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I wish there was a little more to turning on the raiders then just shooting them up. Otherwise I enjoy it.


I don't think Nuka-World's plot is nearly as strong or compelling as Far Harbor, but the setting is great. I always have fun exploring the map of a post-apocalyptic theme park.


First response to comes to mind: “Nuka-World has a plot?” Seriously though: I just kill the raiders asap and just explore everything. Haunted house is my favorite


Ha, well it sort of does. You get to be a raider bastard. Right now I'm putting off Open Season until I get the raider perks (I really want Ace Operator for my stealth character). Though I also have a mod that skips over Home Sweet Home so I don't raid my own settlements and annoy Preston. I have to roleplay/headcanon that my character is infiltrating the raiders before turning on them all.


I believe every DLC except Far Harbor are for pure additional gameplay content. Automatron, Vault DLC and Nuka World were given 'storylines' in order to introduce the player to that DLC's theme and gameplay features.


You say that, but only Automatron really had a feature I would describe as meaningful. The Vault DLC was really just a giant cave settlement with a neat quest-line and a bunch of Vault workshop items. No hate to that DLC, btw, it's still a lot of fun if you like settlement building. Nuka World doesn't add anything meaningful either if you don't play an evil character, and I feel like they could've done a bit more with not that much effort on their part. It would've been cool if you could take over Nuka World with the merchants, and set up the park to be the New Vegas of the east coast. Instead of gambling, you have amusement rides.


That makes sense. I only mentioned that because the Automatron and Vault-Tec Workshop DLCs simply add locations to the base game's map, while Far Harbor and Nuka-World add whole new maps you can travel to and explore.


It's fun to explore, and the non-raider sidequests that go beyond 'kill everything' are good, and even when the quest is 'kill everything' the environment you explore makes up for it a little bit. The bigger issue is that the DLC has little content for good characters and no integration. There's already a quest that involves you killing all the raiders, I don't understand why Bethesda couldn't put in a few quests for the other factions to help you destroy the raider gangs. BOS would have a vested in some of the tech at Nuka World, Minutemen would do it just to eliminate another threat to the Commonwealth, the Railroad could probably be convinced to help especially after the main quest is completed, and the Institute would not only have an interest in the tech, but you could also do a short quest where you replace all the leaders with synths, putting them under the Institute's control as another option. There also should've been a raider ending for the main questline. They did this for Far Harbor, I don't see why they couldn't for Nuka World.


I just can’t see myself as a raider. I just see my Sole Survivor running a small mercenary business. That, or I run my own chapter of Atom Cats at the Sanctuary Red Rocket.


Same. I can excuse murder for hire but I draw the line at slavery.


Congrats on not Britta'ing this comment.


Oh did I not? I guess I don’t have baggels for brains then…


One can always justify a lesser evil 😅


Overall bad. Half baked. Pales in comparison to Far Harbor


I'm quite fond of it, in my current playthrough as a immoral guy building his own Raider empire, caring only about caps. My next playthrough will be the good guy, though, so itll be pretty short and empty.


It's not bad, but the difficulty scaling needs work.


I kinda see what you mean, I started it after the main quest around lvl 55, and the enemies are all over the place difficulty wise. Nothing my fully modded Gauss rifle can't handle, though. I'm still torn on how to end it. It will probably end up with them all dead.


Never beat it. Crashes so hard when I try doing things. 3/10


I can't seem to get the hang of being Overboss. On every single playthrough all of the Raiders end up dead for some reason.


The good guy quest line is just Kill everyone


I hated it. Basically tries to force you into becoming a raider when the main game essentially tries to have to be a good guy to an extent. It doesn't really mix.


I killed everybody 😬


Modded Throatslicer from the Disciples head honcho is broken af: 301 damage and bleed


My issue with nuka-world is that its an after thought. Like this wouldve been great had it implemented itself into the game as a whole opening up an entirely new option for playthrough. Like the quest starts outside that museum with the minutemen but instead being forced into helping just the minutemen, the raiders offer to pay you for your help. Next thing you know, you go about your way through the wasteland as the next great raider war boss. Instead, it starts at lvl 30, you are still shoe horned into saving the minuteman and so forth. Its an after thought, its designed to say hey look, go be a raider I guess since you've pretty much probably done everything. Raid your own existing settlements, or something.