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Get the luck boosting nightwear from Ralph & Mick's. And the implant from the doc.


There’s also the lucky shades but you have to go a certain way down the Legion path to get them I think.


Just accept the quest in cottonwood cove to turn in ncr dog tags and pickpocket them off of troopers


You can also just kill generic NCR troopers, sneak attack and you lose no rep, and you gain xp and their loot, literally no downside to this, and also don’t have to quick save scum for successful pick pockets.


You need to pickpocket 50 of them btw. I just went around McCarran and Mojave Outpost, theres enough there. Just be ready to quick save and reload a lot


Thanks, i didnt know about the nightwear


Is your Luck 9 or 10? All you gotta do is make it past a certain cap threshold and they'll ban you from gambling - If your luck isn't high, you're just asking for a tedious time.


No it’s my first playthrough and i didn’t think too much about where to put points so it’s like a 6 (a 7 thanks to the implant)


Your luck has to be around 9 or 10 if you tryna *reliably* farm Casino chips for Blackjack - Unless you're patient, like you clearly are lmao.


You really only need 8 to get it done relatively fast


Good to know - I never attempted to clear out a Casino at 8 luck, always 10.


Just last night I went to the Tops casino and won 10k in chips. They finally kicked me out then. At least, they tried to. I have 9 luck and could hit with a card score of 18 and get a 2 or 3 every time. Imagine playing blackjack like this IRL?


I didn’t know the games were based on your luck score that is interesting.


9 works too, namely in the sierra madre where you *cant* bring naughty nightwear, got over 500 stimpaks gambling there


*cries in hardcore* 500 stimpaks would weigh nearly 8 gold bars, almost 4 with pack rat but still, damn.


Did all 5 of em with 7 luck took some time but is doable. 6 luck on the other hand you have no chance.


I finished all 3 casinos with 8 luck in about 2 to 3 hours. So I can confirm 8 luck is all you need. Basically double down everytime unless I got low cards.


I’m doing a 10 luck play though now and it’s hilarious. I double down on 20 and will get an ace. Getting blackjacks three deals in a row lol


It's absolutely doable at 7 if you know basic blackjack strategy. Any lower and you'll have to savescum even if you're playing optimally, but at 7, you can win reliably enough to clear them out.


I use slots. Still get banned in about 15 mins per casino. Even with the anti cheat shirt ban on quick saves.


7 is the minimum required to give you a statistical edge, i would not gamble on 7 luck. 9 or 10 you can zone out and just spam the W key to double down on every hand. 8 is the awkward middle where you have a decent edge, but you still have to pay attention.


I just got banned from the Sierra Madre casino with 7 Luck (because some DICK took my shades and nightwear), it didn’t take long at all. *Maybe* 20-30 minutes? Just play mostly book blackjack (I was a little more loose with doubling down) and the edge is *super* noticeable vs real life.


Dude, with 9 it took me about 15 minutes, which is a long fucking time in my honest and impatient opinion lol. 9 is a minimum when going the gambling route. Grab the Nightwear and maybe a point into Intense Training.


I would honestly not waste a perk on intense training. You can get the implants to raise your special stats and they are only 4k each. Also you can only have enough implants as your endurance level. You can have it at 8 and still get the implant and nightwear to make it 10.


He's got the implant which takes him to 7. Imma be real, perks in NV aren't quite as, you take something not meta and you're fucked, there's much more wiggle room. A single point in IT for luck ain't gonna negatively impact the game or your character.


I’ve had luck 8 and that isn’t too awful at breaking the casinos. It’s not as easy as luck 9 or 10, but can save a point for another stat


8 should be good. Get nightwear from mick n Ralph’s


Play roulette and bet 200 on a single number till you win. Reload if you have to, but for my character with 7 luck it usually takes 10-15 spins


Doesn’t that give like a debuff?


Yeah you get a debuff for save scumming. You’ll have to wait a minute to play any games. Play blackjack until you get close to the ban limit and then play roulette. That’ll give you the option to come back later for a big pay out instead of getting banned for going only ~400 caps over the limit.


Exactly. Get to like 14990 chips and then do a spin for a 35:1 number. You win like 7k more chips that way.


I’ve played this game since launch and didn’t know this. Never tried save scumming casino games before.


Luck does not have any effects on roulette in the base game actually. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IABJL8yAM3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IABJL8yAM3E)


how do you guys have the patience for slots even at 7 luck with the most basic of theory I clean casinos out w/blackjack in under 5 minutes


“The Ultra Lux THE ULTRA Lux” I can’t not hear that when it’s mentioned


It’s burned into my brain. One of the greatest ads ever, and it’s for a fake company lmao


That and SIIIIILVer Rush


You just need to hir 15k caps then you're banned.


lucky shades+ implant. also save after every 300-500 chips you earn, and reload your previous save if you start losing edit: if you're okay with cheating, you can modify your luck with console command "player.modav luck x" with x being the ammount you want to increase your luck stat by


Blackjack to 14800 in the earnings. Save Roulette Max bet on 00 until you hit the jackpot Save scum as needed Preferably get banned and walk out with 21000ish in winnings.


I just improve my luck and spam blackjack.


im at luck 10 and its basically impossible for me to loose. Im always at 19-21 OR im at like 10 and then when i double sown always get to 21 or very close. After like 15000 chips they throw you out.


Always put your luck to 10 👌


Fr, this was my first playthough and i didn’t know what SPECIAL points were about so here i am with 9 points on charisma


Lmao that’s also amazing. Next play through I’d recommend the 10 luck and maybe sprinkle 1 intelligence for those fun unique dialogue choices


The cap is 15000 instead of 10000. I quicksave throughout my gambling runs, so if it gets tedious for me, I can always come back to it. And I make sure my Luck is 7 or higher. I stick to blackjack because I enjoy it, but if I'm close to the limit I might switch to slots to get a higher payout. If I go over the cap, I still keep the chips but I can't play anymore.


7 Luck has been good enough for me at the casinos when playing Blackjack


What’s your luck?


Skill issue