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might be made of a different metal (plated), or coated differently


This is the cannon reason


But what’s the canon reason


T51 has a ‘thermalnuclaic’? Idk spelling, coating on it that technically makes it the best pre war PA, but was super expensive, hence the T60


Is the X-01/2 not prewar? Edit: Thank you all for the response. It was crazy to see such an interest in this part of the lore.


im pretty sure that with nuka world its accepted that it was a pre war design that hadnt been used like the t60 yet


Nah, it's explained in... FO3 (somewhere before you discover President Eden's true identity?) or FO2 (find out somewhere on the oil rig?)... that X-01 is a pre-war armor that had a handful of prototypes but wasn't mass produced by The Enclave (originally the President and remnants of the U.S.'s "shadow government" or "deep state")until post-war. The Enclave made all sorts of technological advances during the nuclear winter that followed the great War, like the X-01, better vertibirds, invisible deathclaws, *super intelligent and talking* deathclaws, FEV, questionably better energy weapons, and a bunch of other stuff. Apologies if I'm wrong as I'm doing this from memory and haven't played FO2 or 3 in 15 years, so I may be mistaken lol.


You're thinking of the X-02. The X-01 was prewar, probably in a similar situation to what the xm5 was a few years ago, a system that the government was trying out, seeing if they wanted to adopt it or not.


Noted. Thanks for correcting my headcanon! Edit: Loots like it got [retconned](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/X-01_power_armor_(Fallout_4)) in FO4 (because nuka-world) so we're both kinda wrong


How the hell do you guys remember this stuff


Good write up collage of Enclave.


The X02 was never a real thing beyond being in creation club and even then it's canon status is dubious. X01 was a prototype armor that led to the development of the Advanced Power Armor series from fallout 2 and 3, but beyond that the X01 is very much different from what the enclave used in fallout 2 and 3.


X02 was in Fallout 2. It went by a different name. Advanced Power Armor MkII [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced\_power\_armor\_(Fallout\_2)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_power_armor_(Fallout_2))


The Fallout 2 Advanced Power Armor MkII looks identical to the regular advanced power armor. The X02 is a creation club/mod thing and not technically canon. But is based on the Enclave Power Armor from 3, which is *referenced* as Advanced Power Armor MkII in the game. But itself loosely references (loosely) the Fallout Tactics power armor. The X02 itself is non-canon/not a thing officially, and not technically the same things as APA Mk2. There's just a back end chain of custody thing there. Bethesda changed the helmet to reference a non-canon game in 3, and dropped the "Advanced" thing for the most part in favor of making it "Enclave" armor. Then went back to original design for 4, and renamed the original design "X01", and *modders* tossed a related name on the *Fallout 3* design. To bring that version into the new game.


Not sure if you understood what I was explaining? The Advanced Power Armor MKII was never designated as X02. X01 was a prototype design that eventually lead to the development of the APA MKI which eventually lead to the MK2 variant, and the only difference between the different models was the material used in the armour plating. The only time it was referred to as X02 was in a creation club pack which can't exactly be accepted as truly canon. You can argue that this doesn't confirm that I am right either but a lot of details of the X01 in fallout 4, shelter and 76 more than makes it clear that it was a stand alone prototype that was used as a base platform for the APA MK1 and 2.


X-02 is the name used for the Creation Club content which remakes the Enclave power armor from Fallout 2 which is completely different from X-01 or Advanced Power Armor MkII. This is the only time we see any PA titles X-02 and seeing as it's Creation Club content, it probably isn't cannon.


What exactly are deathclaws? I just started playing fo4 and am very interested in the lore.


I think the fan base just accepted that X-01 set as non canon or smn


Oxhorn already made a decent explanation with Nuka world's environmental story telling.


the one in nuka world is probably a prototype because you can get prototype X01 plans in FO76, but in lore it says the X01 was made by the "remnants of the army" after the war


X-01 is prewar, not sure about X-02 though


X02 designs are mostly prewar, but no suits were ever built until after the bombs fell


According to the wiki page, the x-01 was developed (mostly) pre war. But produced post war. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/X-01_power_armor_(Fallout_4)


The wiki is a bit wonky on the timelinea and vague in the wording. The x01 had a handful of units produced pre-war, mostly as a promotional stunt or for experimentation, but it was still produced pre-war. The X02 was still in design phase when the bombs dropped.


The wiki is an after the fact fan thing. Trying to make sense of a sometime inconsistent set of information. I honestly think they made a mistake incorporating Creation Club material. None of it is canon, and none of it is particularly well thought out. I've noticed a lot of vagueness around that sort of thing, cause honestly. Most of it doesn't mesh well.




They were a prewar prototype that didn't see mass production until after the bombs fell


No, I remember reading that the X-01 and X-02 were made by the Enclave in the early years after the Bombs.


It's one of the loading screen blurbs, I see it all the time


As the ‘X’ designation suggests, they are prewar *prototypes.* The armor the Enclave uses is, as I understand it, developed from it. Kind of like how the YF-22 was a prototype fighter, and the F-22 is the production model. They built a few pre-war, likely manually before they had a proper assembly line manufacturing process developed. I’m guessing they sent some of these prototypes to bases for testing, or to war contractors so that they could develop accessories, weapons and equipment to service and handle them, so when they deployed they’d be fully supported. This *included* Nuka World. It’s just that Bradburton was such a madlad he put the thing on display as if it were an advanced space suit. Selling T-51s to corporations for use on advertising though, that was kinda cracked. Pre War Military security in the Fallout Universe seems less like it was a sieve, and more like it was a basketball hoop


Enclave made them postwar i think


Quantum suit in nuka world is pre-war


My understanding is that is a retcon simply for gameplay reasons. But the idea is that it was a pre-war design that the enclave began producing after the war.


No, that's the X02. The X01 is a prewar "prototype" that saw more production after the bombs but was designed and just barely began to be implemented at the time of the bombs. The X02 was a full prototype that was still in mostly design phases that the Enclave found and began producing post-bombs. Similar origins, but the X01 saw successful production pre-war, whereas the X02 did not.


No you're thinking of T60. Some soldiers on policing and anti riot duties around Boston on judgement day were wearing T60, but it was still in early production unlike the mass produced T45 and expensive limited made T51 used during Anchorage. The X01 was still very much an early prototype made in extremely limited numbers for testing and given to government sponsored companies which became the forerunners of the Enclave, one of which was given to Nuka World. What the Enclave did was experiment and refine the X01 blueprints, coming up with what we see in Fallout 2 and the 'remnant's armour' in Fallout New Vegas. The only reason it's called X01 in Fallout 4 is for gameplay reasons. By Fallout 3 they'd refined it again, creating the X02 or Black Devil, with Hellfire armour being an offshoot.


I don't think the Enclave invented them, pretty sure they were in development pre-war, but the Enclave either completed the designs or decided the prototypes were good enough to just put into production with whatever facilities they had.


to my understanding, x-01 was an idea that got one prototype out before the war (quantum/project cobalt), and got continued/produced by the enclave. x-02 is definitely post-war tho


Let's talk about active use and not when it was prototyped and stuff like that since the games don't really give dates on those. T-60 was the last power armor that saw an active use by the US military shortly before the bombs dropped. X0-1 saw an active uae by the remnants of US army (The Enclave) after the war during their missions in the wasteland. X0-2 Was used long after the war, by the Enclave in Capital Wasteland after they lost their oil rig. X0-3 (Hellfire) power armor, currently the most advanced power armor in Fallout lore was deployed by remaining Enclave forces in their final moments during their last stand at Adams Air Force base. Why I am not talking about "prototypes" is because sometimes devs get the idea to "Let's add this cool paint, also put it on best the PA in the game so people have motivation to use it" and so it doesn't end up breaking the lore the lame explanation is *It's an unseen prototype* Also completly ignoring Fallout 76 power armors.


X-01 was in active testing and development, didn't see action but did get transported from factory to factory from test ground to test ground. A hundred odd years later the Enclave finishes the development of X-01 and creates the advanced power armor from fo2


It was a prototype suit that was still being developed and hadn’t been properly rolled out yet, hence why the only postwar faction to have it is the Enclave


X-01 might pre war, but only as an Enclave prototype, I'm not exactly sure *when* that prototype was placed in the Whitesprings Bunker but in 76 you can have it, just only in prototype form


Teeeeeeeeeeechnically it's Pre-War, but it never hit mass production and only one canon X-01 suit exists as a promo (Nuka-Quantum X-01) and likely a side project to temper with Proj. Cobalt.


The x-01 loading screen says it is the first post war power armor built by the enclave.


It’s generally accepted that it is designed pre-war but wasn’t utilized commonly by the military until after the nuclear holocaust, by the enclave


The load screens explain that X-01 was designed by remnants of the military after the Great War to provide greater survivability in the Wasteland than prewar variants


It was developed by the enclave after the Great War I believe


X-01 is prewar, it's basically an early version of APA (from Fallout 2). In 76 after you help a particular faction you can buy plans of the prototype. You've gotten a lot of responses so [here](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/X-01_power_armor_(Fallout_4)) is the link to the wiki that will give you accurate information.


The X series was developed post war by the enclave, but there were pre war schematics for a T-65 that never got built, that might be what your thinking of


From the Fallout Fandom wiki page: "The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models." The article also states that the armor was commissioned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff shortly before the Great War, so it's technically both a pre and post-war set. My assumption is that only a handful of sets were successfully built before the war, possibly made in secret with the Quantum X-01 meant to be a sort of "big reveal" at an event at Nuka World. I'm guessing that event didn't take place, what with the nuclear war and everything, and the Enclave never learned about that set otherwise they definitely would've came and claimed it. Regardless, they either stumbled upon an intact set, or the schematics to build them, which is why we see them in Fallout 2. X-02 armor is conclusively post-war, appearing in Fallout 3 as Advanced Power Armor MK II, which bothers some lore hounds due to it sharing that name with a set in Fallout 2. That set literally is just X-01 armor with better stats, so I don't understand the fuss. My head canon here is that Bethesda later changed the names of these armors to X-01 and 2 for the sake of parity, and enhanced the X-02's stats in-game to match its lore. It's a soft retcon that I don't really think harms all that much.


They’re trying to be funny saying what’s the “canon” reason because you said “cannon” which means that old thing that shoots metal balls to kill people.




Yeah that word


Iirc the Thermonucleic (I think that’s it but I, too, have no idea) was a one-off from Cambridge Polymer Works, but I could be wrong


The USS Constitution’s cannons blasted the rust off




Polymer Plastics and Alloyed Silver coating to deflect Energy weapons


Replying to top comment. Every person in this thread is wrong. If you upgrade the armor to t51b it's not rusty anymore. Same with every power arnor set in this game. When you upgrade the durability the rust goes away. T51 has a rusty version too. This games been out a decade come on yall


In lore, T-51's armour is made primarily from a poly-laminate composite designed to resist kinetic impact, topped with an ablative silver coating to handle lasers. Neither of those things rust.


I’m 40% poly-laminate composite. Bite my shiny metal ass


I’ll make my OWN diamond city, with blackjack and hookers


What is New Vegas, if not Obsidian making their own Fallout with blackjack and hookers?


Honestly, Black Isle beat their spiritual successor with Junktown/Gizmo's and New Reno.


The whole of the Commonwealth will know our peaceful ways! # By force.


[I gots five minutes] (https://youtu.be/uuSTjn7Bn_A?si=wZTHWZ4nBv71EHSg&t=8)


r/unexpectedfuturama Also I kinda want a bender companion mod, with lots of sarcastic quips from the show.


T-51 uses some sort of composite materials in its construction that may be resistant to changes like rust or tarnish, though one would think X-01 should be similar in that regard so I'm not sure that is the answer


Wouldn't be surprised if they ran out of the resources to make the composite for T-51, and following designs, because of the whole resource war thing


That's fair. Part of the idea behind T-60 was supposedly to make something almost on par with T-51 while being way less resource intensive and complicated to produce, so from that point of view it's reasonable that X-01 might have used more mundane resources in its prototype stages.


The T-60 also had superior rad resistance to the T-51, which makes sense since it was rolled out after the introduction of man-portable nuclear weapons to the Army's arsenal and as global thermonuclear war continued to look more and more likely.


God I love Fallout lore.


>global thermonuclear war continued to look more and more likely. Wouldn’t you prefer a nice game of Chess?


I'd like some better lore behind the X-01, unless something was done in FO76 to clarify the Nuka-World Retcon/Oversight. There's so much to unpack in 76.


I'm not 100% sure that Nuka-World's X-01 is addressed in 76 but unless I'm mistaken they have made T-51 more resistant than T-60 and X-01 in Fallout 76 to restore its status as the most protective power armor before the war. They're fairly pointed about differentiating between X-01 as the prototype and Advanced Power Armor as the production model so that it doesn't necessarily change Fallout 2' Enclave power armor being a postwar model and the general idea that T-51 was the cream of the crop before the war.


I think it’s likely that the advanced materials used in T-51 were redirected towards the X-01 effort.


AFAIK most XO-1 suits were built after the bombs dropped and had to deal with **major** issues with production lines, leading to a more metallic construction rather composites. The early enclave had a lot of power, but they weren't miracle workers with flattened factories and fragmented supply lines.


It’s my new headcanon whether it’s true or not haha


Isn’t the cover of Fallout 76 literally a rusty T-51


It doesn't look to be particularly rusty, just in a yellowish light. Even in the trailer where a soldier's T-51 is shown in a sort of time lapse laying half buried the color seems to stay about the same minus where dust has covered it.


Apparently, according to in-game text, the X-01 power armor suits made by The Institute are polymer-coated, which makes them better than the versions of advanced power armor made by the oil rig Enclave in Fallout 2 and the Raven Rock Enclave in Fallout 3. I guess no one told that to the artists.


Just built different, the Chad 51


This should be the only acceptable answer.


The funny part is it legit is 😂


Obviously cause it's the superior armor of the bunch 💪 T-51 IS BEST AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.


It’s just better


Is it upgraded? I seem to remember as you upgrade armour it looks less aged. So a T45A looks more rusty than a T45D for example.


Nope. The T-51 A does not have rust on the default unpainted texture for the armor. Canonically, this is because the T-51 armor uses a different alloy and different coating which makes it more resistant to radiation and corrosion.


t51 is the original power armour from fallout 1 and it looked like that.


They’re holding hands


What tier is your t51 ? My mk5 xo1 is not rusty


Any tier of T-51 looks the same, even the A-tier which is usually rusty for other models like T-45 and T-60.


Just got two sets of T60, once I removed the BoS paint they were pristine. No rust. Wait a minute. There's no rust because they T60b and not the original model. So that might be the issue. If all your XO1 parts are b level or higher they're clean.


This is the real answer.


No it's not lol there isn't a single tier of t51 that is rusty, and that's because the t51 was canonically designed with different materials that do not rust.


It's made from a composite material.


They used a really good primer


I was thinking different alloy. For example, aluminum oxidizes (rusts) the same as any other metal, but you usually (I say usually because I have seen extreme cases) can't tell


It is superior


Because it's treated in Nuka Cola. (Someone please get this reference)


The T-51 is made of a “poly-laminate composite”. In other words, plastic. It’s plastic.


T51 isnt made of metal its made of heavy duty ceramics and polymers


two words: Turtle Wax.


I believe its a composite material which is why it sucks at stopping radiation


T51 just built different


Pinnacle of power armor? Lol lore wise didn't they take their time on this version


I just wanna know why the chest is green when the rest isn't.


there is a rusty version of t-51 in the game files, but it wasn't put in the final game. the unofficial fo4 patch mod restores it as the un modded t-51a appearance and the one shown here is t-51b


If you put a paintjob on a t-51a it will look to be rusty. Idk if it works with all but I know it works with the vault tec paint.


I always do operation anchoridge first thing out the vault in 3 and that T-51 armor dosnt take durability damage for the entire rest of the playthrough


Yeah, it has infinite (actually like 999,999 or something) armor health because in the sim armor and weapons don't degrade and the Winterized T-51b you get afterwards has that coding.


Linseed oil.


It’s made of composites while the others are steel


Because it's just that goated


I think it has something to do with Operation Anchorage, the U.S military probably did something to the armor to be properly used in wet climates. For t60-x01 im not sure bout those tho


I have found rustic version of T51pa yesterday, in order to get those rusty versions u need to use a full T45 rustic version in museum in Concord at level 18 up then go to prewar locations with PA and it will rng it based on your current PA using.




Very expensive caoting, hence why they went back and modernized the t45 armors instead to t60, in real life alot of the same happend during war world 2 were old gear were modernized instead of a new design and platform that has the cost run away


Bc it's the best


Because it's the superior power armor... fight me.




Because it’s superior


Supplies of chromium and molybdenum fluctuated as the resource wars dragged on. Sufficient quantities to produce corrosion resistant steel were inconsistent throughout the power armor generations.


T-51 is simply built different


They don't make 'em like they used to


T-51 served it's time in Anchorage Alaska. I'm sure the cold and snow meant it needed a different coating in comparison to the other suits. Probably a rust and water resistant coating.


Because t-51 master race


Because it's the GOAT


Because it's superior 


It's called *stainless* steel for a reason, kids.


It's cause it's made up from composite material not steel like the others


Probably a B-D model while the others are As


Toyota didn't handle the undercoating on that model?


It's quite literally, built different


Because it is clearly the superior design.


Because T-51 is peak




It's probably Mk2. The rest will also be less rusty as you upgrade them.


As others in this post have said, T-51 was the pinnacle of pre-war power armor in any sort of mass-production. It was unfortunately prohibitively expensive to produce in the numbers the US needed for the anchorage and china campaigns, so they made cheaper, less protective models that they could produce in greater numbers..


It’s just built different


It’s the superior design.


Because it’s superior


For a thread concerning the seemingly pristine nature of the ingame T-51 PA, asking why it’s not as affected by rust like the other suits, there’s a lot of comments consistent around the X01 and XO2 suits. My assumption is that the T-51 is just built differently from the other suits. Also, big opinion here, but the T-51b… I believe is more iconic than the T-60. No matter how much they advertise the Brotherhood T-60, it won’t ever be as efficient as the T-51 designed by the pre-war US military eggheads.


Because it’s the best PA


There's a couple reasons. -Out of universe it's so it looks like it's Fallout 1 and 3 counterparts. -In universe it's because the others are unpainted and lack the material quality and finish the T-51 has compared to the rest of the T series. It has factory paint on and wasn't as exposed to the elements. The X-01 also appears unpainted but is presumably slightly less vulnerable.


If I remember right, T-51 is actually the best stuff lore-wise, it was just stupid expensive to make, so they made T-60 instead, which I guess is actually just retrofitted T-45. And I think X-01 was a prewar prototype that didn't see wide scale production because of the bombs falling before it got anywhere, but it was probably building off the T-60 rather than the very pricey T-51.


Lots and lots of WD40


Bc the drip is eternal


Because T-51 is simply the best power armor to exist




Because it's top tier and the GOAT of all power armor sets Your opinion is invalid, I have spoken


Rust is too afraid of T-51's clear superiority over the other power armors


Don't know, but I do like how the T60 looks like an upgraded T45, as it should be. Didn't a different company produce the T51? Maybe they have a superior rust coating.


Not only specific metals but there's a lot less geometry for rust to settle in


They coated that mofo in Abraxo


T-51b is the iconic Power Armor of the entire series. So maybe thats why. Also T-51B was told to be the best pre-war power armor, surpassing thr T-60s despite it being an older model.


It is the 1911 of power armors. God's power armor. God bless Murica.


Looks like it had a paint job


Captain cosmos is the best armour imho or giddy up buttercup mod


t-51 is basically a cranked up hazmat suit. the whole thing is designed to keep the user safe and alive for long periods of time, kinda like a space suit. as other people said, the outside is coated in special materials that don’t rust to resist lasers and projectiles. this is also the reason you see the “bib” right around the base of the helmet. that is to seal the helmet down, making the suit airtight and therefore that much more protective. taking the helmet off therefore breaks the seal, hence why the suits don’t protect you as much as they should from contamination.


Carla secretly cleans it, you know, just in case she needs it sometime.


Was built with corporate sponsorship in mind. They were selling them to high end, deep pocket execs, the rest were only for soldiers, they just needed to be tough, they couldn't give a sh\*t less if it looked like something you dragged out of the ocean so long as they could send a soldier in it to win Anchorage.


It's made out of composite materials instead of just being primarily metal like the rest of them. That is also why it is the lightest power armor in game.


T51 was the best pre-war power armour T45 is an older model and T60 is cheap T51 X01 never went into production if we were to have advanced power armour (the enclave's finished X01) in fallout 4, I imagine it would also lack rust


Cuz it’s awesome


Probably coated with something that cannot corrode.


I always liked the 51 armor the best q.q would been sweet if they kept it as the best power armor in 4 q.q


Is that the Mark I? Looks like Mark II.


Because people like to rub it more.


composite plating added on top of 45 base chassis, doesnt rust


On top of that how is xo1 rusty? It's a post war armor.


Bug. I’m pretty sure you can see the rusted version in the files.


Gotta love that blue steel cartoon colour


Man I still haven’t found a full set of T-51 in the wild after so many years. Always the same 4 or 5 pieces and then I level out of it spawning


It just wor- I mean it’s just cannon


Not sure of the canon reason, but it might be because it has an aluminum oxide coating.


Waiting for Trashcan Carla to show up and swipe your X-01 while you're snapping pictures..


It’s entirely composite


Its rusty by default in my game... Tf


T-51’s…. T-51’s never change


Must have that tru-coat rustproofing. Popular in fargo.


What is the material modification? Looks like it's the lead plating.


It's made of plated copper haha


Melanite coating?


If you upgrade your armour pieces, it can have a different appearance


Because the T51 is timeless.


Because it’s beautiful (and my favorite)


stainless steel


It gets special paint jobs. Guess you shouldn't paint over rust. Lol . Btw, does anyone know where to get a full set? I need another set for my collection.


Because it's better


Because its the best one


What's the one on the far right?


It's made of some other material, not metal. I totally forget what the material is called tho


I have always thought it should not be part of the “T” line of PA. Clearly T60 is an improved version of T45, but T51 does not look like a model in the same line. I feel like it should be called N51 or C51 or something. I might be alone in this one though.


It Is a bug. I remember before the update was posible get Rusty versión of T51 .


some successful anti-rust additive surfacing maybe ?


My question is. Why aren’t the power armor sets engraved with holes or any sign of nuclear material? Didn’t the blast take houses and military APCs down?




Depends on the version of power armor you have. If you get higher tier versions of the others, they're less rusty.