• By -


Yes. Shoot those bastards on sight. The only reason why I may avoid Power Gangers is so that I can do NCRCF quest and attack the prison with the NCR.


I made like an NCR rebel kind of person one time. I didn't side with the legion because screw those guys but I did find that vault with that one powder ganger guy and did some cool stuff but I still set the ncrcf on fire


I did aswell, I gave the scientist guy the research from the plant vault and realized what he wanted to do so I blasted his ass. Had to side with house after that tho NCR didn’t shoot at me until I dropped that general dead


Use the abilene bb gun and a stealth boy and you can sneak attack headshot kill with no reputation loss


You can do that with any silenced weapon. Took down Nelson and Dead Sea with a silenced sniper rifle. Probably could have used Ratslayer tbh


I once did a run where I didn't massacre the ncrcf myself, instead I did all their quests then watched the NCR come in and murder them for me


It's honestly more satisfying, especially considering that the quests you do for them are killing their own men and some random bounty hunter who you can tell to screw off, so you don't have to hurt innocents. I also really like the idea of making it seem like their dreams will come to fruition only to turn on them and watch them get massacred.


It’s mandatory


I’m sure your character loved the Samuel Cooke questline


Wait, there's a quest where you can attack the prison with the NCR?


I believe if you do the quests for the powder gangers in the prison you can end the quest either ratting them out to the ncr and helping them storm the place, or staying loyal to them and fending off the ncr attack


Man this is crazy, I've played this game for YEARS and never knew this.


It’s my personal way to do it. Extra XP plus the NCR sends a boatload of Troopers and they just annihilate the Powder Gangers.


Yeah this is how ive always done it, its surprising to see people didnt know about it at all


I think alot of players choose to save Goodsprings at the beginning of the game, so by the time they get to the prison they're already viilified by the Powder Gangers so aren't doing the quests


I guess thats fair. I usually go there before fully resolving goodsprings ig. I try to talk it out first


If you don’t personally kill any of the gangers during the attack (or stay undetected) you won’t lose as much rep so as to be vilified and can still do the quest


I mean that requires me to talk to the powder gangers after they attack a town I am in and me without provocation.


That requires the Powder Gangers to be alive, something they did without asking for my explicit permission


And I take that personally.


I recently learned this too. I just slaughtered all the powder gangers I could find and thought it weird there was no content related to the prison. Turns out there’s a whole quest line lmao


There are also two early game merchants, and an unmarked side quest


Weird - I can't remember a playthrough that this didn't come up. What a monstrous game!


So many people are shot on sight when they approach the correctional facility because they have bad rep with powder gangers after helping Ringo and goodsprings


That kind of does force the issue for most people.


I failed it for years in my endings because of that extra leader outside of the prison, at the Vault. I would get Cook-Cook but forget about Eddie or whatever lol


Ive heard you can help goodsprings and still have good reputation with the powders as long as you dont kill anyone and let the villagers do all the work.


I think you get negative reputation just from completing the quest for Goodsprings, but it's only enough to drop you to Shunned, which won't make them shoot you on sight. Either letting the villagers do all the work or being *really* careful with stealth kills will do it.


You can also just use a disguise and try and run through the buildings fast as fuck


You get enough negative relations just for completing the quest you need the outfit to let you through the front gate even without killing any gangers yourself.


According to the files you were supposed to be able to start I fought the law after getting Lt. Hayes support but the dialogue wasn't implemented to trigger the quest.


You have to skip the goodsprings quest line with Joe Cobb. Lilling Joe Cobb will make you vilified with the powder gangers so they attack on sight. That prevents being able to talk to the quest givers in the ncrcf.


You can actually complete the good springs quest with the town. You need to pick up a powder ganger armor and go to ncrcf wearing it. Also a stealth boy or 2 is useful. Joe Cobb has one usually. Then you pay the gate guard and speak to the guy who runs the place to start their quests. Getting the gate guard to talk to you can be a little difficult but if you stealth right up to him, stand up and talk to him, then immediately crouch again you can usually sneak in and it's pretty easy to not be caught from there, just try to avoid being in very close contact with other gangers. DONT FORGET TO TAKE YOUR POWDER GANGER OUTFIT OFF WHEN FINISHING THE QUEST WITH THE NCR, they will shoot you on sight if you don't.


Wild how much choice you have with the written story. Fuckin love it.


The cool thing about New Vegas is that in every play through, you’ll find something new


You have to either side against Good springs, skip the quest, or do it without harming any of the powder gangers yourself then wear one of their outfits to have enough positive relations to be allowed into NCRCF.


Wouldn’t know. I instinctively shoot every powder ganger and legionnaire by reflex. Don’t even know why. Just happens


"The only good powder ganger is a dead powder ganger."


I know why, ‘because fuck those guys’


Yep! It’s I Fought The Law, and you have to cooperate with Eddie and then later double cross him for the NCR. 


Yes but it’s a little counterintuitive on how to get it. Basically you have to put off Ghost Town Gunfight and head to NCRCF, do a few small tasks for Eddie, and then head to Primm where you’ll get an option to betray the Powder Gangers and participate in the NCR attack on the prison.


I discovered this route for the first time this year on my first playthrough since about 2017. It's amazing how a game from 2010 keeps on giving. Already on my 3rd play this year and did probably a dozen and a half plays between 2010 and 2017. Coming back after all those years is the perfect balance of having forgotten some, remembering others, and still finding new things. Also my first modded play. I got 600+ loaded and it's beautiful.


Congratulations on your first modded playthrough, as an xbox peasant, i hope to be able to play modded someday too


Just as an FYI, you don't have to put off the Goodsprings gunfight. You can start the fight, but you CANNOT shoot any of the Powder Gangers or Joe Cobb, the Goodsprings and Sunny is more than enough to kill them all, and you'll only end up vilified with the Powder Gangers, and can do the quests no problem.


You mean "Shunned"??? Villified is Infamy 4/Fame 1 which means shoot on sight.


Shit you right, shunned is correct, been a minute lol


yea, it's really stupid how it's set up. you basically have to either side with joe cobb or leave goodsprings without doing the quest. then you have to do 2-3 missions for the PG before you're given the quest to either defend the prison from the attack or help the NCR wipe them out. meanwhile, the quest to wipe them out would have fit perfectly into either the primm quest line (for the ncr ending) or into the larger NCR questline. like, does Crocker or anyone at Camp McCarren just not care that there's a group of criminals armed with high explosives and a grudge against the NCR running around?


There’s a mod that lets you do the NCR route without helping the PG first. It allows you to go talk to the CO in the tent outside of Primm, who sends you to go get the order from the Major at Mojave Outpost, then the quest starts like normal.


If it makes you feel any better I didn't know about it either. I usually just on the nearby hills with Boone and EDE and just killed everybody with the YCS186 and Boone's stupidly modded anti material rifle with explosive rounds.


Bro, ive played new vegas since I was 12 and never knew there was a quest related to it. I've always just cleared it out before getting to the quest


Yep, that’s my strategy as well. And the best part is, that quest asks you to kill powder gangers, make sure a bounty hunter isn’t going to cause a problem (and thus sparing his life) and then it gives you the choice to help defeat all of the powder gangers - meaning you’re barely working with them. It’s absolutely worth pushing off the Goodsprings quest for a little while to do this (and the BoS even comment on this happening!).


If you keep some of their gear to use as a disguise you can murder them to your hearts content and *still* do this quest. That's how I always do it because: A. Fuck the Powder Gangers, and B. Fuck the Powder Gangers.


There's a quest to do it with the NCR? I just went in there and killed them all myself.


I do that questline, too, helping the NCR to retake the prison. There's just no one there for them to kill. I do that all myself before I go trigger the end-quest.


Ahhh why’d you have to teach me this


The Khans are also rapists if you were wondering. And the Legion.


*wait wait wait* you mean to tell me the violent psychopaths are *violent psychopaths??????*


*checks notes* Apparently!


Okay, but are the rich jerks actually rich jerks?


People forget that easily because of the NCR's own incompetence and how much they blundered Bitter Springs


Blundered is a funny way of saying executed children, the elderly and sick.


Fair but here's the thing While The NCR still did it and it's on them for letting their Intel get them in the spot of the massacre It's also clear most people apart of it are acutally regretful about how it turned out, and don't view it with any sense of pride or belief that what they did was right (Certainly not Boone or Major Dhatri) They know they fucked up and clearly it's a national shame for anyone in the government, even if anything they do now is too little too late They fucked up, and I agree with that But the Khans are still a culture of raiders, and they were the ones picking fights with the massive Bear that was once Shady Sands Their choice to be raiders and to never STOP being raiders, is what lead to this, they never changed from the gang that came out of Vault 15, every variant of the Khans: The Original Khans, New Khans, and Great Khans So tell me why they didn't think that things would bite them in the ass for a THIRD time now if they tried to poke the Bear


There's one character that wasn't upset by Bitter Springs, and that's the former Khan; Bitter Root.


I'm not saying the Khan's are good guys. I'm just saying "blundered" massively downplays the mass execution that so deeply affects all that had participated in the massacre, like Boone and Major Dharti, like you pointed out. I'm not saying it was unwarranted for them to attack the Khans, but they knew taking it that far was wrong and still feel guilt for the massacre. You only feel guilty when you know you have done something wrong and regret it. Like I said, I'm not disagreeing with you on most anything, just the wording.


Fair enough, I did word it a bit too simply for how nasty Bitter Springs was Especially when you consider one of Boone's endings involves him killing the Major who ordered Bitter Springs, who had the adamant belief that it was a stronghold and not just a village where their civilian members lived And basically told Recon to shoot anyways despite what was sent over the radio Blunder is not the right word, I'll admit it


The Legion? Idk man I literally dont think you could make it through a full play through and not see that lol


The new slave girls are quite beautiful.


Plus if you play as a female character Siri warns you that she heard the guys talking about raping you. They're not subtle.


Wait you can hear them talkin about it?


No but Siri will tell you she overheard some legionaries whispering about "trying you out."


I knew the Legion for sure, but I didn’t know Khans did too. That’s a new one for me damn


In Fallout 1, the leader of the Khans has two slave girls. How do you think he uses them? Even worse, in one dialogue tree, to prove your loyalty to him, he casually asks you to murder one of his slaves in front of him.


I knew the Khans used to, but I thought they were pretty civilized after bitter springs?


They're beaten, not civilized. They just don't have the ability to be a major raider faction. They still run drugs all across the Mojave and to the fiends. They're drug peddlers and raiders. That's it.


They are joining the legion and want to go back to their glory days of raiding, raping, and murdering innocent people.


somehow discovering a specific dead rape victim almost feels worse. something something one is a tragedy, million is a statistic


It feels more personal(?) and grounded, forgive the pun, to see a nude corpse on your trail, than the knowledge of the rape and murder that happens in the wastes. Like a cousin of “it’ll never happen to me”, “I’ll never see it” still shows up to the family reunion




Yep, this is why I massacre the Powder Gangers every playthrough.


The Mojave needs you batma- I mean man.


Yeah... I'm Mail Man


half man, half mail


Your profile pic with this comment was amazing


He delivers justice


What is Man doing in the Mojave? Is he stupid?


I’m proud of you, dick.


There's a fair bit of overt sexual violence in FNV, and even more allusions to it. I think, on the whole, Obsidian did a really good job dealing with it naturally and respectfully considering the stories they were telling in that setting. Better than most studios would have, anyway.


Like cook cook assaulting a female ranger.. and getting revenge for her


You can also do a quest to get her psychiatric treatment.


“I don’t hurt anymore.”




Yeah, you have to have the right skills to actually talk the ~~ranger~~ sniper into it, but the doc at the clinic where you can get the cyber implants will agree to give her some therapy sessions. I think you need either a high speech level to convince her therapy isn't for pushovers, or a decent medicine level will let you convince her it's no different than getting medical treatment for a physical injury.


I remember doing that quest as a kid and doing the medicine check because my speech was trash. The quest has always stood out to me to this day. Funny thing is that I work in the mental health field now as an adult.


That's so wholesome


She ain't a ranger she's just a sniper in 1st Recon


I found this one out by accident. Started sniping fiends with the varmint rifle to build up XP and collect sellable items and popped one that was named, then another, then one named cook-cook and a couple of generic fiends. Didn't think anything of it till I went to McCarran and talked to a woman there (forget her name).


Corporal Betsy I believe


Literally just happened to me!!!! I was shocked that my hoarder ass already had his head on me lol


Loot Goblins Unite!


Might also want to look up how Pretty Sarah got her nickname...


Cook-Cook also buys children for *that purpose* apparently.


Cook cook also had a few children delivered to him by saint James and Dermot iirc, and also raped pretty Sarah from westside


Ironically, in the words of the burned man.. “We can’t expect god to do all the work..” His head is going straight to camp McCarran


I honestly wish there was an option to launch 1st recon on cook-cook instead of nephi. Would make for a much more satisfying revenge mission. Don't get me wrong the nephi one was sick, but he was just some asshole who killed a few rangers, with cook-cook it was more personal.


*I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assume the position.* What a gentleman. Uh, gentlebot.


Im always disappointed that we dont hear * ROBOTIC PUMMELING SOUNDS *


The NCRCF front guard is also very "friendly" toward a female Courier.


Prison inmates be like that


and arcade :/


Wait, really?


If you're around powder gangers while arcade is following you they can say "We used to buy and sell guys like four-eyes back in prison." Very casually saying they'd rape him basically.


And then you get to Nipton and Boxcars is all like "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A MEANIE TO US :( " Idk maybe because you're raping, killing, raider scum???


I'll never forgive the legion for killing the Powder Gangers before I could


I always like to cure Boxcars' leg by tapping him with my fist and then cattle prod his ass after asking him for the location of radiation suits. Then, just cook him with flamers.


In his defense there are multiple groups of powder gangers, and at least one is a decent enough person to be sheriff of Primm. I think he brings some other former inmates with him


Well yeah that's cause not all inmates are created equally. Some are murderers, while same may just be thieves. That's how it is in real life too and gangs do in fact tend to form based on severity. Usually, the non-violent criminals tend to shy away from getting involved with the more violent criminals That being said, the game doesn't really give you anyway to tell who is who besides "this guy shoots at you, while this guy doesn't" So the only Powder Gangers I'm ever really on good terms with is Meyers and the Vault ones as even if you're at odds with the Powder Gangers they don't attack you or anything. The vault ones mainly don't attack you cause they are not tied to the same reputation as the PG in-game even though their quest awards PG fame weirdly enough. But still I think them not attacking you on sight is a good representation of the lore being that they aren't really the crazy ones. There's a whole group in there that WANTS to turn themselves back in as even they know their situation kinda sucks rn.


Meyers isn’t a powder ganger though. He was just an inmate who decided to stick around and not get involved. He was still there with the powder gangers, but that’s just because he figured he had nowhere to go. Better to wait for NCR to retake the place and then sit out his sentence than escaping and getting himself killed. He speaks about Eddie and the powder gangers in a way that makes it clear he doesn’t count himself among them. And I don’t remember him bringing any other inmates with him. Pretty sure he just becomes sheriff and that’s it.


Where can you find the sacked caravan?


it's right beside the yangtze memorial or how it's called, between goodsprings and the correctional facility


Not really by yangtze memorial, better directions are to go to jeans sky diving but make a left instead of right towards primm


I'll have to take a look, I don't remember seeing this with 1000+ hours lol


Follow the road to Sloan from Jean Sky Diving. It's a metal trailer pod in the middle of the road and some Powder Gangers spawn nearby, guarding it or something. You've probably passed it before without realising what it was - until this post it never occurred to me it was Ringo's caravan.


I've came across it too. It's there


Powder gangers gonna gang 🤢


Gonna gang bang ... Don't bother I'll throw myself off the dam


So, according to [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48865](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48865), there was going to be a merchant in the area that was cut late in development, and is implied to have stolen the leather armour off of that guard. Why he would rob one body and not the other, I don't know, but take of that what you will.


What makes me curious is why the merchant stole from her instead of from the other dead guard. I mean, for gameplay purposes we don't have any problem with looting clothes from opposite gender, since it'll magically turn into the appropriate version for us, but the same can't be said for him.


This isn’t intentional, dlc armor was meant to spawn on her but it was later changed so that the courier is given it when you leave doc’s, and her armor never got replaced. There is explicit reference to sexual violence done by the fiends in other parts of the game though


also the bunker in the night stalker cave with the stealth boy "a man has his needs"


Jesus yeah fuck that guy


Which Nightstalker cave is this?


Near Jacobstown, the cave is you'd be going in there to help out Doc Henry and his research about Nightstalkers




that shit shook me


I haven't found this cave, what's the story?


For you an anyone else who wants to know. The charleston Cave is outside jacobs Town to the north. There's a pre-war survivalist bunker built by who i assume is the former owner of the resort that's in the very back of the cave. If i remember correctly, it's a hard locked door. Basically, the guy crashes in there after the bombs, and he remembers that a woman and her daughter were hiding in the resort, and he said he'd go pay them a visit the next day as he had "needs"


Wasn't that his last log? I like to think he was given justice that day.


Yeah I’m gonna head canon he got killed by them before he could do anything or that he simply was killed before ever getting there


Same here.


Im honestly sad i didn't get to kill him


Yeah isn’t a large part of the omertàs prerequisite quest about the prostitute who wants to run away partly because of the sexual violence?


Also the follow up quest has multiple deviants. Fuck the Omerta's 😠


I always support the coup and then reverse pickpocket a grenade into the new guy.


Where's the source for this claim?


The latter part happens when you talk to one of the NPCs about one of the named fiends who lives just outside New Vegas.


Not that part. I'm humoring the first part of the claim, since originally you looted the Armored Vault Suit from the wrecked highwayman.


This is provably false by playing the base version of the game with no DLC. This claim suggests they implemented a dead NPC meant to be the delivery system for DLC armor before the DLC even existed. Unless you have a reliable source for that info it's just fanfic you came up with.


The 4 pre sale dlc came with items that were intended to be given through the environment. The weathered 10 mm and vault suit in the wrecked highwayman for instance. The items for the dlc were always a part of the base game, but the culture at that time had a big focus on preorder exclusives. Don’t know if that caravan was where some of the dlc items were supposed to be (most likely the caravan pack) but the preorder doc items were, necessarily, ready at the same time as the base game.


Joshua Sawyer was absolutely *livid* that he was forced to include them at the start, ruining early game balance to a degree.


I really wish they’d been items that you could find in world because honestly to does ruin the early game balance to get a shitload of pretty decent gear all at once . I wonder if the J Sawyer mod fixes this?


According to the wiki, the JSawyer mod does in fact spread the 'Courier's Stash' starting items across the game, yes.


It does, but it also makes a lot of them pointless because by time you find them you most definitely have much better gear.


The Courier's Stash item were all day 1 pre-order bonuses, they were cut from the game to be sold as such. You got access to a different set depending on which retailer you pre-ordered from; Wal-Mart, GameStop and I think Amazon and Target. It's well known that day 1 dlc's are often just finished content that has been locked behind a paywall. Would need confirmation from a dev or clues from the gamefiles to know definitively where they were supposed to be found, your reasoning is incorrect though.


did you forget that the "DLC" you're talking about was retroactive access to pre-order rewards?


Someone's spicy today


last powder ganger quest, i betrayed them, enter the build gun blazing


The only good powder gangers are the Vault 19 gang. At least if they join the khans they have a future


They literally bomb random civilians otherwise, and joining the Khans just means they'll continue to blow up NCR civilians.


Well then that all depends on your outcome for the Great Khans doesn't it. I think a life on an NCR reservation or in Idaho or Wyoming is preferable to prison


>At least if they join the khans they have a future Do you mean the tribe that raped and enslaved people in Fallout 1 and 2? They're mellow in NV, but they have their reputation for a reason. The only thing stopping them from going back to that is Papa Khan and even then, it's not a guarantee, considering he sided with the Legion, who does the exact same thing.


They mellow down because they are still licking their wounds, according to bitter-root (the former great khan turned ncr sniper) the khans had 0 trouble shooting at ncr civilians.


Not just NCR civilians, Bitter-Root specifically means *children*. They shot at NCR children and have the fucking audacity to complain when it happens to them. I mean, yes, nobody should shoot kids, but the point is more about how the Khans say they don't care about morals or so on, then whine like babies when they don't get their way.




Yes. They were in prison for a reason. I don't count too many tax fraud or dui charges amongst them


similar thing at Ranger Station Charlie where the dead bodies of male ncr rangers are clothed while the bodies of female ncr rangers are in their underwear (or naked if you use a mod). It is intentional to give you a hint of what happened in full detail.


There is one male Ncr Ranger nude... Legion aren't beating the allegations.


I never noticed that but it wouldn't be a huge surprise. The Legion is extremely f\*cked up.


Sharp as a fucking cue ball


It's so much worse when u come across this with new vegas redesign 3


why is that?


Corpses littered around the wasteland will have pre-baked textures, like the shot courier in Nipton having a bullet hole in his skull. A lot of the dead women are fully nude and very torn up (unless I’m getting my mods mixed up.)


yea thats it, mod even adds flies swarming the bodies for added effect, i honestly had to pause and take a deep breath after seeing that before killing every powder ganger i saw


There is Ringo's caravan somewhere?


Yes up the road from Jean skydiving


It absolutely does. Kill ‘em all and let God sort them out.


Yeah, possibly. Could have also taken her stuff after killing her. Ironically the idea of them murdering her and then looting the corpse is actually (slightly) less horrible.


Wait that's Ringo's caravan??? I have been playing this game since I was 13 years old and never knew this what the hell 💀


I’ve assumed so, this makes my one-man NCRCF Purges feel better.


Powder gangers deserve a great deal of "special treatment" while being escorted to the grave.


Yea, thats what i always thought


The Powder Gangers were in prison for a reason.


The wasteland is hostile, especially hostile if you are a woman.


They also commit this act at Jean Sky Diving




Yeah 😢


i wouldnt think everyone in the powder gangers would do stuff like this but yeah, definitly gonna have a few creeps


I mean cook cook is also a sick bastard


Ugh whether it’s before or after she died it’s sickening either way


Yeahhh....That's why it's always morally correct to wipe the powder gangers off the face of the Mojave.


This is why I always blow away the Powder Ganger standing there. Honestly one of the most satisfying things to do every game.


She was like that when I got here. Idk, must've been Legion or something.


I thought the legion was gay.


That was always my interpretation. Why else would she be naked? If they wanted to make it look like they just looted her they could have shown she had nothing in her inventory while leaving the clothes on. No, it's quite clear. Though what else do you expect from a bunch of convicts in a Fallout wasteland? You let a bunch of animals run wild, run wild they will.


Don't they also have a female NPC in a cage in one of the buildings? I think the prison? It's been like a decade since I played but I have this vivid memory of some poor woman in a cage wearing a mascot head or something. Obviously she was the only one who walked out of there besides me, I think the other captive(s) were dead?


Sounds like a mod


Very likely I used to run a fuckton, wonder which one it was.


Surprised? A lot of them are violent inmates who probably haven’t seen a woman in years


Yes. One of the devs confirmed that a stripped character implies sexual assault in nearly all cases except for the dead sheriff of Primm and his wife.


Yeah. I believe there's a small camper with just a dirty mattress in it close to her body. We know what they did. I always wipe out the powder gangers, I even blow up their vault. Nothing but scum, the lot of em.


Yeah? Have you paid like any attention to the kind of world new Vegas is set in? this should not be surprising to you.