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Just a bit of a banter meme, but I honestly can't believe what the overall MSFS2024 team(s) are all bringing collectively to us! In a way I hope this drives innovation for our fellow X-Plane simmers, this is truly a golden age we are witnessing


The ship location thing stood out to me. They want the detail the location of ships… in a flight simulator. At first I was really confused why I would want MSFS2024 after buying the premium 2020 version but now it’s got me wanting that upgrade.


Hey man ships are cool in any game


Im more excited about the water simulations. Maybe the sea planes will feel way better now. I miss flight unlimited 3 water physics man.


my man FU3 was the shit back then !


Water physics, planes actually felt like they had weight to them, atc was a ton of fun. I miss Looking Glass.


Soon you can simulate sailing a cargo ship across the globe in real time!


Also really cool that they’re integrating these popular mods into the game, GAIST was already one of my favourite mods for MSFS2020 and now it will be better than ever


Super excited about some of the innovations. Hoping to see some of the “boring, routine” things that make aviation immersive get some love. It must be tough to be a small-time dev these days because the uncanny valley is getting deeper and deeper and low-quality efforts stand out as such that much more. Still hoping to see shared, crewed cockpits be a fully-integrated thing.


Poor Navigraph will be bankrupt! The best purchase(s) I have ever made but damm my bank account will be happy after.


I’m not counting them out yet. Hopefully they can pivot and integrate new solutions and remain viable. I’m surprised that with all the other smaller third-party devs who have been brought on as official partners (and deservedly so!), Navigraph isn’t one of them. They have been such a solid performer and innovator, I’d have loved it if they were part of the new planning integration. Absolutely agree - my money has been well spent with them.


yeah no x plane is cooked without a trillion dollar corporation bankrolling them




Yeah unless Google buys Laminar Research, there's no way X-Plane can compete. They'd be the ideal competitor, specially since Google has better map/photogrammetry data.


Google would strip it and sell it off for parts before cancelling it.


I was watching The Act Man's review of the Xbox Showcase and I was kind of blown away that he was surprised Flight Simulator was still around and had an audience. He was actually shocked that there was enough of an audience to warrant a 2024 game. I feel like we enthusiasts really are the silent majority, or maybe he's really out of touch lol.


Well he's very mainstream, and I suppose to them planes and train enthusiasts seem very niche But thanks to Microsoft the niche is becoming mainstream, 15 million unique users for MSFS 2020 is nothing to scoff at


I think MSFS 24 will be a massive hit. Us “geeks” will get a solid flight sim game. And those who just want to have an arcade type game (light Forza Horizon) have what they want as well. Very well done my Asobo.


I'm shocked, that he's shocked. MSFS2020 release went totally viral, with millions of people trying it out on Game Pass (mandatory flight above own house). Even Pewdiepie streamed it. It's a staple performance benchmark for all the hardware channels etc. He must have known this and it's not hard to imagine, with this level of hype a lot of people tried and stayed. If it's all new to him, I guess he is indeed out of touch. Well, now he knows.


Accessibility is key. Gamepass + Xbox + PC... A *relatively* cheap sub especially if you play more than just MSFS, on a console running better and cheaper than a budget PC, and with PC its available on both the MS Store and Steam. Thats a massive potential userbase at any one time. More than ever there's a lot of little corners of the gaming space that are quietly huge because because everything is becoming more accessible. iRacing is also huge, you just never hear mainstream coverage of it. I also watched a few streamers cover the Xbox showcase, but I'm aware they're looking at games and the industry with a very broad stroke so once MSFS came up, for that portion, I shut off my brain and essentially ingored anything they had to say because I know that's not their scene, and thats fine. I wouldnt say they're out of touch, just within their own bubbles and a possible outdated view of flight sim, which has been a small pocket of PC users historically. Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, COD, GTA, etc skew the perception that anything thats not those or a copy of those must be failing.


Navigraph be like:


Someone in the Working Title discord posted the Navigraph team's reaction to their planner and yeah they didn't look very happy about it


And I am cheering, because Navigraph has finally some competition.


I really hate that in order to do some basic flight planning I need to invest into subscription scheme. Navigraph's team totally deserve their money (their product is excellent) but it's still expensive. MSFS went so deep, this actually feel like a mandatory thing to have for your simmers. Navigraph will still retain relevant because their product has all bells and whistles (plus Xplane users). But some basic payload calculation, charts and flight planning synced with MSFS' current AIRAC should be supported natively.


I’d argue it’s extremely inexpensive for what you get (~$89/yr), and they’re always adding more features. You should go check out what a ForeFlight subscription costs.


Foreflight is one thing, but if you want Foreflight with worldwide Jeppesen charts like Navigraph has, it’s over **$4000** a year.




Considering the fact that a US/Canada subscription for Jeppesen charts is like $600…. Yeahhhh…


do u have a screenshot?


Asobo really has to knock that one out of the park to make me drop Navigraph tbh.


Which is why the competition is exciting! All of these devs who have been letting bugs and issues slide for years in their apps/add-ons are going to have to step up or get outpaced by new faces.


Yeah, Navigraph is really good. For me though, as someone who doesn't fly a lot of IFR it will be good to have something built in and I can drop my Navigraph sub.




Small Question: Will the FS24s own Flight Planet be free?


Yes, and it will have an app or something as they mentioned you could create plans via smartphone.


Dayum. But will there be Airac Updates?


Condor devs must have breathed a very deep sigh of relief. If asobo had spent half as much developer time catering for the needs of glider pilots as they did on the prop wash and cloth simulation for those racing pylons, Condor V3 would have been in deep trouble. As it stands, no one is gonna switch. We get better 3d models for winches and realistic power calculation of the solar panel in stemme, but still not even remotely basic functional thermal model in sight.


They may not have mentioned it, doesn't mean they haven't done it. If they've spent that much time modeling gliderports I'd be surprised if they didn't spend time updating thermals etc. They just haven't said it yet. There's still a *LOT* we haven't heard about yet.


Sadly, there has always been a discrepancy between the things they describe as working beautifully and how the features actually behave for the first year or so. I'm pretty sure I'm getting it on day one anyway.


It all sounds really great, but I wondered if the specs needed to run it will have to change? I haven't heard anything about the minimum specs needed for it run properly. I'm lucky. My system is only 3 months old, and I built it myself with nothing spared to ensure it'll last, but I feel for the average guy whose computer is only just able to keep it running now.


And now imagine they allow weapons mods.....


This is still such a no-brainer. I couldn't get into DCS because of the learning curve, and the fact you don't have the entire world at your disposal. I just want to shoot missiles at any point on earth. I don't care if it's un-realistic, how is this still not a thing?


age rating restrictions come to mind


I still wont be interested if the ground effect is still horrible.


Well if we're to go by what they're saying, different ground surfaces will have different effects on your aircraft. They were talking about how cutting into the grass instead of going on the taxiway will be a no no. But yeah I also hope this means a big improvement on the ground model in general


I mean… it’s really fine. Lol. Idk why people complain about it so much.


I'm sorry but it doesn't compare at all to real life. Aircraft have weight and innertia. Simple ground effect can't cancel all that. Landing the fenix is a pain because of all the float. If 70 ton planes could glide like that ticket prices would be much cheaper lmao.


Yeah land in fenix with that much float ruin it for me


you are being downvoted by kids lol. I agree with you.


I only fly GA (both in sim and RL), and I think the ground effect is pretty much dead on to RL.