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Really sucks when you can't get to the left turn lane because of this. But I think it comes from people not trusting other drivers.


It really does suck. And so now you get to sit through the straight lane red light, praying the idiots in front of you will notice the light is green and gtfo of your way finally. šŸ˜”šŸ’šŸ˜


Is this why people honk now as soon as the light turns green šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe unpopular opinion but if you are the first one at a red light, especially a short cycle left turn red light, it is your job and solemn duty to get as many of "your people" through that light when your green light cycle begins. It is infuriating when first person is screwing around not paying attention and then they get themselves and maybe one other car through on the green.


I hate when the first vehicle is a big ass truck making a U turn


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unpopular opinion; thereā€™s a social contract at play when youā€™re front of the line!Ā 


There used to be. They're is no social contract whatsoever, anymore. It's emblematic of what our culture has become. Much like the ever increasing lack of turn signalling... same issue


That is a pet peeve of mine. Idiots not using turn signals. Then I was behind some fool recently that didn't know their left from their right when using their turn signals.


We were in traffic on 75 yesterday and people were using the weigh station exit to cut in front of trafficā€¦ā€¦ miserable crab šŸ¦€ mindset. Literally the most selfish drivers. Yā€™all wonder why your insurance is so high.


I have to tell myself they're probably having some sort of emergency or else I'll just rage the entire time.


You're allowed to do that? I always thought it was illegal and honestly, not appropriate in any way. I hate humans.


You're not allowed to, but the cops don't generally stop and fine people for it. What people get away with, people keep doing.


A turn what now? Is that on those fancy rich cars or something?


Except not available on BMWs


LMFAO right?


What confounds me is that I see more people use turn signals in *turn only lanes* than anywhere elseā€¦ like they have it backwards.


Don't knock it. They will stop. I see at as conformation that they know that they are in a turn lane. That is not something you can take for granted. I have been in the position where I assumed the people in the turn lane would turn lane would turn but instead come barreling at you without a care in the world because they are not paying attention to anything in the world.


I've also seen people pretend the turn lane is another straight lane like a VIP access route just for them.


And high beams at night


*Every man for himself* - itā€™s definitely not working for us!


>ever increasing lack of turn signalling Yeah that drives me crazy. I need to know which way you intend to go across from me so I know if its safe for ME to go. I was hear first. Tell me what you're going to do.


I could preach for hours on this concept


Why am I hearing, "let my people go" being sung in my head?


This 1000%. A civic duty to freaking hustle through the light for the people behind you.


No, itā€™s not. The number of people running red lights in this state is insane. Almost every time I go to work, someoneā€™s running a red light. You canā€™t trust a green light to mean go - you need to wait a second to be sure traffic is actually going to stop, because thatā€™s the world we live in. ā€œOh if they hit me itā€™s their fault! I had a green!ā€ Being right only means so much if youā€™re dead.


you are absolutely correct


It's also a perfectly normal time for a "Hey dumbass" beep. People take it take it too personally. Please if I'm distracted at that exact second lmk.


More likely than not, theyā€™re on their fucking phone.


Iā€™d vote for you based solely onto this statement


I love this!!


i notice this a lot more now, and it is because people are looking down at their phones all the time. good to get people pulled over and ticketed for using phones while driving moving and stopped.


No that's because you have to so the driver in front will look up from their phone and Go!!


Which is why I don't use my phone in the car, unless I'm pulled over somewhere safe. Imagine my pleasant surprise that time when I called my daughter who said just a sec, then after a few seconds told me it was ok to talk because she had pulled over.


Well maybe if people would pay attention and actually go when the light turns greenā€¦. every day I see some distracted a-hole sit at a green arrow for 10 seconds with 10 cars behind them, 8 of which get screwed. Sounds like maybe an early spring up north. Driving will soon get marginally less aggravating for awhile.


Donā€™t hold your breath. They all moved down here so they can complain that it isnā€™t like ā€œback home.ā€


Unpopular opinion, but people should start moving when the light turns green. If it's been more than a full second, and the front car still has illuminated brake lights, they aren't paying attention. A person's responsibilities when operating a motor vehicle are to pay attention to their surroundings, and to drive the motor vehicle. Looking at a phone, digging around in the car, putting on makeup, doing their hair, popping pimples, and picking their nose are all things I see on a regular basis.


You donā€™t get a 5 second buffer at a red light turning green though. Most people who complain at being honked at are because theyā€™re holding up the 15 cars behind them.


Now I understand. I just started noticing it more where I live but Iā€™m like ā€œthese people donā€™t even give you a second to react to the light changeā€ but now I get it lol


In the panhandle people don't do enough honking I shouldn't have to honk being 4th car in line, it seems like everybody but me has a trust fun andis just driving during rush hour for fun.


It is also everyone in line behind the lead car to pay attention and honk if the front cars are not going. 4th car back should not have to honk


Traffic lights should come with horns on them. Horns that honk when the light turns green. So the nimrod at the front of the line looks up from his/ her phone to see the light has changed. Then, I wouldn't have to honk at every single intersection.


Oh heck no. You are quite liable to get sh*t. Unless of course you enjoy public pandemonium




I rode with a coworker the other day and every time the light turned green she immediately honked. I was thinking, so you're one of those people šŸ˜†


I do this because I got into two accidents. Both times I was at full stop for a while and the car behind me rammed into me. Having space in front of me allow me to go further in if the driver behind needs more room to stop


Or in the case of my neighborhood the light wont trip if you arent on the magnetic pad. I've had to put my car in park, walk up to the now more terrified driver (I assume driving for them is terrifying) and tell them to move up.


Be careful who you walk up on. Friendly suggestion.


Especially Florida, even if its an old lady, you never know.


If I carried a weapon I'd definitely have my hand on it if someone got out of their car and walked up on mine at a light


Personally, as someone who's been in a nasty rear end accident, no I don't trust anyone else on the road.


It really sucks when itā€™s the person in the left turn lane and they do this by not pulling up to the white line and the sensor doesnā€™t trigger the turn light. Now you have to honk on them like a crazy person to get them to move up or drive around them and enter the empty space to get the next light.


Happens all the time at one of the lights out of my neighborhood. Causes that person to go WTF and just run the light, or fuck off into the straight-going lane.


The people who think just because their light is red they can go 10 miles an hour and creep for 2 blocks up to the red light ā€¦.


Traffic backups are often caused by reaction time to start moving from a stop, so staying rolling is a good thing if done right.


technically there is nothing wrong with that, even with your hyperbole.


i do this. why would i waste money buying kinetic energy by pressing the gas pedal only to put unnecessary wear on my brakes?


Same. I wonā€™t cut anyone off or slam on my brakes early, but if coming up to a recently red light, Iā€™m not gonna waste my gas and brakes for someone else who wants to fulfill their deluded perception of getting somewhere faster. Iā€™m coasting šŸ˜Ž


Thank you! I am not accelerating to a red light at $3.60/gallon, then burning my damn brakes off so you can get to the light .0000004 seconds faster to stop.


the opposite case is idiots accelerating towards a red light. why? why would you increase the chances of a collision like this? just idiotic.


And those people already doing 20 under the speed limit that slam on their brakes days before they're near another car in front of them, let alone anything resembling an intersection with a light that's turned red. I hate these people. If I'm behind these idiots, I put my window down and ask why they bother to hit the brakes, when clearly, at the speed they're going, they could've rolled to a stop long before they got near the red light. I mean, hell, they might even be able to go so slow that by the time they ARE at the light, it'll be green again. šŸ¤£


There are some times to leave space, but other times itā€™s ā€™fill in all available spaceā€™. Florida has such terrible drivers, this doesnā€™t even make my top 10 pet peeves.


For sure...there are some left turn lanes that get backed up and then people going straight are obstructed. I will crawl right up onto another car's butt at these to make space.


Really itā€™s just, what works now. No traffic on the turnpike? Go ahead and do 100 in the left. 7:45am on 95? Please no tailgating and weaving. The idea something is ok sometimes but not all the time is too difficult for many.


Be careful on getting too close. If you get hit from behind, you can be found partially at fault I if youā€™re too close to the person ahead of you. Or, if they break down, youā€™ll be stuck there for awhile.


I find it really strange but also I'm hyper viligent a lot when I drive. I assume they are people on auto pilot because I give a confused wtf look from the lane next to them and they almost always roll forward to a normal distance lol. If I am backed up near the start of a turn lane I use every inch to keep the access open.


I have driven in all of the lower 48 states Florida doesn't even scratch the top 10 of bad drivers.


"Florida has such terrible drivers" Nailed it.


I love getting punished by tailgaters being up my ass, in the right lane going 80, because I'm leaving a safe following distance in front of me, yet still going the same speed as the car in front of me. Nope, that's a tailgating until I'm a nanometer off the bumper in front of me, then that's acceptable and the big ass-truck with lifted suspension behind me will back off... Once I'm tailgating. Otherwise, they wait for the paper thin gap between semi trucks and floor it to go 2 miles per hour faster in a big loud obnoxious engine revving display, only to get back in front of me to go the same speed and tailgate the person in front of me. Oh yes, how I been shown up. Everyone clap for super driver! He won traffic! What does it matter if I'm five car lengths away from the person in front of me, or on their bumper if either way we're still ONLY going 80 in the 60 mph zone? You're just not allowed to drive with safe following distance in Florida...


I swear itā€™s because they just want to get back to looking at their phones faster. They save 2 seconds by not pulling up which is a no-brainer for idiots.


This is it. Every time is see it, they are texting and driving. So selfish


I think it's people doing it so if they get hit from behind they avoid rear ending the car in front of them or being pushed into trafficĀ  Ā There was an accident in Orlando probably more than a decade ago now, that I've never been able to forget. An old person hit the gas instead of the brakes, rear ended a car and pushed it into traffic. A father and baby were killed, the old person was fine and probably still driving after. The reason this story stuck with me so long is the father and baby shared the same birthday, and now they share the same death day. Super fucked up. Edit: damn, it hasn't even been a decade since the accident https://www.wesh.com/article/father-baby-killed-in-altamonte-springs-crash-on-s-r-434/4445516


ohhhh myyy goddddddd. when OP was posting this question i literally thought to myselfā€¦ā€people do this all the time on 434ā€ (specially that intersection) and then i read this article!!! i had no idea that was an accident that happened there. how horrific. :(


RiP respect. But still, 8 car lengths away from the car in front of them. That's overcompensating. I think it's because they're on their damn phones, looking at social media, multitasking.. Then at the moment they look up to see the light is yellow, and slow down to a stop to post that new ticktok filter selfie. Then they never move up when cars in front of them, doing basically the same dumb thing realise they have way too much space between themselves and the car in front of them and the light's red now.


Ā½ to 1 car length isn't a big deal. Any more than that, and it's overkill. In other words, if I can safely maneuver a fucking semi, or even a bus into the space between you and the car in front of you, then you're too far back.


That's phone texting space.


Well it's Florida. Stoned geezers driving slow!


this is my rant - how long it takes for that first driver to go, once the light has turned and there is no oncoming, then the followers seem to leave a semi truck length in between them. Iā€™m not suggesting any dangerous or risky driving, but in my mind, a line is something you want to get through quickly. Doesnā€™t anyone look at that long line of cars behind them and want to make it a bit easier for them?


No, they donā€™t. Thereā€™s zero consideration for the other people around you in Florida on the roads. Where I live, we have a shit ton of retirees, and because they have nothing else to do during the day they drive slow as hell in the left lane, clog traffic, and donā€™t give a rats ass about anyone else except themselves. I wish these people would understand that not all of us are retired, and a lot of us actually have things to do and/or have to get to work.


Theyā€™re old and stupid, they donā€™t even know where they are driving half the time


Currently my driving pet peeve. Causes gridlock. Makes me stabby. Tighten that shit up, yā€™all! Put the stupid fucking phone down and pay attention! And get off my damn lawn.


Easy. Florida is unpredictable and gully as shit. If there is an unexpected carjacking or bath salt zombie invasion, Iā€™m not pinned behind another car and can escape easily.


Yea I was always taught this when driving in a city. Always leave enough room so that you can still see the back tires of the vehicle in front of you. That gives you enough room to make a hard turn, gas it, and get around the vehicle in front of you if need be.


that doesn't mean two literal whole car lengths between you though, which I see quite often. I don't mind on my motorbike at least....


Two?! Thats generous. I love pulling into the lane with 5 car lengths space in front of the car and waving. Honestly they usually dont even notice.


I have gone the wrong way from where I need to be to do this. Itā€™s very satisfying.


Every time I see this the person is distracted, usually by cell phones. I sort of get it in sketchy areas, escape area for car jackings, but in safer areas it can cause people behind you to miss the light. It seems to be a newer thing.


Yes to this. I drive through a shit neighborhood on a regular basis because the route cannot be avoided. For that stretch, I make sure I have enough space to exit if needed, even if itā€™s only on to or maybe over the center median. In other neighborhoods, I am far less concerned and pull up further.


Sometimes, timing can be funny. I posted my reply above yesterday morning. Yesterday evening I was at a light in Oldsmar (not exactly a high crime area) and the first car in the center lane left about 20 feet between her car and the stop line. I was hoping one of the cars beside her would swerve in.


Not a newer thing. Has always been happening.


https://preview.redd.it/9vrmn0pfeinc1.jpeg?width=1772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457088610b3403f2df808bbb00904128e0dfb596 This all the space needed to go left or right and remove yourself from ā€œdangerā€ when behind another vehicle.


Was there a shadow, such as from an overpass? I know I stop under the overpass when Iā€™m at the light waiting to get on the highway.


Nah, no shadow, no overpass. Just cars literally spacing themselves on 4 lane roads at LEAST 3, and up to another 5 cars' distance away from the car in front of them at red light intersections.


This is related to parking under a tree in Florida, at least for me.


they are playing on their phones


I figured a solution for this if youā€™re in the lane next to them pull in front of them and wave like they let you over. They hate it.


I may look at doing this next time I see it again. Like next time I am stopped at a light.. That's what people should do, really. If you're that afraid of hitting the car in front of you, that you need to be a half a block from them, there's a much bigger problem to address than bad staggered idle choices in traffic at stop lights. Like actually, how fast ARE the majority of these multi-tasking phone drivers going when they get to an intersection with a possible red light? And why should all of the other drivers have to compensate for the potential of being hit at such speeds?


Yea it drives me up the wall. Yesterday this happened to me as well. Two left, turning lanes were wide open but some not so cool individuals up in the front decided not to take advantage of the space between themselves & the vehicles around them. Not cool Bad spacing causes wreckage & impatient driving. Idk what it is about peeps acting like they are road refereeā€™s and/or that their time is more valuable than the next human. Itā€™s distasteful. I grew up being informed to have some form of driving etiquette. Nowadays itā€™s pretty non existent. Whether it be spacing, turn signals, slow entry into busy roads; busting out in front of somebody going less than the pace anticipated. Truly, truly is obnoxious. Idk how peeps look at their phones in between the hustle & bustle tbh. I feel like to even accomplish a glance at my phone during movement is automatically a gamble. Which it is. Hence why the road statistics are what they are.


The ones who infuriate me are the ones who stop in the turn lane a car length or two back, it doesn't trip the sensor so the left turn arrow doesn't come on.


I find most are on phone texting or swiping. I still use my horn when light turns green and I see their head is still looking down at the phone. Most people don't want to hurt someone's feelings or can't take getting the middle finger back but better than sitting past two lights because inconsiderate person on the phone worried about how many likes they got


Maneuvering room. Just one car length though for me.


Because when they are on their phones it gives them space.


Theyā€™re related to the folks who wait at the stop sign for you to come to a complete stop even if youā€™re a block away


Dude I have no idea. If youā€™re not up on the stop line the sensor wonā€™t change the lights in allot of places because it doesnā€™t register you as at the light. Whenever this happens to the guy in front of me, I just jam my van slowly into their tailpipe until they slowly inch forward. Rude? Yes. Effective though? Very much so. Iā€™ve lived in a lot of different states, and Florida has by far the worst drivers (not pulling forward enough, not paying attention to light changes, on phone ALL the time, quick to anger, slow to accelerate from a red, allot of senior citizens, ect).


Mental issues and phone


And those who wait until the first person turning makes it all the way around the corner before they start their turn are assholes too.


Welcome to Florida, half the drivers are operating on one braincell.


This is so annoying. Iā€™ve seen this happen alot recently - more so after I moved down to Tampa. From my observations, these people stop early, get distracted from their phones and arenā€™t paying attention enough to move up when traffic in front of them does. I have thought about messing with them and pulling in front of them in the space to see what happens though šŸ˜‚ It really messes with turn lane traffic, delaying people that want to get into those lanes because 3 random people in front of them are each taking 3 car lengths of space between them šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I have pulled into those spots many times. Ā 


What's the outcome? Better pole position, yeah?


Sarcasm, mostly.


Well, that hardly seems worth the move. Still thinking I want to try it.


Yep. It causes huge back ups at my corner in Orlando because no one can get in to the left turn lane, then the whole left lane backs up past the next redlight to the south. They're *always* on their phone. Then someone going to fast swerves in to the space and risks a wreck.Ā  I'm a jerk. I sit behind them tapping the horn as annoyingly as possible until they move up so I can get into the turn lane. I make fun songs with the horn lol.


LMFAO you're like me, only a musical version lol I'm an offensive defensive driver.


When Iā€™m sitting in traffic, and I see someone doing that, I canā€™t resist just inching just a tad.The movement in the corner of the texterā€™s eye registers and they stop, and then I do it again and again, and they keep having to look up.


I do that too šŸ˜‚āœ‹


So I am not the only one who thinks about doing this.. šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


Or, a car length or two back from the stop bar.


in my car, hate it... on my motorbike - love it. lol


I have an urge to just squeeze in the available space and wave at them as a thanks for saving my spot.


Dooo it, itā€™s super satisfying.


People that are blind and have no business driving.


Whenever I pull up it's someone on the phone or a really old person from up north


I like to call those "idiot gaps".


And I hate when you are literally inches from being able to fit into that green turn lane but are stuck behind the car going straight that's on red. And the realize if only that asshole will stopped three car lengths pulled up 6 inches, you would have gone instead of waiting another full cycle on the turn lane red. Meanwhile they just keep on driving on green all oblivious.




Lady did that in the turn lane at on my way to work. 2 full spaces from the line meaning there was no car there to activate the sensor that tells the light there is somebody waiting to turn. We sat through one whole rotation without moving. As soon as I got the chance I pulled around her and backed into the spot in front of her. She honked and was visibly upset at me doing so. I put it in park got out my car yelled at her to stop being a stupid fuck and pull up to the line explaining the lights not going to turn if she doesnā€™t. Got back in my car, turn light came on and we went. I slowed down after the turn just to give her the ā€œmind blownā€ gesture before I continued on my way. This is not in character for me but I wasnā€™t in the mood that day.


Theyā€™re right up there with the idiots that get stuck in the middle of the intersection, because they canā€™t look ahead to see the cars stopped in front of them.


Every time I see it, they are texting and driving. They do it to get back to their phone


Iā€™ve been to nearly 30 statesā€¦. And Florida had by far the worst drivers of any state Iā€™ve been to.Ā  Like it wasnā€™t even close, the amount of dumb shit Iā€™ve seen Florida drivers doing in a short amount of time is wild.Ā  The worst part isā€¦.. my brother has been living there for almost 20 years now. And the shitty driving is 100% infectious because he now does shit that I would never fathom trying in a vehicle (like crossing 4 lanes to make a left from a right turn only lane)Ā 


I dont leave 8 car lengths, but if we ALL leave enough space so EVERYONE can start moving when the light turns green, it would be a great time saver. More often ppl pull right up to the bumper of the person in front, and everyone has to wait wait wait until the person in front of moves.


They do that at drive-throughs too!


Idk. Iā€™ve been rear ended 2 times sitting in traffic first time I was first in line and pushed into traffic. Thank god I didnā€™t get hit. But second time I was towards the middle of the pack. But I was in a company vehicle and they had us religiously practicing the smith keys. I was about 2 cars back from the car in front and almost creamed the guy in front of me still. So I usually stay a car or so back. But I also know you have to have situational awareness and know youā€™re not the only one in the road. But I think 8 is a gross exaggeration. Iā€™m just not seeing that.


Amazingly, the only time Iā€™ve ever been rear ended at a light was when I lived in Atlanta. Iā€™ve been in Florida since 1997 and Iā€™ve never been rear ended at a light. But that doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t happen either.


It's really annoying and inconsiderate.


I have been driving in Florida for more than a decade, and I still donā€™t understand why these people leave that much empty space in front of their car. This behavior is among 5-10% of drivers. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, I would say owners of large vehicle SUV or minivan are more prone to this. Perhaps they donā€™t know how large their vehicle is?


After the ninth time the car in front of me moves forward two more feet, I stop pulling forward to fill in available space.


I leave enough space but not 8 lengths worth to make an escape. If the vehicle in front of me at the light stalls or otherwise becomes disabled I can get around them and be on my way


Old people "Defensively driving".


It's so they can creep up a foot at a time every few seconds while the light is red, and wind up leaving you as the person looking like an idiot with eight car lengths in front of them. Unless you do the same thing. But on a more serious note, I saw some guy do this so bad the other day, and he was at the front at the light, that he was practically in the middle of the intersection when the light finally changed. I don't know what this is supposed to accomplish.


I think it's because everyone is too busy looking at their phones.And they don't want to roll up and bump into the car in front of them .


I moved here from New York and have no problem honking my horn at people who donā€™t go when the light turns green lol or when people press on the breaks for a red light even though theyā€™re 2 blocks away from it. I use to drive a big van for work in New York driving through tiny one lane roads dodging running kids and walking pedestrians in rain snow or hell. I may look like a crazy person driving here but itā€™s only because everyone else never learned how lol I know how to drive. Period. Then there are people who drive way to fast for no reason and tail gate like crazy, Iā€™ll give dead breaks on their ass, or Iā€™ll slow all the way down then when they try to pass Iā€™ll floor it, eat my dust, they piss me off. Some of these fl people need to take some lessons.


This. This right here makes my blood boil. Like WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! And itā€™s even more infuriating when youā€™re trying to get into the right turn lane and you canā€™t because these assholes are as far away from the car in front of them as Chrisean Rockā€™s two front teeth.


And then not going because they're on their damn phone.


In many places in Florida, some of the traffic signals are triggered by wires in the road surface. So if you donā€™t pull up far enough, the light never changes.


In Lakeland Florida the lights are programmed by a toddler ! Every light stops you on most roads especially hwy 98! Our toddler should take some advice from Tampa where most lights are synchronized to keep traffic flowing! What a bunch of clowns!


Some people were taught that you must see the line in front of you or you must see the bottom of the tires of the vehicle in front of you. Of course, that's pretty useless when the left turn arrow will only let three cars through but you're ten cars back. smdh


How come they donā€™t follow any of the other rules of the road?


I often leave a gap to distance me from insane drivers who are swerving, breaking randomly or running red lights.Ā  You need to have your head on a swivel these days. I barely go a coupleĀ day with out seeing a car accident.Ā 


There's a difference between a small gap, or a car length gap and what I see in Orlando. OP isn't exaggerating 8 car lengths. If someone hits you *so* hard you go into the intersection from 7 car lengths back, that last one wont save you lol.


It's actually only bothersome when there's a pressure plate, and the person at the front isn't on it.


Traffic signals haven't had pressure plates since the 50's or 60's. It's either induction loop (if cut into the road it uses a square or rectangle which might lead someone to think it's a pressure plate) or detectors mounted on the light, like cameras or microwave detectors.


Semantics. Either way, if they don't pull up enough the sensors won't trip the light. I had a lady so far back, she was actually out of the car screaming. I pulled in behind, she told me the light didn't work, I went around her, and the light turned green.


Idiots have to have their space. They are watching out for you. You should thumbs up them. They know whatever is in front of them can and will at moments notice assault them. Or sumpin like that. And itā€™s Florida. The home of Florida man.


Part of me when I see that just wants to pull in front of them šŸ˜…


Florida was the worst state I ever lived inšŸ„‚


Bc of the drivers, the politics or the weather?


Traffic, and the cost of everything.


I am also seeing this more than ever before- and we have turn lanes or lights that rely on a car sensor and they literally are not triggering it sometimes. I donā€™t understand it. They are far enough back for a car to go around them and easily fit behind the line- and yet we canā€™t because the straight lane is already full. Itā€™s so dumb.


I try and pull in front of them. It's funny the looks I get


I try to keep a car or 2 between. I've been rear ended really bad before so I'm extra paranoid about morons that can't drive coming up behind me and smashing me I to the car ahead of me.


I see you've met my wife.


Back when car jacking was rampant people would leave space between themselves and the vehicle in front to give themselves space to move in case someone tried to car jack them . . . Don't know where they thought they were gonna go but they did it anyways . . . What I can't stand is the moron that waits till the vehicle in front gets all they way across the intersection before they move . . . WTF PEOPLE . . .


I like to think of it as them saving me a spot. I slid in front of one of them once and my partner did not approve, lol.


Common idiot syndrome.


Probably one of two reasons. As we age our depth perception gets bad and florida is gods waiting room or its a bad area and thenperson is leaving themselves an escape exit. Common in in the NY NJ metro area


I dont understand just how often the first car isn't watching the light and when it turns green, it takes them almsot 7 seconds to fuccin go. Like do you not hear the cars next to you accelerating either? Just how much lack of attention can you give while driving ffs


Texting probably lol


You should be able to see the persons tires at a stop was my grandma's rule. She'd been around long enough to see enough negligence and death on the road. What's your hurry? Leave earlier. Dont pressure people, they might be the only person in someone else's life so be careful. How close do you need to be to the car in front of you has very little to do with how smooth you'll get there. If you breathe and relax then you won't be so impatient when you drive. Get real everyone. You are the problem


They know the guy at the front won't go for at least 30 seconds when the light turns, so why bother trying to be efficient.


Someone did this to me this past Friday morning. They did it specifically to block me from the right turn lane. People are just so full of hate and rage these days. For a minute I was going to lay on my horn. Then I thought better of it and just felt sorry for this person who was obviously going to have a much worse day than me. I just waited for the light to turn.


It's just a way of showing courtesy to our snowbird guests. When we leave that space, we do it so you can nose in ahead of us. It's just our way of saying, "Thanks for visiting."


People are damn crazy, idk. A driver got out of her car to yell at me for ā€œtailgatingā€ WHILE STOPPED IN A DRIVE THRU LANE! Wtf??? And this was during Covid, she with no mask shouting w/spit flying, I rolled up my window as she made fun of me for wearing a mask! She said I was going to kill her kids. No joke. We were stopped waiting for the Dunkin line to move up. I think she was on crack. Smh. And PSā€”I learned in a driverā€™s safety class when stopped in traffic to leave enough space to see the back tires of the vehicle ahead of you. Period. Not a whole damn car length! Jeezus.


And they all have white license plates with blue lettering. Blame Canada


I think itā€™s truck drivers Big rigs donā€™t always fill in the gap because duh theyā€™re fucking huge and take time to shift People see this and think ā€œoh yeah , heā€™s a professional driver , he must leave that space for a reason, so Iā€™ll be like himā€ And we all suffer for it


Every single person I see doing that is on their phone. It's led me to assume that they're leaving that much room because they have almost rear-ended someone before because they're distracted.


Perhaps from a driving school. I wouldn't call it a defensive driving school, more like aggressive driving school. You are trained to have an out. Leave enough space to where you could drive over a curb and escape sitting in traffic. Think driving in South Africa where people are ambushed at red lights. You are taught to leave yourself an out. It's probably inattentive and inconsiderate drivers but there are schools that teach these kind of strategies.


Depth perception


They should be ticketed for that. Itā€™s amazing how many people do not know how to drive


I think most of them are literally on their phones and paying no mind to the road


If I can, even if I don't need to, I typically pull in front of those people just to be a dick. It is one of my pet peeves and it drives me absolutely crazy!


This idea appeals to me the more I read it as another comment here.. šŸ˜


They don't want to trigger the light for motorcycles and like to make the rider stand there for 10 minutes and yell at them.


Most likely the reasoning has to do with being possibly rear ended and hitting the car in front of them. But a lot of them are taking it way too far.


Florida is notorious for people rearending each other believe it or not. Also the roads were reconstructed to bottleneck traffic.


What people?


The spacing at most lights amuses me at times, these people are giving more space at the light than they normally give on the road...


While I absolutely love Florida they are a different breed when it comes to driving. The lights are so long that when the light turns green you don't even have time to get your foot to the gas before people are honking at you lol.


Streaming & Dreaming


I think the role in most places is that you can see the rear wheels of the driver in front of you. If they leave more space than that, it prevents people from being able to get in right lanes and take a right and ends up generally backing up traffic unnecessarily


The law is that you should leave enough space between cars that you can see the rear tires of the car in front of you. (In case emergency vehicles require you to move onto the shoulder.). That's probably one car length. People are getting crazy on the roads.


The true answer is Florida is a conglomeration of all of the worst drivers and from all over the map.


When i had a car with transmission issues that it would take forever to accelerate while in first gear so i would leave space so that when i noticed the car in front of my car start to move, i would start to creep forward so the people behind me wouldnā€™t get mad at me for taking off slow.


Drivers ed told us you should see the rear tires and road of the car in front of you when stopped. If the car in front cannot move (breaks down) you can maneuver around them without having to back up. If a car rear ends you there is space so you hopefully do not hit the car in front of you. You will be at fault if it is deemed you were too close to the car in front in such an accident. If you leave enough space and a car needs extra stopping time you can inch up and hopefully give them room. People have a tendency to do other things when they should be paying attention to driving. Does it suck that people leave two or more cars lengths at stop lights, yes. It also sucks that there are jack asses driving that make these people take that extra precautions.


Oh, is that what they do near you? My issue is we have idiots trying to enter the intersection blatantly running the red light and blocking up traffic on the cross street.


They're on their phones


I know. Itā€™s soo stupid. Makes no sense


Someone actually read the dmv manual in Florida which specifies break times and stopping distance? naa that cant be it I'm just spouting nonsense it was stupid the moment it left my lips. Sorry folks carry on. It's drugs dudes on drugs. There you go. Hopefully that helps.


They need to die, slowly. ​ No really. When people do that they really create backups, sometimes for miles behind them. The system assumes a certain reasonable number of cars going through, and when some phucktard does this, it messes up traffic behind them. OK maybe public tasering instead of death.


Snow birds are heading home soon!

