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I'll wait for 320SimPilot. Type rated on the 787/777 and so fun to watch and interact with. Or FlightDeck2Sim, also a favourite.


I’ve learned so much through his channel. And his voice can do things to me my wife can’t.




Yes, agree.... however Blackbox711 will be streaming it tomorrow (also a 787/777 rated pilot). (but TBH, anyone but A330 Driver).


Really like Blackbox too.


Really like 320SimPilot, so far the only streamer I watch. He’s very informative and I’ve learned so much from watching him


320sim pilot is great! Learned so much from him in so little time! He is super informative, very nice to listen to and how he speak is so great. Also super detailed when he explains small parts of the 787 and a320. Super nice. Like him a lot. Hope he comes soon with a review. Dunno if he has a beta pass


He has access but his videos will be out only on Monday. Busy with life.


Yeah. Family and work I think




Bb711 tomorrow, he is very unbiased, looking forward to his


Too bad British Avgeek didn't have time to preview it.


Squirrel has posted his video on it, not a major flight simmer but still. https://youtu.be/O7nxruUEouY?si=MFpenCp_rPazFN03


His voice is one of the best out there. Although his channel is not exclusively dedicated to flight simming, he does have quite a lot of instructional MSFS content (specially right after it was launched) and also holds a PPL, which is a bonus.


Hello I’m Emmanu-L as in take the L because y’all losers and I’m better than y’all


That made me rapidly exhale through my nose


It's crazy to me that so many people choose to listen to this narcissist


He's an asshole but he makes a lot of good content. He's obviously not an authority when it comes to PMDG stuff but watching Youtube videos doesn't mean endorsing anyone.


Watching YouTube videos is literally the easiest and cheapest (cuz it’s free) step of endorsing someone….


Yeah I get that but there's a lot of other YouTubers that make the same type of content that are not assholes


Because it's interesting content


It's crazy to me that people get upset about different opinions and expressions therein.


Getting annoyed at someone for being an asshat, yelling at VATSIM staff, and chastising members of the forum for reasonable questions is far from "different opinions and expressions therein" but you're definitely on track for gold at the mental gymnastics tournament so far.




Ok Emanuel.




hes the prick. blaming people for reacting to him being a dickhead is a weird way to use the "reduce the starting shit" mentality.




You a bot bro? Is Emmi paying for bots now to further inflate his ‘big fish, small pond’ ego ?


I know it’s not coming right now (as he’s on hiatus) but I’m looking forward to V1’s streams with it. Hope he’s back soon.


I'll throw in a word for my boy Gavyn. Easyjetsimpilot taught me a lot early into my virtual flying career. His videos are worth every watch.


Dude's awesome and I was so surprised when I found out he wasn't a pilot IRL lol


I had no idea tbh. I guess he is working in the field though as a training captain.


The last person I will be watching is A330 driver 💀 he’s biased, arrogant, annoying and morally questionable.


I’ll avoid giving A330 Driver views, thanks.




The performance looks very smooth based on these streams. Pretty impressive given the complexity and detail in this aircraft.


EasyjetSimPilots stream has actually been very stuttery which is a bit worrisome


No it’s not been stuttering. The stutters occur only when he is flying with time compression (so flying x4 or up to x8 I believe)  When he flies at normal speed it works perfectly.


What are his specs? The other streams have been very smooth.


He’s got a 3060 so not super powerful


No idea but he always streams the Fenix doing easyjet ops so his system must be pretty capable if he’s able to stream that. Maybe it’s just the stream tho. Who knows


Has to be something on his end. The other streams/videos are all smooth. PMDG are always good when it comes to performance optimization.


Hopefully FD2S can get in on this for the Alpacas


Blackbox711 found the aircraft kept wanting to nose down without inputs. He took it into direct law and the nose dropping stopped. He believes something is off with the FBW.


I’d trade A330 Driver for XP72 (for shenanigans) and/or Blu Games, though those guys are gonna be at the Expo.


XP I don't find...entertaining at all but that's me. Also the pilots that fly with him are...all over the place whenever he streams so I have to stay away from that area


No knock against him but I’ve gotten caught flying into the same airport as his conga line a few times and it’s hell haha


Easyjetsimpilot is awesome.


I kindly ask you to remove EmanueL from the post. Thanks!


Nah you'll be OK if you just don't watch


Yeah princesses are gonna princess. Bigger things to worry about in life than some dude on the internet being mean.


A lot of bleating sheep in here. I will be watching A330 Driver, because I have learned a hell of a lot from his channel and I don't mind that he has some personality. Day to day, Emmanual is more in depth it seems to me, so that is my reasoning. I do enjoy the other channels too, I just dislike group think and piling on over differences of opinion and conduct.


I wouldn't take anything he says Into actual training


Why not?


Group think?! Really?! So you are okay with him making false accusation against a someone on money extortion?? Have you seen that video? It was proven that was a false accusation. He conspired with PMDG because that guy called out PMDG. Some of his stuff is not even accurate. For example, he made claims on how Wing lights are completely unnecessary even though in the USA, it's SOP to turn them on passing 18,000 feet. He proudly accused the American pilot for being an idiot. And by the way, I am a real world pilot and his behavior could result in an automatic firing for mental instability. We don't need unstable, arrogant pilot flying passengers. Furthermore, his training is often contains inaccuracies. Group think?? That might be you.


That's a short-sighted view from you. I'm convinced that most people here wouldn't have a problem with A330 if he would apologize after one of his arrogant outbursts. Instead, he just ignores it and acts as if others are to blame or simply beneath him. Well, such behavior doesn't make him liked by everyone.


What did he do? I don’t get it


Just search for him. For example here. It is ok when people who like his "work" close their eyes and ignore that. Others can't. He did not murder someone... he is just him and sometime it would be nice to be nice and if you are not nice... then just apologize \^\^


No A330 driver. That guy should fold up his tables and leave.


every single notification from this sub is just "pmdg 777!!1!" lmao


Shout out also to Gray Eagle SimPilot and Airbus Cockpit Coach .. great videos from them.


You can say anything about A330 driver but he has good content. You guys treat him like he is satan himself. Get over yourself please. Same as you treat PMDG while here you are all hyped about the damn plane. Just shut up with the negative comments.


Good content? Yes. No excuses for bad behavior? Yes. Thats the problem. Of course you can ignore that and just live with the content. I don't do that. But of course I wish you a lot of fun with his videos.


Just remove A330 Driver from the list. Nothing but biased reviews. Plus its not even live.


Remove yourself from reddit


Facts hurt.


The problem with idiots such as yourself is that because you don't like it, nobody else should, either. I'm not going to censor him because some of you guys are butthurt. You'll get over it. I promise.


The only idiot is you and the rest that support a guy with narcissist behavior. If you really want to support someone who just talks shit on people constantly, shits on developers, Biased list goes on, go for it. Lets say he lost over 200 subs after the incident with the Vatsim controller then lost about 100+ when he shit talked to someone on the forum. So everytime he does something bad he ruins his own reputation. Its gotten to the point developers are not wanting to work with him.


So many butthurt people here with nothing constructive to say just to spew random hate, doesn't it get boring?


Welcome to the flight sim community, enjoy your stay




Keep watching Taylor Swift


Apparently not. But that's the case in a lot of communities sadly, especially on reddit or social media in general


Because I'm Germannn


Come on, the hate for a330 is so dumb haha just dont watch him if u dont like him.. he creates good content and yea maybe he had a bad day or some.. I think everyone of you is an Angel and doesnt make mistakes.. so i am really looking up to all of u butt-hurt-angel-guys