure there have been others on par with Little Nicky that I haven't seen, but good grief that was a sustained 90 minute cringe for me.


50 First Dates I love! Depending on my mood, I cry when I watch it. Sweet movie!


Thor love and thunder. Hear a lot of people with only negative reviews on the movie but I found it to be a very fun watch and I liked the imagery in the movie and the comedic relief points were quite alright for me.


Yeah, I didn't find it as good as Ragnarok, which I feel Taika Waititi was trying to do again in terms of tone, but I didn't outright hate the flick. It's a pretty fun watch, has a villain with justifiable motivation, and was a good send-off for Natalie Portman's character, assuming this is the last we see of Jane in the MCU.


It’s alright. I would argue it’s one of the more enjoyable MCU projects to come out of the last 4 years, yet somehow it got singled out as being “the downfall” I’d much rather watch Love and Thunder than any of the MCU shows


I love Christian bale as the god butcher. Best part of the film, like Jeff goldblum in ragnarok


I liked the goats…


Tessa Thompson is underrated. She is so funny. And of course Chris Hemsworth is always funny when he does comedy.


I think it's a solid movie that didn't meet the wider audiences expectations.


Me myself and Irene. Que-tip makes me laugh and i always feel horrible after.


Argylle. The movie was just shit. Can't say I didn't enjoy it.


Sam Rockwell gave a far better performance than that movie deserved. Can't say I didn't enjoy it though because it was just mindless fun. Wasn't big on the "ice skating" scene though.


Just cause he is Sam Rockwell. When he first came on screen, I laughed just cuz he’s Sam Rockwell. 😄


Sam Rockwell looks like Dana Carvey doing an impression of Sam Rockwell. Always.


Yeah that scene was when my kids looked side-eye at me and said, this is just awful!


Ya that movie was a MESS. But I did enjoy it.


I enjoyed it but I was high.


It was a brainless cartoon of a film. I don't know how anyone saw a commercial or trailer for that movie expecting anything other than a glorified cheese fest. My family absolutely loved it.


I think in 5 years when it’s on TBS every few weeks the kids watching it on TV are really gonna like it, because they’ll just accept it for what it is. Someone will do a write up of how the pacing is a perfect descent into madness or something and it’s going to have a whole generation of fans that openly love it


The ice skating on oil scene genuinely felt like a fever dream within the movie


Gnomeo & Juliet. It was the only movie playing in the time slot we had available so my wife and I watched it. I cackled throughout the entire thing and loved it.


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer


I loved the book but the movie was a bit meh


Yeah ... but I preferred "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies".


Alien vs predator. It’s a fucking masterpiece


It's not rated R! That's really the only problem with it. AvP: Requiem fixed that IN SPADES.


Jackass, sorry I can't remember which one.  I consider myself intelligent and classy (I read poetry for fun and even have a favorite classical composer, la-di-da!), but my friend,  you can never take the memory of the anaconda ball pit away from me!


No one will confuse the Jackass movies as cultured cinema.. but I've always been impressed that those guys were able to do things that seemingly no one else could. It basically was a bunch of stuntmen doing dangerous things, and hilarious things, and having a good time doing it. I'll never apologize for loving Jackass. I'll laugh one minute and be absolutely wowed the next, thinking "how do these guys do this stuff". Thats good cinema to me..


Whale shark gummy


Twilight. Was expecting it to be a boring romance but it’s actually decent and hilariously goofy in some parts.


Twilight is so atmospheric with the woods and the blue lighting and the rain. And the music is gorgeous in my opinion. I dunno.


I love teen drama dystopia movies like the maze runner movies, the divergent movies, hunger games etc etc


But the Hunger Games series was actually good, especially Catching Fire. Can’t say the same about those other series.


IIRC, catching fire was actually one of the best 1:1 book to film adaptation I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if I’d call it a great movie, but it did a great job of faithfully translating the source material.


I love watching movies so much that I enjoy almost all movies. As long as I have the correct expectations I'll like the movie. I'm also really good at ignoring plot holes and details that are wrong. I guess a movie that I feel a little awkward for enjoying was Valerian and the city of a thousand planets (2017) I remember seeing it and thinking that it was gorgeous but had some dumb things in it, and then seeing it absolutely destroyed in reviews online I was like damn, seems I really don't know what makes a good movie. I was entertained so whatever.


The ten minute opening sequence with 'space oddity' in the background is my favourite piece of film ever. I must have rewatched it on youtube a hundred times over the years, and that's not an exaggeration. It's what I wish for humanity. It's perfect the movie itself is enjoyable too, for the CGI alone. I simply don't like the main characters though


Ghostbusters (2016). I know right, dreadful. Still a bad movie though, but I had a good time.


It's a serviceable comedy. Not great by any stretch, but a 6/10. Would watch it over Afterlife any day.


Willys wonderland Watched it with some mates for a laugh but ended up loving it. Nicholas cage as a completely silent badass beating up robots was just so cool even though there was almost zero story


1000% "Willy's Wonderland" is to movies as Nic Cage himself is to actors. You have no idea if what you're watching is terrible or brilliant, but you're enjoying it nonetheless. The gag where his break alarm goes off is the hardest I've laughed in a movie in a LONG time.


Dodgeball. It’s stupid, sexist, homophobic, and wrong on so many levels but watching people take a wrench to the face still cracks me up.


Dodgeball is either funnier than it deserves to be, or exactly as funny as it deserves to be.


Fast & Furious series. Pitch Perfect series.


great call. Fast and Furious we all know is total cheeseball. The height of Vin's acting is a slow turn and saying "because he's family". But somehow it's super enjoyable, surface level action. The whole series is good.


These replies are ignoring Pitch Perfect but I am with you


The Twilight series. My family chose them for movie nights and while they’re objectively terrible, I couldn’t help but get invested in the characters


“That’s My Boy” Love it.


I found Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story much funnier than I probably should have.


I was going to call that a cold take. But I checked on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb just to check myself... and it got very middling reviews on both? Everyone I know adores it, and it's cited on Reddit often. Weird. One of the very best Frat Pack movies, for my money.


I am glad you looked. I was about ready to chime in how poplular I thought this movie was. Everyone I know loves it too.


Dude, c'mon. I know so many people who would fight you on this. Walk Hard is IMO, the greatest bro comedy of its era.


Hell comes to Frogtown. It's such a dumb movie but i liked it


Inseminoid, Spookies, Matrix Reloaded, Live Action Mario Bros. Movie from 1993, Jason X, most 50s b movies, the recent Five Nights at Freddy's Movie. The movies I mentioned are objectively bad, but I personally love them despite there glaring flaws and will go out of my to rewatch them at least once a year (especailly Inseminoid, Spookies, Matrix Reloaded, and Jason X). For Five Nights at Freddy's, the acting is shit with loads of plot holes in the scrip not to mention its not very scary (FNAF is famous for the jumpscares and atmosphere scaring a lot of people hence the jumpscare reactions from youtubers). However, as a FNAF fan from Day 1, its the movie 13 year old me could have only dreamed of seeing and it feels like a return to form and what made me fell in love with the series.


Die Another Day. As a kid I thought it was the most incredible movie ever 😆. I still love it now.


**Freddy Got Fingered.** I'd rate it a 7/10, so it's not "great", but I did kind of enjoy myself.


Perhaps Rocky IV, perhaps the corniest movie ever made, yet I enjoyed every second of it. 


"If you can change...and I can change...we all can change!" How Rocky solved the Cold War.


Battle LA. Bloody love and hate how it appeals to my wannabe Aliens Helldivers Starship Troopers teen power fantasy.


Beverly Hills Chihuahua


The first Top Gun. Such a contrived POS movie. Not a single thing about the storyline is original. It's only a update of previously done better movies for the 80's action movie crowd. But damn, Tony Scott really had an eye for direction. His action sequences in this movie are top notch and are what led me to follow him as a director that I just had to see everything he made.


Waterworld.. Daylight


Nah, i hate to say it but i like frozen😭😭😭


All the Resident Evil films 😂


*Edge of Tomorrow* because I typically avoid this genre and was prejudgemental that it was just gonna be another switch-off-your-brain popcorn action flick. Not only is it enjoyable but I found myself actually having to switch *on* my brain.


I could watch Tom Cruise dying all day long, wait a sec......


Bridget Jones’ Diary and What Women Want.


But only the first Bridget Jones movie, the others are crap.


Star Wars phantom menace


Darth Maul, Pod Racers, Droideka, Battle of Naboo. So much cool stuff in that movie.


The spice girls movie spice world


All the blade movies are cheesy fun


The Rise of Skywalker. I loved Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. They work perfectly together. The script for episode 9 is the worst, BUT I truly enjoyed all the scenes, I enjoyed Ben coming back to the light, and all the fight scenes. But they developed nothing. The characters are the same from beginning to end. It feels pointless, but it’s a great ride


Wild child. Such a girly movie with Emma Roberts, ended up watching it with someone and found myself enjoying it 🙃


Rebel Moon. I was disappointed with it, but I still find myself ignoring the messy editing and script for those goddamn awesome VFX, props, and prosthetics. It’s so cool, and impressive how practical a lot of it is Ed Skrein is awesome as a psychotic space Nazi, Djimon Honsou gets go on a rampage at age 59, Jena Malone’s a freaky spider alien, Charlie Hunnam gets to chew the scenery as a sleazy Irish version of Han Solo, and Anthony Hopkins is a robot with antlers What’s there is kind of lunacy, and frankly I look forward to those directors cuts to get more craziness. Apparently they were originally Nc-17, and Snyder fought to get it down to R


Hudson Hawk. Is it terrible? Yes. Is it also mindless fun? Also yes.


Freddy vs Jason. A lot of casual viewers and members of the fan base hate this movie, but it’s one of my favorites. The characters aren’t all that interesting. The story is okay-ish for the most part. But the showdown between two of the greatest fictional slashers makes the movie so entertaining to watch.


Lake Placid and sequels


I like Conan the Destroyer more than Conan the Barbarian. I grew up watching it multiple times a week and that could explain why I like it.


Black Adam was actually fun. Dr. Fate and Hawkman were cool af. Flying, punching people across cities, the world ending; what’s not to love?


It's old, it's sexist, it's bad! Hot Dog the Movie.


X-Men Origins Wolverine


Pacific Rim. Pretty bad in a lot of ways but I still enjoyed it and will watch again once in a while.


Top Gun: Maverick It is so utterly stupid and is pure propaganda nonsense. The solution to every problem is that Tom Cruise is actually just the best at everything, somehow - so the problem gets solved. It is the only film that made me understand what kids mean when they say "unnecessary romance plot shoved into a movie for no reason" The whole film is just a trash bag of shit - but it still tastes so good and I hate that I actually enjoyed it.


Its completely generic blockbuster film shlop. But since weve been force-fed so much superhero and ither IP crap it feels like a breath of fresh air. I loved it. But its such a silly stupid movie. They basically just remade the Death Star attack with F-18s lol


He's not the best at everything. But he IS the best at flying a plane. He sucks at relationships obviously and that is very clearly depicted. People are just used to sequels only bringing back white male legacy characters to shit on them and show how washed up they are (aka last jedi syndrome). Maverick brought back the legacy character and showed he's still fucking awesome and bad ass. And went on to make a billion dollars and be universally beloved.