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He gave me 1250 caps and access to the Presidential Suite


and 2000 caps per snow globes


The fact that he pays more for snow gloves than the platinum chip is the reason why I always eat it.


Just get him all his snow globes and then crack him open. You get the best of both worlds.


Bro that’s not even much though, not even enough to buy one of the good guns at gun runners it’s enough to get some stimpacks and ammo


The ncr average reward is a pat on the back , even fuckin caesar shows more generosity towards you than them


NCR after a quest that took 3 hours: "Not bad. Get out of my sight. DISMISSED!"


Just like the military irl


what yall think the government and military were gonna do for giving you bitch work a metal? same shit new apocalypse lmao fuck ncr


It’s 5 times the asking price.


Also you can just kill house and get the presidential suite without being his little errand boy


Meh. It’s the thought that counts.


Lmao people are downvoting my comment like you can’t actually do that and it’s not possible or something


I have no fucking clue why people are downvoting you lol.


Oh, it totally is. Even though I'm more likely to side with House than Yes Man it's a totally valid option to get in, kill the living shit out of him and claim the Lucky 38 for yourself. Dunno why anyone would be butthurt over that. I make straight up murder hobo characters, why would this dude be safe?


That's true of anyone in new vegas. Of course, killing cesar just gets a shitty tent, but you do get your own island.


Ya but yesman let me feel like I was in charge!


Honestly when I want to feel like a politic man in the fallout universe I play the Old World Blues mod


He’s a super genius entrepreneur like Tony Stark! He made his own satellites and shot them up into space with his own rockets. He invented electric self-driving cars and saved the planet. He’s giving us all the freedom to say whatever he wants on the internet and is digging underground tunnels so we don’t have to sit in traffic anymore and is going to let us all hook up our brains to his satellites and take us all to a new planet where there will be no pollution and lots of ice cream. *brandishing crazy eyes and polishing a nine iron*


Rene Auberjonois' performance has a lot to do with it for me personally.


I was taken in by his performance but came to dislike House, but yes Rene Auberjonois was a fantastic actor and VA. RIP.


The same reason I love Caesar, the voice acting and writing is just so incredible.


Everyone sucks; that’s the point; it’s a post-apocalyptic wasteland where most only care about themselves, most of the factions only care about just that, and the strongest ones are imperialists. Most people who like house see him as humanity's best chance at rebuilding.


Personally I don't disagree that he is humanity's best chance. But if he had been a little bit more polite, like Yes Man, I probably wouldn't have felt compelled beat him to death with a golf club.


So, what you're saying is that he could have said "would you kindly" more often?


More like talking with you instead of talking at you. 


The NCR is even worse with that. At least House often compliments your work


"Autocracies are efficient though!" They probably don't have the people's best interests at heart.


The corrupt bureaucracy/oligarchy of the NCR or Caesar/Lanius definitely don't. You’re choosing between types of systems often exaggerated by the setting where the power is not in the hands of common people. To maintain his power and legitimacy, Mr. House actually has strong incentives to ensure the stability and prosperity of his regime. By fostering economic growth and improving living standards, he can secure popular support and reduce the likelihood of dissent or rebellion, thus stabilizing the system of state capitalism.


The NCR has a lot of classic problems of pre-war governments, but that they are still the best overall choice for the wasteland. They are bringing all the important pieces of civilization to the Mojave: security, transportation, energy, farming. They are also doing so under a representative democracy, which will take into account more of the wasteland voices than any other choice, even if it's not perfect. The entire point of the NCR route is despite having these ideals, they're fumbling the execution. Supply lines cut short, soldiers lacking proper training against the Legion, corruption, generally being overstretched, ect.  These are not unsolvable problems, it requires some coordination. The player and their resourcefulness is exactly what the NCR needs.


The NCR's issues go beyond mere fumbling in execution; they are deeply rooted in the systemic flaws of its capitalist and imperialist structure. The NCR may appear to bring the essential elements of civilization—security, transportation, energy, and farming—to the Mojave, but these efforts are fundamentally compromised by its underlying priorities and governance model. The rampant militarism and imperialism pursued by the NCR divert resources and attention away from addressing the needs of its citizens at home in California. Instead of focusing on sustainable development and equitable distribution of resources, the NCR is more concerned with expanding its territory and consolidating its power, often at the expense of the very people it claims to serve. The representative democracy of the NCR is a facade, masking the reality that power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite and influential corporations. This oligarchic rule means that decisions are made to benefit the few, rather than genuinely taking into account the voices and needs of the broader wasteland population. Corruption, inadequate training, and overstretched supply lines are symptoms of a system that prioritizes imperial ambitions and economic exploitation over true democratic participation and social welfare. The problems you describe—supply lines being cut short, soldiers lacking proper training, and corruption—are not merely issues of coordination but are indicative of a deeper malaise. These are the inevitable outcomes of a system where profit and power take precedence over people. The NCR's approach to governance is inherently flawed because it is rooted in the same capitalist principles that led to the pre-war world’s collapse. While the resourcefulness of the player character might offer temporary solutions, it cannot address the fundamental contradictions of the NCR’s system. True progress and stability for the wasteland can only come from a revolutionary change that dismantles the capitalist and imperialist foundations of the Mojave.


>The representative democracy of the NCR is a facade, masking the reality that power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite and influential corporations. The exact same thing can be said about any real life western democracy. But for the common man life is sure as hell better in the United States or Germany than Russia, North Korea, or even China.


The assertion that the representative democracy of the NCR is a facade hiding the concentration of power in the hands of a wealthy elite and influential corporations is accurate. This critique applies to many real-life Western democracies as well. However, comparing the quality of life in Western democracies to authoritarian regimes like Russia, North Korea, or even China misses the broader point about the nature of class power and true democratic control over society's productive forces. While Western democracies provide more stability and personal freedoms compared to Russia etc these benefits are still limited by the capitalist framework. True freedom and economic stability can only be achieved when the working class controls the economy, ensuring that production serves the needs of all people rather than the profits of a few. Mr House being a centralized power means that removing his from power would lead to a swift and decisive change in power structure following the rapid buildup of productive forces.


>True freedom and economic stability can only be achieved when the working class controls the economy, ensuring that production serves the needs of all people r Ya that's worked exactly never.


While it's often claimed that true freedom and economic stability under working-class control has never worked, history provides us with notable examples that challenge this view. Take, for instance, the early successes of the Soviets (worker’s councils) during the Russian Civil War. Despite facing immense challenges, including foreign intervention, internal strife, and economic blockade, the Soviets managed to mobilize and defend the revolution, redistributing land and resources to the peasants and workers. During this period, the Soviets demonstrated remarkable resilience and organizational capacity. They established worker-controlled factories, redistributed land to the peasants, and implemented policies aimed at ensuring that production served the needs of the broader population rather than a wealthy elite. These efforts led to significant, albeit temporary, improvements in the conditions for many workers and peasants. Of course, the subsequent degeneration of the Soviet state into bureaucratic authoritarianism is well-documented. However, this does not negate the early achievements and the potential for true working-class control to create a more just and equitable society. Moreover, the degeneration of the Soviet Union into bureaucratic authoritarianism was not an inherent flaw in the concept of worker control but rather a consequence of specific historical failures, most significantly the failure of the global revolution. The German Revolution of 1918-1919, which could have provided crucial support and solidarity to the nascent Soviet state, ultimately failed. This left the Soviet Union isolated and under immense external pressure, contributing to its eventual bureaucratic degeneration.


>Take, for instance, the early successes of the Soviets (worker’s councils) during the Russian Civil War. Despite facing immense challenges, including foreign intervention, internal strife, and economic blockade, the Soviets managed to mobilize and defend the revolution, redistributing land and resources to the peasants and workers. Dude that directly led to large scale famine in just a year or two when the stored grain ran out. Millions of people literally starved to death directly following land redistribution. Not surprising when you take all the farms from farmers and give them to people who have never grown a crop in their life, food production goes way down. Who could possibly have seen that coming....


But NCR is nowhere near real life USA. It's much closer to Russia with all the jingoism, oligarchy, massive corruption and other problems.


Again... many if not all of those things can be said about any real life western democracy. For example, It wasn't until 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment that women got the right to vote, but pretty sure life was better for women in America in 1920 than in Russia or China.


The NCR literally is not a dictatorship.


While the NCR and the Legion are different in their forms of governance, both ultimately function as dictatorships, with the NCR being a class dictatorship ruled by an oligarchy and the Legion being an autocracy. The NCR is a class dictatorship where power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite, creating an oligarchy that governs in the interests of the ruling class. Although the NCR presents itself as a democracy with elected officials, in reality, it operates to protect and enhance the interests of a small group of powerful individuals and corporations. This class-based power structure results in economic exploitation and social inequality, as the policies and decisions made by the NCR leadership prioritize the needs of the elite over the working class.


This is true of any modern democracy. Does that mean we should support fascists and autocrats over them?


In the post-apocalyptic context of New Vegas, centralized power like Mr. House's is arguably the best chance for rebuilding productive forces and achieving stability. His authority allows for efficient marshaling of resources, reconstruction of infrastructure, and establishment of order, which are crucial for survival in such a chaotic and resource-scarce environment. This does not mean that we should support fascists and autocrats in the real world. The Fallout universe's extreme conditions necessitate a strong central authority to quickly and effectively address immediate challenges pragmatically. Also, while I acknowledge the temporary benefits of centralized power for immediate reconstruction, I’m not advocating such a system as an ideal or a permanent solution. Instead, I advocated for the eventual overthrow of these systems altogether, including the state capitalist system of House akin to China.


>To maintain his power and legitimacy, Mr. House actually has strong incentives to ensure the stability and prosperity of his regime. By fostering economic growth and improving living standards, he can secure popular support and reduce the likelihood of dissent or rebellion We know for a fact that he canonically does the exact opposite of what you claim though. No matter which ending, the narrator confirms that he is just another despot.


Despite Mr. House's canonical depiction as a despotic figure in the game's endings, his post-game actions could still be conducive to fostering productive forces under his centralized rule. In the narrative aftermath, where Mr. House consolidates power over New Vegas, there is potential for centralized authority to allocate resources and prioritize economic development effectively. This control could lead to improvements in infrastructure, technological advancements, and overall stability, which are essential for rebuilding in a post-apocalyptic setting. While the endings suggest Mr. House's authoritarian tendencies, they also imply a functional society under his management. In this context, centralizing resources and authority could ensure efficient planning and implementation of projects aimed at societal progress. Therefore, while recognizing Mr. House's despotic traits, the aftermath depicted in the endings hints at a scenario where centralized control could pragmatically facilitate the growth of productive forces. This approach prioritizes stability and economic development, albeit under authoritarian conditions, which reflects the dire circumstances.


>his post-game actions **could** still be conducive to fostering productive forces under his centralized rule. >In the narrative aftermath, where Mr. House consolidates power over New Vegas, **there is potential** for centralized authority to allocate resources and prioritize economic development effectively. This control **could** lead to improvements in infrastructure, technological advancements, and overall stability, which are essential for rebuilding in a post-apocalyptic setting. But we already know that, while he could do these things, he doesn’t. New Vegas itself is already under House‘s control and anywhere but the Strip itself (where he personally profits), NV is a complete shithole under his rule. >While the endings suggest Mr. House's authoritarian tendencies, they also imply a functional society under his management. Unless the Kings stab the NCR in the back in corporation with House during the Battle over Hoover Dam, launching surprise attacks against both military and civilian targets, murdering them, he will always wipe them out. However, without proving their loyalty through murdering defenseless citizens, they are dead meat to him. He is not a good person and nobody but him profits by allocating power to the guy, he has had decades to prove the opposite in his little Kingdom. Just take a look at his Obituary: >Robert Edwin House, 261, President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip, industrialist and technologist, founder, President, and CEO of the multi-billion-dollar pre-war robotics and software corporation, [RobCo Industries](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/RobCo_Industries), has died. >**Generally recognized by Mr. House to be mankind's only hope of long-term survival, Mr. House's passing may well sound a death knell for the entire human race.** It's a literal joke. He is straight up the only person in the entire world who he has convinced to be mankind's saviour. >Lost forever is his bounty of knowledge concerning human longevity, the depth and breadth of which could, as he was apt to say, "fill several text books." He was not exaggerating. Though he did not achieve his goal of functional immortality, let us not forget that he died at the age of 261. How many people do that? I mean, come on. >**Also lost forever are House's singular personality, force of will, vision, and leadership ability. The probability of an equally capable figure emerging** from the current human population to lead mankind to a future of equivalent quality **is less than 0.000112%** **by objective measures too complex to detail in this obituary.** "I am **objectively** the only capable leader, however, i won't show anyone those objective measures, because they are, ehhhh, too complex" >Personality and force of will: Born June 25th, [2020](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline#2020), House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident (auto gyro, lightning). Though cheated of his inheritance, House attended the prestigious [Institute](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Commonwealth_Institute_of_Technology) in Massachusetts and founded RobCo Industries on his 22nd birthday. Within five years, it was one of the most profitable corporations on Earth. Blahblahblah, pulled himself up by his own bootstraps with zero help. >Vision: By [2065](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline#2065), House was certain that an [atomic war](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Great_War) would soon devastate the planet. At great personal expense, he developed technologies to ensure the structural integrity of the city of Las Vegas (as it was known at the time). On the day of the great war, 77 atomic warheads targeted the city. Mr. House defeated them all. Talk about vision! >Leadership: Mr. House survived the war, of course, and would later recruit the [Three Families](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Families), negotiate the Treaty of New Vegas, and rebuild the Vegas Strip. While these achievements yielded many immediate benefits, they were all part of House's master plan to re-ignite mankind's quest for technological advancement, a plan without which the human race has nowhere to go, and nowhere to turn. >/// Will revise and finish this up later. Have set the age at death to update automatically. **Obit makes salient points but "pearls before swine," of course. Let's hope the ingrates never have cause to read it. Who knows how many of them are even literate!** You only need to read this very last part where he betrays his true feelings and motivations. He has nothing but disdain for all the poor people living in the shithole Ghettos he created, why would he wanna help them?


The late arrival of the Platinum Chip is the primary reason Mr. House has not yet driven the productive forces and created the economic conditions for New Vegas to prosper. Without it, his capacity to implement large-scale projects and ensure security has been significantly hampered. Moreover, the chaotic and fragmented nature of the post-apocalyptic environment has posed additional challenges. The presence of rival factions, constant threats, and a lack of centralized control have further impeded efforts to drive productive forces forward. The fact that Mr. House betrays the Kings unless they kill civilians and NCR soldiers during the final battle underscores the harsh pragmatism necessary in the post-apocalyptic environment of New Vegas. Alliances in such a world are often based on strategic interests rather than moral grounds. This stands for the NCR, too. Furthermore, it's essential to recognize that the NCR and other factions are not above betrayal for the sake of its imperial ambitions. The NCR's expansionist policies and frequent disregard for the autonomy and welfare of other groups illustrate its readiness to prioritize its conquest goals over genuine alliances. This makes any comparison to Mr. House's actions relevant; both parties operate under a framework where pragmatic decisions often override ethical considerations. While it's clear that Mr. House harbors disdain for the poor in the ghettos, his pragmatic need to maintain stability and order in New Vegas means that he can't afford to ignore their conditions completely. Improving living standards, even minimally, is essential to preventing unrest and ensuring the smooth operation of his controlled society. This doesn't come from a place of altruism but rather from a strategic necessity to avoid the chaos that could undermine his authority. Moreover, it's important to recognize that the NCR's capitalist imperialism is no more likely to genuinely uplift the impoverished. The NCR's expansionist policies often lead to exploitation and marginalization of local populations, further entrenching systemic inequalities. Both Mr. House and the NCR represent different facets of capitalist control, each with its own set of priorities that ultimately serve to perpetuate its power rather than address the root causes of poverty. While Mr. House's motivations may be self-serving, his centralized control could still lead to some improvements in the ghettos as part of his broader strategy to secure New Vegas. This starkly contrasts the NCR's approach, which often exacerbates social divisions through its imperial ambitions. Ultimately, both systems fall short of the revolutionary change needed to truly address poverty and inequality. In other words, Mr. House, along with the other options, is unsuitable for the long term.


>The late arrival of the Platinum Chip is the primary reason **Mr. House has not yet driven the productive forces and created the economic conditions for New Vegas to prosper. Without it, his capacity to implement large-scale projects and ensure security has been significantly hampered.** He has literally created a walled-off Utopia for himself and his enforcers, the three families. >Moreover, the chaotic and fragmented nature of the post-apocalyptic environment has posed additional challenges. The presence of rival factions, constant threats, and a lack of centralized control have further impeded efforts to drive productive forces forward. New Vegas has been under his firm control for decades, everyone outside the Strip itself is still living in shitholes, he hasn’t even bothered to build a single school, while claiming to be the ultimate leader and by far smartest person around. He literally has to purchase or build a single Mr. Handy to accomplish offering basic education, he doesn’t. >The fact that Mr. House betrays the Kings unless they kill civilians and NCR soldiers during the final battle underscores the harsh pragmatism necessary in the post-apocalyptic environment of New Vegas. Alliances in such a world are often based on strategic interests rather than moral grounds. >This stands for the NCR, too. If you get the Kings to cooperate with the NCR, they start providing relief work for the poor citizens of Freeside, if you get them to cooperate with House, they murder them instead. >While it's clear that Mr. House harbors disdain for the poor in the ghettos, his pragmatic need to maintain stability and order in New Vegas means that he can't afford to ignore their conditions completely. Yet he does. It’s the NCR (mostly the Followers) trying to improve their living conditions, as soon as House gets his military force, he immediately kicks them out because resistance is now futile. Again, his own internal thoughts undoubtedly confirm that he has nothing but disdain for the people he rules, while nowhere stating that has any interest in actually wanting to help them. I don’t see how you can question the guy‘s very own words, this is the only time you get to see how he truly feels about the people he has crammed into Ghettos, which is literally everyone he doesn’t need in his Utopia, i.e. his meat puppet enforcers, the Mafia. The only time he speaks about wanting to help anyone but himself is in the Propaganda piece preceding his true thoughts, where he calls them all trash.


While it's true that Mr. House has thus far neglected Freeside and failed to build schools or improve living conditions for its residents, it's important to consider the pragmatic realities of maintaining long-term stability and control. Mr. House’s initial focus has been on securing and enhancing the Strip, which is central to his vision of a revitalized New Vegas. However, for his rule to endure and for New Vegas to truly prosper, he will be forced to address the needs of the broader population, including those in Freeside. In the long run, ignoring Freeside and similar areas will only breed discontent and instability, threatening the very order Mr. House seeks to maintain. To ensure the stability of his regime, Mr. House will need to extend his efforts beyond the Strip, investing in essential infrastructure such as schools, healthcare, and public services. These investments are not purely altruistic but are necessary to create a stable and productive society. By improving education and living conditions, Mr. House can foster a more skilled and cooperative population, reducing the likelihood of unrest and enhancing the overall productivity of New Vegas. This pragmatic approach aligns with his overarching goal of a technologically advanced and economically prosperous city-state. While he has not yet succeeded in uplifting the entire population, his ability to do so is likely contingent on securing additional power and resources, exemplified by the Platinum Chip. While it's true that the NCR provides some relief work for the citizens of Freeside and that the Followers of the Apocalypse work to improve living conditions, it's important to distinguish between the motivations and actions of these two groups. The Followers of the Apocalypse function more like a mutual aid organization, operating separately from the NCR's broader imperialist agenda. Their efforts to provide aid and improve living conditions are driven by genuine humanitarian concerns, which is commendable. However, the NCR's involvement in Freeside is not solely altruistic. The NCR's primary goal is to expand its influence and control over new territories, often at the expense of local populations. Their imperialist ambitions lead to the exploitation and mistreatment of Freeside citizens, as the NCR prioritizes its own strategic interests over the well-being of the people. This results in a veneer of relief work that masks deeper issues of inequality and exploitation perpetuated by the NCR's capitalist framework. The mistreatment of Freeside citizens by NCR troops and the imposition of NCR authority often disrupt local communities and exacerbate existing social tensions. This contradictory behavior highlights the NCR's primary commitment to expanding its power rather than addressing the root causes of poverty and instability. While the humanitarian work of the Followers of the Apocalypse is admirable, it cannot be conflated with the NCR's broader objectives. The NCR's actions ultimately serve to reinforce capitalist structures and maintain the dominance of a ruling elite, rather than facilitating genuine societal transformation. While it's true that Mr. House's internal thoughts reveal his disdain for the people he rules, including those crammed into ghettos, it's important to focus on the practical necessities that will drive his actions. Mr. House's personal feelings, while distasteful, do not change the pragmatic reality that for his regime to be stable and prosperous in the long term, he will be compelled to address the needs of the broader population. His centralized and authoritarian approach is primarily aimed at maintaining control and achieving his vision for New Vegas. However, ignoring the ghettos and neglecting the needs of the majority will inevitably lead to instability and unrest, which would threaten his power. Therefore, even if Mr. House's motivations are self-serving, the practical necessity of maintaining stability and order will force him to invest in essential infrastructure and services.




Ah yes, the city state renown for executing drug dealers 


Rather poor argument


Everyone wants to take his creation from him. He preserved New Vegas for 200 years. He founded Robco that created all the robots you see in the wasteland. And he has to deal with the NCR and legion fighting for control of his place. In his eyes he sees a bunch of wasteland children fighting over things they don’t even really understand


On top of that he’s one of the few people in the wasteland that simply wants to see his creation grow and improve simply because he can make it possible. He lives in a way where he can no longer feel any real pleasure from life. He wants to see the human race get even better than pre war society even if it means he’d never get to live in the luxury that would come with it.


honestly I don’t see why people DONT like Mr House.


He's late-stage capitalism personified


as if the ncr, or god forbid legion is better. although independent has more of a leg to stand on im pretty sure the ending slides are quite grim for them


They all have their own problems. I simply answered the question of how people don't like him. Pretty easy to not like corporate overlords!


i dont see that as being the case, if anything its the opposite. house represents order and stability in contrast to the entropic forces of human freedom and self-determination. whereas late stage capitalism would entail the commodification and acceleration of said entropy. in bringing his vision of a static, perfect new vegas to life he quashes any nascent market economies in favor of mechanistic order. he basically has no ambition outside of the preservation and maintenance of new vegas, either, which directly contradicts the capitalist drive for ever increasing profits. his character serves more as a foil to the courier in a free new vegas ending than as like, a direct metaphor for the evils of capitalism.


yes exactly. Mr house isn’t guided by pleasure but more so just guiding humanity towards something better and I don’t blame him. he’s not a bad option and I’m tired of pretending that he is.


No, Id say he’s more singapore personified. there’s a really good video essay on house on YT that compares singapores state capitalism and Mr Houses Ideology. not to mention that the NCR and Legion are both pretty bad in their own right, and nobody wants to be ruled by a guy with bullet fragments in his brain and a chem addiction(YesMan). Mr House is IMO a good option for someone who doesn’t want the stakes of vegas, and House pretty much saved a decent portion of it from the bombs which deserves credit.


This is true how can he even be greedy in the first place if he literally can't enjoy anything while in that chamber


this is an inaccurate portrayal of mr house, I enjoy mr house flaws and all, but his goal is to accumulate his own wealth and to essentially rebuild his business, creating more robots and rockets, with no care as to how the rest of the wasteland goes. it's fun to do a mr house run because you're basically given the simple purpose of being his right hand man, and are rewarded with a vastly luxurious lifestyle, but don't get it twisted, his ambitions are incredibly selfish


That’s also an inaccurate portrayal. He might not personally care about anyone individually, or humanity as a concept, but he explains to you that he definitely cares about his goals, which he defines as bringing progress back to civilization. The high technology sectors he describes that he will bring back using Vegas as a blast furnace for investment is something he says will make everyone’s lives better. It’s not his goal to make their lives better. But who cares what his feelings are. If the success of reigniting those sectors and bringing progress back to the wasteland is what gets his ego off, then let it. It’s ultimately something that improves their lives over anything the ncr can provide long term. Besides house isn’t looking to kill the ncr and then leave everyone to die. He needs the ncr alive and just wants control of Vegas itself.  Advancing humanity overall is definitely a part of his goal, as ego driven as it is. He’s just perfectly fine to watch people die without helping while he achieves it. 


I suppose what you are describing are his ideals, but his goals as worked towards are to generate wealth for himself and his strip, it's just that he believes this will ideally benefit humanity in the long run (it won't) if mr house was an easy "my route puts people on mars" then the game would be significantly less interesting, hope this helps


Yeah I mean it’s both. It’s I put people on mars, but you’re gonna need to accept that I’m gonna leave the Mojave as anarchy as I do it. Which might as well be the same as a yes man ending. For how bad it is. NCR is best for the Mojave outside Vegas. House is best for humanity as a whole after a few decades. I for one would like clean water and factories back ASAP lol. 


I agree with everything you've said in this comment except for the "house is best for humanity as a whole" part in any capacity, because to build a sustainable colony worthy of being considered an improvement for humanity, he wouldn't have to be negligent, he would have to strip the already struggling mojave of its already miniscule resources but besides that I agree, especially with the ncr aspect, a lot of people give the yes man route credit for being the best route, but yes man is the personification of an individualist freedom over all approach to the problem, whereas I personally find the law and order the ncr would bring, the quality of life improvements, etc, to be more important


I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that he would strip the Mojave of its resources, because I’m not sure what resources he would need from the Mojave. But even if you did, it’s a worthwhile pay off because they would be getting quality of life improvements. I’m still not sure what exactly a waste lander would be losing that they care that much about, crappy toilets, and grilled mantis? All broken down tech and salvage parts? I would trade those any day for clean water and properly, working plumbing and cell phones and Internet, and factories that to make soft beds and air conditioning.


I'm working under the assumption that creating space ships capable of reaching mars, properly transporting the people and materials needed for colonizing mars, and making them durable enough to survive round trips would be rather expensive, even with his current set up. I doubt attempts to alleviate the difficulty will come at the expense of his strip, so the solution will probably come at the expense of everybody else


You gotta consider the space race in the US. It didn’t decrease the wealth of the citizens. It actually spurred technology that improved the quality of life of everyone. Most of our internet, computer, GPS, and engineering technologies we use on a day to day basis are the result of a selfish militaristic desire to beat another country to the moon. 


Except for the robot sex “slave” yeah


I'll take it over the actual slaves.


I always thought it was leftover from when he wasn’t confined to the pod. He doesn’t seem to be in any condition to be doing it anymore.


There was cut content that would make it possible for a female Courier to be put into a VR device that let them digitally sleep with House. So I think it's more a cyberspace thing than that House was robosexual in life. He knew nuclear Armageddon was imminent and decided to store a back-up of some beautiful women to keep him company after.




I don't see how its different from an AI girlfriend


And he is charismatic as hell


The entire reason I sided with him in my first playthrough is because I just found him incredibly fascinating to talk to. He's one of the few pre-war humans who isn't a ghoul. I think he's one of the most compelling and interesting characters in the game.


*in any fallout game, or any game ever, FTFY


Yeah Vegas literally would not exist were it not for House. Why shouldn’t it be his?


because he's a ~~dictator~~ autocrat


Unlike every other autocratic, people are free to leave.


Well unless you're from Vault 21 or a lower class person on the strip, then you're just forced to leave.


The folks in vault 21 chose to make a wager with House, and lost.


Collective punishment is still anti freedom


They collectively chose to make that wager


Yeah and Kimball isn't? NCR is closer to oligarchy then democracy. It's closer to Putin's Russia then any democratic modern state




...You do know House was in a coma for a lot of these two centuries? His life support system almost shut down because of software malfunctions and the nukes he couldn't intercept damaging the energy grid, he went into a coma and didn't wake up for decades. >Courier: "How did you nearly die, defending Vegas?" >Robert House: "Software glitches set off a cascade of system crashes. I had to take the Lucky 38's reactor offline, lest it melt down. For nearly five years I battled power outages and more system crashes until I finally managed to reboot my data core with an older version of the OS. I spent the next few decades in a veritable coma. But I survived, obviously - and eventually thrived."




You can hate on House for being a lolbertarian autocrat without being so melodramatic. He was literally on the verge of death for several decades, and when he no longer was, he put Vegas under his control and reopened the Strip for business.


true but you could say the same about the institute or the enclave yet people meat ride those factions like crazy




Yep. Fuck all of 'em.


I kinda like the enclave because of their power armor looks sick


He didn't really preserve New Vegas for 200 years. He actually let the place fall to shit for almost 200 years, then noticed the NCR was coming to Hoover dam, which caused him to send his robots out and clean up. And cleaning up means removing almost everyone but the three families from their homes on the strip.


Everyone loves Deep Space 9.


I didn't realize it was him until this moment. Minute I read your comment, I could hear it.


Here's my reason, he's a cool man with cool quotes. And also he controls a robot army and speaks funny


And he understands why i don't wanna pay taxes he's Great


Thats a courier if I've heard one lmaoaoa


“New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers. With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.”


Mr House is so badass, I want to see him get some justice in the show.


I'm really afraid they are going to ruin his character and make him out to be a super villain.


*the stars*


He’s sexy


Are you sure? He looks like the grandma off spongebob in the wheel chair.


I’m so sure, sexy skeleton man with a penis tube


I respect it


Easy. He's just better than NCR and the Legion. Former is corrupted, barely holding together. Latter is... well, Legion. House is smart, charismatic, farsighted.


Besides being charismatic and intelligent, he's offering the courier a greater stake in his operation than any other faction. You're going to be his second in command. With the NCR or Legion it's very much in question how much, of a role the courier will play in those factions after the second battle of Hoover Dam. House also immediately gives you a free suite and offers to pay you extra for recovering the Platinum Chip, a job you already agreed to do. Not to mention House needs the courier more than the other factions.Ceasar just expects the courier to do stuff for him with no reward and acts like a pompous asshole. Crocker is kinder, but you still need to do some work before you get anything from him.


I don't remember if it was cut content or just speculations, but in a Legion ending the Courier would have been made the heir of Caesar, the proof of it being having their face printed into Legion coins and money. So basically, a Legion aligned Courier becomes Augustus.


I checked the end slides on the wiki before I made my previous comment. For the Legion ending, it just says that Ceasar has a coin minted in honor of the courier. Maybe there's some other dialogue implying something greater, but that's all I saw.


Would have been a huge incentive for my educated mercenary roleplays


For me, Mr. House is my favorite character in the entire game because of his personality and the way he is presented in the story. Additionally, he is quite an interesting character. Although setting all that aside, I feel that in the long run, House's ending is the best for the recovery of advanced technology and the gradual advancement towards a better civilization. Of course, not everything is good, but I think that's the point of the game: no ending is 100% perfect for everyone. Even so, I believe House would benefit more people in the long run and create a better future. After all, he was the one who saved all of Vegas from becoming a mound of dust.


The intense charisma of René Auberjonois


He's brilliant with terrible luck. He provides more stability than the NCR without the oppression of the legion He has a vision of the future that's neither Rome nor the Old America


Stability for who? The people rich enough to reach the strip?


House expands into Freeside and Outer Vegas in his ending, with no mention of him displacing the residents *Other than potentially the Kings depending on how you end GI Blues


I’m confident he was very kind to them /s


I don't think House does things for the good of people but for the good of New Vegas as a whole. Freeside and Outer Vegas must be kept orderly to maintain safe passage to and from the Strip. House retains the Followers (unlike the NCR) because he recognizes their usefulness, and if house does truly want to reindustrualize New Vegas, the residents of Freeside, Outer Vegas, and probably Westside at some point or another will likely be the basis of the work force


And by doing these things for the good of new vegas, the people of new vegas benefit immensely.


Plus, keeping the lower classes fed, happy and safe not only puts down the chances of rebellion against him, but would actually be beneficial if the long run. Not only does it give him customers and an active work force, but they'll probably want to protect their safe homes and easy food from people encroaching on it. Peasants are less likely to rebel if they're not starving or dying from plague


It’s not even hard to get 3k caps.


Not for the main character. For an average Joe? Definitely.


I mean is it? Literally one brush gun can be worth 1600 caps… like a lot of people have rifles worth hundreds of caps. I feel if they tried for a good month or two they could find the caps.


Savings are a little tricky in a post apocalyptic society full of dangerous people and creatures.


I'm on my first playthrough and reluctantly decided to kill him because I didn't want to destroy a certain place that he asked me to destroy. Then I killed him and felt so bad about the state he was in... From my courier's perspective, he saved her life. And there's something truly unique about irl Vegas that he really cared about preserving. So I reloaded a save and blew up that place because I live to serve lol


Every other option is either anarchy or imperialist occupation. Also he defended the Mojave from the bombs


Why is being selfish and looking down on others traits that I care about? I care about how many peoples lives actually improve, and how fast. Not how “nice” he is to people.  Houses selling point is that he’s a futurist. He’s going to be selfish in the immediate short term and In a few decades he will have high tech available for people again. NCR might make inviiduals lives better by a factor of 2 in the next few decades, but house will make all humanities lives better 30 years from now. It’s like how the space race actually gave us all these technologies that improved our lives. The reason you’re sending this message is because of space race technology. And the motivation was selfish: beat the USSR. 


Based take


Either I get taxed up the ass by a bunch of new imperialists from California or pick a bunch of cosplaying Roman empire wannabes. I don't think either is a good long term choice. Yes man is also a stupid ending just because it's short term. Yes, Vegas is free but what happens after the courier? House to me seems like the only one for some longer term stability.


He’s personally what I see as the best possibility for the continued protection of New Vegas and future developments of the surrounding area. Perhaps even the future, what stuck with me is a quote from him where he said within 50 years people will be in space. He has a goal that he wishes to achieve and I admire the longevity of knowledge of politics and business he possess from pre-war and post fallout.


Earning House's respect and appreciation is super validating.


He likes how I killed kimbel cuz I didn't wanna pay taxes I respect that


(int 10) taxes are very bad (Int 1) Tax bad me no like


Best vision for new Vegas. NCR and legion aren't thinking nearly far ahead in the grand scheme


I like him with Beer and Jalapeños in a Cook-Cook stew.


Funny computer screen man and sex robots and money and a presidential suite goes a long way with me


Because people project their libertarian dreams onto him and handwave away all of the parts where that doesn't fit their beliefs.


Have no clue, I heavily dislike the guy and enjoyed killing his heavily desiccated body, but one of my friends is obsessed with the guy and keeps sucking his dick, metaphorically.


My character would have no interest in ruling and Independent Vegas and dealing with all of the shit that goes with it. Hence Mr House


He also wants to build a technological utopia, send people to space and do all kinds of amazing things. And he has proven that he can also deliver on multiple occasions.  So whole it would be hard to find him likable and pleasant isn't it incredibly easy to see why somebody would want to be on his team? Also it's not like the people je is looking down upon are that much better to begin with.


He's one of the few smart and competent people in the Wasteland, who has enough power to actually make a change. Even if he is an asshole, I expect a system under House to be less overtly corrupt than the NCR, and less fucking psycho than the Legion. General Oliver being in his position is an absolute fucking clownshow, and he should be court marshaled for how neglectful he is with his military resources. IMO he is the best choice for the wasteland, unless you play independent with a 10 int courier that seeks all ideal faction outcomes.


Literally saved most of Nevada from nuclear war


I loathe libertarians and technocrats but as the game lays it out House is indisputably the best choice. House delivers on every promise made to the Courier and comes to genuinely value/fear them. Is there any other ending where a leader shows the Courier that much deference? Even putting all that aside, House being in charge of New Vegas is just the most interesting outcome for the setting.


To paraphrase what Mr House himself says if you choose “I Don’t Like You” when he asks why your killing him; “You let personalities get in the way of the last chance for humanity” It really doesn’t matter how shitty house is as a person because have you seen the rest of the wasteland? Have you seen who else wants to be in control? I play ncr and it’s pretty easy to see that house is really the only truly good option and it doesn’t take more than the name “New California Republic” to see why that’s bad for Nevada. Ncr is cooked until you put the work in, Yes-Man is anarchy, and the legion is the legion.


But funny robot man told me to beat him with a 9-iron


He's OK, I just did my first play thru, and sided with him. No reason why except he talked to me first.


René Auberjonois


I keep driver Nephi's club with me because of him.


The NCR and Legion want to force their way of life on the Mojave. The people of the Mojave dont want that, even if its better for them in the long run. House leaves most factions alone, and they leave him alone in return.


He’s a perfect/ideal dictator type, but still a dictator. And his humanity is in question, and he could reign forever.


There's a difference between liking a character for how they're written and liking a character for who they are. Mr House is a complete tool, but he's an awesome character.


He’s my favorite choice. Who am I going to choose: the robot who ignores me after the battle is won, the guy who modeled his empire on a failed empire that enslaves people or the “democracy” that’s going to eventually collapse from incompetence and corruption?


I think he's a well done character. I'm not saying he's my favorite, but his lore and presentation mixes very well.


I like Mr. House unplugged and left alone in his basement.


I prefer to let my 9-iron do the talking.


Beating him to death or blowing his head apart with a .50 cal round is fun, but he was only willing to pay me 1,000 caps for all the shit I went through to get his chip. That cheap bastard deserves the hell of total isolation and a slow death.


He paid the courier money promised to do a delivery job, which is a rarity in the wasteland at times, and promised more money for more work (although he really doesn't allow you to leave after delivering the chip without begging you to be his errand boy anyway)


And he also saved courier's life (via Victor securitron), along with Doc Mitchell.


He is literally the only person in the game that deserves Vegas. He should be allowed to run it however the hell he wants as long as he isn’t directly killing nonviolent people and allows people in and out of his territory. Without him, civilization on the west coast would be almost as nonexistent as the east coast.




He’s earned the right to look down on most people. Most of the people he talks about are either greedy idiots like Kimball and Oliver, or psychopathic megalomaniacs like Caesar. Or they’re techno-religious people like the BoS, who also look down upon everyone else, believing random people shouldn’t have advanced weapons/technology, and are so set in their ways that they’d rather die than change. They even start confiscating advanced tech from random people if they survive, which is why House wants them dead. He does speak highly of Hanlon, if I recall correctly. He’s also the only person to treat you like a valued employee as opposed to some lackey like the NCR, or an obedient slave like the Legion. Honestly, the only two points about him I don’t like are the inability to save the BoS (even if he was right about them, which I can look passed) and the fact that he kills The Kings if they make peace with the NCR (though that might’ve been a mistake on the developers part, since it makes no sense for him to do so).


In a Doylist sense, he's a brilliantly realized character with a lot of complexity and interesting nuance. From a Watsonian perspective, he's a dangerous egomaniac who believes his longevity, intelligence, and perspective grant him and him alone the right to command the destiny of the human race. He suffers the same delusion that all corporatists suffer--the belief that his name stamped on a product means that he's the only one responsible for its creation and disposition. And the product he's stamped his name on is humanity itself. Personally, I also think it extremely likely that House will attempt to kill a Courier aligned with him. After his victory at Vegas, Courier 6 is the only individual with the power, intellect and perspective to challenge House's vision. And House doesn't share his vision.


New Vegas


He's an alright man, when his head isn't up his ass (and that's not very often) And I appreciate his honesty a lot. I didn't expect him to live up to his words in his ending, so I was positively surprised.


House is a very good salesman. He throws a huge pitch while omitting details. He uses the glitz and glamor of Vegas to his advantage. He’s very clever with his words. Plus in his ending he gives the player every luxury. Yes he’s an arrogant and selfish but are the other options any less arrogant?


I see him as the only real solution for humanity’s problems, because he’s a realist and not basking in some idealistic ideology. He understands the concept of scarcity and he understands how the world works. He’s *the perfect* critique of democracy that is valid, as Caesar’s variation of dictatorship is unstable and heavily irrational in every aspect of its society. I do have my fair share of critiques of house, but I believe that the alternative of letting the NCR win the 2nd battle of Hoover dam is much more worse long-term for California and it’s currently occupied territories, even if that means losing Hoover Dam and Helios. Notably in how the ending allows for Kimball’s mindset and ideology continue, which is disastrous as it would only allow for corruption to be rooted in the NCR and only allow the Brahmin Barons to control the NCR and it’s people. I could write an entire dissertation on this topic alone, but I’m saving that for Chernobyl or an analysis on how countries and cultures develop.


There are people in the real world who like, admire, practically worship billionaires in the real world who don't know they exist and wouldn't waste their saliva to spit on them if they did. House gives you a pile of caps, the Presidential Suite, and a steady job. I hate his old mummified ass but it doesn't surprise me that some people would like and support him.


maybe it got lost in translation, but I only recall one time the guy talked down to me. and that's not enough reason for me to ignore everything else he's done. also, capitalism only sucks when you're not at the top, which is where you get when you side with the guy


I like shitting on Mr house as much as the next guy but no other faction treats Courier better for doing so many things for them. Like, I kill Kimball and cure this dude’s brain tumor for him among much others and I’m not even considered apart of his totalitarian cult? And all I get is the occassional doctor’s bag and some microfusion cells? That’s the real reason a Caesar’s Legion playthrough sux.


I mean he mints his currency after you and he doesn't talk to you like a slave. He is honest that he is not the son of Mars. So that is something? And the NCR Colonel Moore is a bitch. I love yes man cause he is nice :)




He sucks but I still find him really interesting


I don't like him but I believe his ending is likely best due to his intelligence. No other faction really has the resources or intellect to run the Mojave as successfully as he can.


If you like dry humor he's fantastic.


Pretty sure the presidential suite of the lucky 38 has toilet paper. I can't say the same for whatever hole the ncr and legion crap in.


Because he is the most stable choice for the Wasteland. Legion is obviously not. Slavery, reliance on Caesar, must expand and conquer, etc... Yesman is obviously big no. What does that get you? Families who eat human meat and kidnap and kill people get their freedom? And AI with immense military power gets its "Autonomy"? I'll pass. Ncr is a good choice but like hanlon said, that dam eill be the end of NCR. Too much manpower and resources must be poured into mojave and its simply not worth it. Plus, they are already large amd have stable country. They have war in Baja, Brahmin barons hold power in the congress so its corrupt to the core. Plus forcibly integrating settlements and heavy taxation. Also, its just MOJAVE. One city and one dam. Its not like NCR will burst into bloodthirsty civil war if they lose mojave. Also its better for them to have House as a buffer zone between the legion and ncr. And they wont lose that power and water from the dam. House will sell it to them so they will still have it. And they will lose less money that way because of the amount of manpower, resources and money needed to keep the control of the land, maintanace of the dam and salary of soldiers. So that leaves House as the only option. Plus his vision for the vegas. He is both economic and technological visionary. And as he said, with all that money pouring in, Vegas will have a lot of resources to achieve what he said he will.


I like him *BECAUSE HE'S SELFISH AND LOOKS DOWN ON EVERYONE*. There's already plenty of good people in the game, so I enjoy a splash of pragmatism that Mr. House brings


Liking characters isn’t about agreeing with them or thinking they’re a good person. If you enjoy a character, you like them.


He's not the nicest person, but he's intelligent and capable of keeping a safe society and a resemblance of law. That's the first step for a more civilized world.


Because he is literally our only hope of leaving earth in the next 100 years.


I turned him into a puddle of green goo.


I like him, He’s straight with you pays you good and I can see a good future with him. He saved Vegas so I know he’s doing the best for it and the Mojave.


House is the only good ending, tbqh. The Legion is doomed, the NCR is humbled, Hanlon is elected senator of Redding, Oliver and Kimball are disgraced, the Kings are safe, the Boomers are safe, he just leaves most people alone and makes money.


It's like, at my core, I share his humanist values, but he just had to force me to do stuff, didn't say pretty please even once. And I just don't like being told what to do🤷


He's a fun caricature of Howard Hughes types and he's voiced by Odo, big fans of those things. Would I ever work for him? Oh hell no. Another fucking nepo baby born on third base who thinks he hit a home run.


You are of course welcome to dislike him, but just in case, he actually wasn't a nepo baby. I was extremly surprised too. His older brother was a huge bitch, basically left him with nothing at 2 years old when their father died (reason - him being an affair baby), so he actually worked his way to the top. H&H Tools Factory, in-game location, of you are interested, briefly summarises the story


I find it nice to be talked down to by someone arrogant but also really smart. I like his voice. Strong personality that provides validation and wealth if my character sides with him. I also fawn over the King and his awesome voice lol. It feels like siding with House yields the best life in the Wasteland, being in luxury and not having to think for myself. And I can hang with Victor and have all my friends live in luxury with me? Literally looking down on everyone else? I'm sorry but it doesn't get better than that. Except maybe the comfort of the Institute. I don't, however, believe House is the best for the Wasteland. I vote NCR in that case.


I do House runs occasionally, and he is cool, but man do I like him right in front of my 9 iron. FORE!


He's just elon musk but competent. No this is not a compliment.


They think they’re picking the lesser evil. He is a tyrant who will do anything to get what he wants. He took over the strip by force and locked everyone out and now rules with an iron fist. Imagine if you were thrown out of your home and forbidden to even walk by it again unless you were no longer poor. Meanwhile he let the worst thugs stay and gave them money, and power. Picking something that’s really no longer human is not the right choice in my opinion.


Just saying there were people who were like totally down with hitler


They are called Legion stans.


What is this low effort karma farming? Anyone who's played the game knows that an in power Robert House is the best thing for the people living in the Mojave and dare I say the wasteland at large. Selfish? His existence is now and until he dies however that would happen is the equivalent of an AI trapped, rooted in place forever. He literally has nothing to do with his power and technology besides reviving human civilization.