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Check out the book “A Land Remembered”


Totally will. Thanks for the suggestion.


All the time. I was thinking about it while sitting in the 106 degree “feels like temp” at my son’s baseball game yesterday. “How the fuck did the natives get through little league in this heat before Amazon neck fans?”😂🤔


Yes to OP and thanks for the suggestion will check out as well.


Second this suggestion, great book


Thirded. It's a fantastic book!


That’s the first book that came to mind when I read this post. My students always loved that book.


I think the native Americans would have been fairly acclimated. But I always wonder about the people who moved to Florida in the late 1800s and early 1900s. All those clothes and undergarments must have been horrific to deal with in the heat, especially for the women.


In the show Boardwalk Empire, I think they do a pretty good take on how it was in Tampa area during prohibition (100 yrs ago) for an episode or two


That is what I always think of...those people in that era. Especially the women. Yikes 😬


If you go to any of the historic home tours in south Florida like Flagler or Bonnet house you learn pretty quickly the homes were only used for 2 months a year.


Those are wealthy ppl tho, not representative of us normals.


I went to the International Game Fishing Association Hall of Fame in Ft Lauderdale years ago and they had pictures of men fishing on the beach knee deep in the water wearing black three piece suits and top hats. I couldn't imagine doing that these days.


Both my grandparents were born in FL before 1900. Neither one ever had A/C in a house they owned. My gfather lived until 1968, w/my gmother passed in 1984. Ripe old ages for both. Their house was wood frame, lifted off the ground supported on concrete pylons, had wide open airy rooms. Big doors and windows throught the house. PLUS, it was built under a large oak tree. Big box fans were the order of the day. As a kid I never noticed the house as overly hot (but Im sure it was).


I'm not sure about the Natives, but you should read some of the things that American soldiers and other explorers wrote. One general wrote a wild comment about Florida during the Seminole wars, "This country should be preserved for the Indians... and if the fleas and vermin do not destroy them, they might be left to live. I could not wish them all in a worse place." The book [https://www.amazon.com/The-Swamp-Michael-Grunwald-audiobook/dp/B01JGWTKQW/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1822MJZO57EUV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LuF8lxIMfO9WVCkr95DCVS4ufmH-K9sOZ9kQiZrcZWVRJx26U7j9TANatfWi\_lmGf8ePuBr4fP5clk1rBdNtan7oPogUf5Y4xnebIvb1Op0lV5SlRIfrGyYnBgLLVzI0Jhl6gbo4tpwEOj9ps7iJhL2ysLp\_V4ks2\_QNoy6aKB9i9KWnJ2JzHeUH17IWhKMKg9JrouDM4xV8\_QbBU9lPMvGvJf8qZlxi8uxmzDTyPeo.mugTzeNGzeqM6BLWXmUU5gUMWP9\_764BNzbAnlUEIt0&dib\_tag=se&keywords=the+swamp+book&qid=1716145608&sprefix=the+swamp%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/The-Swamp-Michael-Grunwald-audiobook/dp/B01JGWTKQW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1822MJZO57EUV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LuF8lxIMfO9WVCkr95DCVS4ufmH-K9sOZ9kQiZrcZWVRJx26U7j9TANatfWi_lmGf8ePuBr4fP5clk1rBdNtan7oPogUf5Y4xnebIvb1Op0lV5SlRIfrGyYnBgLLVzI0Jhl6gbo4tpwEOj9ps7iJhL2ysLp_V4ks2_QNoy6aKB9i9KWnJ2JzHeUH17IWhKMKg9JrouDM4xV8_QbBU9lPMvGvJf8qZlxi8uxmzDTyPeo.mugTzeNGzeqM6BLWXmUU5gUMWP9_764BNzbAnlUEIt0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+swamp+book&qid=1716145608&sprefix=the+swamp%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1)


I share this sentiment.


You read my mind.


I think they had things more tamed than we give them credit for


Perhaps. I wonder about that often as well. I’m sure they had many remedies and a well balanced system, but it hard to escape that humidity.


It wasn’t as humid back then 


Is there a source on that? It was incredibly hot back then as well.


Well post I’ve age Florida when sea levels were much lower Florida had a climate similar to Maryland than what we have today. There were wild buffalo on mouth beach and wooly mammoth on i95  What a time to be alive 


That’s not entirely true, just depends which era. 1700 years ago rising sea levels destroyed many areas for the natives. Also, the hottest year recorded tied with 2023 was like 1895. So I’d assume around the Seminole wars iin 1840’s it was still blistering.


10000 bc


Looool, when I moved to Florida, my required reading was A Land Remembered. It was not that great of a book but was very vivid with how awful it was to live in Florida. The mosquitos, the heat, the bush, all of it was absolutely awful. Check out the synopsis if you’re not into reading historical books.


Those are my favorite- I’ll totally check it out. Thanks!


Not only that but think about the fact that lots of them had to farm. They ate Seminole pumpkins, Everglades tomatoes and encouraged methods like the three sisters where you make fields of corn, beans and squash. They had to source their water from shore lines most likely and the possibilities of that are endless. I think I would rather be a gatherer than a hunter if I was a southern native.


It must’ve been crazy hard! They were tough people!


Very tough!


Was a lot more brutal once Europeans arrived. The invaders were worse than any insect, reptile, or other Florida features.


I’m sure. I was specifically just thinking about the land/state itself


Imagine taking a week to drive from NY to south Florida where some roads were just dirt roads, and you could only come in the winter where it was relatively dry


https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/memoria-de-las-cosas-y-costa-y-indios-de-la-florida-que-ninguno-de-cuantos-la-han-costeado-no-lo-han-sabido-declarar--0/html/00080474-82b2-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_2.html#I_1_ Memorias de las cosas y Costas y Indios de la Florida, by Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. A FANTASTIC read from a man who was shipwrecked in South Florida around 1550, and lived among the various tribes for over a decade. He notes that many of the smaller tribe nations tended to build around the Mayaimi river (Lake Okeechobee to Miami River), and many of the tribes were very able sailors (possibly maintaining canoe routes as far east as Hispaniola). So being next to water was the only choice for settlements. As you might guess, many of the tribes went naked except for palms and some tree herbs to cover their genitalia. Obviously a choice because of the heat. I think I remember reading that inland, covering the body with mud was a great option to protect from mosquitoes.


Fantastic source. Thanks!


You're welcome. This should be taught in our public schools. I was very lucky, because at Columbus HS, my ninth grade history teacher, Mr. O'Brien, happens to be an expert archaeologist on the subject of Florida History


Until a “NEW YORKER” Henry Flagler straightened shit out some


I still think it’s brutal, now we have a ton of people to deal with on top of everything. Far better places to live in my opinion.


That’s completely subjective- I love it. Hope you find what you’re looking for though!


If you were born here with that mindset, you’re a rarity. If you moved here, that makes sense. Not subjective, reality. The COL has skyrocketed and made many that were financially comfortable, poor. Insurance, taxes, etc. And then throw in the millions that have moved here, you get no community at all, go to a rays game and tell me I’m wrong. You’ll see far more than half sporting the team our Rays are going up against.


Respectfully, it’s the definition of subjective. I was born here, I’m like 6th generation. I moved away for almost two decades and came back to raise my family here. I love the state more now after my absence. It’s not nearly as rare as you’ve suggested, just might be on this app. I’m genuinely sorry it not longer fits you and hope you find that place that does.


Florida ain’t what it used to be but it’s still a lot better than most places but that comes with a price, a big price  You gotta pay to play. And if you can’t good luck there is no social net or pity for the poor like in the northeast  Classic pioneer settler mindset in the current day 


The things out of state people find wonderful about Florida, many locals don’t, we don’t care for the constant sun, we don’t care to live like we are on vacation all the time, we just want to work our local jobs and be able to pay our bills. This was a reality for many years, just until about 2021. The people making local wages (especially city or county paid), are not making close enough to what it costs to live here


Haha don’t need your pity, just remember you’re often speaking to the ones who teach your children and the ones who respond when you call 911 when you say “poor” in this state


No s/he is not. Im retired LE and not “poor”, my mother us retired teacher and is not “poor”. Its all how you spend your money and who you compare yourself too.


Retired means you lived during a different time, try living in St Pete on 49k… that’s their starting wage. We don’t spend our money. But you can’t pay a $2,500 a month mortgage on 49k a year.


Neither could I, Idv bought a less expensive house. In fact I did AND worked alotta OT for years to pay it off. Been in the same house since 96. I was always taught buy less than what I could afford the rest will take care if itself….and it has.


We do the same… we aren’t out here trying to live beyond our means. Got the cheapest house we could find, wake up and look at home prices. We drive old paid off cars and overtime is completely dried up for our department right now. Drive two hours to work since we couldn’t even qualify for what houses cost in St Pete


Trust me, I work with guys from your time and they also say they are happy they didn’t have to make it right now because it was easy back then to get by. We are in a completely different time for people who make well below what remote workers pull in Florida now, they’re the ones buying the houses and renting. Remote out of state wages weren’t a thing in 1996.


The teachers I know who wore working when I was a kid live in homes now values at 600-700k and they say constantly they don’t know what they would do if they had to start over now.


My mother was single, supporting 3 kids on poverty level pay. We lived on the cheap for alotta years. But, it taught me the value of a dollar. I think a lotta ppl want to buy more house, more car, more credit card debt than they can realistically afford. One roof replacement, or whatever is a catastrophe for them.


Yeah I grew up with a single dad, lived in hotels or small studio apartments with 5 of us. I didn’t have a car until I bought my first car at 17. I know what it is to be poor. Never have had credit card debt and save and buy my cars in cash, I’m not out here trying to live frivolously, I just want to feed my family.


No rare in my experience, everyone I know from here leaves, especially ones with kids since I think we all know our school system is a joke and has been for a long time. But hey, if maxed out and over the limit classroom sizes and teachers quitting often is your thing, then sure.


That’s the thing with antidotal experiences, it means little. Most of my friends with families are moving back. We have differing experiences.


Or is it the excellent healthcare? Because that’s another thing we are leaving for, seeing as though where I’m at, half the pediatricians aren’t even taking new patients and they say “2 weeks for a sick care visit” is their quickest appointment


Moving back because of the education? Very curious why anyone with kids sees it as a state that is great for kids. I swear the word “anecdotal” must be trending because it’s the most overused word these days


OP: Calls someone out for anecdotal arguments Proceeds to post anecdotal arguments


The word is all I was saying, literally everyone uses it. It’s like the new “narcissist”


I was criticizing the other guy, since he called you out on it. Also, *no one* moves here for the public school options. They 100% moved here for the 'regulatory environment,' i.e. lower taxes.


The education where I’m at is substantially better for my income level than where I was in California, so yes. Less crime, lower COL, better quality schooling for my kids. Anecdotal is used a bunch on here because so many seem to misplace nuance and understand personal experiences or their own subjectivity.


And where is that? I only know of Sarasota County having the better of schools but even there, I hear people complain about how bad they are if they came down here from higher educated areas. Sarasota County is also very expensive now.


Tallahassee. However by brother is in a suburb of Orlando and his kids also go to highly rated schools.


Flagler county. One of the best in the state.


I said the same thing about NJ and I got like 10 downvotes lol.


They hate hearing it in here because so many can’t look past their own politics. I have zero regrets moving my kids back.


Are there any california schools where an entire 9th grade class is refusing to take a state mandated test?


All kinds of wild shit in California schools, so nothing would surprise me.


What county did this happen in? I saw a post about it in the teacher subreddit, but they didn't say where in FL.


Like where? Places that incentivize poverty and petty crime for virtue signaling 


Idk, I go on “moving out of Florida” on Facebook for great ideas, all the people who flock here and realize it’s not paradise help me. Was kind of shocked when I saw the starting wage for my exact job, same company, was 20k higher in another state where schools are 10/10 and homes are less than here.


Yeah, I mean I wouldn't recommend any of the red states like Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas or Oklahoma. You know, considering the fact that those states are all in the top ten for highest % of people living below the poverty level. "virtue signaling" lol


Lol what? Florida has some of the lowest wages and highest CoL in the country. And by far some of the highest crime rates. What’re you talking about


Florida is 38th overall in crime rate according to FBI’s 2022 data. Haven’t seen last years


I’m looking at property theft, as that’s what I assumed they meant by petty theft. And the FBI thing clearly has an asterisk that says we under reported (like covid data) >>> *Limited data for 2022 were available for Florida, Illinois, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.


“virtue signaling”. Get a life.


Exactly... What a tool


I tell it like i see it. I live in reality 


Where do you see it? Fox News? Twitter?


I just moved back to the 305 from San Francisco I’ve earned my Stripes


But everything you said wasn’t real or true…


It’s all relative. Look beyond the perception at the reality 


The reality is that you’re still wrong. We have extremely lower wages and higher CoL here than most states


Who said i wasn’t saying that i agree with you 




I don’t even want to be here in 2024. I cannot imagine why natives ever chose to settle here.


Abundance of natural resources


I wish Florida was left to the seminoles. It’s inhospitable here lol.


I work for a land surveying company and we do a lot of work in the Everglades area and BFE. None of it is fun and I can’t imagine living in those conditions.


Ok, thank you for posting. I think about this a lot way too much for a 48 year old. I think about it when visiting old preserved buildings in St Augustine or thinking how bad it was after watching shows like Naked and Afraid and seeing the agony firsthand.


I have lived in Florida for the last 25 years and learned how to take the good with the bad. Ron DeSantis has kicked around the idea of restricting immigration to Florida by requiring newcomers to participate in a reality show aptly named Naked and Afraid and Broke. Seems Ron really likes the idea of being the arbiter of who gets to live in Florida.


Thats why I voted for him.


Actually it would have probably not been as hot, nor the hurricanes would have been as bad, and the bugs too.


Florida has been hot as hell and getting slammed with hurricanes long before us.


1835 was exceptionally cold


While 1895 is currently tied with the hottest on record


No that’s 1931


I believe that was the hottest day- not year.


So was 1989


I've always wondered about the early explorers trudging through the much in their metal armor, then getting a mosquito inside their helmet.


My Great,Great,Great Grandfather was a Panther bounty hunter. He hunted what is now known as Tates Hell area. Gone for weeks at a time they say.


I have a great, great something grandfather that came over from Scotland to survey the Everglades. I imagine it had to be absolutely brutal.


Tough dude for sure!!


Grateful for his sacrifices because I wouldn’t be here without it lol




They didn’t know anything different and they adapted accordingly  Manatee is a delicious meal you know 


No doubt, but I’m sure it was still incredibly brutal at times.


Not as brutal as being enslaved or poisoned from European viruses and diseases right? 


I’d assume not, but that’s a completely different discussion.


I feel like Native Americans up north had it much worse, winter is hell


Especially the plains and way north.


Ever been to Alaska? Some of the happiest people on earth


Sounds awesome


There was a time when it was only hospitable in the winter months.


They all moved to New Jersey. Now they’re moving back. Sorry.


Just looked and the Colousa, who dominated South Florida, did not practice agriculture. So how did they deal with the heat and humidity? they said F that, we are goin fishing.


To say nothing of their massive water courts.


The Calusa built gigantic permanent fishing entrapments called “water courts” that supplied a continuous bounty of fish. It is surmised that they always had a surplus of food. The Ais and other natives were known to consume Yaupon holly, the only plant containing caffeine in North America. So they even had an equivalent to coffee. The Timucuan left behind large shell mounds that we hypothesize were a kind of large dumpster for any given population. In conclusion? I think they were boolin.


Went camping over the weekend and thought the same thing


Camping in the summer in Florida is a wild choice my fellow Cali Florida Man lol


I mean, how did folks survive up north where it can get to 30 below and your snot freezes? That can't be fun, either. One thing no one else has mentioned are the natural springs. 74 degrees year-round, my understanding is a lot of tribes stayed nearby to take advantage of the natural cooling and fresh water.


Yes! I sometimes wonder if somebody died where I’m at long before, lol.


I admit to such thoughts every summer of my life here.


Not at all a mess up. If they can’t even manage the one amenity your community has. There’s no way they are going to properly manage a decade long structural reconstruction of balconies with the the corrupt agreement they got going on. You did the right thing. Ran away as fast as you could.


lol my bad. I posted this on the wrong thread 😆


Not in my backyard baby


It’d be much more naked…. So not much difference


Touché 😂


>He thinks the Noles actually settled the Peninsula before Whitey sent them there Good way to expose yourself as an outsider


Before the colonizers imposed their puritan views about the human body, I think the Natives were perfectly naked or almost naked in the heat of the summer without prejudices and cover for the coldest months.


I imagine that presents its own issues with bugs


Maybe they had their own bug repellents made of herbs and animal oils. Smoke keeps bugs away too. We have lost a lot of natural things remedies and became too dependents on industrial chemicals.


Less traffic on I-4.


Automatic weapons have entered the chat.