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They are, but he also states that he’s aware they are plotting to overtake new Vegas and they would after Ceaser and the legion are dealt with


Which is 100% true. People may not like it, but he’s totally correct about his feelings towards both the ncr and the bos. The BOS would literally kill him because they believe his machine (that he fucking built) is too advanced for the world, and the NCR wants to assassinate his ass and steal all his shit.


I agree with him on the BoS especially. People who got into the fallout series recently, constantly preach about how the BoS are the “good” guys doing humanity a favour by keeping dangourous technology out of the hands of people who might misuse them. The problem though is that they are not. They are a xenophobic, racist cult of military descendants, obsessed with hoarding technology that only THEY deem THEMSELVES as worthy of owning. They outright refuse to help people in need despite clearly being capable of wiping out raiders and monster nests with ease using power arnmour and energy weapons. Willingly kill those who have what they want (for example, if you make Hardin the Elder in New vegas, he tasks you with wiping out the Van Graffs simply because the Van graffs have energy weapons the brotherhood wants instead. And another example is the entire war they had with the NCR because the BoS couldn’t stand that the NCR was using recovered Enclave technology for actually good things). They shoot ghouls and super mutants on sight (even intelligent ones that aren’t feral) and their stance on synths is borderline genocidal with no real action on synth’s part to justify it. I do love the show AND fallout 4 for at least making these traits about them, more perceptible to the casual fan. But these traits existed even back in fallout 1. They didn’t care about super mutants wiping out humanity for example and willingly sent anyone who wanted to join them to certain death in the glow. And even when they knew how much of a threat the masters army was, they still did fuck all and just hid in a bunker. They only fought the enclave because the enclave had technology the brotherhood wanted. And when mr house showed up with an army of robots far more advanced than anything the brotherhood had? No way were they gonna let Mr house rule without a fight. House was completely right to view them as a threat. Their track record is to literally crush any group other than them to get what they want. And they were brazen enough to attack the NCR of all groups in order to try and keep their monopoly on fancy weapons. There’s no doubt at all, that the hidden valley bunker would have launched a (suicidal) attack on the strip once the NCR pulled out of vegas, had mr house have won the battle. There’s just no way they would be able to tolerate someone with better technology than them, calling the shots. The ONLY time they are genuinely good people, is fallout 3. And even there, the game went to great lengths to explain how the capital wasteland faction was an offshoot that went rogue in order to try and help others, because Elder Lyon’s realised that nobody else can. Yet 4 out an end to that quick :(


And The Storyteller is a benevolent BoS paladin.


Don’t forget the fact that, in Veronica’s quest line, if you convince her to leave the brotherhood, she will attempt to join the followers of the apocalypse to use her knowledge to help others. But the second she tries to join them, the outpost and all the civilians in it are wiped out because of the risk that she had told them anything. If it was an ncr or leagion or any militaristic faction outpost it would be somewhat understandable, as they could have a compromised position. But these were doctor’s and innocent people, and they outright slaughtered them without a thought. In new Vegas (game), I could somewhat bear the brotherhoods actions and maybe understand some of their choices. But when they turned away Veronica and threatened her and the courier for “corrupting the elder” I was ready to cut ties and leave them rotting. Once they slaughtered the outpost I was more than happy to go in and annihilate them. Still irks me to this day how many people see the BoS as good guys. Heck in fallout 4 the only sides I’ll ever take are the minute men or the institute. Mainly because I refuse to support the brotherhood (and the railroad bc they’re kinda idiots).


Their password is literally their name


Because the wasteland is kinda grimdark, and the only "good" factions are a bunch of farmer that wanna grow tatos in peace. All the truly active factions are grey af


With one of the few exceptions being the followers of the apocalypse who seem to unanimously care about helping people survive and overcome difficulties such as addiction. I mean, name one other faction that takes in and treats most anyone injured for free.


Even in Fallout 3 they're assholes, their asshole behaviour is just put out of the way so the player doesn't see it unless they go looking. Talk to the Ghouls in Underworld and they'll tell you all about how the Brotherhood treats them (i.e. kill-on-sight and constantly taking pot shots).


Oh yeah, I should have gone more into depth with the D.C. brotherhood tbh :/ Their xenophobia is still present. As you said, they shoot ghouls on sight still :( and of course their entire existence at on super mutants can tie into their obsession with taking out mutants (though imo, their hatred of 3’s super mutants is 100% warranted considering those things are genocidal themselves, and literally only 2 of them are non-hostile to humanity). Not to mention the guy who guards the gate at the citadel, who turns you and all the project purity scientists away when your on the run from the enclave :/ though Tbf, he’s just a grunt doing his job by not letting potential threats through the gates… And even once project purity is up and running, the brotherhood holds a monopoly on how the water is issued out. You could justify this kind though with the current threat of the enclave so the brotherhood needs to keep the water from their hands. But there’s several other events in broken steel of groups attacking water caravans specifically because the brotherhood didn’t seem those groups as worthy of receiving the (infinite) water.


I agree with most of this but it has never been brotherhood policy to shoot intelligent ghouls and super mutants on sight until the show


Literally what post-apocalyptic tribalism would look like irl to be honest.


They're pretty heroic in Fallout Tactics


The BoS is Xenophobic, not racism. Xenophobia may inculde racism, but the term is a more loose "i hate everyone that isn't me out of fear"


You literally can't end with the ncr and not kill/disconnect house Has you protect President Kimball from legion assassination. You can fail but at least he wants ncr alive


The BOS are just The Enclave but with extra steps and a sprinkle of religion.


My first game was fallout 3, it was a weird whiplash to learn lol


Turns out that the Outcasts from FO3 were more representative of the overall faction than Elder Lyons ever was.


This would actually be a great thing for the show to explore in series 2


THANK YOU. NCR fanboys want to be all smug and say shit like "oh you support genocide?" to House supporters. It's like guys, he is a diplomat before anything. The *only* reason he doesn't negotiate with the BoS is the same reason Veronica becomes a target; they're fanatically dedicated to their goal, which is almost entirely to take tech like what House *requires* for life from people. Plus, Moore totally wants to just slaughter the BoS *and* the Khans *AND* the NCR also uses slave labor." No slaves in the House Strip. You come work or play in his facilities at your whim and if you don't want to do either of those you're welcome to leave. Pretty ideal, actually, even if he never makes it to space.


siding with house is the best ending IF you want to help the NCR without the NCR ending as an option. the only real bad effect this has with the NCR is that they wanted the electricity of hoover damn to power shady sands and other major NCR cities but house now has control over the damn, i don't remember if he still agree to split the elecricity between them tho.


If memory serves the majority of the power was still going back to those cities in the NCR. Contractually about 10% of the power kept the lights on in New Vegas and the rest powered the cities back East. The kicker was the NCR had to pay House for that power and while it cost a lot in money it’s a small price to pay for maintaining the State and its growing population. They burned through way more money and resources having to fight the Legion than making nice with House.




Everything seems cool and good until you remeber that the NCR currency is kinda worthless by 2281, and if i'm not wrong it isn't even backed-up since they started using paper money. They basically re-invented Inflation and got hit hard by it.


They have to buy it. House becomes a fat parasite on the NCR, charging them for power that they bled for decades for and existing as a gamble drain at the casinos. We don’t really know where that’ll get either House or the NCR longterm though - given tv show canon (House stans can cope and seethe - House was always a bad guy. Every ending and faction in New Vegas fucking sucks and that’s how it was written. Don’t like it? Don’t care, I’m not here to argue with Fandom and head canon)


shit i forgot about him making them buy the electicity, and knowing house it probably won't be a small fee either.


5 caps a gallon of water and 5 caps per kilowatt hour of electricity. Which are both ungodly expensive


Is it? I mean, I know a cap is "Water backed" but did they ever establish how much exactly one cap is worth in water? My natural assumption is one Nuka cola bottle's worth, since they're what the caps are from, but I dunno if that works


AFAIK it’s one cap per one liter of water but that may not be accurate anymore


Well that's not far off Mr House's price if so


hell, a single bottle of purified water is 20 caps base if anything he's cutting them a deal


I think it’s just more expensive then it’s been for them up until this point. The water comes from lake mead and the NCR currently holds it, so house suddenly charging them the 5 caps could be a huge up charge. And a bottle of water in America now is a dollar something, that’s 10s of times more than tap water so that’s not a great metric.


Remember that the ncr is paying house in bulk, so in perspective it ain’t that cheap


Well for sake of argument average cost for water is like 4c / gallon used. Average household pays 11-20$ / m on water, and a bottle of water is 1.79 in the US at many stores


It all depends on conversion USD to caps but if it's 1 to 1 House is ripping the NCR.


Avg houses in the US use about 8 gallons of water a day. 5 caps x 8 gal is 40 caps a day. Which is 1200 a month PER HOUSE. Depending on conversion to USD that you want to do, I think 1200 caps a month for basic water needs for one home is insane. Similarly, a hoke can average 800 kWh a month. Times 5 caps an hour is 4000 caps. 5200 caps per month per house for basic water and power. That is crippling.


People use way less electricity and water in fallout than in modern times though.


Getting an even more expensive deal by buying in bulk is crazy, playing that much it'd' make sense to have him killed than pay that much


We don't know, but we know the NCR$-Cap exchange thanks to the chip exchange ratio in the casinons. And since it's 1 chip = 1 Cap, 1 NCR$ is like 40% of a Cap


Hom much does clean water cost in Nevada and California currently cost? Having a steady supply cant be a bad thing after they dried up all of their other sources


5 caps per gallon? 1 Purified Water is about a pint and costs 20 caps. (1/8 of a gallon for you non-Americans) I’d say it’s still pretty cheap for Fallout.


Avg houses in the US use about 8 gallons of water a day. 5 caps x 8 gal is 40 caps a day. Which is 1200 a month PER HOUSE. Depending on conversion to USD that you want to do, I think 1200 caps a month for basic water needs for one home is insane. Similarly, a hoke can average 800 kWh a month. Times 5 caps an hour is 4000 caps. 5200 caps per month per house for basic water and power. That is crippling


With unannounced price changes too.


Bro the NCR sells water at 10 caps a bottle tf are you talking about.... If you want to talk about price gouging the NCR does it significantly worse.


Avg houses in the US use about 8 gallons of water a day. 5 caps x 8 gal is 40 caps a day. Which is 1200 a month PER HOUSE. Depending on conversion to USD that you want to do, I think 1200 caps a month for basic water needs for one home is insane. Similarly, a hoke can average 800 kWh a month. Times 5 caps an hour is 4000 caps. 5200 caps per month per house for basic water and power. That is crippling


Then factor in that the NCR doesn't use caps but their dollar, and they're much weaker than caps to begin with


Again the NCR sells water at quadruple the price in newvegas for a fraction of the amount. Let's assume each bottle is 17fl oz or the normal bottled water size in the real world, that means the NCR is charging 151 caps per gallon. But no, go off on how Mr House is the bad guy when the NCR is charging 30x per gallon. Which is 156,000 caps, which also using us house need of water isn't useful considering the people in fallout will obviously use it much less wastefully than the avg American due to it being a previous resource.


Brother do you not know the difference between water infrastructure and commercially sold bottled water?


So a 30x profit isn't enough for you jfc.


Brother do you not know the difference between water infrastructure and commercially sold bottled water?


And knowing the Cap-NCR$ exchange in 2281, that's very bad (1 water-backed cap = 0.40 NCR$ by 2281, just by looking at the chip exchange rates at the casinos)


Yeah, House is a capitalist, he would never provide anything for free. Charging for water and electricity is just the basics. The NCR will tax the Mojave, but so will House. If his securitron army is keeping the Mojave safe, you can bet your ass he will charge money for providing this safety. Whether he calls it taxation is completely irrelevant, functionally it will be the same thing.


If they didn't want to pay for power they shouldn't have lost.


Right? What are they, stupid?


I don't think all the faction endings are bad. I think all the faction endings *can* be bad but the NCR is the only one you can really influence to not be horrifically shit, depending on how you do it. And yeah, people stanning for the literal personification of Old World megacorps in a game where Old World megacorps literally led to the destruction of the earth is... something. The man was the head of RobCo, their dirty hands are literally responsible for fucked up shit all over the franchise. The guy is a sleazy manipulative asshole that wont lift a finger to do anything good unless he's either forced to with a gun to his head or it just so happens to coincide with something that is in his direct personal interests.


Damn the House is always Based.


Parasite? Grow up. House is charging the NCR for a service, it’s pretty straightforward. The NCR’s pitiful mismanagement of the Mojave campaign is why they lost Hoover Dam. The blame is on themselves. Hell if the courier didn’t exist, they wouldn’t even have been able to fend off the Legion with the absolute shit state they’re in at the start of the game.


Absolutely. House giving the NCR a bloody nose for their short-sighted, corrupt expansionism in a way that doesn't cripple them or leave their citizens to the wolves is for the best and for their own good. House even explicitly spells it out for you if you ask. If you let the NCR win on their own terms, they'll learn nothing and just go find another "Hoover Dam" to bash their head against until they collapse.


Yeah I like the NCR and help them fend off the Legion based off my sentimentality for them from the OG games. But at the end of the day in most of my playthroughs, the Dam goes to me or Mr House because we’re the ones that put in the real work for the strip. The NCR can’t even keep the fiends off their back let alone control the Mojave. The only people who think the NCR is the “right” ending are people on their first playthrough who got fooled into thinking they’re the “good guys.” or people who don’t know better.


> House becomes a fat parasite on the NCR, charging them for power that they bled for decades for and existing as a gamble drain at the casinos. We don’t really know where that’ll get either House or the NCR longterm though - given tv show canon The TV show will probably be about as canon to Fallout as the Rings of Power was to LOTR. That aside, the NCR's richest will have to pay for the Dam if they want its electricity (and subsequently for their spectrum of power to not collapse. Power grids are pretty essential.) They will try to pass this onto the middle or bottom class through more taxes, but since New Vegas is now a viable place to live you might see a massive brain-drain (or labor drain) from California into Nevada. More people who directly benefit Vegas means more space needed to house them, which would probably convince House to build up places like Freeside or Westside. (I think in cut, post-ending material he does this anyway.) Ironically the best ending for NCR is the House ending, since it forces the fat, comfortable, rich people in California to contend with a rival nation. This would ultimately benefit the common people of both California and Nevada.


I'm having trouble deciding whether to trust the earnest attestations for the respect for canon among the show's producers or some random cynical guy on Reddit. 😂


Whatever they do will be canon, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be thematically strange and irrelevant to the previous story. That’s what they did to the NCR.


> earnest attestations for the respect for canon among the show's producers Well if you trust television producers to tell you the truth, you couldn't have been too smart to begin with.


squalid dull long threatening deliver six exultant clumsy smell rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah lol the NCR tax the soul from the settlements in mojave but house Is b4D duh


House taxes half of all profits of the vendors on the strip and it’s implied he kept that when taking over primm as well. But they’re all bad


The NCR were not exactly good guys here neither, they made countless people homeless by claiming their land and taxing them, sure they come with security but at what cost? You have to follow the NCR’s rules and pay the tax or your out on your ass, you could have been living on a ranch for generations then the NCR barge in and make you homeless. NCR sucks more than house in my opinion.


They all suck, it’s in the comment. But that’s the point. They are all different beasts - The courier just gets to pick their poison and everyone else has to drink it (Also House taxes 50% from vendors and implies that he carries the franchisee agreement to Primm as well when he wins - it’s very funny that the argument against the NCR is “but taxes *sad face* “when House taxes more)


Yeah house also kicks the residents of vault 21 out, so he’s guilty of eviction too, as for the far out ranchers and civilians across the Nevada desert I think he may let people live, but we don’t know that, I always imagined the NCR takes the entire state by force, but house sticks to new vegas itself, it’s why I see him as the lesser of two evils. But no one is right in the political sense in new vegas, which is what makes it a great game.


I thought shady sands was blown up at this point. Didn't president Kimball watch the Fallout show?


Shady sands was nuked AFTER new Vegas


I choose to believe that there were simply 2 different cities both called Shady Sands.




But there was the whole big deal in the Vault 33 subplot about the "Great Plague of '77" being when Lucy's mom died and Hank disappearing for a while, ostensibly from starvation. We then find out in the final episode that this was all a cover for Rose going to the NCR and Hank going to the surface to get her back. Unless literally everyone in the Vault is in on it but Lucy and Norm, everything in the show points to Hank nuking the NCR in 2277 and the chalkboard being accurate.




We do know this much; a nuke was dropped on Shady Sands and it was (based on what the show presents) most likely on 2277. Which is what OP was jokingly pointing out.


smart modern salt seemly oil bewildered combative gray beneficial march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As I've pointed out, everything in the show itself indicates it happened in 2277. The fact a tweet outside of the show was needed to clarify is an issue with the show's execution. Reminds me of how Rise of Skywalker's explanation for how Palpatine built his fleet of star destroyers was revealed only in a Star Wars fun fact tweet (this is the one with the widely retweeted Elijah Wood reply "no, how could we have known that").


badge pot vanish act growth rude connect thought tidy deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>they bled for decades The NCR showed up in the mojave in 2274, New Vegas takes place in 2281


I would argue the TV show is not canon, given how fundamental, and idiotic, the lore changes are there. The Vault-Tec launched the nukes instead of China, because it made sense business-wise - and House, of all people, agreed to that (amazon doesn't want to displease Winnie the Pooh, plus capitalism bad). Ghouls are kept from going feral by RadAway. And the Brotherhood... look how they massacred my boy- I'm sorry, my transgender non-binary person.


are you good


rock butter important toothbrush selective advise sleep north memorize smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The show actually is canon. The Chinese were never confirmed to have launched first. You should probably brush up on what the lore actually is before you start talking about it.


[**Tim Cain has confirmed it**](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/fallout-creator-confirms-who-dropped-the-first-bomb-063368-20240403) quite recently, and it was in [**Fallout 2 Shi Emperor**](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutlore/comments/ol75s7/there_is_no_question_about_who_dropped_the_bombs/) computer dialogue. *Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written.* I have played the Fallout 1 when it came out, and every Fallout after that, excluding that weird PS2 game, and the F76 because it's a money grabbing dumpster fire.


The fallout w link literally says it's from a mod in the comments


How about the [Switchboard terminals](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Switchboard_terminal_entries#DEFCON_Status_-_2077) in the F4? EDIT: And I would swear there was also a terminal in the FNV with DEFCON entries, but I'm not able to find any links about it at the moment.


Switchboard doesn't confirm the planes were chinese, it confirms launches and that the planes are there, it only marks it probable that they're chinese


It also talks about the submarines (USOS). Do you think those bombers and submarines were Vault-Tec? Does it makes sense to you? China was losing the war, and they have had both air and naval capacity for the nuclear strike. Vault-Tec was a US govt contractor, which made sophisticated underground bunkers, in order to conduct societal experiments for the multi-generational starship project. Companies usually do not have the bombers and submarines, but states do. And the pre-war Enclave could not have manage to do something like that - if you tell the Navy and Airforce to launch nuclear strike on their homeland, it doesn't matter who you are, they just won't do it.


Considering Pepsi irl briefly owned a small Russian Navy back in the cold war and that it be on par with the messages fallout has about capitalism


I think a lot of people are forgetting this happened and it was huge! For anyone who doesnt know Tim Caine stated that China launched first in retaliation for the US continuing the FEV experiments. He even said something about it shouldve always been confirmed too lol


That’s not canon though. The show cleared that up.


How? I didn't see anything about that.




We literally have no idea where that is going yet, stop the chicken little shit lol


1) you’re speculating off of no info from the tv show 2) house was always a bad guy, every nfv faction is bad - that’s kinda the point


Sounds like you’re coping and trying to justify your opinion


Shady sands won’t be needing that. They have fallen, after all.


Shady sands has fallen. Billions must pay taxes


Knowing House, he’d be more than happy to share some power for a hefty hefty hefty fee. Part of that agreement to share power would for sure include having all NCR forces move out of Vegas so that House truly has the power vacuum he’s been aiming to achieve for so long


Well don't worry according to Todd shady sands doesn't exist a few days after the end of New Vegas


i'd rather not have THAT piece of information in mind when making a pivital choice for the future of the wasteland, thanks todd i guess . . . \*sigh\*


I actually feel helping House win is the best thing for NCR, they abandoned their founders way of diplomacy first for a might-makes-right mentality while fighting someone who lives that way. Forsaking their brains for leadership that only knows punch harder is what has led to all the problems you see them having as all troops and resources are single mindedly distributed.


Yep that is my headcanon for House playthroughs...The Courier convinces Ambassador Crockett that the NCR losing control of Hoover Dam and forcing them to leave the Mojave is for the best. Thanks to the Courier completing of most NCR quests to help their army, they are keenly aware of how winning would probably bankrupt the Republic.


And thanks to the show, now we know >!shady sands gets nuked later anyways!< so house ending isn’t the thing that is really that bad for the NCR.


i'd rather ignore the show when making a choice for the future of the mojave anyway.


The NCR has inherited many problems of the old world and has many leaders in place who do not have the best intentions for the people of the republic. At its core the NCR has a lot of great things about it, but like many insightful characters in New Vegas say, it’s begun to grow stagnant and greedy and corrupt. I know a good outcome of the House/Independent ending you can get is by keeping Hanlon alive and not turning him in for falsifying records. He survives the battle and leads the rangers back to Mojave Outpost, then when he returns to the republic he denounces Oliver and Kimball for the bastards they are and becomes the senator of Redding. In truth, the military being pushed out of Mojave might be the best thing for the NCR, as it might make them reflect on the futility and greed of their occupation of the Mojave and Vegas and perhaps change for the better. Edit: wanted to make it clear I’m not advocating for House, but for a Mojave independent from NCR and Legion and House. Helping House win at Hoover Dam solidifies his grip as an autocrat (in his own words) and does not positively affect the NCR.


The NCR to me has always been a reflection of current day American government, and all the greed and lust for power that comes with it


Democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried.


pie sip pen jellyfish bag bedroom bored childlike plate air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. They are an imperialist force with a manifest destiny style approach to the wasteland.


"If you want to know the fate of democracies, look out the windows" - House.


Ncr is literally following prewar America as its model


> as it might make them reflect on the futility and greed of their occupation of the Mojave and Vegas and perhaps change for the better. That's too optimistic. A failed military adventure in the Mojave would be the end of Kimball's political career, and in parallel to the real world, would likely mean that another Brahmin baron from someplace else with an even more grandiose plan of military expansion would succeed him.


"reflect on the futility and greed" You can't be serious lol.


Reflection is optimistic, the truth is closer to what’s said in the Legion endings slides. Bitter citizens and opportunistic politicians attack Kimball and Oliver for their actions, some people consider Hanlon a traitor while others think he was one of the few commanders to see the futility of it.


IRL US reflected on it's failures in the Vietnam war and improved itself, why wouldn't the NCR?


Sweetie we categorically did not do that.


Did they, though? We barely even accepted that we lost in Vietnam.


US 20 years after Vietnam: Bois, we go again to invade some country \*invades irak\* /j


Because Vietnam didn't go down that way in Fallout? There was no anti-war counter culture, hence why the cold war lasted well into the 2070s


Unfortunately that would just land the Mojave in the greedy hands of House. Much better to have a dysfunctional democracy than a fully functional dictator. Because House only cares about himself. Edit: people disagree? I’m wondering why.


You're right. But, if House was a little charitable and cared about non-profit infrastructure so that a viable working economy could be established, then that would be good for the wasteland, including himself. Otherwise, he has an element of Caesar/greed in him that is illogical to his stated aims. Instead, we have Freeside and Outer Vegas areas with cowboy ways of life where anyone can be sold, raped or killed at the drop of a hat.


To play devil’s advocate, House has never had much influence over the Mojave outside of Vegas. It was all he could do to stake his claim over the Strip before the NCR showed up and occupied the entire region around it, claiming its resources but also the responsibility to defend it. Once House finally enacts his plan at Hoover Dam, he declares the entire Mojave a Free Economic Zone under his protection, so between that and his newly-secured resources (water, electricity, a huge robot army), it’s likely that the scope of House’s goals will expand outward. Businessman that he is, it’d be in his character to see his victory akin to buying out a rival company; once all their assets belong to House, it is now in his best interest to increase their value by investing in their improvement. We even see evidence of this in the ending slides. If the Fiends’ leaders are still alive, one of the first things House does is send his securitrons to clean up Outer Vegas by wiping them out. He also begins sending securitrons to places like Primm and Goodsprings, indicating his interests in looking outwards from Vegas.


yeah, I don't buy it. There is what House says he is gonna do, and there is his well established track record. I'll go with the second option, thank you very much. he doesn't invest in or develop Freeside. What you've got is a small bubble of luxury and security in the Strip surrounded by the bombed-out shithole of Freeside. The Mojave under House would just be more of the same. there would be vast amounts of poverty and suffering with a comfortable bubble in New Vegas itself. it wouldn't even necessarily be less violent, it's just that the violence would be the sole purview of House and his securitron army against anyone who inconveniences him. It's not even likely he can deliver on his promises of colonizing space. Everybody seems to take him at face value, but to me it just sounds like your average Silicon Valley CEO making grandiose promises at a shareholder meeting.


Except House has demonstrably achieved far more than any Silicon Valley CEO and it’s not even close. The "well established track record" you speak of includes building one of the most powerful corporations in the world from scratch, predicting the Great War down to a day, neutralizing 70 nuclear ICBMs, living 200+ years, winning three violent wasteland tribes to his side and reforming them into employees, stopping the NCR from claiming Vegas, and cooking up a plan that would effectively oust the wasteland’s two biggest armies from the Mojave and leave him in charge of a nation. He needs help with that last one, but acquiring that help is exactly what he’s working on when the game starts. I’m not saying House is a good person or that there wont be plenty of poverty and wealth disparity and such after he takes over. Hell, House winning isn’t even my preferred ending. But his track record is indisputably impressive, and I see no reason to think it would stop being so once he’s obtained a lot more power.


Right, but he lacks a certain level of EQ to convert unwilling wastelanders like the Kings into 24th century Starfleet officers, he just exterminates them if they stop genociding NCR citizens. To support House's side: He also wants Caesar alive, so it's implicated he wants him to live through the massacre of Fortification Hill by securitrons, so that he can enslave/hold Caesar captive so that House can be handed Legion holdings in Arizona, Texas, Colorado, etc, which would be better than the NCR taking it in many ways.


House’s plans are so long-term that I reckon he sees small and fleeting factions like the Kings as almost entirely irrelevant. He thinks in terms of centuries, not mere generations, and his concern is with nations, not mere gangs. It’s a harsh and cold way of thinking, cruel even (which is why I tend to side against him), but he’s probably right that group like the Kings will not matter in the long run if he gets his way. Hell, the whole of Freeside won’t matter. He never divulges who exactly he intends to train into engineers and scientists, let alone starfleet officers, but by the time he’s making decisions like that, I suspect he’ll have thousands of willing and loyal employees to choose from. It’s not something he aims to do overnight. As a fun aside: House was likely making early preparations for his space-fairing goals long before the Great War. His hostile takeover of RepCon happened after he predicted the bombs would fall, so it’s almost a certainty that he did it with the intention of acquiring their data and resources for postwar use.


He exterminates certain groups not because of mere "long-term" machinations, it is because he does not know how to do it effectively; he lacks EQ.


I didn’t say he exterminated them because of his long-term machinations. It’s almost the opposite. They are so irrelevant to his long-term machinations that their lives represent little more to him than a minor headache.


Better to say that. But that is not right nor forward-thinking, he could solve his headache by fragmenting the worship of Elvis in some clever manner that he can get others to do. Instead, we have dead men who could be put to use, they aren't ISIS soldiers nor slave-soldiers like Legionnaires who never will nor want to change.


I don’t disagree. While I like House’s end vision, and I believe in his ability to achieve it, his treatment of the Kings proves beyond doubt what petty evils he is willing to commit on his way to it. My original point was that the state of the Mojave as we see it in New Vegas is not really House’s fault because the NCR forcefully took that responsibility away from him, and his ending reveals that he does in fact take interest in the broader region’s wellbeing once that responsibility is his. However, that is not me saying that I agree with everything he would do with his power, or that his vision of the Mojave wouldn’t have its share of victims like the Kings.


No, he doesn’t care if Caesar lives or dies. What he cares about is the legion being there to keep the ncr occupied, he says so himself


Ehh no. I'd rather an immortal Dictator I agree with than a Democracy that'll kill itself overtime.


What about Houses ideology do you agree with?


The brotherhood needing to be destroyed, the NCR can stay alive but shouldn't annex everywhere it goes, the mojave should be taken over and eventually be completely under one banner rather than only focusing on Vegas or the Dam. I don't agree with his whole shtick about colonising space and shit cus the earth has its own issues. But atleast he pays well and relies on us for his plans moving forward. I still prefer independent as my issues with House can be rectified by my courier personally.


Sending the khans up north to found their own nation and having house in charge blocking them from the east is probably the best thing so they don’t continue pushing themselves so thin until it they crumble


Someone once told me that saving Hanlon in a specific way makes him run for office after NCR loses the dam to house/courier. He means to reverse the corruption of Kimball and Oliver, although the NCR is considerably humbled after the events.


I mean yea, he goes home and becomes a senator in Redding. But he’s an old man, and it’s pretty unlikely that he’ll really be able to turn much around.


My head canon is that he runs for President and wins. Well it was before the show.


It could still be true who knows. The ncr could’ve retreated north to Redding, which in the fallout universe is actually a sizeable settlement. Perhaps it’s the new capital of the ncr?


House will take over Nevada in general. But I would argue that houses ending is what the NCR needs. They are too overextended and can't manage all the territory properly. Also President Kimball, and General Oliver are stupid as fuck and securing House the victory helps the NCR get new leadership, hopefully actual good leadership. Just make sure not to side the Kings or Primm with the NCR if you want to give house the ending because house will punish those two for being a part of the NCR


Yep, I'm not even sure which is worse, him punishing The Kings or Primm, because either way, it's Couriers fault he made NCR cooperate with those two :(


Probably the Kings. With Primm it's just taxes, so if you can justify putting NCR in charge, that happens anyway. But with the Kings, he gives them a chance to leave for being traitors. But they refuse, and he guns them down.


No honestly it’s most definitely for the best it literally destroys the imperialist faction of the ncrs government giving them a chance to work at home and actually improve their corruption as kimball was the biggest supporter of the barons.


Nope. Arguably it's the best NCR ending despite not letting NCR win. The thing is, he directly states he needs NCR alive for his economy so ofc whatever deal he has for them will keep em alive, arguably capping their growth potential might be good for them to prevent them "chasing ghosts in Baha" or overexpanding


I'm going to say, net negative for NCR, based on the in-game endings. It's not just that NCR is directly weakened by a House victory, it's also that the related endings that would have happened with an NCR win don't happen, and there is no similarly positive ending with House left in charge. House is always going to put his interests over those of anyone else, Courier included. He will ally with NCR or anyone else as needed to remain in power, but no more than that. That's never going to be better than a clean NCR win for the NCR and probably not for Mojave. I get that some people who play this game don't like the NCR endings, for whatever reason. But it's clear from looking at the number of ending slides written around an NCR win or loss that the NCR win is the best possible result and an NCR loss is the worst result as seen by the game's authors. If you take the totality of the NCR-related slides, they overwhelm the others in number and degree of positivity/negativity; the only other faction that comes close is Legion, and it's clear that they are not a positive ending. This is consistent with the FO1/2 themes of rebuilding after a disaster; it's hard to rebuild when you're constantly fighting off tribes around you, easier if you're all allied, maybe as some kind of republic...


No, Hoover Dam's power can be shared. I can't find many videos going into those dialogue options of the two or more percentages that would be shared. Regardless, if the Courier is wise enough, he would argue to House to take over the the NCR's infrastructure financially, including M&A, and the best way to do that is to allow the NCR to expand whilst having a certain level of free energy from the Dam enough to remain weak to House's plans. The Courier would get NCR citizenship and House would get a special unretractable form of NCR citizenship for graciously giving them free power; that way they can function in citizen-only business/politics.


Watch your mouth profligate. Aye


nothing pleases me more than watching the waters of hoover dam flow with the blood of the legion. death to ceaser.


Not on this playthrough son. I'm gonna watch the ncr burn and anyone else who stands in our way. Aye


May thy knife chip and shatter legate scum.


Nothing to say now huh? Aye


May thy gun jam ncr puppet. Aye


Democracy is the worst form of government, excepting all others. - Winston Churchill NCR all the way, legion fascists slaving terror regimes and immortal corporate dictatorships deserve destruction. Full stop. Edit : typos


Damn right, finally a based opinion, though I would say democracy is good as long as it is in a socialist context. I always go full Followers and NCR support. Between the two of them, you have a true functioning society. Though maybe more Followers and less NCR.


It is actually good for the NCR to abandon Hoover dam. Worst case they will expand eastward around New Vegas. A repeated theme of the NCR is that their expansionism will ultimately be to their detriment, to the point where ranger chief Hanlon is actively Sabotaging military intelligence to lower morale, and is willing to sacrifice the second battle of Hoover dam to make them withdraw from the Mojave rather than keep fighting for what he sees as a losing cause


If great city of lights and commerce called Hong Kong had leverage over China to leave them independent, they would do that too. Same as owners of great casinos in Macau. Imperialist bureaucracy is bad for business, indeed.


House is only good for people with a fortune of caps, otherwise he won't really care and throw you under the bus when possible.. The only one who's better off with House winning is House himself..


This isn't the 20th century, this isn't the world we know, and too many people paint House as a villain. The NCR objectively serves no one but those in charge, many of its providences go ignored, unprotected, and heavily taxed. House while no paragon of charity has the whole of humanity's interest at his forethought, the survival of the race, where as NCR's leaders merely care about their power and having a good time. Without the Courier's intervention the NCR resolves nothing for the better in the Mojave; which admittedly is bad writing as anyone who understands logistics understands you need farms, supply lines, and provisions in order to move armies and hold land.


Just don't go "All or Nothing" and they get along.


I will never understand how people can complete a playthrough of FNV and come out with the idea that the NCR is the right choice. The game goes out of its way to show the player how ill-prepared and mismanaged they are throughout the Mojave. If the courier didn’t exist, then it’s highly likely that they would’ve lost the second battle of Hoover Dam. Every single location they control in the Mojave at the start of the game is suffering from some crippling plight that the courier has to come in and fix for them because they can’t do anything themselves. Yeah, at least half their population isn’t enslaved and they don’t crucify people, but that’s a pretty damn low bar to set, don’t you think? Yes Man ftw.


i usually do the Wild Card ending but something about the “reprogramming” he mentions at the end has extremely sinister implications about his future management. And the NCR is the best hope for the people of the mojave rather than vegas, Yes Man and House don’t see the people of the mojave as any more than product to pump full of liquor and gambling. The NCR while arguably corrupt and mismanaged are made up of soldiers who honestly believe and act accordingly to the people they encounter, they protect the roads, they defend farms and they establish order even if it’s an order you may not agree with. Regarding the options i think they are the best hope.


Josh Sawyer has explained that the bit of dialogue Yes Man has at the end mentioning “reprogramming” is so that he takes orders from the courier explicitly and can’t just get told what to do by any random Joe like how the Courier took Yes Man from Benny. Maybe you read into it, but that was the writers intent behind those lines. As for the NCR supposedly keeping order? I call bs. Because the game shows you that they *cant* keep order. They lost the NCRCF and let the Powder Gangers run amok. They mishandled the Khan situation which resulted in the biggest chem suppliers in the Mojave, inadvertently creating the fiends. They lost Camp Searchlight, Nelson, and Nipton to the Legion due to their ineptitude. Forlorn Hope which is supposed to watch the Colorado South of the Dam is in piss poor state. Camp McCaran, their HQ in the Mojave, can’t even handle the Fiends. Their sharecropper farms can’t produce their quotas due to mismanagement. And their citizens visiting the strip get terrorized by Freeside because they can’t figure out how to work with the Kings. Oh and Bitter Springs Refugee camp is in piss poor state and would’ve been prey to Legion raids if not for the Courier. Yeah they can’t keep order for shit.


Hail ceaser


Well that's the whole point. House don't give a shit about farmers, water and electricity access for everyone, unlike the NCR.


I get your point. That's why almost everyone who plays House has to know they have to headcanon A LOT...House's condescension, his apathy towards the people whose territory he will control...yeah, it needs the Courier to be the heart.


Which wouldnt last long, since he's mortal and house is inmortal. House would be a Maniac inmortal god-king/dictator with a robot army and an absolutely warped view of the reality on the ground. The man speaks of reviving the heavy, hi tech and space faring industry before he Even talks of manufacturing or giving out tetanus shots to the poor fuckers who have to go out and scrap all the iron he's gonna need. Or You know actually feeding and giving healthcare and education to people, cause thats how You get people with profesions like the engineers he's gonna need, You start talking care of them from birth. But he really doesent give a shit about them, or doesent show it, i think he'd just end up being the casino manager in his ivory tower in the middle of the desert, surrounded by slums and forgotten farmland.


House has offered to share his immortality to us, and courier has big mountain science.