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I don't play Bethesda games to be challenged. I play Bethesda games to be a god.


Breaking the spaghetti code engine is like half the fun for me


the game wants to encourage me to pick up every piece of trash I find, and then set a bullshit limit on my carry weight? Nah, we're setting that at 40,000 pounds (or whatever)


I’ve finally found my people. First couple playthroughs I’ll do it legit, after that I’m going full power fantasy


I just download a mod for weightless junk. I still have to do a bit of management and balance for weapons and armor I'm carrying, but not the constant management of what junk am I gonna pick up. It feels way better, just pick up any junk I see. Infinite carry weight becomes a bit op.


I just use the Loot Detector mod, which highlights and automatically hoovers up any junk in your immediate vicinity and sends it to a workbench. I originally just got it to find which settlers were synths, but it turns out that I love the auto-collect feature. You also don't realize how many fusion cores you miss in the world until you have that.


Oh that's really cool, gonna check it out. Edit: cannot get it to work!


avg. modding experience


lol i think i might need script extender or something


I have a mod that lets me scrap junk anywhere. Carry weight still matters, but I don't have to carry around a 2 lb desk fan just for 0.2 lbs of screws. The mod gives you a 2lb box that you activate to start scrapping, and I just assume it's a toolbox with a screwdriver, pliers, etc that allows me to take things apart on the spot. More immersive to me.


See the way I see it, you could have grabbed some hunk, run back to your nearest settlement, and so on to ferry the loot with no danger. I play with a zero weight junk mod for this reason.


My Dragonborn with maxed out physical and magical defenses and wielding an axe that does 600 damage is practically a god xD


So say we all!


There is a planet, known only to a few of us. Senior leaders and Commanders. It is called Earth. It is a green planet. With a lot of Nuka Cola.


I'm mean if we're being honest, it's sort of brown with splotches of red here and there.


Not with the mods I’m using




I literally just started watching BSG for the first time last night.


But also, challenge in a bethesda game usually means bullet sponges and cheap one shot enemies which is the opposite of an enjoyaboe challenge. An enjoyable challenge should be engaged not just emptying 9999 bullets into a single enemy to defeat it


You play Bethesda games to be challenged. I play Bethesda game because I'M challenged. We are not the same.


This guy fallouts the right way


That eats eveything!!


This is the way.


Well said, do what you like.


There's so much weird gate-keeping around mods and cheats. I get it for multiplayer, especially competitive. But you see it in single player games too. THEY USED TO PUT CHEATS IN THE GAMES AS PART OF THE GAMES BECAUSE THEY'RE FUN. Morrowind literally had cheats that came with the game. Not exploits, actual "do this button combo" cheats. If you're a purist for you and your game and it's for your fun, that's great. But the purists that feel the need to shit on people because they use a mod for QOL or whatever drive me up the wall.


I remember those, the "leave the menu while the cheat is active" method is the only reason I was able to beat Bloodmoon the first time, that maze with the werewolves was hall at level 12.


Let’s be real here: anybody who feels a sense of personal accomplishment and tries to flex on others for playing a video game “wrong” is doing LIFE wrong. It’s ENTERTAINMENT. You play it for FUN.


Yeah my wife isn't the best player so she uses mods and cheats in games that will allow her and I'm the exact opposite. She's having fun playing her way and I'm having fun playing my way. Only losers care about that kind of shit


Its not always a flex tho. Many times people just want to share what helps them better enjoy the game, and for many folks a bit of challenge its needed to have fun. I dont like survival but i also try to avoid certain weapons or builds because never being in danger turns the game boring for me. The mere though of flexing about beating a bethesda game makes me chuckle, honestly.


Sure but the people who genuinely want to share that stuff will comment under a post like "I'm bored, you guys have any specific ways you play the game to make it more enjoyable?" A lot of the time it's someone just sharing their experience with the game and someone else being like "oh, you play on very easy? You might as well not play at all"


The only time I’ll ever suggest trying survival mode is when someone says that they aren’t really enjoying Fallout 4 after playing 3 or NV. I only mention it because I felt the same way when I first played it, but then I came to like and appreciate it when I tried it on Survival like 5 years later. I feel like a lot of people feel like 4 is missing the sort of role playing depth that they enjoyed in 3 and especially NV. Survival doesn’t replicate that depth, but it does add in its own layer of depth that was enough to change my perspective on it. It doesn’t even make the game harder imo. Combat is way more difficult on Very Hard. Survival just makes it different by uniting a lot of mechanics into a more cohesive experience and leading people to discover a lot of neat content that is very easy to miss by fast traveling everywhere. I just think it’s worth giving a solid try for people that like Fallout but don’t really like Fallout 4 so much.


100% agree with this sentiment and OP's post. I will say that I've coached my kids not to go to cheats too quick in a game they are struggling with, because I want them to understand the satisfaction of beating something challenging. But that's more of a general life lesson, and once you've learned it you can do whatever you want with video games a long as you're having fun 😊  Personally I'm 40ish hours through my first FO4 playthrough and I've made two adjustments to enhance my experience: I increased my carry weight to 1000 to reduce how frequently I had to fast travel back to dump stuff. And I have given myself one extra perk point every level up, because I'm the sort of person who agonises over builds too much and I figured I could mitigate that by just letting myself explore everything on the skill tree. 


I’ve decided that Fallout 4 has become a cozy game for me. So I play at Very Hard but with a Cheat Console mod that gives me god mode and infinite carry weight. I spend 90% of my time doing settlement management. It’s probably my favorite part of the game. I played perfectly fair the first time I played. The thing I hated most was running out of materials for my building work. So I use my cheat console to give myself basically infinite materials. I have automatron caravaneers connecting all my settlements in an intricate circle of connections, I spent an inorinordinate amount of time planning exactly what settlements will generate food, which ones generate water, which ones are trade outposts, And which ones are basically just living quarters. I haven’t even progressed my story to saving Nick yet but I think I’m over 100 hours in


Reminds me of how Minecraft has a creative mode for just being creative. Unsure why they didn’t do that in fall out


On PC at least you can just activate god mode and it lets you build anything you want. Well, not really everything, it basically sets your inventory when building to 999 of everything, which means you can't build the bigger shops due to having 999 caps, but it's pretty close to everything


Surely if you’re using console commands you can just manually adjust your caps to pay for whatever shops you want? Or does that conflict with god mode?


If you're using god mode it overrides your actual caps and junk to give you 999 when building so you can't build the shops as a result, even if you have the money to buy them normally. I'm sure there's a way around it somehow but I just turn it off to build them since they don't take much aside from the caps


I do something similar! Haha it’s so much fun. I also have this character look like some futuristic scifi badass with mods, and have multiple sentry bot companions following me around to help cleanse the commonwealth wherever I go. Seeing every evil being blown to bits is satisfying.


That’s the joy of a single player game. Play how ever you want. I’ve got kids, so my time to play is limited. I wouldn’t want to play without infinite carry weight and a couple of other short cuts. I don’t often play games for a challenge anymore. I just play to be entertained and/or to play a good story.




I’ve never really seen anyone discouraging mods. From what I’ve seen it seems like most everyone loves, whether they play survival or not.


Exactly. Play the way you want to play. If that involves going full on survival that's fine. Or if you choose to use mods and wander the wastes in God mode that's fine too. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy playing the game. And enjoy is the key word. The whole point of playing this game - or any game when it comes down to it - is to enjoy it and have fun. A player using mods in a single player game is not hurting anybody else.


I play survival, but I need to save when I want to. The game cannot decide when I need to get back to the real world. Same thing for fast travel. Sure it’s more immersive and enjoyable to walk places, but if I have an hour, sometime I just want to knock some quests out.


You can quit the game anytime you want on survival. It creates an exit save that deletes itself upon continuing.


Exactly this. Are you having fun? Continue.


Survival sucks, it has to be modded as well... unless you are one of the self-hating Dark Souls players. I lived through the 80s, I don't need games to be a dick for no reason. I can tolerate the survival aspects, even the annoyingly frequent sleep cycle and diseases, but the save system is so stupid. Fix that one thing, and I have no issues with Survival. "But you are like always within 250 m of a bed!" IDGAF, should not have to take a cat nap in a filthy community sleeping bag and get diseased just to save the game. Unfortunately they gatekeep Legendaries behind higher difficulty. We all want the loot.


I have fixed survival with one very good mod. Campsite-simple camping. You can craft tents, sleeping bags, camp fires, and a cooking pot for the campfire. Absolute game changer for survival it’s so much more fun.


I just have one that enables "quick saving" (auto, really) through a quick slottable drug


I just use survival options which lets you fully restore and customize save options. I have it autosave every 5 minutes lol


I want to suffer just a lil bit, I suppose, for the sin of not remembering to save for a while. This is actually my first time using mods for survival, tried without like 4 times, seems that something drove me away...


You just summarized my exact thoughts about survival. It’s not as hard as people make it seem to be. I think the only thing hard about it is the bad saving system and bugs which is artificial difficulty. “Eh but that’s the fun of survival, having the chance of lose your gameplay so you need to plan and strategize how you move”. Excuse me but how is it fun to just lose your whole progress because you didn’t sleep in a bed. Kingdoms come did it right allowing you to save when you sleep but also being able to prepare some kind of potion or whatever to save on the go. At


Yeah, survival isn't hard. It's time consuming and annoying. I don't want to take 5 extra minutes to find a save point. I want to quick save and log off IMMEDIATELY when the kid wakes up from her nap. Also, bullet sponges are fucking boring.


I pretty much only play survival because I like the balance, I totally get the save issues and whatnot, but where are the bullet sponges people bring up? The few spongey enemies I’ve fought are high level deathclaws, but that really is just an exception to the rule.


I'm going to be polite. Someone telling someone else they are "playing wrong" because they aren't playing the way that person would play, is a poopy head. That's the nicest I'll be about it. It's your game, play the way you want to play.


Yeah, I can't imagine giving a single shit about how someone else plays their game.


People have big feelings about “other people doing things wrong”. Millions and millions of copies of this game out there on multiple platforms and still people feel there’s a “correct” way to play.


This is literally every single pastime. I do leatherwork, and there are plenty of people saying if you don’t do it the pre-industrial way you’re doing it wrong. Purists gonna pure, baby.


I tried survival once Maybe it's fun for others, but it felt like I was playing more for the mini games (thirst, health, limbs, food) than actual gameplay. not for me. 


I played on Normal difficulty in the beginning. The first couple times I played through the game, I did everything by the book to get a feel for the way it was. I play on Very Hard now. And I'm limited on time these days, so right after I get out of the vault, I turn on TGM and straight up build out Santuary enough to get it to Sturges' standards. Then I turn off god mode and go and explore and shoot things up for a while before making Starlight Drive-In my base.


I have a tgm run so I can just focus on settlement building. I’ve played the game so many times the quest runs feel like doing chores.


its a singleplayer game who fucking cares how other people play the game lol? I only play on survival and use a mod to remove the hacking/lock picking minigames (still need the perks to be able to do them though) because I just dont like doing that shit I also use mods like salvage beacons so I dont need to lug all the junk i need to the nearest settlement and can just dump all the shit in a chest and let the settlers take it there in a few days because it makes the game more enjoyable for me


I’ve won on survival, no mods. at this point I play solely to build cool shit, mods galore. I just wish (I have a super ultrawide monitor) the script extender worked so I could use place anywhere/everywhere.


F4SE was updated to nextgen2 a week or two ago.


I know but even still, if I use the FO4SE executable to launch, it tells me some shit about -len and crashes to desktop if I click continue.


Ah. I had that problem. Most likely you have a mod with f4se dependencies that hasn't been updated. I had to go through my mod list one by one to find the offending mod. On the bright side, it helped me pare my mod list down from over 400 mods to something like 150 now.


Anyone attempting to gatekeep a certain playing style is incredibly ironic to me because they're saying that their way is "the best", which therefore makes them special. However, by insisting that everyone play the same way, they're revealing that the actual end goal would be absolute conformity to a single playing style, wherein ***nobody*** is special. Play the way you feel, and FUCK anybody who says otherwise to their ACKCHYUALLY fuckin' face.


I'd love to play survival mode. I really would. The issue is fast travel. I only have a few hours a week now for playing so I can't afford that sheer amount of time. Another method of saving would be nice but I could get by without that. I just don't have the damn time anymore. So this new story wealth playthrough I'm doing on very hard and honestly? Having to think about my encounters and use cover I'm enjoying.


I play survival BUT I use a mod called survival options which gives me a little menu where I can tweak them to my liking. I turn off the stage 1 debuff for just being slightly hungry or thirsty because I think it's stupid having my stats gimped because I'm just a little bit needy my characters a hardened wastelander not an infant. Then I enable quick saving so I don't have to sit there clawing at my eyes because I get a crash or die for some whacky fallout bullshit and my last save was hours ago because I've been chugging nuka cola like a crackhead. I wouldn't play survival without that mod straight up just wouldn't have the patience otherwise haha


I often see the same things, then I ignore them. It's a single player game and I won't change the way I play because of some random internet person. I mean if Todd Howard told me I was playing it wrong I'd ignore his ass too! You want stupidly difficult and crazy challenges go play a From Soft game. I think people who enjoy Dark Souls or Elden Ring are fucking insane (I had to mod it to complete and I still don't know what the fuck the story is supposed to be about) but I don't judge them for enjoying it. Each to their own.


I don't mind people playing with mods. The only thing stopping me from using minor mods is the fact that I still eventually want to get all the achievements. What I don't understand however is when people play "modded Survival" with all the difficulties removed. If you play with fast travel and quicksave reenabled, damage penalty and sickness chance removed, as well as unlimited inventory limit and no need to consume food, you are just playing the game normally.


I play how I like. It's a relaxing time for me. Love building my settlements and making my people happy. Mama Murphy has a sweet set up with a radio, TV, and so much chems. She's old and has made it through the Commonwealth. So I spoil her.


I am approaching 2,000 hours in Fallout. Mods renew the game. I would have been done years ago if it weren't for mods. Also, I play on the difficulty just below survival. All survival does is add time sinks.


I’ve already beaten the game on vanilla. So if I want to spawn myself in ammo and crafting materials I will.


Sometimes I play survival sometimes non-survival. Depends what I think would be fun at the time. With the crop of new bugs from the update. I'm avoiding survival at the moment.


I use the exploit that dupes the "Your Special" book because theres no level cap in FO4 and I really can't be fucked to spend time grinding extra levels to pump stats. I'd rather just achieve my "build" sooner. So I dupe the book to get my stats where I want them (I dont do all 10's) for a specific build—before factoring in bobbleheads.


That’s sort of the appeal of the whole thing imo. It’s a sandbox, with some restrictions in place, but you can do what you want. Wanna skip the minutemen entirely? Go for it. Wanna be the most evil thing the commonwealth has ever seen? Go for it. Wanna use mods? PA? No PA? It doesn’t matter. In fact there being so many options and viable ways to play the game is why we’re even taking about it almost 10 years after launch. What draws people back is variety, knowing there’s a million builds and ways to play this game and the experimentation being some of the most fun. I never created a VATS only build until a couple of months ago and it’s turned it into a cinematic masterpiece that makes me feel like the ghoul from the Tv show anytime I kick shit off. I love not being told what to do and finding ways to create my own adventure.


I do not concern myself with the opinions of those who judge how I spend my leisure time.


I like playing on easy with mods that improve aesthetics and things that would otherwise seem grindy. I’m playing for the experience of a different world and don’t care about some elite achievements in the game world. Just do what makes the most sense to you and have fun. Sometimes survival is fun too if you approach it in a way that makes sense to you.


That's right. I play on survival for the diseases and realism but I cheat in every other possible way. There's no right way. Some people like the challenge and tension of the vanilla survival experience. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I always like realism. Can I carry a sleeping bag? Yes. Do I want to scavenge for hours to build what I think County Crossing would look like if people had actually survived there for more than ten minutes? No.


I have 2 ways of playing. Easy mode lots of mods and tons of settlement building. Then I have a survival, also with a ton of mods, murder hobo build. Both are so much fun and involve different gameplay depending on my mood


Play however you want to play. I've started with 10 in all special stats, with X-01 power armour, a legendary gatling laser and 1000 fusion cores on easy. I've started with randomized special stats, naked in the glowing sea on survival permadeath. Who cares as long as you're having fun, otherwise what's the point?


I don't need a challenge. That's why I have the cheat room mod. Get out of the vault and run over to the cheat room. Pick up a gatling gun that fires grenades, the mini nuke one is a bit much, God mode ring, jump x3 ring, make Cait love you ring (it's actually fun raising her affinity but ain't nobody got time for that, let's go), all keys and holotapes, and about 65k of each junk. I also use the hacking/lock picking mod, so I have to do almost nothing and the locations mod so I can fast travel anywhere from the get-go. Right now, I'm doing an MM run, and they're going to be a major force in the Commonwealth. I'm helping every settlement and building them up with all the amenities, including artillery. Everyone working together for the Commonwealth. Then we're gonna go wipe out those dirty slaving raiders in Nuka-World. I'm probably gonna spin the heads off the hubologists, too.


I see no appeal to playing on survival mode


I play carebear survival. I have a mod that opens up all the survival options for tweaking, and have the console turned back on - mostly for building. It kills all the fun for me to have to run back to a bed every couple of minutes to make sure I don't lose progress on a settlement revamp, and the modpos & modangle console commands let me get walls where I want them. I want to actually clean up the Commonwealth, so I have mods that let me have nice settlements not covered in piles of debris. I have mods that make everything green, because the brown wasteland is very un-immersive for me in light of what we actually know about irradiated abandoned areas (thanks, Chernobyl). I have a trio of mods that add robotic gardeners, tidybots, and scrapbots to the early game. I have mods that add in potted crops and the planters from Graygarden. I have mods that add in so. much. more. clutter. I have a mod that lets me launder dirty outfits into clean ones, because why wouldn't I? Everyone should play how they want. If hardcore survival brings you joy, then survive on! If all the fluffy stuff brings you joy, then do that. If you want to completely revamp your game and replace all the deathclaws with bunnies, you do you. There is no doing it wrong - unless whatever you are doing isn't fun for you.


Dude getting rid of fall damage and making your character be able to jump over small buildings and run crazy fast is awesome. Feels kind of like quake 3 hopping over death claws and spamming rockets at them while you’re in midair. I love it.


Facts. I replicate materials that are often scarce like adhesive, screws, aluminum, fiber optics just because it's so fucking annoying that those things aren't there when I need them. I used to have mods that overhauled settlements but with the whole next Gen update I can't even access the mod tab (I play on PS4). I also use mods that let me have 2 companions simply because I want to have dogmeat with me all the time. And I play on normal, am I good enough I could probably take on hard or extra hard? Ya I could, but I like feeling like a force of nature.


My auto pipe rifle that fires mini nukes is called the delete key due to the fact it deletes my game if I use it (it’s fun so I use it a lot)


Some of the mods are stupid simple, "making achievements possible with mods on" for one. 99% of the game was planned to have dogmeat and another companion at the same time.


I don't play on survival. Not a fan of how frustrating it can be with the janky old engine. So many posts are like "I sneezed and a nearby car exploded, ruining my 148.7 hour run. I just got three legendaries." And that's pretty much how it plays for me too, even knowing all the tricks and things to avoid. But I DO enjoy difficulty. So my mods make me strong and give me new or more options to level with, and restrict how I progress in some ways. And they pump up enemies in a wide variety of ways.


I personally just can’t see well in shooting games so it’s easier for me to use mods like the godmode ring to be able to actually enjoy the game. I would be dying left and right because I can’t make out the characters from the background so I’d have a hell of a time progressing in the story. I personally enjoy it more for the “choose your own ending” aspect to it, I just started playing thanks to my boyfriend and I’m having a blast going through all the choices offered and taking different strategies to get to the end. And playing dress up and doing drugs with Hancock. I typically play games more like God of War and Assassins Creed to give you an idea of what I typically enjoy, fallout is proving to be a welcome change for sure with the mods to help me. Once I get more comfortable with the game I’ll try it without of course and start to test myself so it doesn’t get boring.


I used to feel kinda embarrassed about playing on easy. But who really gives a fuck what I do on my own game? I have more fun this way, and maybe one day I will challenge myself. I'm not a big gamer anyway, so I just find the way I play far more enjoyable.


I played it vanilla before there were mods, so any subsequent play through, I feel I’ve earned the right to mod it however I want to. And I have numerous times, with different mod configs. You play the way you want to. If that’s survival mode, or God mode: you bought the game. You enjoy it.


I am an adult who doesn't have the time to replay hours of progress because survival doesn't have a quicksave feature. I WILL use a save mod. I don't abuse it like I do in nonsurvival but why would I want to replay getting ambushed by the Enclave over and over after saving at a bed in the middle of nowhere without my heavy weapons? I'm not making that 20 minute walk each time with the ambush taking longer and longer to trigger each try lol.


If I need 1 more aluminium I am not going across the wasteland to get it, I'm using a console command.. also I have a 2x XP mod on but fjjdj I just find the leveling system really slow normally


There is no wrong way to play a single player game.


Boots up fallout 4 Player.setav perception 999 Player.setav agility 999 Player.setav luck 999 Become critical vats demon


People can gatekeep all they want, I’m still gonna get my lover’s embrace with Nick Valentine


Funny that you say that while plenty of people deride those that choose to play at a higher difficulty. Some people want to relax with an easy-going power fantasy. Some people are not entertained unless they’re challenged. There’s nothing wrong with either way to play.


I have played the game since it came out plus DLCs through vanilla, modded, and survival “as intended”. It’s a sandbox. If I get the urge to play around in that I don’t want to have to work for the sand. I wanna play. I can’t role play if I spend 8 hours I don’t have trying to get to a certain point to justify what I’m wanting to do. You bought it. You play it, whatever that looks like.


I think people just say that because they like the challenge and thrill of survival. I play Permadeath, and it’s fucking thrilling planning out my raids, setting traps, stealth and almost dying. It’s also frustrating when a playthrough ends but that’s what i signed up for. Just lost a level 89 character and it sucks but it happens. I think playing the game to what you enjoy is half the fun of it. Watching people have mini nuke shooting mini guns to me is hilarious. I love permadeath, it makes the game more enjoyable to me personally but it’s definitely not for most people. I’d encourage people that want a challenge from even survival to try it but playing on easy or hard is just as rewarding. It’s a game, we have fun with it the way we wanted and with mods, it extends the shelf life and brings joy. Ain’t nothing wrong with that


Fuxk survival mode. I don't want to strategically plan how I'm gonna sleep and be encumbered by bullets.


There is no right or wrong way to play. Whatever works for you! I've played through vanilla on PS4 many times trying different factions and builds. I don't have the time for survival mode anymore. My latest is a heavy mod just to have fun and enjoy the game and settlement building. My fav mod is the unlimited carry capacity: I. Pick. Up. EVERYTHING! I want for no craft material and I spend zero time worrying about what to keep/drop/transfer back and forth from my companion. It is the most stress free time I've had playing and having a blast.


i personally don’t think people should hop right into survival if this is their first go around on fo4. if they want a challenge i’d say put it on very hard and play through just so you know the game, then do a second playthrough on survival. really makes the game more tough when you’re suddenly stripped of your 400lbs carry weight and your 12,000 fusion cells and have to eat, drink, and sleep regularly instead of not knowing what it’s like to be a god first


I'm reminded of a bit from Ron White. He's talking about his brother (in law? Don't remember) going hunting. His brother says he was out at 3 in the morning, and he sat up in a blind for eighteen hours, freezing, pissing into a bottle, etc, to take down a deer. So then Ron says, yeah, well I got one in a van, doing 60 down the road, with the lights on and the horn going. That's the difference. Both players get the same result of playing the game. Some like the hardship and the challenge and think it makes them superior. Some just want to hit the road and go in comfort. Neither one is right or wrong - it's all a matter of preference.


I've used mods on a lot of Bethesda games. I still play Skyrim but it doesn't resemble Skyrim a whole lot anymore. 🤣 For FO4 I'm playing vanilla mostly because I'm on console for that. Still having a blast. If you're having fun it shouldn't matter. 😎


Have fun. How you do that in a solo game is 1000000% up to you. Don't let people tell you you're playing your game wrong. It's not their game. Gatekeepers can GTFO of... well, everywhere to be honest.


Anyone who plays without Global Stash is a fucking Maniac and should be investigated.


100% to each their own. I do think that there are parts of the game it's hard to appreciate outside of survival, but that doesn't mean you have to play it - or even that those parts of the game necessarily outweigh the extra enjoyment many get from non-survival gameplay.


Hey make a txt file that gives you your crap so you don't need to exploit. In console type (IIRC) "bat cheat" and it will give you the cheat.txt contents. I used to use it to give myself a boost every time I unlocked a workshop because I got tired of looting, but now I use Auto Lootman and it's got its perks (and drawbacks if it's on all the time you don't get to see fun Easter eggs before they're hoovered up). Mine is: player.additem 001BF72D 500; Acid player.additem 001BF72E 500; Adhesive player.additem 0006907A 500; Aluminum player.additem 001BF72F 500; Antiseptic player.additem 000AEC5C 500; Asbestos player.additem 000AEC5B 500; Ballistic Fiber player.additem 000AEC5D 500; Bone player.additem 000AEC5E 500; Ceramic player.additem 0006907B 500; Circuitry player.additem 000AEC5F 500; Cloth player.additem 00106D99 500; Concrete player.additem 0006907C 500; Copper player.additem 000AEC60 500; Cork player.additem 0006907D 500; Crystal player.additem 001BF730 500; Fertilizer player.additem 00069087 500; Fiber Optics player.additem 000AEC61 500; Fiberglass player.additem 0006907E 500; Gears player.additem 00069085 500; Glass player.additem 000AEC62 500; Gold player.additem 000AEC63 500; Lead player.additem 000AEC64 500; Leather player.additem 00069086 500; Nuclear Material player.additem 001BF732 500; Oil player.additem 0006907F 500; Plastic player.additem 00106D98 500; Rubber player.additem 00069081 500; Screw player.additem 000AEC66 500; Silver player.additem 00069082 500; Spring player.additem 000731A4 5000; Steel player.additem 000731A3 5000; Wood


I installed a bunch of mods that made power armor stronger so I could feel like an actual walking tank, but now everything feels so trivial, I’d install mods to make the enemies more powerful but that takes the point out of being a walking tank, if a group of raiders can kill me, does anyone have any mod suggestions that adds MORE enemies, so I can feel like a monster ripping apart dozens of enemies? (I’m on Xbox)


I’d play any difficulty you want but I’m unfocused and need fast travel


I mean they added mods option so you can add stuff to your game play you be a God, make it look better, different armor weapons body styles 👀 and so much more to make your game play way more fun I mean sure survival is for those who want a challenge but it wouldn't hurt to add some mods to make it more apocalyptic to make it more scarier and fun


I'm normally someone who enjoys playing survival/hardcore in Bethesda games especially with mods to enhance the experience. But vanilla survival FO4 is just bullshit, getting one shot by some enemy you can't see and losing 30 minutes of progress is just not fun. So I play survival difficulty but with fast travel and quicksaving enabled. Allows me to get my survival kick with eating and drinking and whatnot, while not being total horseshit.


Survival mode is for frustration junkies. If any game is "too easy" for you, then you should probably seek treatment for your masochism and competition addiction.


I blame Soulslike games for this mentality


Well said. I went and got the unlimited workshop surplus mod cause it was friggin annoying going around all the workshops to get the junk just so my scavenger stations actually work. Unlimited companion ammo too, it was in fo3 and new Vegas why the fuck do I have to keep them loaded up with ammo when they can't land half the shots they take anyways? Survival is literal cancer. You die instantly, are forced to farm water and saving is a bitch. Ammo has weight?! Fuck that. I play this game to roleplay as a special ops demon rebuilding the commonwealth one settlement at a time. Not to endlessly resource manage. If I wanted to do that I'd go play BAR


I only play survival with no mods now, but I have played with loads of mods before, and it was hilarious fun. I'm after the challenge now, like, perma death, stealth and pistol only, etc, as I feel I've done it all.


When Survival was introduced I was all about it and played it exclusively until fairly recently. I decided to go back and holy hell did I miss fast traveling! Survival is fun and all, but exactly to your point, people can play however the hell they want


Absolutely right. Play the way that you enjoy, I generally don't like stupidly hard games, it's just not my thing, never even liked souls games because of it. Personally though I do play fallout 4 only on survival, but with fast travel to owned settlements and quick save (I don't trust the game to not crash on me). To me it feels really well balanced and more than insanely difficult enemies with a lot of health, it's about planning and preparing, which I personally like, I might consider skipping certain areas and coming back later on (corvega early game is insane) and the satisfaction of having found and upgraded your gear to overcome is good game design to me anyway. I've watched my gf play on easy, getting shot at while reloading and not taking cover is just hilarious, while she explores and misses adhesive and aluminium everywhere. We are all fallout enjoyers at the end of the day.


If your interested in playing survival without it being on The hardest difficulty, there are mods in the in game menu that allow you to select any difficulty while still having survival mechanics.


Play as you like. You paid for the game. Enjoy it as you want. I got work kids wife and a household to keep track of. I always play normal/ hard in most games. Because I become an awful person when I can’t pause or save as I need it.


One of the most fun things in the game in my opinion is very easy melee only it’s very satisfying one shotting everything in the game with a super sledge


I play survival with mods and change some stuff on survival like fast travel and weight limits I love tge drinking sleeping and eating stuff but fuck me if I have to travel from diamond city to sanctuary for the 1000th time with nothing happening


I play survival with mods but I try to avoid "cheats". I like extra mechanics and non vanilla weapons, but the gathering resources to build and craft is what makes the game fun for me. Being able to materialize anything I need just kills the fun.


I put the spin in my head, to explain away my mods, that seeing his wife shot in front of him caused my character to make a deal with an entity who now possesses him, which is why my character is god mode. lol. So I miss the trophies. I play to have fun. If I want the challenge, I can always find it. That’s what I play God of War for, or Spider-Man. Fallout has always been my pure entertainment game. You do you


I work 12 hour shifts I don't have time to grind up gear for hard/survival modes anymore


I do survival mode but still at least use mods for fast traveling between settlements. I work long hours and don’t have time for all that walking. The point of gaming is to have fun and get distracted from everyday life, what that looks like is going to be different for everybody. I like a good challenge and my girlfriend plays games on very easy, but we both enjoy our experiences.


I couldn’t imagine playing the game without my mods. It’s a blast!


i usually end up modding the carry weight because inventory management is just annoying. the only exception is if im choosing to do a survival type run. but for just normal gameplay, i'd rather not have to constantly throw shit out and run back to camp to dump mats.


I've played this game enough times that I'll use console commands to acquire all of the settlement supplies so settlement building is fun and not super tedious.


I'm fairly sure most survival players I've talked to use mods btw. But otherwise 100% agree, just enjoy the game your own way.


I'm still playing pure vanilla ^.^ no glitches or mods so far. I plan on completing the story (trying to get the minutemen ending path to trigger right now), get each ending, and complete the DLC THEN go back with mods and just have fun (maybe start a new game being mod heavy, not sure yet)


My current play through is on easy with a ring of regen mod. I'm also almost exclusively in devils inferno x-02 with a legendary explosive shotgun. I forgot how much fun it can be to just speed through missions trashing bozos. Ain't no shame.


I have limited game time, I just wanna have fun lol.


My first playthrough in any Bethesda game is always free of mods and I only use the console commands to fix broken quests or get unstuck. But after 1 or 2 runs, it's an attack with how hard I hit up Nexus. Quite a few mods, most are Quality of Life mods. I run with around 130 mods, plus a lot of those CC paint mods for armor and weapons that occasionally are free to get. About 20 of my mods haven't been updated since 2015, a few are no longer available, so I keep all of my zip files backed up. I use .bat files often. For settlers I give them all 12 stats and 700 health. I will craft/find a Hat, Sunglasses, Backpack, and an Outfit (about 6 different outfits) and add weaves (long before doing RR). I make their clothes Legendaries, usually reflect fire/ice/damage, and spawndupe them. They get a new home, a new job, a health boost, and awesome clothes. I do the same with guards, provisioners, and companions, but they also get full armor and mining helmets and weapons. I use a lot of Elianora's clothes/accessories. I do all of this for settlers, but I keep myself plain. I only use armor/weapons I find. I like to enjoy the game, but never try and make myself into an unkillable god-like character. However, I do use TGM while building settlements. Mostly because it's free materials and zero experience, I never liked getting 2xp because I set a piece of wood flooring on the ground. And while building I constantly use console commands (modpos, setangle, disable/enable).


I play with cheat terminal and give myself all the ammo and all the fusion cores I want because not constantly and consistently running out of ammo and power for the armor is just how I have more fun. Coupled with some unlimited stimpaks and jet I have a blasty blast. I don't care if other people don't like how I cheat. That's how I make thr game fun for myself!


The only reason I haven't used Mods yet is because I want to get achievements. Once I get platinum, you bet your ass I'm gonna try some mods!


I do what I find fun, completely subjective. There is no wrong way to play the game


I do the settlement part even on survival. I've collected enough junk across all the games at this point.


I always play fnv on survival difficulty unlike fo4. Saving only when you sleep and inability to fast travel just takes a lot of your real life time. Not everyone is retired or lives with their parents. Never had problems with the weight limit coz you can always use your companions.


I'm an always survival player, sometimes vanilla, sometimes a few light mods (on PlayStation, so not like I can get too crazy with the mids even if I wanted. I think the game is better on survival. But it's not everyone's cup of tea. If other people want to play very easy or normal or whatever, that doesn't affect me. I would encourage people to play through the game at least once before modding it into a completely different game, but it's their game. I mean it gets a little lame when people make "brag" posts about some horde of stuff they duped, or the amazing legendary they gave themselves with free legendary crafting mods or whatever


I would play survival mode if it was like New Vegas. I liked it being a game mode instead of a difficulty setting much better, but that's not really fair because more options are always better. Also, single-player games are just that: single player. You shouldn't care more about how someone plays them than you care what's in someone's pants. It only starts to be your business when it becomes a multi-player game.


I use exploits for building because of the limitations


Glad you enjoy it. Personally when I cheated in limitless currency in Sims 3 I got bored out of my mind after the first day but to each their own.


I just play on Extra Hard, no mods, no CC. Yes, it gets easier later, but isn’t that the point? Kind of like real life, if you work your butt off in the early stages then you hope it pays off in the later stages. Except it’s a video game so it will definitely get easier later on, unlike real life.


It's a single player game. Play it in a way that makes it enjoyable to you. Otherwise what's the point of playing? I play on Very Hard and thought about playing on Survival but too much of Survival sounds like a chore to me. I hate games where I have to eat, drink and sleep. Since I don't feel hungry in real life then it feels less immersive to me to have to stop to feed and water my character. I don't want to not be able to fast travel during a game which often times sends you back and forth to the same settlement. Fallout games crash. I'm not going to be limited on my saves. To enjoy Survival, I'd have to disable so much of Survival it would be pointless. If I don't disable those elements then the game would be a slog which brings me back to my first rule about do what you need to do to enjoy the game. This should apply to every single player game you play.


I play survival and use mods like the cheat terminal to get more building materials, build size, change my damage output, and up my carry capacity. I just like having to worry about getting sick, hungry, thirsty, and the limited saving. Although you can also save through cheat terminal. Plus I always mod lightsabers in, for some reason it feels lore friendly


I play survival but to each their own. Different people have different motivations for playing the game. Do what works for you.


If it's an RPG you're damn right I'm gonna install mods for more skill/perk points. Especially when the only purpose you don't get enough levels is so you'll replay it or skills are needless point sinks.


I just dipped my toe into mods this most recent playthrough. I limited it to qol things that would just make my game a bit more enjoyable. Weightless Junk, Scrap Everything, ect, things that I feel like should honestly be in-game options anyways. I also crank my difficulty all the way down because I don't like getting killed off by every Enclave ambush I stumble into. Without these little tweaks I think I would get frustrated and fall off a lot sooner. I'm 150+ hours into this one and still having so much fun! Sometimes I think about my play style in the context of streaming and how frustrating it would be to watch me play lol. Then I remember I'm playing a private game on my own PC and the only person who's opinions matter are my own. Dictating peoples playthroughs gate keeps who can enjoy games like this. I'm a casual gamer who's not very good at shooters but loves Bethesda games and time sinks, so I tailor it to my preferences!


I spend too much time save scumming because of crashes, i can't be assed to hit quicksave 10x more because of difficulty AND crashing.


Play the game how YOU want to play it, fuck what evryone else thinks


I've never played survival, doesn't sound fun


I don’t get why peeps care so much about what others do in a single player game lmao It’s not like my gameplay is gonna affect theirs in any way, such a weird thing to gatekeep.


I’m not in the commonwealth to SURVIVE. I’m in the commonwealth to help others THRIVE! Build fun homes, keep people safe, and explore. Why would I wanna struggle in a game when I do that in real life already?


Where exactly? There might be the odd comment but this sub hasn't really had a big push on survival mode, it's been mostly showing off bases and recently, bitching about the next gen update.


I've only played vanilla way. Are the mods the ones that are listed when you play? I want to make the commonwealth look better. I want to carry unlimited junk.


It's my first time playing, I want to enjoy it and not have to worry about eating and drinking


I mod the hell out of Fallout to give me more to do, make the world work the way I think it should, and not screw me out of an hour of time because the quest is bugged and the console doesn't work (or the mod is bugged, or whatever.) I like survival mode but I modded it to remove the no saves nonsense and no console nonsense immediately because the game breaks, and if I can't fix it it's gonna become unfun real quick.


First thing I do in any Bethesda game is console command my carry weight to 1,000 lol


I found almost *traumatizing* to play an entirely vanilla Load Order, on Survival, in a game that (most of the times) requires from us, the players, to be able to not only diagnose but fix ourselves any kind of stuff, from missing NPCs to stuck Quest Stages. Sometimes it feels like cheating when I'm opening the console... Then I remember that I'm fixing REF parameters that the game is unable to fix by itself and it passes away. ...And I like it, you know? To be able to fix that stuff myself. There's some fulfilment about it.


I’d like to try survival at some point but I’m just going for a plat right now, sucks I can’t use mods


I don’t use many massively broken exploits (at least in f4) but Bethesda games aren’t something I play for the challenge, if I wanted to be challenged I’d play some soulslike, for me the fun in Bethesda games is tearing the creation engine apart to gain power


The modern weapons mod with the damage adjustment for normal weapons to just makes to game so much fun no one is bullet spongie even on very hard. animals do get less dangerous but running into a group of gunners with assault rifles , LMG’s and snipers or super mutants with anti tank guns/vulcan cannons really makes gun fights way more deadly , gotta even use cover effectively or just die in seconds.


100%! I'm on PS5 and I've sunk hours into the game but I have like two trophies probably because when I first started playing the game years ago, I said "fuck it, I wanna have FUN!" So I play on Normal I think but I turned off settlement limits, learned how to use logic gates, got some sweet mods, and I'm having FUN one or 2 shotting enemies, bathing in rads just because I can, having a human companion as well as "Solan" (I renamed Dogmeat after my dog, who's a Belgian Malinois). I have a high carry weight, never have to worry about settlement resources it's great! Screw the "elitists" who think you have to play on survival and nothing else.


I play for the story, i don’t care about challenge at all, also don’t care about building a better settlement, i just want to feel like a badass exploring the results of my choices, i wouldn’t care if everything insta-died and did 0 damage to me, been playing since the game was released, i enjoy it


I went with op mods at the very start. It got boring real quick. So I got very picky with mods by selecting ones that didn't make me a bullet sponge but still could give me a slight edge in fights.


It's a single player game, play however is most fun to you. I personally do survival with some mods, the changes to combat in survival are just too good for me to pass up, and I enjoy the survival aspect, needing to find food and water. Gives me a reason to have settlements, since they produce those things. Someone else might play on easy with God mode turned on so they can just run around experiencing the world with no stress from combat while building up settlements. Another person might play on legendary with only a pipe pistol and no armor because they want to beat their head against a wall for 7 hours just trying to kill 1 single molerat only to die 5 seconds later to a car. All are equally valid ways to play the game.


Bro I’m playing this game to tell a story, I use Mantella and a litany of other mods, and I just had the Legion attack Diamond City. During the attack the Minutemen and Brotherhood showed up to support as Mayor McDonough agreed to temporarily assimilate his security force into the NCPG Army. We held strong, and pushed the legion out of the area. The Mayor will hopefully bring forth good news tonight when I’m done with work and tell me that Diamond City is joining the NCPG, legitimizing the new Government as the Ruling Party of the Commonwealth. After that, I Confront Shaun. I have some clips here and there of this story, stuff I need to edit, but it’s all coming together. And this is before the NCPG Civil War angle I’m planning between the Minutemen and Brotherhood.


I’ve beaten the game enough times without mods or exploits. I’ll do how I damn well please now just for the power fantasy. I want to be the most dangerous being in the wasteland.


Those weirdos who shame others for not playing on survival just want to justify their suffering.


Everyone should play in whatever way maxmizes their fun, but I also think everyone should atleast give Survival a try because there are many aspecrs of the game that only start making sense on Survival, such as using all of the game's mechanics in combat, using settlements as safehouses, using vertibird grenades and the Institute relay to speed up travel, etc.


Only reason my current play through isnt modded is because im trying to get all achievements. Other wise i would for sure instal a fast travel mod that lets me fast travel to settlements with supplylines


I’m playing for fun currently. I may do a survival run through later though.


I don’t like mods cause I want the achievements but I will say duplication glitch is a must for really making your settlements how you want and since the game forces you to have like 15 you might as well just bang them out however you want and move on


Agreed! If you’re not having fun you’re doing it wrong. Enjoy!


I'd like to not mods my games However I'd like the game itself to actually be finished developping Hence why I add mods. Then I add non-essentials like stopping Preston from giving radiant quests, guns like actually look like guns, etc


I use cheats all the time because I get 2 hours a week to play games nowadays if I'm lucky, and I don't have time to be grinding out certain aspects of the game I just want to have fun


Survival does add the needed challenge FO4 craves. But the engine crashing randomly, having to sleep to save, then you add unstable mods is just asking for a headache. You WILL run into a moment where you die and forgot to sleep. Or be an idiot like me and build a giant tower and fall off. It’s fun, sure, but also frustrating. Sleep often.


Yup! Have fun, whatever that means for you!


I read this sub daily & have literally never seen a post or comment saying people are playing the game wrong or shaming anyone for using mods.


It's not thinking the other person is playing wrong that gets them all worked up. It's the fear that maybe THEY THEMSELVES are playing wrong, seeing that someone else has enjoyed the thing a different way. Shatters their entire world view. You USE A 10MM PISTOL THE ENTIRE GAME? NUUUU WRONG. YOU ROMANCED MAC INSTEAD HANCOCK? NUUUUUUU WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG??? You're capable of getting the White Arabian horse but you still prefer to ride a Mustang? Scrub, just throw your PC away.


Once you're having fun that's all that matters, anyone that feels the need to control others experience is just a cunt.


My most recent playthrough has been on Very Easy with Craftable Legendaries and Infinite Craft supplies. It's been super fun, and if I ever want more of a challenge I'll just remove certain weapons or restrict myself in some way. I love survival but I also love being able to absolutely Gun-Ho my way through the wastes Punisher style


I can't play a Bethesda game without quicksave and fast travel as at any moment something can horribly bug out and you're fucked. No bueno.


I’ve always hated survival mode in FO4 because I can’t use the console. It being a Bethesda game stuff can and will break in a million different ways, even unmodded and I want to be able to fix it.


>I often times read messages that essentially say that if you're playing on any other difficulty setting than survival, you're doing it wrong. I play normal. I'm having an absolute blast. So I'm 100% doing it right. I have a kid and a fulltime job. No way I'm playing survivor mode.


I don’t like walking everywhere through mostly empty space so I don’t play survival


Imo, if you aren't playing Survival, a more accurate statement would be that you aren't interacting with the game's systems to the fullest extent intended. Whether that matters or not is entirely subjective to a given player. Not everyone has the time, patience, or desire to deal with the extra challenges involved with food/water management, settlement upkeep, walking everywhere the slow way, or dealing with the hightened dangers of Survival. For others, the base survival experience doesn't go far enough, and they'll want any number of the myriad Survival+ type mods. The beauty of Bethesda games, is that they are so modular that there's almost certainly a way to have the experience you're looking for.


My first play through was pure, as I wasn't aware of any exploits at the time and put over 1,000 hours in. I just fired it up again for my second play through and I'm using duplication glitch for materials so I can build. Business and Life is far to busy compared to 6 years ago, and I want to build and have fun with it when I can only put in a handful of hours a week. So I've used a few and am just having fun playing, not going to try and impress anyone in the process.


Those would be the people that have never touched none radiated grass.


Who the fuck have you seen say playing a Bethesda game with mods is wrong? That’s like…exclusively what they’re for after one vanilla run after launch. And I say that as someone who doesn’t mod their games and only plays survival lmao


Anyone that doesnt play on survival a little bitch 🤣 /s


Nah but for real, survival is objectively THE way to play fallout 4, so good.


The reason people love survival mode is twofold: 1. The enemies in this game are bullet sponges to the point that it’s actively stupid, survival fixes that at the cost of making you equally squishy 2. It makes the settlements, crop growing, water purifying and all the scavenging we do have much more of a purpose. The game is light on consequences story wise, but at least your choices on a micro level have consequences on survival. It’s certainly not any harder to play survival once you have the game down, you have to be higher level for some of the dungeons (I would love to have the dungeons modded out completely, I don’t think a single one adds anything to the game) but the game isn’t actually hard on survival, and anyone acting like you have to play it that way for a challenge is just being stupid. And never play without mods, all the good content for F4 is in mods and DLC, the core game is meh


I don't mod heavily but I typically play on easy. I want to be an elite soldier. Even in fallout if I'm getting into mobile tank armor I want ppl to get towed down by me. And enemy damage that breaks PA limbs using shite pistol rounds is absurd to me. So I play on easy in PA and one shot most human enemies bc to me it makes sense. And if Im supposed to be properly military trained and access to better equipment I better be able to mow enemies down unless they have overwhelming numbers