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Now i wish we had the fallout 76 option to quick loot all bodies


Yea. It took me almost as long to loot the pile as it took Danse to make it


Yeah just walk away and do something else with your time hahaha, you're protected as Danse is killing them all, you just loot is all hahahaha


and Danse has absolutely no complaints about it lol


He wants all of Father’s inheritance, so he had to prune the family tree a little smh duh!!


i mean its a win win, you get your fusion cells, he gets the joy of killing those freaks of nature


Technically, they aren't freaks of nature, they are freaks of Manmade Hubris.


I don't understand. There's a point in the game where synths just keep spawning and you waited for the bodies to pile up? Or is this mods?


Yes, the former, in the quest where you go to Arc-Jet Systems with Danse, when you get to a large missile solo room there will be a point that synths start spawning, if you go into a room way in the back there's a button to close the doors that the synths can't open even if they get back there. The Synths will literally just spawn forever, like, I'm pretty sure the only limit is your preferred console/PCs limits, easy way to farm MILLIONS of fusion cells and Institute Rifles.


This is even better than bunker hill, will try till my pc explodes


I've gone over an hour once to get like that, but as has been said by others sweet baby jesus it takes nearly the same amount of time to loot it all


Yeah it's unfortunately a double edged sword without something like Fallout 76's looting system.


Yeah, there's a point at which it's hard to loot the bodies beneath bodies beneath bodies... And then you have the slow walk back to a settlement, but that was worth it.


The strong backs perk fully uprgraded takes care of that you can fast travel while overencumbered


You basically loot a bunch of em, wait a few minutes for the looted corpses to disappear, then repeat is the easiest way.. some of the ash piles never go away but most of em will once looted


I'm sorry, what about bunker hill? I must have missed that.


A Battle over the Settlement where you can pitch every faction (cept Minutemen) to join. You lay back and watch them dug it out -Infinite T-60 (also dark Paladin paint schemes and black Officer Underarmor) -Infinite Railroad Armor and Gauss Rifles -Infinite Institute gear


Is this one-off or repeatable? its been a long time since i played FO4


It's the point where you're basically forced to choose which faction you want to end the game with, so it's about 80% of the way through the main storyline.


ah yeh i remember it. i think I just kinda blasted through it lol


Same. What's up with bunker hill?


see above


I had no idea they kept spawning.i always turn it off fast because in my head he’s about to die so instinct kick in.


Yep, so long as you don't hit the button to start the engine test or go into the chamber and start killing them with Danse, they will spawn infinitely, I used it for my recent character to farm Fusion Cells since I'm trying to make a Laser Shotgun character, and plus the Tesla Cannon makes it incredibly more fun to obliterate people.


Oh nice, that’s good to know. I love hoarding ammo to do stupid stuff with.


Yep, I wish there was a reliable way to farm mini nukes honestly but the only idea I have is the duping glitch, which they finally nerfed so even if you drop a stack of 400 mini nukes or something on a conveyor and get dogmeat to pick it up right before it disappears into conveyor storage, it counts as if he only picked up one and not the whole stack, which means you can still dupe, but it is significantly slower, especially since you have to save, load, do the glitch again, then repeat. (I play on PS5, so this could just be a PS5/console exclusive thing)


You could use the full clip exploit and get mini nukes by letting enemy's grab a Fatman I did that with a minigun on my last character and had nearly 10 thousand rounds before I left concord


That sounds like a double edged sword if it works how I think it does XD


"I wish there was a reliable way to farm mini nukes" In Survival mode I find that nukes are only really good against other enemies with nukes - i.e. enemies that I absolutely want to one shot ...and even that need goes away once I clear Quincy / get a gun that causes frenzy. Anyway: Big John's Salvage has a respawning mini nuke. It seems to be on a fairly short timer, maybe 48 hours (Survival mode). And there are tons of other ammo and chems that reliably spawn there. A lot of the respawns in the game seem to stop if you 100% complete an area, so I never open the bunker there, or finish off the mutants.


Why not use the console? player.additem 000E6B2E 1000


Probably because they feel less guilty if they at least have to put in a little work to do it.


It’s gotta give you hella XP too, no?


Unfortunately not, Danse gets all the kills and isn't technically a follower so all the XP is null.


Damn. Bring hella frags and start popping em out I guess?


As long as you don't cross the threshold of the doorway, you can stand in the hallway with the doors open and shoot them as they come after Danse and they'll keep spawning. You get XP for any of them you damage.


When you go to ArcJet with Danse, there is this specific area where you go in a room, turn on the power and synths start spawning. Thing is that the synths don't stop spawning. Ever. So you can literally just close the door (it's button operated, so the synths can't get to you) and sit there, having Danse just pile the corpses as high as you want. CAUTION: The synths stop spawning when you start the rocket. So if you just don't fire it up, they won't stop. Doing this can get you enough fusion cells to last the entire game. I got about 8000 cells in a little over an hour. Kind of a pain in the ass to collect it all though.


The former. I’ve explained it a few times in these comments and I don’t really want to type it out again


I got chu Yeah dey be spawning yo


Thank you for the clarification sir! Being OP must be tiring so you're a hero.


There a mod that lets you. The name is like 76 corpse looting or close to that


Lootman is the mod, auto loot bodies and or loose items with a certain radius automatically.


Is this one available on the ps5 in its assorted mods?


It's SKK Corpse looting 76 [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80191](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80191)


There’s a mod that does it, I don’t recall the name though


I’ve crashed 76 by doing that at the end of some events so maybe that wouldn’t be the best here lol


Well it’s a known fact that 4 is a helluva lot more stable than 76. But the bar is soooooooo low it doesn’t even matter.


U/Huntercin what’s better heavy guns/commando/Power armor OR stealth/rifleman/gunslinger? I’m going to choose brotherhood of steel because I like the warhammer vibes…


Personally i'm a sucker for being a infantry soldier with regular armor and commando weapons, though if you want to be an angel of death a jetpack and a gauss rifle is pretty cool


Thank you very much for responding!!! I’m so torn! I love the new enclave stuff especially the Tesla cannon (pairing it with a minigun is my favorite), but I also LOVE the stealth commando approach because it’s usually how I play in games… stealth power armor with no heavy’s just sounds terrible…


Stealth commando, stealth sniper, or PA heavy are my preferred styles


Lol, I just did this...made the critical mistake of having Cait help...bugged it and no more came...only got 1k ammo


lol that’s unfortunate. I had dogmeat with me and it worked well enough because he came into the generator room with me


Can dogmeat grab all that stuff? He grabbed me the cryolator yesterday 😝


The cryolator bug hasn't been fixed yet? After all these years? That's great to hear. I started a new playthrough thinking it was fixed.


The food crafting bug hasn't been fixed since launch, I've been doing it every time I start a new playthrough for some "xp" and mostly for some early game caps/ trading. Grab the radroach meat from 111, then in sanctuary craft death claw meat or whatever the DLC equivalent is next to it. Craft, switch to other food and profit.


Yeah there are bugs still bug I specifically remember them posting on a patch note that the cryolator one was fixed. I guess my memory is playing tricks on me


Nah it’s fixed


Wait what? I’m sort of just coming back to the game, but have been back for about a month now after like 7 years away, but this is one I’ve never heard of. Is it a timing thing? Like you select the one you have mats for, click the button to craft it, and then hit down at the same time, or what?


Delay the time you hit down by "milliseconds" and thats it.


If you want to level fast with crafting just make poisoned caltrops (or just regular caltrops if you don't have chemistry). They sell for more than steel shipments cost as long as you max out your charasima before using a vendor (Grape mentats, a cha outfit, day tripper and a beer or whatever). Build a batch then trade them for a steel shipment + caps and other stuff then build a batch. In Nukaworld the vendors restock every time you leave the area they are in so you can just walk around in a circle and buy steel shipments then turn them into caltrops then trade them for steel shipments. You can also build a fuck ton of wooden shelves. They stack on top of each other so just stand in one spot and build 2000 wooden shelves on the same spot on the wall.


Apologies for my ignorance but what's the 'food crafting bug'?


Have resources for one food such as rad roach meat. When playing vanilla fo4 no dlc's, in the cooking station rad roach steaks has deathclaw steaks above it. Or another dlc high value food. On your platform press the craft button on the RadR.S. then move to the other high value food you don't have the resources for and if you timed it right it will ask you to use rad roach meat to craft the death claw steak or alternative dlc food. You click confrim and you don't waste any rad roach meat and you've crafted the other meal. Some low xp gain, and as many as you are willing to craft meals to use in barters or for caps. Basically: Have resources for one meal, press the key/button to craft it and then right after you move to the other food and if its highlighted and asking you to use the original food you just click confirm and done. This is what I did when I first started playing on the ps4 back in 2015-6.


It was, it got unfixed by the next gen update!


If you had some points in scrapper, that’s a ton of good stuff from the guns.


I always stash everything to scrap only when I get at least scrapper lv2. Great for fibber otics that usually is ass to find


i used to sleep on scrapper, then i realised that with level 2 of it you can get like upwards of 15 aluminium per assault rifle if they drop with mods, now i pick up basically every gun i find.


Yeah it's an excellent perk The only way I'm not getting it is if I someday make a dumb character so I would invest into merchant perks instead to sell the weapons and buy materials --edit-- I know I can make purified water farms to get money through it instead but I think it's really boring to just build a lot of purifiers and use water as coin


Well shit. Aluminum is the one thing I'm always lacking. Which is weird, considering you'd think nuclear material or gears or something would be the most rare.


It's always Aluminum, Adhesive, Oil, and some niche component that depends on what the thing being improved is. Ceramic for X-01 Power Armor. Fiberglass and Fiber Optics for Laser Rifles. And so on.


I have an ungodly amount of adhesive because it's easy to identify but I hate having to pick up aluminum cans.


Good call!




If you can pull it off, you can take an enemy body part and “store” things in it and then carry the body part to your settlement. Hard to fully describe. But it helps in transporting lots of stuff.


Bruh Absolute genius move Thx thx thx


Max level strong back you can fast travel while over weight and can still walk normally but you drain ap at level 4 strong back. Also deep pocketed gear. My carry weight is like 480 in power armor and 450 out. With buffout and whiskey I can hit like 530 in power armor and like 500 out and I'm not even max level strength


You can take it all for one trip, walking towards a nearby settlements. It's a pain in the ass, but manageable by setting your character to auto-run until you arrive. You can simply alt tab to a half-screen browser, do other stuff while your character walks on its own. The forth level of the Strong Back perk in the strength tree makes this unnecessary, as you can simply fast-travel while over-encumbered. I have yet to find a mass scrapping mod, so scrapping a lot of weapons would be very frustrating and time consuming. I suppose you could stash it all in the workbench and scrap as you need materials. Or make an autohotkey script to scrap it all. Personally I'd sell it, as crafting materials are easy to come by.


It's about sending a message.


Hearts and minds.


I tried this last night it's not possible without mods for me they just stopped I didn't even have to turn the rocket jets on


The rocket is not the only trigger to stop spawning, if you get close enough to the fighting area it will trigger the spawn stop I also don't recommend using the rocket as it will turn a lot of bodies into ash making it way worse to loot (and a lot will become unlootable depending on how much time you spent there) so it's better to help Danse fight to stop the spawn (and you get some exp too) (I always do this and never used mods btw)


I did it like two days ago. You must have gone too far forward, it will stop their spawns.


Do you play on console?


Can someone explain?


Quick version you need to follow a signal to Cambridge police station and start the Brotherhood quests. Anyhow you get a quest with a Paladin called Danse and there is basically an infinite enemy spawn you can exploit there for a ton of loot. Danse can murder everything so you just chill and profit.


So, a spawn farm? I regret speedrunning this every time now


The loot isn't that great. It's just extremely common ammo that you will have gotten a few hundred of on your way through the building already and institute weapons.


It's fantastic loot, but only if you've leveled up Scrapper.


Right, but you get good XP?


Danse kills everything and can't be your companion at this point so no xp either I'm pretty sure.


the point is to farm ammo to sell later in diamond city when you do the run around for side quests with grape mentats, and maybe a decent institute rifle if you need it.


Did this on my most recent playthrough. I was on survival, the closest settlement was Starlight. That seemed like a potentially fatal slow walk, so I stashed everything in a container in the Cambridge newsstand, and secured Hangman's. This proved trickier than I expected, and when I went back I discovered everything had despawned. Pour one out.


I got that mission a few minutes ago, now Im taking a shit while Danse is genociding the synths.


That just sent me in a laughing fit. You were taking a shit while Danse was shitting on Synths😂


Its a God dammed chrome domed farm


I hate that the update didn’t come with all the little things they hit with in 76. Mass scrapping, item durability, tinker bench, base icons, area looting, mutations, etc.


What mission is this?


Call to Arms. It’s the first mission with Paladin Danse


Nuke. Now.




Thank you.


This engine sometimes can’t even run simple things yet it can do this. Bethesda’s engine confuses me.


UNLIMITED MONEY!!! Do you also watch SpoofingBrit on YouTube? Hahahaha


I wish I would’ve known about this when I went through there




Free loot


Wish I knew about this earlier! I just finished this quest 2 days ago for the first time and could’ve used this trick to stock up on fusion cells.


I wouldn’t worry too much about stocking up on them really, I usually take cap collector though, but current playthrough I have near 3k plasma cartridges and fusion cells each and 29k caps. It’s all the rifles and pistols that I could scrap that I’m after.


If you had south from Sanctuary, just before the glowing sea is a power plant not marked on the map. In there should be 3-6 death claws and 1-2 super mutant behemoths fighting lol


Paladin Danes: PUSH A BOTTON! PUSH ANYTHING! Sole Survivor: 👁️👄👁️


7 years? You must really hate the institute...


All that time on dozens of characters and I’ve never taken their ending


Where / what is this?


One of the first missions you do with Paladin Danse. If you wait at the right part it’ll spawn unlimited synths and you can let him fight them until there’s lots of free loot


What gun is that?


Handmade shotgun from creation club


Note to self, try creation club


RIP your PC 🤣


But the question is, does your computer sound like a jet engine?


This was on an Xbox Series S


In that case, I amend my previous question: Does your xbox sound like a jet engine?


I just started a fresh new game after not playing for a few years. Can I do this on Xbox? If so, how?


https://youtu.be/4M9luFmBTKc?si=Eibz-H5G3Z--iZe9 It’s basically this but scaled up. Also I suggest not turning on the rocket and instead helping Danse fight when you’re done. That will still make them stop spawning and they’ll be easier to loot


You looking to melt your rig or something 😂


How much xp did you get?


Not much. Danse did most of the work


I've been playing this game for about 6 years... I have no idea what I'm looking at here.


It’s a spawn farm about halfway through Call to Arms. When you turn on the backup power in ArcJet Systems, synths will spawn infinitely until you help Danse or turn on the rocket. If you just wait instead of doing either, he just keeps killing them and you get a bunch of free loot


If you're playing on PC, at this point, I would just use console commands


I started a vanilla save on Xbox to try out the next-gen update without breaking my nexus mods


I saw a similar post a few days ago and so I tried it out with the next gen update. Did not disappoint. I stood for an hour as well. I got to 9k cells, I think around 400 institute rifle and pistols, about 300 batons. Then walked real slow back to graygarden to dump it there. Read in the comments that scrapper is useful so I can't wait until I get that perk. But yeah I don't even know if the PS4 version of the game would be able to handle it, really liking the update so far.


Looks like Synths back on the menu boys


Sucks that the Paladin Danes quest is still glitched after this long.


Paranoid but you’re defending Recon Squad Gladius from the Synth onslaught til they evacuate


Heather Casdin liked that.


I'm purposely doing a new playthrough just to do this


I can't believe the BoS accepted me after my character stood there for like an hour and chilled listening to the radio while Danse got the crock-pot experience


I did this on a survival playthrough, I got to that part of the mission and went to sleep irl, I woke up and started looting all the body's .....at approximately 3 and 1/2 fps🤣


LOL. This post was referenced in Screen Rant, and some of us posted about it years ago. If you did anything to get noticed, *that's* tip I wanna see!


I need to see this drawn as that one doom cover just paladin danse on a pile of synth corpses


YES! That would be sick


Is there any way to go back to this mission and do this cause I’m a little short handed on caps


Not if you’ve already completed it. If you haven’t been to the Cambridge police station or talked to paladin Danse after then you should be able to


This is insane. Never thought of doing that. On my next playtrough I will give it a go.👍😁


Did not know you could do this, what area is that? Is it the mission he takes you in when you first help them fight the Gouls?


It’s the first mission with Danse when he takes you to ArcJet Systems for a deep-range transmitter


Wtf is this


It’s a spawn farm you can do on one of Paladin Danse’s missions


Think I seen your tik tok on this lol. That's awesome dude


Needs more synths. I can still see the window.


wake up honey new arcjet glitch post


I wanted to do this but noticed on the ps5 that the bodies start despawning.


Ha! That’s great!


Has anyone else done this yet with the new update. I planned on doing this exact thing but it ended fairly quickly. Maybe Bethesda patched it?


How do people manage this? In my games Danse kills all the synths in a couple minutes :/


I just played this part 15 min ago


House of 10,000 Corpses 😬


If my calculations are correct, somewhere between 400-600 corpses




How did you kill that many?


Jesus Christ


I love doing this mission after going to the institute I just casually wander about looting while Danse fights and the synths ignore me


I just tried this yesterday and only got five to spawn before I sat there with nothing happening.


Lol, what was your frame rate during that?


It was alright for the most part. I was playing on performance mode specifically for this and I only just started dropping frames towards the end


What even am I even looking at right now?


They should let you scrap bodies too just to clean up. I don't need materials from the bodies but I don't need dead raiders littering my settlements lol


Also did they change dogmeat. I seem to remember him having an inventory but now he just drops everything at my feet


Can we still do this if youve finished all the missions?


I’m to much of a loot goblin and would have a extreme urge to loot all bodies




I think Autoloot would have a seizure trying to clear that bunch.


How is it that this can't break a game but my game breaks by not spawning the prydwen


Good timing, I just started the quest at ArcJet


How do you like the handmade shotgun? All I’ve heard from people are complaints


I just wanna know what kinda gun is that you got???


Now you nuke the pile…( and maybe your pc)


How much did you level?


my Xbox version crashes every 30 minutes or so even without mods so im curious how few bodies in that room would crash it


An hour? Jesus, I usually only give him like 15 minutes and it still takes forever to loot everything.


My game is bugged (or not depending of how you see it) for me they stopped spawning without turning on the rocket


Is there a mod or command on PC that will let me enter the workshop mode here and just scrap them?


Not sure how well it works, but I saw a F76 mod for the Xbox to loot all, just had a warning that said be careful where you do it, as it apparently loots everything in a certain radius.


I need that mod too. Especially if there's one that highlights corpses for me to loot.


Its funny that I just did this mission, wish Id seen this post first :/


What is “this”? Lmao this is wild


It’s a spawn farm you can do during Paladin Dance’s first quest “Call to Arms” I’ve explained how it works a few times so just look for one of those comments


Kept you waiting eh?


I need a guide on how to do this 💀.


https://youtu.be/4M9luFmBTKc?si=Q_KuimDPL-ozBg1F Just don’t activate the rocket. If you do it’ll burn the corpses and they’ll be harder to loot. Just help Dance fight them when you’re done and they’ll stop spawning


7 years? What took you so long? It's that exact part of the quest that I itch in anticipation for on any new playthrough. Especially when you have a mod that gives you XP for companion kills. So. Much. Loot. And. Levels.


Hey guys How long can you leave dance?


You should be able to leave him for as long as your system can handle that many bodies. After that for as long as you’re willing to loot. Looting this many took a while


Wonder if it would fill it too the ceiling




I did this too not that long ago. Literally just got up, made myself dinner, at it while watching some TV, got back like 30-40 minutes later and looted the corpses


I only learnt about this with my most recent character too, multi thousand fusion cells and low level


I had the same problem with clothes they multiplied and went everywhere in my house, it was so funny to see a sea of clothing and hats.