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Still a great game. The mimics are awesome and really gave that game some nice jump scares, at least they did me on occasion, even when I knew they were there because of the music


It’s a fantastic game, but I end up in a Fallout/Skyrim kinda situation every time, where side objectives just eat my entire playtime until I get bored. I’ll finish it one day though


Definitely worth the finish, the ending sequences are pretty thrilling!


Lol I thought this was just me. Haven't finished fallout NV or 4 because of this. Actually I haven't finished a lot of games because of this. Maybe why ive given up on open world games. My brain can't handle all the shit to do.


I do this too sometimes. Skyrim I still haven't actually finished yet 😂. I got all the way to the last main quest and just stopped for reasons of boredom due to distractions


I have owned FO4 since maybe 2017. I have played many, many hours and created well over half a dozen characters to play. I have yet to ever make it to the Institute. I'm determined with my current playthrough, though. I just need to speak to Sturgis to get the ball rolling. But first, a real quick trip to Gunner's Plaza for their magazine and to test my combat skills. 😁


You are not alone lol I beat the game ONCE! Haven’t even made it to the institute since, but have put more hours into this game than I’d wanna know lol


Same. 4000 hours on the game. Finished once. Never even been to see virgil since then. I wouldn't even bother killing kellogg if I didn't play survival so need the vertibird grenades for some fast travel options. God's bless Sim Settlements 2


I finished getting to institute in a day to get the Le Fussel terribles


I thought it was just me! Dumped a lvl 88 character to start anew with the update and this is my 9th character- I have NEVER completed the main quest


I had a game breaking bug. BoS wanted me to wipe out the Railroad, but when I tried, Glory was immortal. Couldn’t proceed.


That's hilarious, them killing Glory is why I always take down the BoS Zepplin.


That’s odd, I don’t think she’s an essential NPC… or maybe she is until you get the RR to do something for you?


I had a bunch of weird glitches back when I first played it, because I wanted to do all the quest lines even the contradictory ones (Bos, railroad, institute) and ended up breaking the game unable to finish it. I got greedy.


Yeah, gotta get all the perks and items possible. Avoiding the quests that turn the factions hostile is fun! The game breaking bugs are a pain, but sometimes you can get around them. I was doing the last quest for the Mariner in Far Harbor. You have to take the boat to get to the mission location and when start the boat you get 3 options. When I selected the one for the mission, the screen went completely black, but I could still see the HUD. Although I was supposed to be in the boat my character was swimming. So I swam to the mission pin and when I got there everything thankfully went back to normal.


I had a similar glitch, but while everything but my HUD was black, I was on the boat and taken directly to the glowing red eyes. Having zero clue what I was facing (all I could see was two glowing red eyes with beams of light coming from them) I launched a few mini nukes at the eyes and the quest finished. It wasn't till my second try on another playthrough that I realized you were supposed to be able to see the "monster".




She always dies in my play throughs, can’t remember where though…


Like randomly dies?


In a fight with the Institute I believe- I never saw it, was just told by Desdemona that Glory gave her life for the cause


Whoa! I don’t remember ever getting that outcome before. That’s interesting.


One of the reasons I love this game- on my 9th play through and I STILL discover new things!


Yeah, absolutely. It’s still a masterpiece even with all the bugs.


Funny, my husband ended up in his own fallout/Skyrim situation too. His game glitched so badly that it made the game unplayable after like 80 hours, so he got mad and played other games instead lol


Having a buttload of saves to rollback to has long been a practice of playing Bethesda games. That being said, it seems like there's always a point during a long playthrough where things start to get really unstable and you've either got to finish the run up or start over.


Hard to do that in survival 


Have you ever checked Enderal?


Yeah I got about half way probably, and it just felt like it was overstaying


Its fantastic, and its ending had such a great hook for another game, probably the best attempt I've ever seen at an obvious lead-in for a sequel. Like, I find most sequel hooks are a bit eye-rolly and overtly "we want to make a franchise". This felt natural, a sort of "what we were doing on this space station is just a tiny sliver of what's really happening, and humanity is deep in the shit", and I so very much want to see how that unfolds.


Didn't Microsoft shut down Arkane a while ago? Might be a while before we get a Prey sequel


They shut down Arkane Austin, a (sort of) separate studio that made Prey. It's separate (sort of) from Arkane Lyon, which made Dishonored and Deathloop.


Oh yeah, those little guys gave me some super heebie jeebies. Also lead to some satisfying moments when you’d notice something out of place and blast em before they jump you.


That game! I'll never trust a randomly placed object again!


I like how you and the replies are talking about using your brains to notice mimics when I just used the Chip that auto shows mimics through the headset lmao


Agreed, it's one of my favorites


I got Morgan's Space Suit for free on a promotion. I love it. It looks far far better than the usual hazmat suit and you can also put ballistic weave on it. You get it as soon as you leave v111. It never leaves my inventory.


Didn't know you could add ballistic weave, I'll have to dig it out of storage


Proceeds to dig……Ma! Where’s my suit?


It might be the single most game breaking item to come out of the creation club lmao. Getting a hazmat suit with 50 base energy resistance immediately after leaving the vault is already powerful enough but the ballistic weave just puts it completely over the top. It never leaves my inventory on any run unless I’m planning on using power armour


VR workshops is far more game breaking. lol


How so?


It's especially nice if you don't happen to have S6r4:Strong Back or C6:Local Leader. * You can make a safe base in VR that is unassaultable and theft proof. * Your VR base means that you have all workstations at every settlement that has a VR pod, instead of Sanctuary and RR being the only ones. (Plus free decontamination arch, etc) * You can move infinite amount of weight between settlements using VR pods. (take it in, store it, go to the new location, remove items) * After Nuka World, you can make an infinite amount of free Pick-Me-Up stations in it for free chems. * After Open Season, you can make provisioners to it and have all your resources in it, completely protected (assuming that you made a Raider Outpost in VR) * After Reunions, you can use it to generate virtual Coursers who spawn real synths who drop real loot.


Is this doable in survival? Because that is absurdly op


I can't imagine how they could make it so that it wouldn't work in Survival.


Feel free to dm me and teach me the details via discord. I already have a current survival build and would love to be as busted as possible.


You can feel free to DM me if something doesn't make sense, but I've already included everything. Just put VR pods in every settlement and enjoy.


This sounds like what the institute should’ve been tbh… Honestly wasn’t considering it before, but now I’m tempted to get it. It’d make most of my runs that inevitably devolve into collecting and settlement building much easier.


wait whaaaat you can send provisioners to it?


Only after Open Season, if you made a Raider Outpost there. It's the best place to have Shank situated anyway. He's always just a VR pod away.


learning shit like this makes me want to start a new playthrough but i know i likely won’t even hit that point 😂


Yep! It gets the highest armor rating and the highest radiation defense rating of any non-power armor apparel in the game.


Technically, yes. Although realistically any other underlayer with ballistic weave gives you a higher armour rating because you can wear other armour over it.


That’s also true! Baseball uniform, army fatigues, and military fatigues. But I kinda meant that along with near-immunity to radiation, Morgan Yu’s spacesuit also gets great DR.


With marine combat armor, a fedora, a green shirt and combat boots, who needs power armor? Little surprised that the green shirt and combat boots is the only ballistic weaveable “under armor” with a bonus to endurance, honestly.


That's true but I just started using a 5x Sentinel's legendary armor setup with a Sentinel's melee weapon and with Rooted + Ballistic Weave on clothing underneath I can shrug off direct Super Mutant Suicider hits


I have said this before and I’ll say it again: what’s ballistic weave again?


It's a mod you can add to clothing. You get it for doing some railroad missions.


I figured as much, but what does it do?


Increases armor rating so you can look cool without being really squishy




You can also put the ballistic weave on clothes that can be worn under regular armor and it quickly gives you great defensive ratings. I just got it for the first time and I put it on some army fatigues and a newsboy cap, each providing 65 defense at the Armorer 2 perk rank. Way better than the actual armor I was wearing, and now I don't feel bad for wearing weaker but more useful armor (like if I want the legendary effect but the armor rating was too weak before).


Ballistic Weave is one of the best features in the game imo. Liked it a lot better than the regular armor


Yeah cause the random pieces of armor made you look silly ass hell. Yes you can find a complete set of the same armor but I ain’t got time for that so I just use PA. Just recently got the weave and love it.


I’ve been playing fo4 for 7+ years and I’m just now learning about this. I thought PAM’s missions were radiant ones I could safely ignore I’m also playing modded where armor rating is much more impactful, there was a noticeable difference when I switched my combat armor from light to heavy


Turns your black suit into John Wicks black suit.


Increases the armor value. It's basically sewing kevlar lining into your clothing.


Adds armor to your clothing so it means I just cleared out the Gunners at Quincy wearing a sparkly red dress.


I mean, *I* liked it.


**WHOA WHOA WHOA** ...we can't have our own opinion, man. This is reddit now. ^/s


You aren't the only one. 79 on metacritic, 8.2 user score, and every time the game is brought up it's talked about favorably. It was popular by every measure of the word.


Nah, more like people sleeped on it since it was a singelplayer only game with little to no ads. In my eyes it's the best game that came out from Arkane Austin (long live their memory). And if you havent played it, you owe yourself this gem of a game


Yeah it didn't get like any advertisement. The only reason I bought it was because I happened to be at Gamestop the night it launched, and the clerk convinced me to get it. Really glad I did, it's amazing.


I only got it because I saw a Gameranx video on it. I came really late to the Prey party. Same thing with Alien Isolation actually. Love Gameranx


It’s so good! Really creepy, I could only play limited hours in a session bc I found it stressful. But such cool mechanics and story.


I remember they gave this for free when prey came out remember wearing it up till end game with the institute.


I had no idea this was a crossover mod. I just thought Morgan was some random NPC in one of the games I never stumbled across.


I thought it was a nod to a modder like the armored nuka outfits lol


The wha?


I'm guessing the ones that come with the Nuka-cola cafe, but didn't know they were from a modder originally


That or some inside joke or something like Horse Armor


I used to think it was from Starfield


prey is an amazing game one of my favorite games of all time


I'd kill to see the download numbers for each creation. It'd be interesting. 


They’d likely be muddled with the fact that Bethesda gives them out for free pretty often.


Oh prey was a fantastic game played all the way through many times but I don’t think it really fits in the fallout universe


It’d be pretty neat as a starfield mod tbh. Fallout’s more retro-futurist, while starfield has a “clean” futuristic style that fits prey much better.


It should've been. It's a fucking travesty for gaming that it wasn't. Same goes for Dishonored 2.


I love Dishonored and Prey, but D2 didn't quite hit right to me. I still haven't beaten it despite trying multiple times. I think it cranked up the tediousness too high on the collectibles side which you need to get stronger.


Prey was a fantastic game and I will die on this hill. I bought it on a whim at release and was very pleasantly surprised. I'm kinda hoping we get this CC in Starfield. It'd fit a lot better.


I mean, I haven't seen anybody say that the game wasn't fantastic except some weird die hard fans of the original series. You don't have to die on the hill, you can live there with the rest of us.


Do you think if I had a kid and gave them cancer, I could use make a wish to make Prey 2 happen


How exactly are you planning on giving someone cancer? Asking for a friend


Radiation probably


So if the person is a male could I just stick his balls in a microwave until he has cancer?


I see you watch South Park too


Fuck yeah


Microwave ovens don’t emit ionizing radiation.


Learn something new everyday. Also it's a reference to southpark I wasn't being serious


Uranium fever


Has gone and got me down


Gamma Gun


Prey was incredible, especially if you let yourself be immersed. Hated the ending.


Yeah, it feels like the entirety of Prey had to be rewritten very late during development 


I actually loved the ending because you think the twist at the beginning is the big twist of the game and that there is no more surprises, only for the ending to be the same twist of >!being in a simulated scenario!<


Prey was amazing, damn near better than fallout 4


I have actually done a playthrough (*Prey*through?) of Fallout 4 *as* Morgan Yu once. I could only wear this suit, and I was forced to use a select few weapons in the game that are like the weapons from Prey: A pipe wrench, a suppressed pistol, a combat shotgun, pulse grenades, and the Cryolator (which is like the GLOO Cannon). I may have also cut a couple of corners and said that the Tesla Rifle was like the stun gun, and the Gauss Rifle was like the Q-Beam. But yeah, super fun to be forced to use the frickin *pipe wrench* for most of the run.


That actually sounds fun as hell. I might have to do that my next run.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout4Builds/s/HZiW6BKPeZ) was the exact build I used. Seemed pretty accurate to me.


I tried to do a preythrough and fizzled out halfway through, maybe i’ll try it again


Prey should be a much more popular game; it’s incredible. There should be a sequel. The studio should still be flourishing making these games instead of forced to make garbage Redfall then shut down.


Prey is one of my favorite games of all time. Idk what relevance it has to the Fallout universe though, it really doesn't fit.


Prey is a pretty stellar game, honestly


Prey is a fantastic game.


I like that suit, but the captain cosmos suit is way better. Those jump boots are great, plus no fall damage.


Prey sold more than one million copies in it's first 2 months...


They had the assets for the suit. It's a trivial amount of work, so why wouldn't they cross promote their games like?


1000 rad resistance makes it absolutely broken. I love it.


Prey was a masterpiece which failed cause of Bethesdas bullshit and IGN's shitfuckery.


I mean.... it's kinda their fault for it failing. They gave it shitty marketing and forced a shitty name on it. ​ an AMAZING game tho


Prey was amazing, I love it. However, I never knew it was in development or even releasing. I logged into twitch and someone was playing it. That's the first time I heard of it. The marketing was abysmal for it.


One of the few creations that I actively drop out of my inventory, you get it straight after leaving Vault 111, no lore no nothing, and it's just way too powerful for early-game


The opening of that game was mind blowing.


Nah I loved it, and the suit kicks ass in fo4 if you’re not using power armor you can slap it on anytime there’s rads


Using this on a female character is nice


The Sentinal armor is my favorite creation club addon


Didn't this come out like way after Prey? I'm pretty sure I remember beating the game before this skin went on the shop. Idk I was excited when it was introduced.


I got mine as a freebie, started a new game and used this as a radsuit to go through the Nuka-World Gauntlet at level 1.


I don’t blame them, Prey is a ridiculously good game and it’s kind of a mystery to me that it didn’t get more popular.


Prey is a great game. Don’t know why it didn’t take off


Prey is actually my favourite game of all time


W opinión


I actually started using this thing on this run and it’s pretty nice early game, not having to worry about radiation is a bonus and stealth is easier with less weight (playing very hard btw)


I only got that because it came with the outer space pack.


Used to use it with mods that let you wear armour over it, fully heavy combat armour (except for one arm medium) would go so hard with it.


Interesting premise for a game But it isn't my native american boy Tommy so it gets an L from me


I mean I it's probably the best space themed game that bethesda's published, but I didn't buy the spacesuit for Fallout 4 cuz I felt like it really did not fit in the world nor did almost all the creation Club shit


I mean it's cool but not once in prey did I think about the space suit


It’s very popular with me.


Y'all need to play Prey


Prey is one of the best games to ever be made and I'll die on that hill.


What do you mean? Prey has been heralded as one of the best RPGs.


Prey is my favourite game of all time so when I saw that in the shop I was so happy


u/StonerPowah61 fyi it wasn't Bethesda that made this mod or the other mods that are on the CC store they are all by mod makers that made mods and agreed to sell there stuff on the CC store so if $1.00USD=100CC points BGS will take $2.25USD and give you $0.75USD as your share


Prey might be my favorite video game ever. The intro music ['Everything Is Going to Be Ok'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TRdx2tbUFI) has been my morning alarm for years, which just happens to be another Mick Gordon banger.


Legit bought it on ps4 because we didn’t have any good mods that added new stuff and this was the only way to add something new to the game


I love that you can add the ballistic weave to it.


Yeah.... but I like suit in fo4 lol.


Prey was pretty good imo


I had no idea what game this was even from. Just figured morgan was from some mod


My problem is if you get it it’s added straight into your inventory like the doom armor. Which is fine when you have a save you’ve been playing for thousands of hours but at the start of the game? Broken as hell


Prey is in my top 10, so...


Prey is fantastic


I absolutely love Prey, but I’m not gonna spend money for the outfit


Prey is a better game than Fallout 4, but Fallout 4 has higher replayability


I couldn't wrap my head around that game.


Prey is an amazing game, and in many ways succeeds where Bethesda games have continuously failed. I definitely put Prey above Fallout 4 in terms of my enjoyment of the experience, even if Prey can't get as many hours out of me as Fallout can. But I'm not paying money for a cosmetic that's essentially an easter egg.


It's a pretty popular game. Just not on a wide scale. Most people that played it liked it. (I didn't). But yeah. Unless it's free I'm not buying that.


Prey is great but this suit is to out of place to be 3 dollars


Honestly Prey is a fantastic video game. It didn't do well because they didn't market it that much




Prey was absolutely amazing. One of my favorite gaming experiences. I love games that just sort of let me find my own way. Hollow knight another great example. Can't praise prey enough.


I love prey and I bought the suit


I haven’t updated to new gen yet so I can’t view the CC tab, but it’s June first, did they update the free content yet?


Lemme check for you


Haha i don’t own this but my friend does and I logged into my account on his Xbox to play and was like “wtf is this” today I learnedp


They should have added all of Morgan's weapons as well, not just the suit. If the suit also mesh nicely with institute armor, it could have been great. Even mix it in an institute mission where one of the scientists was recreating Morgan's expiremental journey. He is creating an organism that can copy anything or anyone to replace all of he institute spies. Even be able to enter the bodies of the target in the most horrific way to take them over and make abductions easy. A simple cosmetic skin won't bring back interest for a past game.


It's got to be one of my favourite games ever, Prey holds a special place in my heart


I loved prey, but sucked at resource management. Three failed attempts at about 65% complete.


Prey is one of the best single player experiences of its kind ever made. Prey deserves the world and more it’s an amazing game.


Prey was amazing. It felt like a modern System Shock. And System Shock is the greatest shit ever invented.


Which fallout game is this on and how do you get it


Fantastic game, RIP Arkane Austin


Prey was utterly fantastic. You should play it.


I wish there was a sequel and not a quirky rogue like off-shoot (that I still enjoyed the hell out of)


They were giving it away for free for a while and it’s actually kinda nice to have in the early game I always carry it on me even if I never played the game


Prey is honestly an underrated masterpiece imo


Prey is tragically underrated. I got this outfit for free somehow though and it's on Piper


I didn’t even know this was from a game I just like red and black lmao


My first thought was: "When did they add this to Half-Life 2?" (Before reading the description)


Prey is a great game. But in Fallout 4, i wear a [GP 5 gas mask](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33824) - not a space suit.


I loved Prey, but I don’t need Morgan’s suit.


They added most games they made there doom fo3 and prey


I bought it. Its better than a hazmat suit


I remember id Software's Prey. id and Ravensoft, I'm pretty sure. Ran on Doom 3's engine?


That's what this armor is from? I thought it was just an astronaut suit or something


I mean it should’ve been popular


yeah it'll just have to settle for being one of the best games of all time


Kind of reminds me of Enclave Officer outfit with BOS Outcast colors. and weird helmet. Can you unequip the helmet or is it a full suit? Looks like an interesting outfit to play with.


What does this do?


I loved Prey! If they kept up with it with some story DLC, or a second game with similar mechanics I'd buy it release day.


Prey was a very good game, and Morgans suit in FO4 is like an advanced radiation suit. It definitely helped when going after the BFG CC


They correctly predicted how popular Prey SHOULD be


I like that game...


What did the suit do because I didn’t get it and kept scrolling for other stuff. I already hear the game but now I’m going back to do side missions


I'd like a mimic as pet over armor tbh.


Definitely a good game even managed to save everyone including his brother at the end of the game somehow glitched his brother through the doors


Prey is amazing! I instantly played through a second time


Prey is a fantastic game tho