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Girlbossing it up (enslaving all of your fellow women)


>Girlbossing it up (enslaving all of your fellow women) Women šŸ‘ can šŸ‘ commit šŸ‘ warcrimes šŸ‘ too šŸ‘


Margaret Thatcher be like:


do you think she effectively utilized girlpower by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in northern ireland?


No, the IRA had a better KDR so technically they won.


The British have proven time and time again that a gentleman never quibbles over oneā€™s KDR, as it tends to make one look either overextended (the American colonies) or positively barbaric (India).


Remember chaps we didn't commit genocide, we "civilized" them (into the ground).


One doesnā€™t use the ā€œgā€ word anymore, I would remind you! I like to say ā€œthey gave that ethnic group a proper rogering!ā€


What's the British equivalent of ["We gave them a good taste of Liber-Tea!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utbJLjw5R7M)


We gave them a good taste of ~~Liber~~-Tea!


you just gotta eat the lettuce just eat the full head of lettucep


Hey everybody I'm Laura Hughes, proving girls can do it too


"and by do it too, I mean touch your cousin. Was it worth it? No it wasn't."


I'm not like the other girls (cause I'm not fucking enslaved)


If I enslave all other women, that will automatically make me the greatest woman in the entire mojave


If you support womens rights, then you must also support women's wrongs.




They should have just *been better*


Talk about pulling up the ladder.


And her name? Phyllis Schlafly


So did she Render Unto Caesar or did she swoop in and take over? The sitting in the throne gives the takeover vibes.


Probably let Caesar die and talk her way out


His head exploded idiot of course its your fault!


"Bow to the Daughter of Mars profligate"


(For context, Lonesome road implies you might be his fucking kid if you have legion rep unless I misunderstood something) Edit: I'm wrong, Ulysses is the worst story teller ever cause I missed whatever he was trying to say


Where does it imply this?


His source: he made it the fuck up


Isn't there some dialogue if you got high legion rep that seeks to imply you're connected to caeser? Or did I comply misunderstand whatever the fuck Ulysses was rambling about? I'm going yo be honest, after the second paragraph of whatever the fuck he's trying to tell me I stopped trying to dissect his message.


You see when he says "Bear Bull Bull Bear Bear Hoover Dam Bear Bull Bear Bear Bull White Legs Hoover Dam Bear Bull" he really means "Caesar Bear Bull Bull Bull Legion Bear Bull Hoover Dam Bear NCR."


Source: woopsie daisy


Gonna need a source for that


I remember when I finally finished my Legion playthrough, which was likewise with a female character, I was just about fed up enough with everyone that I reloaded and killed all the Legionnaires at the Fort. Not feeling satisfied, I then used a console command to teleport the nearby brahmin into Caesar's tent. I decided this made it, as the sole surviving member of the group, the new Caesar, and declared this result my canon end for that character. Ave.


Ave Brahmin!


Vini Vidi Vaca


Caligula moment. Iā€™m sure the Legion is safe in his capable hooves.


Based and Nero-pilled girlboss behavior.


Gaslight, gatekeep and girl boss your way across Hoover dam


*panic ensues amongst Veteran Legionnaires*


She accused Mr house, Kimball and caesar of SA, as a result they all resigned


Woah Mr. House is Handycapped if she does that everyone says she hates disabled People and she gets canceled she should really sheck her Priviledge.


I already know it took you like 5+ hours in the character creator cus this is the first courier Iā€™ve seen who doesnā€™t look like they are made of playdough


I do admit it took me a long time xD but I have found tricks to get my characters to look good.


I donā€™t have the heart for Caesar playthrough but that armor is sick


Itā€™s even better with Titans of the New West. Power armor in general just has so much more presence with the mod. I might just console command the Sierra power armor because it looks so damn good. But Iā€™m on an NCR playthrough.


Some mods to give you options to get the armour as a loyal NCR supporter without having to use console commands: [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62237](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62237) [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82459](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82459)


Oh hell yeah. Gonna yoink that first one.


Does your version of tnw bug out when you play because all of my animations are fucked up and I donā€™t know why


The characters in power armor sometimes clip into the ground and walk sideways, but I find reloading a save or aggroā€™ing them fixes this.


I never did a Legion play through because I'm not a cuck. When you meet Caesar's strongest furry, he insults you, threatens you, and then demands that you do him a favor for free, all while bragging about how "bad ass" he is for killing a bunch of civilians and unarmed, off duty soldiers. How could you not kill him at that point? And then later some guy in another stupid hat shows up "forgives" my "crimes" (lol, didn't ask) and demands I come see Caesar and do stuff for him for free, and if you do go talk to Caesar all he does is whine about how all the things I've done in self-defense, and then I self-defend all over the Legion Camp.


This is fucking gold you know. Great mildly deranged rant.


Fuck them and their dumbass hats my guy you are wearing a dog on your head Roman larping and still think you are badass


Never saw this take on being anti-legion, I like it.


Every time. I never side with them because they are such losers as soon as you meet them. ā€œI murdered the entire town and set them on crosses. Please go and tell the NCR I was here. Iā€™m gonna run back to Caesar now like the pathetic man boy that I am.ā€ I shoot him directly in the face every time as soon as he finishes his insane rant. Fuck the Legion.


never thought about how bitchmade he looks for razing civilians then bragging but u right lol


I guess you didn't know Role Playing game means you play the role of someone else. It's strange you get mad about having to do a sexual favor to a video game npc. Like it means something about you personally lol. The term cuck has been misused so many times, let's put it back in the box.


I play video games so I can do things that I can't, won't or shouldn't do in real life so I enjoy doing play throughs as a villain or monster sometimes.


I did it for the achievement. I like all four factions/endings, but it was hard for me to side with the Legion, mainly because of how little content there is with them. I wish there were more quests and Legion territory. We only get a glimpse of what it's like under the Legion, and it isn't exactly accurate.


>I wish there were more quests and Legion territory. We only get a glimpse of what it's like under the Legion Pretty sure they planned more, but didn't have time.


A whole unused section of the map is theorized to have been Legion turf


I agree. We really only had some dialogue showcasing what the legion was like. We already knew what the NCR was like from Fallout 1 and 2, so we had something to go off on. We needed more quests and content tied to the legion, maybe even more content than other factions, as it's obviously not very appealing to join the "evil" factions in any game. I think the biggest issue for them as a faction was how they were created by Caesar, no matter the ending, even the legion winning will end in them eventually collapsing. The legion is run through fear and blind faith in Caesar. In the event that Caesar dies, they have nothing to fight for. Had they fought for their homeland, it could have made a more compelling reason for the courier to join. All we know is that legion territories are safer to trade in compared to the NCR, but we need more. I liked the idea of the legion, but it needed to be fleshed out. Otherwise, there isn't any reason to join them, except for the fact that they are evil.


I mean you donā€™t have to do a Caeser playthrough for the armor, could do house or yes man and still get it


The blood will wash out.


Drip over dishonour


Seriously how come?


Cuz I feel for the computer generated people with actors as their voice. Iā€™m a puss


FUCKING SAME. For the same reasons I will never do a genocide route for Undertale and UT Yellow, do the Devil ending in Cyberpunk, and just basically every game that has an undeniably bad ending, I will avoid that ending like a flu.


Damn so you can get seriously immersed in these games eh? Awesome


Absolutely lol shit that would make your character angry ends up making you ten times more fuckin angry *cough giving boone all my weapons before going into the ultra-luxe and them despawning from his fucking inventory forever making me go back a save from like 3 hours beforešŸ’€ā€¼ļø*


I didn't know you can italicize emojis, and it looks slightly uncanny


[relevant lol](https://youtu.be/V0EZobdiJ4M)


Same. The Legion is too ruthless. Itā€™s why I always choose any of the other options.


You are really missing out. Assassinating kimball and blowing up the monorail is just too good, among the other things you never get to do in the other factions


I mean i could get really piss poor reputation with the Legion and then do their questline after Vulpes give me the Mark of Caesar


Itā€™s just so satisfying to blow his head off and then the rest of the Legion Fucks


Same :/ It's just too gross.


oh hey i recall that face! and check it out, good presentations as well. ave, true to caesar


"A woman in Caesars chair!! That's blasphemy!" - Legion cuck


"A woman in Caesars chair!! That's blasphemy!" - Legion traitor on a cross


All I imagined is the whiny Legion troop with the high pitched voice going nuts on a female Courier for sitting on a throne lol


I like to imagine when a legion idolised female courier walks into a tent of legion troops they stop talking about how many women theyā€™ve beaten/enslaved only for the courier to ask them and start bragging about how many women sheā€™s beaten/enslaved Tomboy tradwife fr has the legionaries blushing hard tho


*Ron Perlman voice:* "The Legion, upon finally meeting a woman who fully understood the wisdom of Caesar, found themselves conflicted. Over time they expressed less desire to open abuse the women in their society, stalwart in their belief of gender roles yet more inclined to treat women with something resembling respect, all out of the belief some may have the potential to embody the strength of the Courier. By fully endorsing the Legion's poor treatment of women, the Courier had accidentally destroyed it, and they spent the rest of their days mourning this loss."


Her reverse psychology game is so strong she didnā€™t even know she was playing it


Alright take my fucking upvote that perfectly ran through my head as Ron Perlman goddammit.


fr I feel sick asl knowing they all treat woman like shut but r terrified of one


True to Caesar. Did you earn a Latin name yet?










This is gold šŸ˜‚


you dropped this šŸ‘‘


I spluttered


What a time for Reddit gold to be gone.


Looks like matriarch of the Legion. Would be interesting to speculate how it would affect their social norms and culture.


It would fix them potentially. I think a female Caesar would make the legion the strongest faction.


Ave, true to Kaisarissa.




I'm sure afterwards the Legate will thank you but locking you up to use as breeding stock or something fucked up like that.


A lot of very misogynistic cultures, such as Ancient Greece and Rome, had women in special positions of power. Personally I imagine that a female courier would play an important part in Caesars vision of turning the Legion from a warband into a civilization. Perhaps being head of a priesthood or an order/agency of some sort. Could also easily see a warrior cult spring up around her, in the same way Caesar claims to be the son of Mars. As Legionaries try to do the mental gymnastics so that their belief system can handle the fact that their most effective agent is a woman.


Ooooo that would be so cool. Like murder priestesses. They do weird human sacrifice rituals. Could be like the women in dune part one who are drawing symbols on the Soldiers in blood. No civilization can function without women so yeah if the legion wants to continue it's existence they gotta start respecting women.


I would expect that Caesar would continue to take inspiration from Rome. Which would mean a very misogynistic society, but not to the insane degree that the current Legion is. IIRC, it is also mentioned, or at least implied, that women in the towns (Specifically not tribes, but towns) that have submitted to the Legion are considered actual citizens. Compared to those that are a direct part of the Legion who are all slaves. So if I remember that right, then there is also a precedence for it. I donĀ“t know if a female Courier would be Caesars heir, but I imagine she would be the kingmaker. Could also see her take a title as daughter of Caesar, or something along those lines.


Yeah like let's be honest The Legate doesn't really want to be the leader just the general. He is weirdly reasonable to speak to in all the other endings. If you could 1v1 him I think perhaps he would respect that. Legate Lanais and the courier ruling together could work. Let him do his thing as figurehead while the courier acts as the true ruler.


I kinda imagine that Caesar would either keep Lanius constantly busy post-invasion or just discretely get rid of him. He is a popular and feared man among the soldiers, those tend to be seen as dangerous people in power. But if not, then he would be a shoe-in for Caesars heir. Unless Caesar grooms a new one, he thinks more fitting for the new Legion that he envisions. And I think you have a point on the effectiveness of the Courier being the woman behind the throne.


The fact that he prints your face on a coin implies that he is naming you heir, since this is what was done in the Roman Empire.


While I agree it is a sign of being an incredibly important person, the Romans also printed other family members on their coins. Such as their wives, mothers and daughters. And it was also used to commemorate great victories and other important people. So while it can be taken as him declaring you his heir, I donĀ“t think it is necessarily a sure sign of it. Mainly for a female Courier through, with a male I think you are in a pretty good position for it. But him declaring a female courier his heir would be pretty interesting, in the way it would affect the Legion and its future. Or if it would continue as usual, but you would just be a special case. It could be interesting development if it lead to a tradition of Empresses, while still remaining a largely sexist society for everyone else.


The Courier is canonically stronger than him, regardless of whatever fucked up thing you invent through the creator or skill point allocation. I think she'll be fine (unless she's into that.)


Since sheā€™s already bought into the legions philosophy, sheā€™d probably jump his bones first to get those extra strong warrior children.


Oh yeah I know. If the game let you keep playing I'm sure the courier could humble Lanius and maybe become joint ruler? Perhaps the courier will change how the legion views women since she can beat them all. So now woman can fight but they still do all the same horrible stuff to the slaves.


Or she could just marry him and rule from the shadows.


I think it is honestly unrealistic to imagine a female courier leading the legion personally. The top brass of the Legion doesn't care all that much about gender but the masses of troops would almost certainly rebel, sure you can beat them, conquer them, but they won't follow and you'll just have to keep doing it. They fundamentally won't respect you even if you conquered them due to their misogyny, they'd never see you like Caesar.


[SPEECH 100] Yeah but like just do what I say I'm better than you all at fighting. Then they will change.


"Filthy sow, how dare you defile the Caesar's legacy with these baseless claims? We oughta have you tossed in with the rest of the breeding stock." [SPEECH 100] "Yeah but like just do what I say I'm better than you all at fighting." "You are right. We see now that you are truly Caesar's heir. We will spread the word among the legion. What are your orders, Daughter of Mars?" 100+ xp quest complete


Nah I think the fact that Ceaser genuinely respects a female courier and still mints her face on coins indicates the Legion would start to leave behind the sexism and it would probably have to as well if Ceaser truly wanted to maintain it as a nation instead of just a massive army. Slaves would still be treated like trash and the women slaves would probably be treated worse but I think women citizens of the Legions lands would start to be able to join the military and be treated more equally if a fem courier took control (unless she specifically kept and encouraged the sexist ideologies and effectively acted as if she were just a very special exception which could totally happen.)


Caesar is the one that taught the Legion that women are inferior to enforce his power structure. The courier is very specifically his exception because they're a single useful entity.


The courier also still can have their ass handed to them in the fight against the legion if they go in under prepared because these are men who train specifically to brutually fuck people up. People take down targets they could not overpower every day by biding their time and waiting for the right moment. Under a false sense of security by serving the legion, they could easily overpower the courier in numbers, lock them up, slave collar on, and there you go you served a terrible faction and won your stupid prize.


Maybe in a realistic game but as the protagonist of the player is in control you will always win. But a courier who joins the legion likely actually holds it's values. The legion would probably just treat this courier like a man ahs just not address it at all.


But you don't always win. I got my ass handed to me my first fight against the legion in my first NV playthrough because I didn't know what I was up against and I brought a melee weapon to what should be a distance fight. The courier is only as strong as the player behind them and not everyone min-maxes their gameplay. They are, again, someone that could be overpowered if taken off guard HENCE THE WHOLE ASS INTRO OF THE GAME WHERE WE GET SHOT IN THE HEAD or did you forget that part? The Legion would absolutely not forget that the courier is a woman, they would use her for what they think she's worth to them, and then enslave her. So once Hoover Dam is their's, they would be pretty unstoppable of a force from there and not need her anymore. They'd probably want to breed her to make mini-male-couriers though. The legion is always the shitty side to choose, especially if you're a woman.


But on canon you never lose because you reload the save. Your endless failures aren't a part of the story. Even if I took you 200 trys the save where you are successful id the only one that matters. I don't disagree with your point it's literally my initial comment but I was providing a completely valid alternative situation that could happen as well.


It would be fun if the courier reverses that plan and flips the legionā€™s views on sex. I donā€™t know if this head canon is a power fantasy or something else tbh


Nah I'd (she'd) win


I'm still glad I commented this because if you read the whole comment chain it turned into cool legion winning theories.


Did you say that Uylesses has no dick


That power armour screenshot is so badass


Ulysses: ā€œLast I heard, you needed a weapon between your legs to carry one for Caesarā€ Courier: ā€œIs that why youā€™re not Legion anymore, then?ā€


Pic 4 goes fucking harrrddd




Female legion courier be like: I would like to have fewer rights please


More like I want everyone else to have less rights


I see no pictures of the Mojave outpost so I'm going to assume major knight is sill safe I won't believe you unless I see a picture


daughter of mars


What face mods are you using? Or is this just running on decent machinery (I wouldn't know what that's like LOL)? Her face fits in really well but still looks a lot better than the default ones


doesn't look like any. Just nicely crafted vanilla race


Face is vanilla, but the hair is modded. Here you go. A gallery of the sliders [https://imgur.com/a/2DflmJs](https://imgur.com/a/2DflmJs) You should use preset 6 instead of preset 1 to get this face. The menu defaults to 1 whenever I open the "showracemenu". Hair is modded.


Fem Legion just soundsā€¦ right. Somehow, if you have to side with the most extreme faction, it sounds right to have the most controversial position.


Meanwhile the other legionaries are talking about "trying you out"


My jaw dropped the first time I heard Siri say that. And that's why I raze their fortress to the ground in 99% of my playthroughs. That and the fact that they won't let me fight in the arena


Boone never gives me the chance to speak to them. Can't really complain though.


Always have to bring my boy Boone along to the Fort, he deserves to have the pleasure of killing Caesar himself.


At least there's mods to let you fight in the arena I suppose. Can't let the woman who is literally on currency fight


I just use console commands to change to a male courier, it's actually kinda funny. I wish there was a way to save Ranger Stella though...


If this game had more time, maybe there would be a way to save her


I remember the first time I did a legion play through I also played as a girl and I was so disappointed that I couldn't enter the ring and fight




Hey, why are sitting on Ceasar's thro... I mean, ave, true to the Caesarea!


Please tell me that you did Lonesome Road and picked the option to mock Ulysses when he questions a woman being in the legion!


I can fix herā€¦ šŸ„ŗ


haha you're welcome to go ahead and try. better have a good speech stat


I guess sheā€™s not a girls-girl šŸ˜¬


Picture number four, is that loot from the ending of lonesome road or did you get it with mods?


I believe so, but theyā€™re using the titans of the new west mod which makes power armor bulkier and alters weapons to fit with them. really cool mod alters most weapons to be carried one handed while in power armor, also alter large weapons like rocket launcher and mini gun to be mounted under the arms.


Oooooh, someone's a speculatorre. Rolls eyes


Hmmm, ceasarā€™s demenia mustve progresssed rather rapildly if hes letting a WOMAN join the legionā€¦. Either than or she has more balls than lanius and they just let her in


Did you kill or reverse pickpocket Caesar?


Surgery was a failure xD


I love doing a Caesar playthrough as a female. I've named my female Legionaries Julia, Juno, Cleopatra, and Renata lol


I can fix her


Ave Leopardseatingmyfaceua


True to ceaser.


I see that Caesar didn't make it to the end. Makes sense, it's hard to imagine a girl that would choose Caesar over a Chad like Lanius. Caesar is dead, true to Caesar.


And now Iā€™m going to do an unarmed pyro heavy armor build


Damn, now i want to do a legion women playtrought, i had my doubts, but i really like the idea.


Ave, true to caesar


What power armor is that??


True to Caesar


I thought about doing a female legionnaire build. Do you get a lot of unique dialogue options?


Do you miss out on many good missions doing this? I always avoided it because of the amount of quests you get from NCR


You miss out on some. But the good thing about the NCR quests is that you can sabotage many of them - bombing the monorail, mistraining the misfits, etc


Hell yeah very cool. Love a girl legion courier itā€™s so fun to make a bunch of misogynists worship you


i'm going mr house, first time not siding with the ncr, feelsweird but also liberating


a woman sitting in ceasars throne just feels right


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss




I didnā€™t know there was legion power armour


Love seeing someone not be a wuss and do a legion run. It's always so fun waging guerilla warfare against NCRtards


I wonder the percentage of playthroughs that were legion. I've played through 4 or 5 times and could never stomach going with that path for some reason.


Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, pay me (in Legion denarius)


What a baddie


Made me LOL xD


When I did a legion character for the achievements I decided to play melee as well, I beat the game at level 18 and nobody could survive more then a couple hits if they were a random npc and not a named one


I like that power armor


That... looks like a hell of a roleplaying experience. Also based superheated powerfist enjoyer


I cant help but feel that the legion having a portion of its currency printed with a famous female figure, would drastically alter the history going forward compared to a male figure.


Hope you enjoyed being head chairwoman of the Leopards Eating Faces Party! Do they eat your face at the end of the game?


Playing a female legionary is worth it exclusively for the line you get with Ulysses in lonesome road.


Is that power armor a mod or is that in the base game and I never realized because I've only ever done Yes Man playthroughs?


She? Think you missed a core ideology of the legion.


Why does she look like that cop who banged her whole station?


I said I'd never do a legion playthrough but hot legion lady and that cool power armor have me questioning my allegiance to the Bear.


A based woman? That's hot




Man. The last time I played new Vegas. I got save locked in the Vault thatā€™s fully irradiated. Save was right in front of the Overseerā€™s office. The one full of ghouls and rads. Zero rad-away or any item to mitigate the rads. I timed it and had less than 3 minutes to run and escape the vault before I died from rads. Best I could do was get to the exit but the rads would kill me every single time. I tried for 2 damn hours trying to get out. I couldnā€™t do it and had no prior saves to go back to. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve played NV since lol


I did Legion once, just to do it. It took months not to feel dirty.


The ultimate Pick Me.


Never! No Gods, No Masters!


When I did my first Legion character I decided they would kill everyone thatā€™s a perceived enemy to the Legion. Didnā€™t realize until I started thatā€™s most everyone. The world was pretty barren. That character didnā€™t stop to consider the factions like the Fiends as tools of the Legion and killed them too.


How did you get the legion power armor?


Am I the only one that just straight up murders everyone in the legion camp the first time you go there?


Noooo not the Camp Golf pile!


Damn, she folded that dude like a lawn chair