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It's wild how we all just pretend these people are smart and deserving of the roles they play in our society.


You can thank the Supreme Court for Citizens United and Congress for failing to act on campaign spending reform. Reform would prevent billionaires from injecting untold amounts of cash into political campaigns and limit their ability to control us, the narrative and the country. What you are seeing is representation of rich political wackadoos and their anti-social Ayn Rand beliefs.


For a MPA law class final, I did a deep dive into *Citizens United*. The ruling had been a long time coming as the court has changed its makeup, from politicians who tended to know the dangers of corruption to academics and lawyers more worried about semantics and reconciling the Constitution with their way of thinking. >1. There was an “increasing tendency of courts and academics to treat free speech as the center of the Constitution’s political theory” (p. 163). >2. There was a “shift in the makeup of the Supreme Court from one populated by politicians to one populated by academics and federal judges” (p. 163). >Reading the corruption and political speech cases of the mid-twentieth century is like watching a shawl gradually fall off of a woman's shoulders onto the floor during a concert. The old ideas about corruption are not so much thrown out as misplaced and then forgotten-such that by the time the twenty-first century comes around, and the shawl is again needed, one doesn't even know where to begin to look. Teachout, Z. (2011). The historical roots of citizens united vs. fec: how anarchists and academics accidentally created corporate speech rights. *Harvard Law & Policy Review*, 5(1), pp. 163-188. Despite these changes and the *Citizens United* ruling, there are still avenues to conduct campaign regulation, though they require either leadership for administrative action or for Congress to enact new regulatory rules that administrators must follow, for example: >1. *Corporations will completely dominate political communication in a particular race, squeezing out alternatives.* >This first fear, Levitt (2010) argues, can be addressed with regulations meant to “preserve diversity” of speech through anti-monopolization regulations that “police[] the boundaries of the extreme” (p. 225). This regulatory avenue would not overstep “*Buckley*, *Davis*, [or] *Citizens United* because it does not seek to “equalize speech or in leveling electoral opportunities” nor does it ask questions about the “nature of speech”; instead, anti-monopolization proposals would be “triggered by a particular entity’s consumption” of “any given channel[s’]” “limited-capacity medium” to reduce the “risk from too many simultaneous speakers[;]” thus, such regulations would be “content-neutral” (pp. 224-225). Levitt, J. (2010). Confronting the impact of citizens united. *Yale Law & Policy Review*, 29(1), pp. 217-234. IMO Supreme Court positions should have been as big a fight as who decides the Presidency: Congress or popular vote. That fight led to a compromise, the electoral college, whose price of compromise is showing its result... I would not recommend a similar compromise. The sentiment that the Courts aren't meant to be political is nice and may work well for the lower courts focused on the routine, but in practice, the Supreme Court's position has always been political, and we have only allowed for its unhealthy expression.


For everyone that wants to change the system because they don't like the results, our system was designed with the assumption that Congress and an educated populace are supposed to act in the best interest of the country and compromise with the people you disagree with to get something done. As things stand today the incentives are all stacked up against that. Now the ideological extremes and performative politics have captured the short attention span of the public and distracted everyone from serious long term issues that need to be addressed. This political theater and attention whoring is how you get money for your campaign. Money is the problem and we need enough people to care about it to get something done and have it stick.




People will say to vote them out... But who will they be replaced with? More fucking idiots that's who


More nepo baby idiots who were handed the money and free time to be able to campaign in the first place


Well we do have the ability to vote for less corrupt POS’s, but they don’t usually ascend to the GOP or DEM tickets because the voting majority is more ignorant than the politicians. Meanwhile our public schools are failing. This is the result of a society not valuing education and we are left with an idiocracy version of democracy with a bit of plutocracy thrown in for good measure.


This is a fair response.


And the consequences of doing something are high and the likelihood of success is low.


What the hell is wrong at ivy league colleges that they keep pumping these idiots into society?


An Ivy league education doesn't stop a person from arguing in bad faith.


An Ivy league education ~~doesn't stop a person from~~ teaches you arguing in bad faith. FIFY


They’re not stupid. They’re disingenuous.


The educational paradigm has totally changed and not for the betterment of a society.


Because politicians with no educational experience are allowed to govern the curriculum. Free the teachers! Let them govern themselves like the Fed and its bankers. Or are teachers less capable and deserving? Charter schools are an attempt to avoid any regulation, allowing them to spew whatever propaganda they want. Don't fall for that. An independent governing body of educators would not allow such propagandists and would not fall victim to outside politics, to be part of a politician’s platform. Private and ivy schools are independent, but the educational paradigm is not dictated solely by these few entities, but by where the vast majority of people attend, public schools and state/community colleges, who are held under the thumb of outside politics. Control the paradigm you control the narrative because of how important education is towards combating propaganda.


Well said!!!


Corruption. Plain and simple.


Who? The government?


More specifically? The wealth/ruling class, my guy.


Republicans are the epitome of "failing up"




and cigarettes are ok?


Booze and cigarettes are okay but weed has always been a sticking point for republicans.


It’s so ass backwards but remember. “Freedoms ..”


Last I checked the whole reason weed was criminalized in the first place was the whole fiasco with *The War On Drugs*, and we all know who that was targeted towards. Repubs are gonna be mad they cant get free money off arresting people for possession of weed. EDIT: A kind soul explained to me in depth when weed was actually criminalized and it's a very fascinating read! It was actually criminalized in 1937.


Weed was criminalized decades before the war on drugs. Mostly thru racist fear mongering. Even the name “Marijuana “ was picked to make it sound like a Mexico problem


If I recall, there were cotton farmers lobbying against hemp because it was cutting into their profits (people were making rope, bags, all sorts of stuff out of it). During WW2 the government paid farmers to grow it for the war effort, but by the 50s, they'd banned it again, due to the cotton, tobacco, and alcohol industry lobbies.


Oh my god this made me irrationally angry lmao!!! *All for me none for thee!* Guh, HATE that mentality. HEMP IS SO GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, TOO!


If you dig into almost every major problem humanity faced over the past 300 years the root of it is usually greedy shitbags who want to "win the monopoly game" of life by taking everything for themselves and leaving nothing for everyone else. It's bad enough on family game night, but monstrous when done in real life. Smh.


Infuriating. One of the many reasons I've cut family from my life was the insane amount of 'it doesn't effect me so why should I care?' mentality. I'm a woman married to a woman and the amount of 'well why should I care they wanna reverse LGBT rights?' from my OWN FAMILY made me recoil in disgust. 😞


Oh that's news to me! More to add to my random trivia facts!


Watch *Reefer Madness* ([the 1936 film](https://youtu.be/yXtumnTN6zg?si=Ar5CU1cpd8exLuOJ)) and then watch the musical parody of it (2005) with Kristen Bell. Both are hilarious, but the musical will have you pissing your pants.


I have never seen this and simply googling it makes me REALLY WANNA WATCH IT! Thank you for the recommend!! 🤣🤣


No problem. Gotta admit, stumbled upon it while I was in college and I fell in love with the soundtrack too as a former theater kid. I would love to see it come to Broadway one day!


Haha that's me with Sun Ra - A Joyful Noise. That was a fuckin TRIP but God I loved that documentary lmaoo




The Marihuanna Tax Act of 1937 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marihuana_Tax_Act_of_1937 Notice marijuana was spelled with an "H" and not a "j?" At that moment in time, the word didn't exist in the dictionary. Congress in its infinite wisdom spelled it phonetically. The white old guys didn't bother to talk with anyone who spoke Spanish. AMA American Medical Association was against the passage of the Marihuanna Tax Act of 1937. Once AMA realized the idiots were actually talking cannabis, and what the idiots actually wanted to do, AMA showed up to testify. AMA was essentially thrown out and not allowed to testify. An interesting amount of speculation and conspiracy theories surround the passage of the Tax Stamp Act and why it it gained enough traction to pass. If you're interested in going down a rabbit hole. In the Wiki article, the Tax Stamp Act was eventually found unconstitutional as a person would self incriminate themselves. However, it went further than that. SCOTUS determined that the government had no intention of ever making good on its side of the social contract. Someone could have the money, but the government had no mechanism to collect the tax and had no mechanism to deliver a tax stamp. Only a small amount of actual tax stamps were printed and the government used photos to prove that it had at least tried. SCOTUS laughed at the government. Small tax stamps were applied to tobacco and hard liquor to show the government got paid. Without the stamp, the product couldn't be sold. If you can't get the stamp then the product was effectively banned from sale. Between 1969 and 1971, when Tricky Dick Nixon first declared a war on drugs, the US government went without an official policy on marijuana. John Ehrlichman, a former top Nixon aide in 1994 stated, "..*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people.* *You understand what I’m saying?* *We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.* *We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.* *Did we know we were lying about the drugs?* *Of course we did.* https://www.vera.org/news/fifty-years-ago-today-president-nixon-declared-the-war-on-drugs


Wow this was a lot of information I was completely unaware of! I know FAR too much about Nixon to healthily talk about (his whole campaign was just a dumpster fire from open to close). Everything else, though - damn! What an eye opener! Thank you for teaching me!!


I remember that. I was a teenager when the war on drugs started.


Really? I don't wanna be weird but I'd love to know like how you navigated that. I'm a huge historian and hearing things right from people who experienced it is my favorite thing EVER. Did anything happen to you that was like directly in consequence from the War on Drugs?


Nothing directly happened to me but I had a few friends arrested and their stash confiscated. By the time they went before the judge, 20 grams had become less than a nickel bag. Most judges in our town tossed it out at that point but occasionally, you'd have one decide it was a misdemeanor and fine around $25 for the offense with a don't do it again. It was an era of being creative about hiding MJ. I knew a lot of people who would take out about half the tobacco from a cigarette and replace it with weed. The tobacco generally covered most of the weed smell and no one looked twice at an 18 year old with a pack of marlboros.


Gosh darn Sticky Icky


Cause no one ever wants to smoke a bowl with them


As far as the right is concerned, cannabis has been degenerating white youth with Mexican and Black influences since the Jazz Age


Zoot Suit Riots! And now the song is stuck in my head 😩


>cigarettes and smell *so* much better, right?


Cigs are taxable and send you to the private owned for-profit hospital that pays into republican super-pacs. Weed can be grown on your porch and completely removes the government from the equation. They can’t make money off of it.


they absolutely can, states like VA limit the amount you can grow per person and then others tax living snot out of it. so yes.. they can collect tax revenue.


And if tobacco companies were to switch some of their farmland over, they might see some better profit. God knows they already have every single logistic figured out to sell the stuff.


Their lobbyists are too powerful. AFAIK cannabis lobbyists don’t even come close to having the same amount of power and sway.


What I mean though is tobacco could easily legalize it, then completely rule the industry. Might not be the best route, but they seem to be shooting themselves in the foot on something they could absolutely take over on.


News flash: you can grow tobacco on your porch, too. And tomatoes. And basil.


The law (amendment) at issue won't allow you to grow your own on your porch or anywhere else. https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2024)#Text_of_measure


Um what? lol Medical is being taxed and regulated by the state gov. You have to pay $75 every 7 months to new your medical card and you can’t own a gun if you get one. Shit is wack. CO is doing it the right way.


They don't give a shit about tax money. Tax money doesn't go directly into their pockets like lobbyist money does.


Yea they paid the bribes, I mean donations.


I smell corn growing in Indiana, JFC


Body odor, vehicle exhaust, bonfires, etc there's no laws for smells


Assholes rolling coal in diesel trucks in Florida is totally legal since we have no vehicle inspections


I really don't mind the not having vehicle inspections thing since I came to FL from a state that has em and they sucked ass. I already pay enough to put my car on the road between insurance and registration fees without having to pay for another thing every year. Coal rolling is dangerous af tho. I've had my view blocked multiple times by those assclowns. Once on my bike because they thought it would be funny to roll a motorcycle. Those, the bass boosting assholes that drive around neighborhoods at 3 in the morning shaking the walls, and the fucking annoying loud af fart can exhausts. Need to be outlawed.


Right and if that were the case we wouldn’t be letting fertilizer pollute our waterways resulting in the worsening red tide that makes the smell of ass seem tolerable.


Don’t forget dip, these mfs will spit all day into a public trashcan and make it smell rotten af


The man has clearly never walked through a Walmart parking lot.


Or any fast food restaurant lol McDonalds, Burger King, and Zaxbys come to mind for me .


Dunkin. Always Dunkin.


Any place with the general public in it


My edibles don’t smell like a thing 🤷‍♀️


We are gonna need the weed to help us forget about unaffordable insurance premiums and skyrocketing cost of living.


You can smell weed all over the place now. 


I smell it right now.


The smell is coming from... Inside the house!!


Is the weed smell in the room with us right now? ...yes. Yes it is.


Always lol


damn skippy


Oh God the weed is in me@!!


I got weed smoke in my face walking out of a Publix in Orlando last week. Dude was just standing on the sidewalk smoking a blunt in broad daylight.


I smell it from cars ahead of me in traffic constantly


Same! I thought I was going crazy. Literally every time I drive, I smell weed. It ain't even legal here, how tf.


Uh, yes it is? It’s medically legal in FL. Edit: inb4 people think I am insinuating it’s cool to smoke and drive. It is not. I am just responding about the inaccuracy of the legality in the comment.


It's not legal if you are smelling it from your car while on the road. If you smelt it in your car that means the person is driving under the influence which carries the same charge as an alcohol DUI.


The key is impaired. Smell doesn’t mean they are impaired. Car could just smell like weed.


Right, I agree (hence my edit to the comment).


Whomever smelt it, delt it.


https://i.redd.it/7o9rqi31vqnc1.gif Why does this pop to mind?






No it’s not, I wanna smoke it but can’t because my job has stupid republicans in charge. I miss it


I would have asked for a pull on that blunt.


He needed to medicate before shopping


I literally need to do that, I can't handle crowds indoors. Walmart on payday is my version of hell.


Walmart in general is now that they no longer have 24 hour stores. It's condensed all the shoppers and it makes the place crowded as fuck. I really miss being able to go shopping overnight and not deal with assholes and crowds.


Right? 3am insomnia shopping crew!


Your opinion on that?


It reminded me of walking around the Vegas strip. I was amused, if anything. Impressed with his dgaf attitude.


Love it, same energy when I went to New Orleans. Toke it up!


I happen to love the smell of weed, but blowing it out in such a way that others are exposed to it without consent is an absolute dick move. Especially these days when so many of us are aware of others having sensory issues etc.




Especially in Tallahassee. What else are you to do when the playoff committee gives you the finger


Every day I smell weed driving down the road, even with my windows closed.


Yeah we have this loser live in boyfriend across the street who goes into his girlfriend’s backyard to blaze roughly every hour he’s awake, because I guess he doesn’t want his house to smell like the weed he likes, and it makes it smell like I’m hotboxing my garage it’s so thick. The next door neighbor to that house is an older guy who’s an avid gardener and he said he can’t stand being outside anymore. Just take f’ng edibles if you want to be high 24/7. You don’t have to smoke it.


This is the *worst* thing he could come up with? The smell? That’s the *worst* thing? Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah! What an idiot. Cue “Mom’s for Liberty” with the Anti Weed Smell campaign.


Add weed to the long list of woke things I guess


I'm a joker I'm a smoker I'm a midnight woker


I'm hurting trans kids in the suuuunnnn


This guy is so fragile.


Make no mistake in Florida weed is the gateway drug for stopping and possibly arresting someone. It’s the template and introduction to the criminal system. Florida knows this, you take weed away….it’s no probability to stop other than a fake broken tail light or fake speeding. Florida (the south) needs weed to be illegal…forever. It pays for the different areas of the criminal justice system (arrest, jail, prison, probation, courts, criminal record, lawyers).


The republicans have been supporting private prisons and more law enforcement (in minority communities) for decades. This is just one of the "wars" they wages to harm people who are not straight white christian men. War on drugs - war on black people. War on terror - war on brown people. War on woke - war on gay people. They just change the names but it is always about money and control. #Fuck you Ron and the Republican legislators


This plus lobbying from alcohol manufacturers and pharma. Opioid abuse is much lower in states with legal weed.


Finally, someone who actually sees what is REALLY happening.


>fake broken tail light or fake speeding And you know those things are fake because they wouldn’t actually give a shit about them if they were real, that would mean they have to actually enforce things on the road


Literally entire towns would stop existing in South if the criminal justice system were to be reformed or there was less actual crime.


Does he realize that…..lots of people in Florida already use THC and there are other ways to use it that don’t stink? Does he realize that even if they don’t legalize it that all those currently using will continue using because it’s as easy to buy as milk?


No. He’s an idiot


I’d much rather smell weed than cigarette smoke.


I’d rather smell rotting fish stuffed with human shit than listen to Ron Desantis talk.


Preach 🙌🏼


Amen! Second hand weed smoke isn't killing people. 


It also dissipates much faster than tobacco smoke, too.


As a nonsmoker and never once tried it, I am for the COMPLETE legalization of weed. Also, I don't support anything coming out of that person's mouth. However, there is something to be said about 2nd hand smoke in public places....all 2nd hand smoke. If we could keep cigarettes legal while protecting people from 2nd hand exposure then I'm sure this can be done with weed. Vote for better people.


That’s easy to regulate. In DC you aren’t allowed to smoke weed on federal property or in government housing. You’ll smell it occasionally but by no means does it reek everywhere you go


I mean…it comes down to cops enforcing it as well, it’s technically already illegal to smoke in public areas (that’s the only stipulation that stopped DeSantis from killing smokeable marijuana altogether). DeSantis just wants more money from Trulieve before he goes behind it full heartedly, he did the same for medical, just waiting for someone to slip him $60k more


Meanwhile some jerkoff can blow out a cumulus cloud of blue raspberry mint vape indoors and it’s all good.


Very few places actually allow vaping indoors. Even at Disney and the other theme parks you have to go to the smoking sections to vape.


The people voted to legalize it, it’s the will of the people. This fucker has no say


IDK there was that one republican assclown who said when a law passed that the people don't know what they want and shot it down.


That's the dumbest thing I've heard him say all week.... but it's only Monday, so....


Quit being a bunch of ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️s Biggest whiniest bitches ever. The majority of republicans smell like a pack of Marlboros and diesel fuel and yet we’re crying over the smell of a plant???


We need to ban marijuana altogether. WEED is WOKE! Our brave surgeon general has discovered that if you’re vaxxed and smoke a blunt your kidneys transfigure your blood into GROOMER FUEL. Vaxxed potheads have a zombie-like compulsion to fuck children. We must defeat these false narratives that DeSantis is just a whiny piss chugging bitch that had his ass handed to him by someone with 91 fucking charges. Proud patriots STAND UP and shout from the rooftops: I will NOT have the option to have mild relief from anxiety and depression provided by a plant that grows on its fucking own outside with no help from humans. I will NOT accidentally be nearby this plant if it catches fire and will therefore not be forced to have a pleasant day. And we will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES reap a gigantic tax windfall that we could put towards education, infrastructure, light rail, health programs; no sir. I stand against the WOKE LEFT WING MOB that creates FALSE NARRATIVES that smoking a Sunday blunt somewhere scenic is good for mental health


Poe’s Law: It is impossible to create a satire of a reactionary that someone won’t mistake for the real thing.


I can’t stop rolling the dice though


As opposed to stale beer, piss, and sulfer water???!!!


It would mask the smell of shit coming out of the governor's mansion at least.


And from the diaper pail over at Mar-A-Lago


Yummy! I love the smell of good flower!


Nevermind the smells that come from the dump and some corporations. No big problem.


Nice to hear this is what hes worried about with all of the problems going on in the state.


Dude what? Florida smells like used depends, red tide and bengay


If you're on the space coast near the river it smells like dead fish.


Of all the things that are wrong in this state that could actually be considered a "big problem", this fucking idiot chooses to worry about a little weed smell.


I'm amazed that Rhonda hasn't glommed onto the fact that he can tax the shit out of recreational weed, and make beaucoup dollars for the state. Also, by legalizing rec weed, he'll become a hero to lots of people who really hate him right now.


Yes but fascist Publix heiress lady doesn't like it so that's the whole ball game. We have no say in what The Party of Freedom^(TM) decides for us.


He knows all that, it’s a cultural war thing and all those tax dollars mean they have to be distributed to social welfare programs, civic infrastructure etc to benefit tax payers…we can’t have that now. For example, Massachusetts tax payers can expect their tax dollars on cannabis to go to parks and recs, civic infrastructure and emergency services. The governor actually signed a bill that decouples the state from IRS tax code that overburdened cannabis business that didn’t allow business owners to claim standard business deductions on their income tax returns. The bill also created Social Equity Trust Fund used to issue loans and grants to individuals of color and/or those disproportionally impacted by the War on Drugs looking to open cannabusinesses in the Commonwealth. 15% of the funds that come from the Marijuana Regulation go to the Social Equity Trust Fund used to issue loans and grants to individuals of color and/or those disproportionally impacted by the War on Drugs looking to open cannabusinesses in the Commonwealth. The Marijuana Regulation Fund is funded by money received for cannabis license applications, civil penalties collected for violations of the cannabis laws, and revenue generated by the state excise tax imposed on recreational cannabis.


You’ll get over it


Aww will it upset little Ronnie's delicate self


Honestly I laugh when I walk in the work bathroom after someone was in there ripping the pen.


To be fair, there is a lot of weed smell in places that have legalized it. But that comes from lack of enforcement and people actually walking around a city.


“I’ve gone to some of these cities that have had this everywhere, it smells, there’s all these things,” DeSantis said. “I don’t want to be able to go walk in front of shops and have this. I don’t want every hotel to really smell.” “I don’t want all these things. But if you’re saying you can’t regulate it or you can’t limit it — which, that’s how I read that — that could be a big, big problem," It’s all the things! All these things. I’m guessing cigarettes and cigarettes bars don’t have the things? What things?


"I don't want...", 'I don't want ...", "I don't want..."...that's the reasoning? How pathetic and completely on brand for him and the conservative perspective. Well, I DON'T WANT a spineless, christo-facist governing my state but the people apparently voted it into reality and here we are. So the people have spoken on this also. You can't have it both ways, Rhonda.


One could make the complaint that the stench of DeSantis’s presidential campaign was worse. Maybe he should fuck off first


I hate the smell. I have sensory issues and an unusually strong sense of smell. And in Atlanta I could smell it just driving around with all the windows rolled up. And even with all that *I* don't think it should be illegal. Just same rules as the equally awful (when it was still popular) smoking.


**Florida** has many peculiar smells 🤣🤣 South Florida smells like Rice and Beans, Central FL like Fried foods and North Florida like greasy bbq so whats the problem with the weed smell by the beach. 😂😂😆


Really I was just in Colorado and didn’t smell weed 24/7


Same here. I went this past summer for the first time and I didn't smell weed at all. I live in St Pete and it smells like weed the moment you walk out your front door.


The big problem in Florida is INSURANCE not possible weed smell!


Most people just vape now though, no?


All of my mom's Boomer friends are taking medicinal weed edibles and smoking pens Retirees are doing this shit just as much as the younger Floridians


wild how we have a housing problem, an insurance problem, and HOA problem in florida and theyre still talking about this stupid shit.


Ah but cigarettes and alcohol, both proven to be more dangerous, are cool?


They tried that message in Ohio. Billboards with skunks etc. It didn’t work.


Florida stinks of DeSantis right now. The weed smell would be better.






Whos the dope in the picture?


I do really hate the smell of weed, always have. But even I voted in favor of legalization.


Just like we have a big nasty diesel truck smell every time they dump a huge smoke plume out those stacks?!? GTFO her lil Ronnie. Such a tool


He truly is an idiot.


I think his politics stinks.


A good portion of the state is swampland. I don't smoke weed but I'd rather smell that than the swamp.


I’d rather smell good weed smoke than nasty cigarette smoke.


HaHa jokes on them .


“We need to keep arresting people and giving out criminal records, or wealthy people will complain about the smell of marijuana in public. Wealthy people know to usually smoke at home or with a driver who doesn’t mind. Everyone else should too. Because that’s what keeps this area feeling like a giant Hamptons that most can’t afford, and ensures we can push out the locals who can’t keep up and get them replaced with a wealthy-out-of-stater who still makes a living with their out-of-state job. Now stop trying to use grassroots methods to decriminalize marijuana!!! Obey me!” There I fixed it




All the old boomers smoking up a storm to relax


Only smell I’m worried about is the bullshit from his mouth.


Florida has a big problem now with the smell of DeSantis!


Fuck DeSantis.


I'd rather this place smell like weed than smell like fascist asshole.


I have a bigger problem with fascist meatball smell.


Republicans position is GUNS YES!! WEED NO!!


lol i worry everyone and their child and mother have guns on them. smells i can handle.


follow the $$$ to his campaign PAC


I moved to Tucson Arizona where weed is legal in July of last year. I smelt weed more in Fort Lauderdale


Why are Republicans so dumb?


I love they something as subjective and inoffensive as a smell is the basis for keeping something illegal.


yet they'll do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the red tide blooms (well, tbf, they'll actively cause them), and it's actually toxic ​ gotta keep the prisons full!


DeSantis is a piss baby. Good day.


Do people actually look at DeSantis and think he's smart?


Idk man… I was in Colorado and California in the recent past and didn’t smell weed 24/7.


I hate him but he’s right on this. In every city that has legal weed there is always some asshole smoking it out in the open and the shit reeks. It’s not a good enough reason to vote no, but it really pisses me off and makes me hate weed smokers. It smells far worse than cigarettes and yeah people already do it but not the extent they do in places like Denver and NYC. I don’t think weed smokers realize how bad it stinks and how rude it is to smoke anywhere near other people. I’ll still vote yes because I don’t think people should go to prison for weed but I’m not happy about how bad literally every freaking everywhere is about to stink. Not to mention how it travels through the vents in apartment complexes. Like yeah I’ll still vote yes but just so you know y’all fucking stink.


Florida isn’t New York, where it’s EVERYWHERE. The concentration of buildings and population make it impossible not to get “skunked” daily.


I will personally smoke a fat ass blunt with asshole Ron if he fixes the fucking insurance problem in the state. Fix real fucking issues instead the culture war bullshit.


So he's saying that he wants to prevent people from doing something they want to do recreationally. Limited government and personal responsibility, indeed.


How about he worries about our home insurance policy crisis before he fucking worries about blocking weed laws.


Why do people say weed stinks? I honesty like the smell, especially the flower itself. Tobacco smoke & booze sweat smell way worse.