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Enforce this one first, it’s all ready on the books. “The height of your front bumper can't be greater than 28 inches, and your rear bumper must not exceed 30 inches in height. “


Should print this as a bright yellow sticker titled **”Ticket Me!”** people can slap on trucks . [FL Title XXIII § 316.251](https://codes.findlaw.com/fl/title-xxiii-motor-vehicles/fl-st-sect-316-251/)


Every motor vehicle of net shipping **weight of not more than 5,000 pounds** A lot of big pickup trucks weigh more than 5,000 LBS, so they're exempt.


He can't betray his good ol' florida georgia line jellyroll jason aldean fan boys by actually enforcing that. He needs their votes.


Obvious that daddy go-go boots does not drive the interstates here.


Counterpoint: he has been the one backing up traffic in the left lane this whole fucking time.


We all know this is the truth.


Of all the nicknames I have heard for our Supreme Leader, "Daddy Go-Go Boots" is hands down my favorite. I am SO stealing this and using it all the time. Meatball Ron, Puddin' Fingers, and Rhonda Sandtitz are good too though.


Tropical Hitler deserves a nod, too!


The law would be redundant, it's already a legal requirement to yield the left lane to faster traffic. It's just not enforced, just like this wouldn't be enforced.


Exactly. We have the law here in NJ and NO ONE is ever pulled over for squatting in the left lane.


Same will go for florida and every other state that has that law. No one will follow it and cops arent gonna bother pulling anyone over for it, plus if youre in the left lane and a cop starts following you 99% of people are gonna pull over and let the cop pass. The cop would actually have to follow the person staying in the left lane for a while before they could show the person is actually doing that to pull them over and no ones gonna let a cop follow them that long. Plus these old f****rs here in florida feel entiled to their lane and won't move for any reason.


I agree, which is why it's important not to pass more laws than you can enforce. Because here we are today with a billion laws, none of which are enforced. And no I'm not talking about immigration but more like tax fraud, wage theft, etc. We need a justice system that primarily ensures financial equality for all and then we can go from there.


Or he’s the kinda guy to camp in the left lane


Changes nothing because this is already the law in Florida. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.081.html


Left lane drivers are literally the worst fucking thing about driving in this state. My in-laws do it, soon as they get on the highway it’s a straight dart to the left lane then just camp as we constantly get passed on the right


I honestly think they're doing it on purpose to slow down other drivers. They say, well I'm going the speed limit, it's them that need to slow down. Bullshit. Not your job to police other vehicles on the road by getting in their way. It also makes the Freeway much more dangerous since the speeders now have to change lanes every 15 seconds and zip through traffic. I had a guy come up 100 mph on my ass in the slow lane and pass me my on the shoulder. This of course happened because there was no passing lane available. We should use other countries like Germany as a template for automotive regulations.


Massachusetts state police will pull over people camping in the left lane going the exact speed limit if it’s clear they are traveling in it. They also rarely ticket for 80-85 mph on the highways.


That guy probably passed 50 cars before he had to change out of the slow lane.


Dude this x64836384738!!! Cannot fucking stand people who do 70 in the left lane. If I had a crash bar and a big pavement princess I swear I would run some off the road lol.


Try therapy. It's cheaper.


Talk shit while they do it. Either passive aggressive or not. You have to realize that you have to be the solution to the problem.


Why? Other states have this law.


It is the law in very few states. It is not the law in the overwhelming majority. https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html


We already have this law in FL. Passing another version was a “we really mean it this time!” gesture FL statues 316.081


We already have laws about impeding the flow of traffic that can easily be applied to the left lane and the newly proposed one is redundant anyway.


What does it matter? Traffic laws are hardly enforced in this state. Pass or revoke whatever laws you like - no one gives a shit including law enforcement.


Other states have it, but laws are useless if not enforced.


DeSantis is making us pay for not loving him, bill after bill will make us pay for not voting for him. DeSantis wants to take every opportunity he can to seem administrative presidential and in authority like he’s a big man he’ll never be president so he’s taking this opportunity to be the southern president some bizarro world administrator


Didn’t he win in a landslide victory in his reelection?


Yes, because the Florida DNC is a shitshow and decided to run a former Republican and former shitty governor as his opponent. Regardless, he's term limited after this so I expect he'll do a term as senator to stay in the public eye before running for president again.


He was legally barred from being governor and running for federal office at the same time until he and his cronies in our state gov changed that fairly recently. We need to do better than relying on Florida law as it is to get rid of this guy. If people refuse to show up to vote him out, then they will suffer the consequences, whatever they may be.


Term Limits is a constitutional amendment in Florida. The legislature can't make that go away. 99.012 was written by the legislature and was thus able to be changed by the legislature. The law already has a carve out for people running for Senate (which is why skeletor went from governor to senator). Just another carve out neutering the law further.


The legislature changed that law at his bidding, specifically for him. This is the Republican way..rules for thee, it for me


I agree, but Florida has been shifting pretty hard from a purple state to a red one due to his inane anti-woke crusade, inviting crooked cops to work here, etc. I don't see Florida going blue again anytime soon.


Ron got 4 million votes, out of roughly 18 million voting age residents, to Crists 3 million votes.


Sounds like a great win for Ron


Sure does, getting less than a 1/4 of all votes from eligible voters screams winning Floridians overall support, doesnt it?


I mean biden only got like 30% of eligible voters and he had a good win. This kinda seems like a silly thing to judge, we know there’s never 100% turnout If Ron doesn’t have floridas support then why didn’t more people vote him out?


Do you not know about Charlie Crist?


Haven’t looked into him much


Figures. Your recent transplant status is showing.


Is that supposed to offend me lol


Against a former republican, yea


For Southern President?


For governor?


Oh, he said Southern President. You bringing In new stuff…kool


What’s southern president mean? I was always referring to governor, his elected position


Nobody was talking about a governor race though except you Homie!


Yeah…? I brought it up in my original comment after the person said no one likes him lol


In Florida yes. Nationally no one wants him. He’s a traumatized down low villain.


oh my bad. I thought we were in the florida sub talking about a new law in florida


He is a fucking comic book villain, you can't convince me otherwise




Hey /u/HCSOthrowaway this is the law from the conversation a month ago


Can you think the thread you're talking about? I'm aware of the recent changes and the recent proposed changes to this law.


It was probably some post about how people are bad drivers so that narrows it down to a couple thousand


Alright well, if you can't remember the conversation and I can't remember the conversation, not really sure why you brought it up.


I remember the conversation, not the thread. But why does anyone bring up anything on this site? Its a useless way to pass time.


Fair point. I just don't know what /u/ tagging me here served as I don't know what you're proving/disproving/referring to by bringing me here.


I don’t like desantis, but I’m glad he vetoed the law. How about the obvious thing like raising the speed limits? If people driving the speed limit are driving to slow, then the speed limit is too low.


For a lot of speeders it's not about driving at the right speed, it's about driving faster than everyone else. Whatever you set the speed limit to, many drivers are still going to want to drive faster.


this is a dumbass take




The man thrives on chaos lmao


The left-lane driving was vetoed to distract from the bill he signed that gutted local ethics commissions because Florida Republicans are corrupt af.


>But DeSantis worried the bill would lead to drivers being pulled over and fined for driving in the left lane even if they are not impeding traffic flow. “In addition, the bill could potentially increase congestion in Florida’s urban areas as drivers may decide to not utilize the furthest left-hand lane at all for fear of being ticketed,” DeSantis wrote in his veto letter. I don’t like the guy, but this makes sense


It makes sense if that’s what traffic experts say. Otherwise it’s just his opinion. I wonder if there’s research from other states to draw on.


Isn’t this just for highways? Passing lanes don’t really exist outside of highways IMO.


This is what worried me. If the bill was too open to interpretation, you can imagine some rogue cop pulling over anyone who at any point drove in the left lane. While you might could fight the bogus ticket in court, the cop could find something else to ticket/arrest you for during the stop. Is this really what we want or do we just want slow drivers to get out of the left lane?  I haven't read the bill so idk if this scenario was covered or not.


Imagine if he vetoed all the bills that are “too open to interpretation” Like the abortion ban.


Cops already don’t enforce the current statute of yielding the left lane to faster traffic, as per 316.081 (3) “On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes allowing movement in the same direction, a driver may not continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. This subsection does not apply to drivers operating a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or is preparing for a left turn at an intersection.”… HB 317 just made it illegal to sit in the left lane on highways basically, since it marks out roads with limits of 65+ mph and states the vehicles in the left lane have to either be overtaking another vehicle or coming up on a left turn/exit.


No it doesnt. Those are exactly the people that need to get the fuck over. What are they doing now where that law would make them worse drivers? These otherwise law abiding citizens now experience anxiety about the police? And that makes them a hazard on the road? Why would you be worried about going the speed limit if ... you were going the fucking speed limit? "It might cause people to drive slower and be more of an obstacle" is the (i guess only 7th or 8th) most backwards brain bullshit he could come up with. Thats exactly what the fucking law would prevent.


I mean, what ulterior motive could he have? Our current system sucks, but introducing a vague law could make things worse. Virginia has a no cell phone law in place. Guess what, African Americans getting tickets went up. Lot. They had to change the law because of it


He doesn’t want to piss off old people. Old people are surly to be disproportionately target by this because they’re the dumb asses who sit in the left lane and drag ass most of the time.


Im not sure what ulterior motive he had but guess what, black people got more tickets in Virginia. Thats super relevant. "Guess what" 😬


A stopped clock is right twice a day. Good for him! A multilane highway has multiple lanes. Why build them if we are not going to use them?


Tell me you don't know how to drive without telling me you don't know how to drive.


408 in Orlando has six lanes going in each direction. We aren't all supposed to squeeze into five lanes and leave the sixth one clear. If it were sitting there empty, then anyone in it will be passing the other cars, so we'll all try to get over to it which will clog it up and make it just another lane, so we'd all have to get out. I-4 is a mess. Imagine how much worse it would be if we were to use fewer lanes. I pay taxes and tolls to build roads for me to use. I don't pay those taxes to build a lane to sit there empty. If that were what we were to do, then we would have no choice to build more lanes on the right. We would have to keep build wider and wider roads, so we could leave one lane blank. Keep right except to pass is the law in a handful of states. It is not the law in the majority. Any thoughts to the contrary is just an internet meme. https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html


But 408 and I4 are messes because there are too many people using the left lane when they shouldn’t be. When people camp out across all the lanes, it slows down traffic. And the 50th car behind the people all side by side driving the same speed is now going 10 mph. Left lane campers are causing the messes that have everyone at a standstill. I actually believe in education rather than enforcement. Left lane for passing only!!!! Should be drilled into everyone, all the time. It should be one of the most important tenets taught in driver’s ed. It should be on signs everywhere. It should be something parents drill into their kids. Education, not really enforcement, increased seat belt usage. Education, not enforcement, has changed the way anglers view fish sizes and bag limits. Education is key, and lane discipline needs to be first and foremost very heavily taught to all drivers, especially beginning drivers


If the right lanes have traffic then you can stay in the left lane to continually overtake said traffic. If you are going slower than traffic in the right lanes and are not impeded by cars in front of you, move over. If the right lanes don't have traffic, then move over.


That's the (impossible to enforce) law now.


Then why do you think this law will reduce the number of lanes being used? Using the logic I laid out then the left lane will never be unused if needed.


Yep, between DeSantis and his temper tantrum final term and the ballot initiatives on recreational pot and abortion...looks like catastrophe at the ballot box down here for the GOP...brought to you by Puddin' Paws in High heels


Well that's at least ONE smart idea for him this year.


I don’t understand. We already have a left lane law. Was this just going to make it more illegal?


Fast wane scawyy