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Will a dining table be going in here?


I am very flexible with the layout, it could, currently a table is near the fire place. My main challenge is where to put a couch/tv... Area Just on here hoping for ideas


It would be helpful to see the whole plan (or at least all adjacent rooms), so that we can establish paths of travel and what furniture needs to fit in what room.


I can't figure out how to add another photo... The top left doorway leads to a foyer/front door, bottom is two bedrooms and bathroom, middle right is the kitchen. If that's helpful at all.


You should be able to attach an image to a comment.


https://preview.redd.it/j0atm6upu75d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9db4f32189d9334659461bbb6996c0956aac5ba Thanks found the button, haha.


I would keep a TV in the top right corner, and a sectional facing the TV. And put the dining table near the kitchen. The fireplace is bit odd in its placement, but if you have space you can make it a reading area maybe.


Yah the fire place was def a remodel add and I don't know why they put it where it is... Which direction/side would you put the back of the couch?


Do you use it? Else, can it be removed?


I do use it, but I am starting despise it and thiking of eventually taking it out to make the space fit better for a living room setup. I am thinking after staring out the floorplan that this is prob the ultimate fix to give me the big corner for TV couch, et cet. longer term fix would be to take it out


Top right like on an angle or mounted on one of the walls?


On an angle seems better