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Become a robot overlord of the commonwealth. AS I HAVE. GLORY TO METAL KIND


I wish the Mechanist's lair gave you like, an autoassembler or something. I'd love to load in like, a blueprint of my ideal sentry bot, funnel all the junk into a sorter and have it make it for me. I use them for supply lines, equip them with a minigun, shoulder launchers, missile launcher and Assaultron head and I just wish I could mass produce them for defence. It's a bit tedious going to a workbench, building a protectron first so I can replace all of it with sentry parts and armour. Having three at each settlement would be brilliant but I can't subject myself to doing that assembly like 45 times


I WISH we could at least have it start producing scrap bots or only produce the yellow bots the mechanist produces Or if anything, have it turned on but it serves no function but only for a comsedic purpose of having parts on conveyer belts


Yeah, that'd be neat. We can churn out some low grade bots that we can send out to go claim the stuff that the eyebot pods find. That'd not be too OP since they take time to find stuff, and it's usually a low amount. I think the cost of providing junk to build the bots would be a fair tradeoff for the occasional pile of ammo or a fusion core the eyebot finds.


Play on very hard so you get lots of legendary enemies and thus more legendary stuff.


Does survival drop lots of legendaries?


A bit more than very hard.


Ok thanks. Just starting my 1st ever survival run.


I highly recommend downloading Survival Options simply so you can save on demand. This game crashes way too often to rely on infrequently saving.


Survival is the best, but make sure you save every chance you get and are stocked with water, food, meds, etc.


Dude I get at least one legendary enemy every quest after level 15. Pretty overwhelming


Welcome to the wasteland!


Fallout 4 is truly a masterpiece. Unfortunately it has set the bar higher than Bethesda seems interested in doing anymore.


Yep. Fallout 4 is amazing, I hope you have the dlc with it


Yes I bought the GOTY edition


Nicely done


there is alot out there to find when you go back and forth between known placed shift your paths a little and will find lots of interesting stuff in many interiors you will find terminals which will have clues and information about what happened in the backstory of the places (and explain more about the tableaus you get presented with)


Dude, this is exactly how I was with Skyrim and then Fallout 4. Bethesda is SCARILY good at making games you can just get lost in.


Take your time, explore and don’t feel like you need to rush through the missions. And have fun. Also you will probably crash so save often.


I'm jealous. I'd love to do it all again for the first time. Enjoy!


Get the dlcs


Incredible game


Wait till you get into modding


It can get overwhelming- I might suggest limiting the DLCs that you start with. I played when it first came out, then recently because of the TV show. Had like 20 missions in the first couple of days.


Yea I get you, right now Im following the BoS questline


All I’m saying is most of your hours will be in settlement building if it’s your favorite thing


Ditch the vault suit nOOb


This screenshot its kinda old but I consider myself a noob


Actually keep it and upgrade till you get better. (Army fatigues) You can wear other armor pieces over it and it's a cheap to upgrade.


Vault suit is a perfectly upgradeable and acceptable choice for early pre-ballistic-weave game.