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No means no


say that to the legion


some would rather die than let their liberties be stepped on by some bald fuck JOIN THE ARMY




Nevermind, I'll do it myself. 😈


i did when i botched caesar's brain surgery


Just be gay with Raul instead


i have my main for that, this is my bad guy alt


But arcade isn’t a bad person? He works for the FOA.


Yeah but he can be sold to Caesar as a slave doctor to fix the brain tumor.


Fuck really? I need to do an absolutely evil play through I think.


Remember to make Boone snipe an innocent person infront of the dinosaur 😈


And to tell Veronica about those weirdos in a fallout shelter you were forced to kill or something


*After* you blow it uo


Don't forget to help the powder gangers take over Goodsprings.


I mean, so did Edward Sallow, so...


Arcade IS a bad person, regardless of how much he works for the FOA he is by blood enclave, and was raised by an enclave officer. It is a huge part of who he is and he constantly grapples with aligning himself with their ideals, despite how much he disagrees with what they had done. He uses their gear, represents their people, and is by blood enclave. He is not a good person and was not raised to be, he is morally ambiguous and the good he does do is so ambitious that he doesn’t actually achieve anything meaningful in terms of altering the wastelands for the better.


Bruh He only takes the armor back if the courier, well, basically tells him to, and just because he is using enclave weapons, doesn’t mean he is doing what the enclave would. Helping the NCR or independent Vegas is actually the complete opposite of what the enclave would be doing. Also, by blood? Is someone evil just because their dad was in the shadow government? No! People make their own independent choices, and arcade isn’t trying to rebuild to enclave to kill all the people of the wastes, he is trying to help the wastelanders.


Like by your logic Ukraine should just horrifically gas the citizens of russia with mustard gas, or Israel should captivate and murder helpless Palestinians because they think what they’re doing is morally righteous and therefore are cleared of any wrongdoing. Like that is not how this shit works, when a planet comes together and sees something as inherently evil, that is just what it is dude. And that doesn’t change because you think you’re right.


Using power armor is not equal to gassing people or massacring people. The enclave did use power armor, vertibirds, and lots of guns to kill civilians, but arcade and you, might not, depending on your courier’s attitude to not killing random people for no reason. But, power armor can help people, like the FO3 brotherhood helping people and stopping the eastern enclave. It’s like using a gun to kill people in a war. It’s evil in a sense, but it is deemed necessary, because what else are you going to do? Just sit around and die? Be put to work camps? No. So we shoot people defending ourselves. Is it right? Maybe, maybe not. But we aren’t dead.


Would you use the powerful weapons of nazi soldiers to solidify your means of success over others? Using the power of evil individuals makes you inherently evil yourself, you do not just get to pick up weapons of mass destruction used in the genocides of innocent people and all of the sudden assign it a new purpose. Like it was built and tailored in mind of the enclave, the way it’s used does not matter. It’s seriously the equivalent of committing war crimes because you think your purpose in life is more important than that of others, there are simply some things you do not do regardless of who tells you to do it, especially when it comes to using the firepower of a horrific enemy.


??? America in real life used a bunch of nazi tech, v2 rockets, jet prototypes, first nuclear research, things like that, and they didn’t get any shit for it, because honestly, just because the nazis were going to use the first ever missiles, doesn’t make all missiles facist. How is using enemy weapons for a new purpose evil? I mean sure, violence is bad, but most the time, nukes aren’t used, and are kept around as a threat to keep everyone from using them. Which isn’t inherently evil.


Just because you recognize the world is built off of evil doesn’t make it less so. You’re not a genius because you discovered every country commits war crimes and steals each other’s technology, but that shouldn’t make using that kind of technology okay in your mind. 2 wrongs never make a right like ever lol. I just used nazis as an example because their existence is fundamentally evil, which everyone can agree with lol, but all countries and world powers are. It’s seriously like saying you should use bio engineered chemical warfare because your purpose of using it is “better” than the way your enemy used it. You are literally no different from them at that point.


If the option was use enclave weaponry to defeat the legion or die, using the weaponry is the morally good choice over being a moral purist. Societal standards are incredibly skewed in Fallout since, you know, society collapsed.






Does that make anyone using any gun ever evil then? Cuz they were invented for murder? Also isn't this exactly what you do in Wolfenstein?


That is not my point, you’re making it black or white, guns were created with a LITANY of purposes in mind other than killing other people and directly attributed to a massive surge flourishing people who could now support and sustain themselves. Guns are so important that the right to bear arms is emphasized twice in the constitution of Idaho due to how culturally significant they were and are to its people in many ways. The same can NOT be said for enclave engineered power armor.


Bad guy alt? So you doing evil Independent playthrough or Legion playthrough? I think if Legion one then it explains it because apparently the only way to activate Arcade's personal quest is by doing atleast some independent Vegas stuff with Yes Man so he "trusts you" but before even that you need to earn his trust by visiting certain places or doing one quest in an Arcade way. But since Legion questline doesn't activate his trigger to trust you eventually I think you can do so much for Caesar that Arcade permanently becomes unobtainable.


Can you not still recruit him using the power of Confirmed Bachelor?


You can, but he becomes fully unrecruitable after completing his Companion Quest.


Again, if you do too much of a Legion main quests I think he's just permanently locked out for everyone and he says the line in the post. Which makes sense, you helped Legion so much you give Arcade a worry so he's preparing to do what he can, I think even end slides mention it even if you didn't recruit him.


Fair doos. I went for Legion only once, over a decade ago so I don't remember much. I do remember having the option of suggesting he hang back to help in all my other playthroughs. I'm always like "Yeah, I want my sweet baby boy out of the firing line."


Your bad boy alt you say?


Courier: Be gay with me Raul. Raul: You’re the boss, boss.


Exactly right


Raul is an amazing shot. I don’t get to kill anything anymore


Sounds like you’ve been helping Ceaser?


yes, but the question remains, it's there any way to force him to be able to recluit him?


Maybe there’s a mod? You’d have to research it.


i did, but they only fix the legion rep issue, it doesn't fix this main story script that blocks him for being a reclutable companion ):


Damn, might just be impossible given the intricacies of the faction-companion systems influencing each other. Might have to recruit him on another playthrough.


I had a issue similar to this, but it was cause I was idolised by the legion, I simply put on an NCR uniform and could get him to join me, although your situation seems to be story progression wise, but maybe you could try putting on an NCR uniform and asking again?


No THIS this is true. I’m pretty sure I had to do this 2 years ago. I have a non NCR character dripped up in their gear and Arcade. May not work but I think I had this same issue


Yep, cause wearing the NCR uniform puts you at neutral with the legion. Took me longer than I like to admit to figure out this fix for my issue at the time.


This is a way to do it because he won't be recruited with high Legion rep However, OP's line seen is due to them having recruited Arcade Gannon already and completing his Companion Quest. Because of that, Arcade cannot be recruited regardless of if he decides ro stick with the Followers or to head into battle with the rest of the Enclave.


There is a way to do it, there's a guide somewhere on YouTube, I'm sure of it. If you've already met with Caesar and helped him, it's typically too late though. Your first meeting with Caesar, you should have Arcade with you. SPOILER: >!This also fits the bad guy playstyle, you can drag him in, turn on him, and at the end of Arcade's quest help the Enclave remnants, you can actually convince them to fight alongside the Legion.!<


Try wearing NCR armor, that worked with me the last time I S̜o̜l̜d̜ ̜h̜i̜m̜ ̜i̜n̜t̜o̜ ̜s̜l̜a̜v̜e̜r̜y̜ gave him a new job promotion 


Why do you keep saying recluit? Am I having a stroke?


How else would you say it? When you convince a companion to accompany you, you’ve essentially recluited them, no?


Recruit is the word you're looking for


is not the correct word? i'm not a native english speaker


recruit. R instead of L.


I think if you disguise yourself as NCR, you might be able to temporarily recruit him. Idk for sure though


Working with Caesar denotes a different response


live with your choices bud (or reload a save, but that's no fun)


You're going to sell him into slavery, aren't you?


if i can, yes, but that's not my main issue, the main problem is that i can't do the enclave quest without him, i need to recluit him first ): i assume there must be a mod or anything that let me bypass this barrier...


You like slavery, don't you Squidward?


the legion is everything i hate but i just wanted to RP as one of them to understand this game lore ): ):<


Well, now you understand that RP them also closes some doors. It's not the end of the world just do the fun Legion quests and For Auld Lang another time


Yeah but he wants to sell arcade into slavery. I think that you need to recruit him before assisting the legion, then when vulpes gives you the mark, you take him to the legion.


Yeah really dude just got too far into the Legion quest line for any of this. It really sucks that it cuts off a lot of content in the game even if it makes sense lore wise. Or they should have just fleshed out the Legions quests more so it doesn’t make the game so short.


I'd argue it is fleshed out. There's plenty of examples of this in game where something you did locks you out of something later. You can't kill the khan's at Boulder City and expect to recruit them for example. Or another I ALWAYS fuck up is you have to buy the Weathers family from Cottonwood Cove before finding Benny. Once you have the platinum chip the option to buy them is gone because they only want the chip from you and you to meet Caesar-- no more negotiations or doing business. The game is filled with you making your bed and having to sleep in it. It's why replays are fun and new compared to other decision making RPGs.




The word is recruit


thanks for telling me


It's there any mod or console commands that lets me hire him? Here's the full dialogue: "I can't leave now. Caesar has gained too much ground. I need to be here in case the NCR fails to hold Hoover Dam".


Well did you help the legion?


yes i did


Yeah that’s why he hates the legion and won’t work with the courier if you are working with them. You can look up the console commands but idk if they will as you have the rep with the legion that is good.


i did, i'm using legion mods that fix his rep issue, but this dialogue / script seems related to the main story progession and i don't see any mod that fixes it


I have the base game dialogue files open for Arcade - that dialogue he gave you is part of your mod, not the base game. Edit: I am wrong, it is there, I must have missed it earlier, apologies.


It's part of the base game, there's a wiki that has this dialogue, I just got it without the mods. And I just confirmed right now is not legion related but attached somehow to the main story progress.


Edit: I don't know how I missed it earlier, but I checked the dialogue page again, it is there. Am I stupid? But yeah, it seems to be tied to quest progression. Since his quest For Auld Lang Syne is dependant on quest progression, I would theorize that that same point is also a cutoff for when you can hire Arcade.


i wish someone did a mod for this, having to plan with guides is soooo boring to do


**UPDATE:** It seems that this dialogue is tied to the main story progression, no faction rep stuff, no matter what I tried I couldn't recruit Arcade to either sell him for slavery or do the enclave quest, although I did manage to complete part of the Enclave quest without him using console commands and thus fixing half of this issue I had. For that I had to use these commands. * **startconversation player VDialogueArcadeGannonVFSArcadeGannonTopic070** click arcade when use this command, this will start the enclave quest * **setstage 00157E60 VMS54** this sets the quest to the stage where the Enclave enters the bunker thus u don't need arcade anymore * Now you can choose the enclave to to side with the Legion! (make sure to talk to Moreno before leaving the enclave room to complete the quest) Hope this help anybody that had this same problem. Playing with guides for this kind of stuff is boring!


Also I recommend that you kill both Arcade and Boone before ending the game as Legion if you weren't able to hire them as companions ever, because if you don't , you won't see their endings.


If you kill them, isn't that their ending?


Yes, you will get their death endings, but if you don't hire them ever you will get nothing even if you do the legion ending which happened to me.


Pretty sure you can put on NCR faction armor too


No, it doesn't work, this is a dialogue Arcade has when he reach a point he won't leave freeside if you never hired him.


Julie looks like she's sick of everyone's shit


Ah yes 'I sided with the slavers and now this guy who specifically hates the slavers won't join me' what a dilliema.


This seems to be a script / main story thing related. Is not legion rep related because these two mods that I use fix the rep problem: [Arcade no longer leaves Legion Players](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50996) [Recruit Arcade Gannon as a friend of Caesar](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36037) When I use these mods, the dialogue changes and Arcade doesn't reject u for your legion rep but this is the dialogue he gives instead. I ask if there's another mod that solves this problem because I find odd nobody seems to know in 2024.


RPers when their actions have consequences


nope. You go far enough into legion plays and he cant be recruited. reap what you sow


Yes, he can, just use a NCR disguise to recruit him, and you can do his quest and you can make the remnants side with the legion.


no, i can't, no matter what outfit i use he doesn't let me, this is attracted to the main quest


You can use a NCR disguise to recruit him, you can drop the disguise just after.




*companion is firmly and passionately against enemy faction* *player helps enemy faction* *companion must now increase his efforts to fight against enemy faction* *player tries to recruit companion* *companion refuses* Wat do?


I already explained this isn't legion related but main quest coded in.


Iirc after Auld Lang he is removed as a companion for lore reasons


Be extremely stupid


You can reload to an earlier save if you just recently completed some Caesar quests.


You can only recruit arcade gannon if you help anyone but legion, or if you want to sell him you need to recruit him before you help the legion at all then take him to cotton Cove I'm pretty sure.


You misspelled "recruit" as "recluit" in the title and in one of your responses. So, FYI, it's "recruit," with an r.


I think OP’s native language may not be English, as in Spanish recruit means reclutar


What was your Legion reputation when he first said this to you? I do believe that a check is run for faction reputations when you ask a follower to join you. If you're past a certain reputation threshold with a faction they don't like (i.e. the Legion) they won't join you.


With this character not being able to leave right now, the thread of gay is severed. Load a new save or persist in the NCR-free world you have created


Before you become too favored by the Legion, you want to convince him to join you and do all of his questline then start helping the legion.


Wear a NCR disguise.


Bro leave him alone he’s busy come back later! He is a smart man helping people give him a break lol


Wear an NcR disguise and he will join you even with positive legion rep. You can then enslave him, he commits suicide in this ending.


Is this after you do his personal quest?




English might not be OPs first language. In Spanish, to recruit is spelt “reclutar”


Raul’s vaquero outfit is so fire. I have a hard time putting better stuff on him because it’s so cool