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Culture war crap is what you do when you have no real legislative ideas. DeSantis and company have no real ideas other than making people scared of LGBTQ and trying to limit people’s ability to become aware that science doesn’t care about his feelings. FK DeSantis and his minions doing all they can to make Florida dumber than rocks. Vote!!!


Fun fact: Dunedin, his home town where he grew up is having a huge Pride Event June 21,2024. ![gif](giphy|fPRwBcYd71Lox1v7p2)


I love Dunedin and go there often! My daughter and her wife have always felt welcomed and love going to their Pride events 🏳️‍🌈 Fuck DeSantis.


DeSantis doesn’t really care one way or another. He’s just a bully that picks on the vulnerable to make him and his kind feel better about their own pathetic lives.


This is amazing!!!! 🤩


They create a boogeyman so that you don't notice that they ARE the boogeyman.


Yep. Always telling you how much the government sucks while they create laws that prove themselves correct. And somehow Dems are at fault…


In a word: “Fascism”


Don’t forget that he also signed a new law preemptively forbidding local governments (city / county) from passing heat protection laws for outdoor workers - no water / shade / AC for you!


Yeah, my annual home insurance went up by two thousand dollars in December and my A/C unit is losing ground while running nonstop again today but hey, at least he’s protecting us from the C words and all those scary librarians. Thanks, Ron! I feel so much safer now!!!


If you bury your head and look the other way, it's not there anymore. Problem solved! It'd be a shame if he was right - Climate change is a hoax, the earth will naturally warm, and we accidentally make our air and water cleaner while reducing harmful pollutants for no reason :(


Dumb take. Can’t tell if it’s satire. But people are that stupid nowadays to believe cleaning the ocean and air is a bad idea. We are fucked.


Dumb take? The person you replied to is making the point that even if climate change were all a hoax, taking measures to clean up the environment would still be a net positive for everyone. Who would not want to see less trash in the ocean and on our streets, less smog in the air, more efficient energy sources that don't require mining up toxic shit and destroying large areas of the planet. Of course climate change is not a hoax, but taking it seriously is a win no matter how it is spun. That's what they were saying


Unfortunately, it’s already happening. And hurricane season is about to start.


I concur. We are stuck with this asshole till 5 Jan 2027. Maybe another state will take him.


Just replaced an AC with a new improved super energy efficient AC. Where is my rebate? Oh right, too woke. Thanks Rhonda.


Can’t spell air conditioner without DEI.


I mean they’re building at a crazy rate, zero shade and more concrete equals more heat Can’t wait to get out of here, you transplants can take it!


Yeah, it’s a problem. I see Lennar, in particular, kill every mature Oak wherever they build. F* savages!


Here on Merritt Island they build a retirement/assisted living home. They left a big patch of forest and I thought it was so nice. Then a starbucks and I thought, "wow, the elderly have a pretty view and can walk to the coffee shop. Awesome. Nope, they plowed under the "forest," and now have a damn car wash and a bank. Ruined everything that was pretty for the old people to look at. WTF want's to have the back of a car wash and a bank as your front yard.


Yeah the car washes down here are out of control, they are everywhere. I’m convinced they’re a money laundering operation


Yeah it’s insane, I’ll drive through an area of FL I haven’t seen in a while and it’s all plowed down with construction crews everywhere. It’s nonstop. And then people moving in spray a ton of chemicals because there are bugs… FL is being ruined quickly each day


There's a ton things that could be regulated and help keep this state clean and none are here. I'm originally from Upstate NY. Seeing trash on the side of the road is uncommon, especially on the highways. It's an everyday occurrence here. Recycling in this state is an absolute joke. A can deposit system would be huge for cleanliness. Buy a 12 pack of whatever, add 60 cents as a deposit. Return 12 cans to the grocery store when done and get your 60 cents back. Homeless people pick that shit up like it's gold. Any beverage, plastic, glass, or aluminum can be recycled. We used to save all the cans from parties, return them and buy beer for the next weekend with it. Some states have a 10 cent deposit, making it even more lucrative for people who collect them. Tons of other ways that this state could regulate to make it a cleaner place and there's just no interest from the people nor the lawmakers.


Its also a lot to do with the fact people haul their own trash a lot in parts of Florida and don’t tie it down, we do have community pick up and all, but I think it comes back to the true sense of community. We don’t have that in FL, people don’t have pride like other states to keep their property nice or the cities they live in. Most aren’t from here and it’s just a place they call home for a little while.


Yeah, most people either want to live here for a while before moving away and starting a family or retire here and don't give a fuck anymore because they got theirs.


Apparently, the wrong people vote in Florida while the right people forget and stay home.


To me the people who sit out voting should be forced to admit the issues we have are their fault


Yeah, except they will never admit that.


You can see this when you go to any fast food restaurant, I watch people toss food out of their car, bag and all when there’s trash cans everywhere. It’s shameful.


Please stop voting for people who don't care about you.


They think they're sticking it to someone else when they vote for yahoos like this.




He'd win a third term if he could run.  Trump is already out there picking his successor. This is what the voters in Florida want.


The army corps of engineers is proposing a $6 billion, 6-mile long, 20-foot high sea wall in Miami but yeah, climate change is a hoax.


woah - Climate Change costs money . ... https://cruisingodyssey.com/2021/06/07/new-study-20-foot-seawall-to-protect-miami/ .. The dry land is not subsiding in Florida ; it is bedrock of limestone . . They did not pave roads underwater at high tide then . . *King tide floods offer glimpse of Miami’s soggy, salty future. Can anything be done? * https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/environment/climate-change/article281202298.html


25-years of GOP policies in Florida and bad legislation has been the consistent result. They pass dreadful stuff like denying basic human rights to workers from from excessive heat, denying local governments (that were elected by the people in those localities) to govern, "woke" laws, which are oh so important, criticizing minorities, assaulting academics, not allowing dissent, singaling out media, etc., which helps absolutely no one. In the meantime, affordable housing, home owners' insurance, legislation signed into law that automatically warrants lawsuits at the taxpayers expense, failing to accept Obamacare money to expand Medicaid, etc. are ignored. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature for a match (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/register-to-vote-or-update-your-information/ https://www.vote.org Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Voting for the GOP is insanity. No matter what they say, you will get the same result as in the last 25-years. What did the orange 💩 say in 2016, what have you got to lose by voting for me. So, in the upcoming 2024 elections,. vote for democrats. What have you got to lose?


Yup we voted to not allow cruise ships on Key West anymore because they destroy our waterways and Ron overruled us. Asshole. Edit: not even all cruise ships just the giant ones


Plus, our GOP-lead legislature and GOP governor passed a law prohibiting any municipality from enacting laws requiring water rests for outdoor workers.


Crazy that they passed a law preventing laws protecting workers from heat but didn’t we recently(decade?) pass rules/laws protecting kids playing sports in the heat?


That doesn't matter. Soon, they'll be working from age 10, and the heat rules won't apply.


Most ultra conservatives are like Sure my premiums have gone up, and he's done absolutely nothing to help me. In fact, he's made my life 12x worse BUT ILL BE DAMNED IF I VOTE DEMOCRAT


Record heat hits Florida isn’t new… and Ronnie ignoring this reality won’t help anyone


“If we ignore it, it doesn’t exist!” - republicans.


Clearly, the weather gods did not get the memo.


I am counting down the days till this fool is gone…


I’m always curious if anyone actually likes him and his policies lately.


Yes I’ve still seen some “best governor” comments on facebook, and not from troll accounts. As much as we are over Ron Ron fighting culture war, for some people thats all they do indeed care about that. That and tax cuts.


Absolutely wild that the culture war bs still works on people.


Because people (like, most Americans) still think the President is responsible for everything, rather than congress. So these specific pro-culture war people just blame Biden and “washington” for Florida’s problems. Its easier for Ron Ron to claim wins because the culture war bs is the easiest to make it look like Florida is “winning.” Economically FL cant claim those wins so he just announces “tax cuts, toll breaks, freedom summer discounts” and they fall for it because “other states arent doing that, thats why we have the best governor ever.”


Their father *hit them* when growing up . ... *Spanking, corporal punishment and **negative long-term outcomes**: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies* .. *Corporal punishment and violent behavior spectrum: a meta-analytic review* .


Instead of thinking of it as climate change, think of it as the wrath of God - feel better yet?




He truly is an evil troll.


It is excessive heat already in Jax. Living in the same area for 45 years, we are witnessing the climate change in real time. I am so grateful for AC.


#Fuck you Ron - haven't your policies killed enough Floridians already?!!!


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, what you do in the bedroom. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida.[Who cares about the residents](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


And don’t you dare think about taking a drink of water if you’re working outside.




At least we have laws requiring outside workers to get regular water breaks. Oh wait, our Governor did away with those laws too.


Yet y’all continue to vote for him… roast your neighbors before the heat roasts the oceans into a cat 6 hurricane…


I get your point, but also don’t think DeSantis could’ve done anything about the record heat.


I’m seriously convinced some people actually think the 100+ degree days would magically disappear if Ron wasn’t in office


Always keep in mind that this state has been under Republican control for 30 years every time you notice something fucking sucks.




The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.






It’s hotter than Hades today! 95 degrees felt like 105 and no rain or breeze!


Who's gonna build that wall (without taking a break)?


Most people that do outside work (build houses and landscape) are black or brown skinned so in his mind he doesn't care. No empathy and always casting blame-traits of a narcissist.


![gif](giphy|9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME) Science is woke.


I blame the voters. They keep voting for this. Then bitch when it's in THEIR backyard. Sorry, not sorry


We all notice how hot is it no matter what Don Ron tries to hand wave away. We don’t have a Democratic Party though, not really. Most of the right leaning state was actually pro President Daddy DeSantis for a minute. Was hearing things like “Trump is a loud mouth yankee who needs to step down and stop dividing the party.” It was a short lived moment in time, the Trump flags are back again.