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Codsworth, I gave him sentry legs and a bowler hat


Always have to give him the bowler hat! He looks so dashing


Right? Only problem is if you give him any armor besides the factory armor on his torso bit he cant equip it, I suppose that wouldnt be a problem normally but since I really want to have him built like a tank its kinda forcing me to choose aesthetics or functionality


I though if you put Codworth into the workstation at all, he could no longer equip the bowler hat?


Wait really? I put on the sentry legs and the hat was still there


unless they updated it or something. Because it used to be, putting Codworth into the workbench at all would make it so he could never equip the bowler hat. Even if you didnt modify him. Are you running with any mods?


Oh yeah I am, a shit ton of em, the only thing is none of them modify the workbench or the robots that come from it, the only thing I can think of is a weapons mod that requires you to have every dlc, so maybe they did something there?


My favorite is Valentine. My most disliked is X6-88 because he makes me feel like Im being babysat by an incompetent moron.


What’s X6-88 like? I’ve never used him as a companion




Dislikes everything that's not pro institute


He also somehow has less personality than Automatrons


Thats the whole point of coursers tho


Somehow he has less personality than Preston Garvey, that's the real shocker


Preston has lots of personality, you just have to get past the constant quest giving. I have a mod that limits it to one quest from Preston at a time and if does wonders for my mental state and Preston's personality.


Another settlement needs your help.


Honestly I used him as my main for a while. Partly because I was doing an institute playthrough, but also because sometimes you want a companion to just shut up, look badass, and help you kill stuff.


True, he does fit those requirements. I personally would use a silent automatron but to each their own


A more buzz lightyear-y danse without any of the charm


His personality is that he has no personality. Seriously he's one of the most uninteresting and boring characters in all of Fallout.


I wish there would have been a dark playthrough optional quest to trick him into getting memory-wiped, or even him trying to recall Curie or post-BB Danse (figuring that the companions might actually know each other) and forcing a choice there.


Ok if you could take him to Amari to be memory wiped that would be incredible


Especially in a post minutemen or railroad ending


I was thinking he could have been wreaking havoc after the main questline and the remaining factions would ask SS to kill him. SS can do that, or have the option of getting him to the Memory Den for a memory wipe (either with or without Railroad support). It would have worked with BoS, RR, and/or MM endings. It could have even replaced one of the To the Mattresses RR quests. Instead, he just hangs around Libertalia, kind of angry in his weird robot way. A real waste of a companion spot.


Don't worry about it. I've been slowly playing the same save file since release and lost him years ago. He's out there somewhere but I have no idea where. It doesn't feel like I've missed much.


This is hilarious. You're gonna find him in Gorski cabin or a closet or something. Just standing there.


Had that happen on Skyrim once. Game bugged out and Lydia disappeared when I entered a shop. Found her wandering around in Blackreach like a year and a half later in game.


I imagine her boarder line feral having spent the last year and a half lost in Blackreach after being abandoned barely surviving off fungus and whatever she can kill. The sheer joy and relief that have stumbled upon you. You immediately make her carry 200 pounds of dragon bones


I know everyone focuses on him just not being very dynamic (which is true) but he’s also not *just* a completely plain terminator robot, either. He kind of has more of a “secret service” kinda vibe in that he plays up his absolute loyalty and lack of emotion because it’s his job, but underneath it he actually seems to have a number of insecurities and fears. He’ll love you for being determined, blunt, ruthless, and controlling, and generally not care how you do your quests as long as you’re not “wasting time” trying to be friendly or altruistic. He also sometimes seems to enjoy, personally, talking down to those he sees as disgusting or inferior. In some ways he’s up there with Porter as one of the better companions if you want to play your character as “evil” in a cold and calculating way, instead of just being an unhinged psycho. Porter’s the better choice if you want to be more of a cruel overlord, while X6 is the better choice if you’re more the evil-is-more-efficient type.


I agree with both. Nick is the best companion hands down.




My Favorite is Curie, and opposed to what a lot of players say I think she actually works perfectly with an Institute siding SS. There's even a side character within The Institute who covers the entire "Can a human and a synth love each other" question and the answer is yes they can. The arc of Curie's character going from semi-advanced Miss Nanny to a fully sentient "person" and scientists is by far the best of the character arcs. Reading through the logs of vault 81 about her, how she carried on her work, her reactions to the world being innocent but hopeful all come together to create a fun and unique character to the wasteland.


I just like the French girl voice


Yeah, that's the stuff.


Two kinds of people


I didn’t know all that was possible with her. Next non survival play through I’ll try it out. Hot sauce is the best.




Couldn't agree more Also, her stats are great and combat with her is always fun


I'm big with curie as well. She has a great arc and good bonuses. Even if I usually side with the BOS I keep her my little secret lol


Yup lol, I usually put her in a lancer uniform turned white/grey and give her a medic bag. (Mods) Of course, I also use a mod to put Maxson in the ground and either take over myself, or raise the heroic and mighty Elder Danse to where he belongs, so it's a little less of a secret and a little more that I make the Brotherhood change it's tune about Synths being people


my favourite is always Hancock, he’s just so awesome and chill and I love him :] least favourite would probably be strong because he’s so judgemental of everything you do and it’s really annoying


Ive always wanted to max the relationship with Strong to hear his story but he *hates* lockingpicking. If you think I'm gonna go around not lock picking then Strong has another thing coming.


Just keep him with you while you build stuff at a settlement. After about 2 hours you'll be maxed out.


I'll have to give that a shot


He likes cannibalism tho


LOL I’m not surprised


He even comments on it


oh wow I just unlocked that perk, gonna have to bring Strong with me to "DO MORE FUN"


My strategy is just to fill a bunch of settlements with 20 settlers each, take him as my companion and then, one by one, kill a settler, eat them, go to sleep for 24 hours, and repeat. When you run out of settlers, just go to the next and start over


Seems like a lot of work


It is. But it's better than dragging the second worst companion across the wasteland, begging him to love you while he hates every single thing you do


Well that's not much different than my life already so why not give it a shot with a mutant in a wasteland


Strong is just generally an asshole. I can’t stand him, I don’t even want him at my settlements because he complains then too


Strong disliked that.


“One day, super mutants kill everything” “How bout I kill you, Strong?”


thats my fav line of his


exactly!! most of the time I don’t even bother doing the quest to save him from the tower anymore because of this


He never. Shuts. The. Fuck. Up. Always complaining. I send him to whatever settlement I’ll never visit again and rid myself of his bullshit as early on as possible. Fuck Strong.


Hancock has to be the coolest full ghoul out there.


My favourite is Hancock and I have a giant NSFW fanfic going on in my head about him that’s why.


Omg same. I’m glad it’s not just me. That ghoul is *dripping* in sex appeal


He was the first character I romanced and I'm SO glad I did. He's so sweet and fun. Idk what it is about him but he is damn dreamy.


\[Hancock Loved that\] funny he and cait are the only companions that like it if you get naked in front of them


My favorite has gotta be Ada. She's a real ride or die; I can kill the entirety of a settlement and she's right there with me. I can also make her carry over 400 lbs of shit, with no complaints


I feel she's also the only companion that doesn't give you shit about scavenging for materials


Longfellow also likes when you collect junk


Oh, I have never really brought him along before


Does piper?


She has mild complaints, but not as bad as Cait's comments


You’d think an (ex-)tweaker out of anyone would appreciate scavenging for shit. Or is that why she doesn’t like it?


Sometimes, but they're typically just passive aggressive. The most common one is just expressing her curiosity


I want to banish Preston every time he says “what are you gonna do with all that junk?” Sir I am building settlements with this junk you should know better


>“what are you gonna do with all that junk?” "Make you carry it, motherf\*\*ker!"


She _approves_ of you collecting junk. It's a nice change from everyone else.


Ada drug her legless body through the Mechanist layer just to keep opening doors for me.


Agreed, she is like a robot yes man. She improves my self esteem.


She is sworn to carry your burdens




400 lbs? Modify her with Sentry arms, voltaic armor, and a few other tweaks and you can go well over 500 lbs. The only reason I don't use her is because she talks too much. I make an original robot that has all her benefits and none of her nattering.


Nick, I don't travel with him often but when I do, the detective lifestyle is always fun.


Fave: Nick. I find hacking boring and spent no points on the perk, so it’s great to have him to it for me. Besides, he’s a great character overall Least fave: Strong because he hates everything. I don’t dislike him though, I just wouldn’t travel with him willingly


i'm not gay but i would sleep with nick's voice. just his voice


[just gonna leave this right here..](https://youtu.be/u6ouFYxRyQk)


ahhhhhhh, the citadel dlc, the single greatest thing to happen to anything ever, and i don't accept arguments against that, because you're wrong


I can’t tell if my favorite part of the final bit is when Grunt and Wrex just keep drunkenly saying your name, (Shepard? Shepard. SSSHHHEEEEPPPAAARRDD!), or the different ways that Garrus and Zaeed plan to booby-trap your apartment.


There's so many good moments it's hard to pin down for me. I liked Grunt's night out with his Krogan buddies, and him being your bouncer too.


I feel this way about Hancock's voice.


Stephen Russell! Fun fact: He's actually the same VA as Lucan Valerius (and every other character with the MaleSlyCynical voice type) in *Skyrim*. If you listen close, you can hear the similarities. (He also voiced many, many other characters in a variety of games, but MaleSlyCynical is the most audibly similar to his performance as Nick.)


Me and one of my friends entirely agree, Nick is cool, funny, good backstory, and he is also a very seducing fella


I was amazed when I realised he has same voice actor as Belethor (and loads of other skyrim characters). I never noticed until I went back and replayed skyrim


I am gay and I would also sleep with nicks voice


I’m gay and me too man


Most favourite is Nick. He's just a cool detective guy and he's always cracking jokes. Close seconds though are Hancock and Codsworth, but I like most companions. Least favourite is X6-88 but that's pretty much everyone's least favourite. Close second is Gage because he doesn't mesh well with the characters I like to play.


I liked Gages character, but he can only be a companion for so long.


Cait and Macready are tied for first. I always romance one of them on every playthrough. Longfellow is a close runner up though


Preach brother


I love macreadys quest


Macready has my second favorite perk, but Dogmeat is my favorite companion to actually run around with. Preston has my favorite perk, but I usually can't force myself to go through the effort necessary to actually earn it. Although a couple of times I parked him at a guard post right next to my crafting stations so I could power level his happiness as I modified a bunch of weapons and armor.


The first time I did Caits quest the assaultrons kicked my ass. Still worth it tho.


Dogmeat. All the benefits of a companion, but I still get my lone wanderer perks. And he's a very good boy. Preston.


I had no idea that lone wander worked with dogmeat


Fitting since the Lone Wanderer was ironically enough the only one to be seen outside of the actual game with a companion lol


And bonus, you can take the perks to make Dogmeat more useful, too.


That seems over powered. Does inspirational leader affect dogmeat?


I'm not sure. Anyone? The Dogmeat-specific perks mainly just make him capable of holding down enemies so they can't attack.


He can hold them without the perk (because he's the best boy!) but the perk makes those enemies easier to hit in VATS, and then causes him to cripple limbs, and then let him do more damage, in that order if I remember correctly. And inspirational leader is sort of a moot point with him either way as A) he is already flagged essential and can't be killed and B) he never attacks you and has no way of doing splash damage, so it's not going to do anything. I guess you could burn three perk points on it if you really wanted to up his carry weight by 25?


I love how you just put Preston Immediately I knew this meant fuck Preston lol


Dogmeat is #1 for me, Porter Gage can suck on my auto shotgun however.


Kinda wish it was possible to convince gage to give up the raider life, although that wouldn't make much sense for a lot of reasons


This was one of the biggest disappointment points from the DLC for me


The dlc is an amazing concept executed super poorly


I’m yet to meet gage, is he an interesting character?


he is however he is a professional raider so he basically hates everything thats legal.


He also hates you taking chems, weirdly, although I suppose he might well take the view that an Overboss shouldn't get wasted/high because it would compromise their ability to lead.


Nah it's more like a "Youre gonna get sloppy and strung out" thing. We've seen what does to Cait and Gage keeps on telling you about how Commonwealth raiders are weak, think too small, etc. And I keep finding Jet at raider bases.


Dunno why they're such big fans of Jet, though. It does make you jittery, after all.


It's basically meth, so they're all tweakers.


Once you raise his affinity he tells you a bit about his view on being a raider. He thinks drugs are a liability and will eventually get you killed. He’s been around long enough to see it happen too many times. He also seems to dislike UNNECESSARY torture and prolonged violent death. Don’t get me wrong, he’d happily kill anyone and cut off their fingers until they tell him what he wants to know, but it’s all a means to an end for him.


Hancock all the way


Favourite - Deacon. I helped him bring back the secret hand shake. Least favourite - Strong. Why? Cause I dislike Strong. (Haha, how do you like it, bitch?) He kinda gets on my nerves, y’know. I think it’s the milk


Thank you!! Finally found someone else whose favorite is Deacon. Love that guy.


Deacon is my favorite. Followed by Cadsworth


Love Deacon so much 💓


I love Deacons idle dialogue and comments, and his story that I can’t tell if it’s true or not true is really interesting. Also, finding evidence that he has been watching the sole survivor since emerging from the vault is kind of interesting, as well as seeing him in disguise in the various settlements before meeting the Railroad is kinda cool too. Just a lot of attention to detail with him that gives the world another subtle dimension.


So I like piper because she is generally up beat, friendly, and will totally kill for you. Which is similar to a shockingly large percentage of my friends I Dislike Strong the most because if he is not being a dick, he is blocking my shots.


Piper all day every day


I love journalist characters. And she’s a great journalist! She has the death threats to prove it!


Favorite- Nick Valentine, we don't need an essay to explain why. Least Favorite- X6-88. I just can't stand being patronized by a perfectionist prick who has something to say about anything I do or say. It's like having a toxic mother-in-law or stepmother, it's soul draining.


Least-Strong Favourite- Valentine


Dogmeat, he never annoys me and you still get the lone wanderer bonus. I love him. Enjoyed Deacons quips though, spent a while with him. And of course, Nikky V For Far Harbor.


Favorite companion would probably have to be MacCready. Seeing him grow and change from Fallout 3 to 4 is interesting. Hearing him pull the lone, tough mercenary type one minute, then showing his awkward side, childish side later is....... adorable. Such a sad backstory how all he wants to do is make sure his child survives their ailment, and how he opens up and asks for your help with it. There's no relationship before hand, your just another client, but his desperation and slowly developing trust towards you has him make himself vulnerable in hope you'll help. Least favorite is X6-88. And we'll, he's boring. A pre programed courser that just follows orders as long as your in good ties to the institute. Like yeah, the institute isn't gonna give him his own personality or make him "human" in terms of emotions and such, but say if you do end up taking control of the institute, you should get an option to humanize synths, or change up how they're treated giving X6 a personality (then again, I've only ever done 1 Institute playthrough and even then rarely used IT as a companion).


MacReady doesn't get the love he deserves I think. He has a little bit of a Jesse Pinkman vibe, a person with a good heart that's trying to convince himself he's a bad guy and willing to do shitty things.


Since I'm on season five of I don't know how many times I've watched Breaking Bad, this analogy is pretty much spot on. Good call.


I think MacCready is honestly the best fit for the main character. They have such similar lives and motivations. My only wish was that you could bring Duncan to the commonwealth.


Favorite- Dogmeat- he doesn't talk, and doesn't get all judgemental about what I do. Close second is Murderbot 5000 (Automatron), for the same reasons. Plus it just annihilates every enemy we come across. Least favorites- Garvey- too much of a goody two shoes. X6-88 and Danse- two sides of the same coin, they're just cheerleaders for their factions.


Is this a copypasta? I swear I've seen it before.


Not a copypasta, but probably common opinions.


Favorite is Paladin Danse because he’s a ~~hot~~ interesting dude, least favorite is X6 cuz the Institute sucks and he has a horrible moral compass because of that


For efficiency, Ada (automatrons can pretty much single-handedly kill mythic deathclaws). Obviously Dogmeat is the best overall because he’s a dog…so he is then undeniable best based on that alone. For character…Nick has to be my top pick. As a spouse…probably Cait. They all have their moments though. FO4 did a great job with companions overall.


Automatron is my favourite for multiple reasons. 1. I don't have to use stimpacks to revive them. 2. They don't have a "[Insert name here] liked/disliked that" system so i can do what i want while having a companion (like dogmeat). And 3. I can fully customize them to look as cool as i want


Ada is the best of the Automatrons imo, she doesn't criticize you picking up junk


And she can carry all of it and more lol


She actually encourages it, which I LOVE. Codsworth is a bit schizophrenic. He goes from, "Sir, nick anything good?" when I loot an enemy, to, "Rubbish," or, "If there's a use for that, I'll eat my hat," while I'm looting the same room. It doesn't make any sense. Idk who my favorite companion is Ada rocks for sure, but there's something about Curie. I love Cait's story, and MacReady's as well. I like Piper because she gives me candy, even though i don't eat it. I've never had X86 or whatever as a companion, or Preston either, for that matter. F the Institute, and I leave Preston's ass in the Museum of Freedom every new save. Deacon is cool. His perk is nice since I mostly make stealth sniper builds. Is he a synth? I think he's a synth. Nick Valentine is awesome, and i won't do Far Harbor without him. I have no opinion of Gage. I go to Nuka World and kill all the raider factions. Strong complains too much. I don't think I've ever maxed out my affinity with him.


Old longfellow is just boring. X is a bootlicking toaster. RatGreedy, however, is the most precious boy. Hancock is really funny when he shoots at imaginary rad roaches. Your honor, I rest my case.


I didn’t know Hancock shot at imaginary radroaches, that’s pretty funny I can’t deny


If you shoot at the air, he will say "You see them too?"


He doesn't actually shoot but he has a voice line about pulling out his gun and commenting on the stuff he's seeing. He generally says a lot of whacky shit and I'm all here for it.


Surely he’s taken something lol


OH OH OH I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT DEACON "Everybody stop! - ... I've got a splinter."


THIS- this line makes me laugh every time! That and his occasional nudity in random places 🤣


I also love the one when you take him to that vault with the drug addicts, he sits on an empty chair in one of those therapy circles and goes: "My name is Deacon and I'm an addict.", and then continues in a pitched tone: *"Hi Deacon."*


Omg I have never taken him there- buuuut I need to experience this! He just has the best lines!


Wait that’s a line he says? Lol


Personally offended because you don’t like Longfellow but you do like Hancock? For me they are extremely similar and I liked Longfellow cuz he doesn’t complain about me grabbing every desk fan in sight.


I might be biased because I married Hancock and Everytime he calls me sunshine my brain stops working (it might also be all the mentats he gives me)


I enjoy Hancocks company as much as everyone else. But far harbor or Boston just doesn’t feel the same without my fill in father aka longfellow


Top 2 Curie for obvious reasons. Gage - I like his voice and his personality Least Favorite Strong for obvious reasons


Caits my easy favorite and x688 is the worst. I could walk around with a cardboard cutout and have more entertainment than with X.


Least favorite is Strong. He just hates everything. My favorite is a toss up between Nick, Deacon, and Piper. I usually play good guy characters and they all have some witty dialogue.


probably Nick or Cait or MacCready


Cait/piper/curie tied as favorite x-88 is least favorite.


I’m surprised I’m not seeing Curie a whole lot, she was my fav. So much of the world for her to explore and I just love that entire concept with her


Human curie


>Human The brotherhood of steel has entered the chat


Minutemen artillery has removed them from the chat


I love so many characters but Nick is 100% my favourite. My other favs that I often travel with are Hancock or Deacon (I'll usually romance Hancock) . For least favourite... probably Strong. He hates everything I do, it's pretty obnoxious.


Piper! Love her wit & dedication


Favorites cait least favorite is porter gage


Cait and Porter


Fave: Nick Valentine Worst: Strong


Why do you dislike strong if I may ask?


Because I don't like his "RAAGH STRONG SMASH STRONG MURDER" deal. I get that's how super mutants are, but I can't stand it. Right now I'm trying to find a way to permanently kill him.


Get him to follow you, do shit he hates until he wants to leave - then blow the back of his head out brutha’


You can kill companions if they hate you?


I like that one of the friendly mutants is like your typical bloodthirsty idiot rather than smart like Uncle Lou or Marcus but it makes for a poor companion.


Favorite hands down cutie I mean curie... Least Is strong


Finally some love for my girl!


Hell yeah Curie gang rise up


I’m a Danse and Hancock kinda gal, Danse because he’s a perfect cinnamon roll who deserves to be loved and Hancock for his swagger and sense of humor. I can’t stand traveling with Cait, she’s rude and her voice drives me insane.


Paladin danse and Ada are my favorite and strong is my least favorite


Hancock because I'm a monster fucker


Ada is my fav. She won't complain, she won't dislike/like anything, you can basically turn her into a goddamn tank or armored transporter, or even both. She will guard you, help you, without any questions nor criticism. My biggest problem with other companions is that the good ones don't like when you lockpick somewhere, but sometimes I need to break in somewhere and hack some terminals to do good things, like whole investigation with Honest Dan. On the other hand, i don't like these "bad" guys like Gage or MacCready, i don't always go, caps first, human good later, and I don't want to negotiate with poor old woman who needs help. With Ada, everything is right and permitted, in your own way


Favorite companion: Cait, she reminds me of my best friend from real-life. Least favorite companion: Deacon, dude’s kind of a creep for spying on your character throughout the first parts of the game.


That's not creepy though his entire point is to search for new recruits and help your acting like he's a nonce


Longfellow or Nick are the best, Jezebel or and Gage are the worst in the fact they have missed opportunity, Z6 is the worst overall


Jezabel can be a companion?


fav is either curie or automatron least fav strong and x6 88


Favourite: MacCready. Least favourite: X6-88.


Favorite is Preston Garvey or Nick Valentine. Haven’t had them all so I can’t say a least favorite.


Love Cait to death, hate X6-88. They both have attitude, but at least Cait is interesting with it and doesn't sound like a wooden board when talking.


Favorite: Macready Least Favorite: Curie. The accent and weird little girl vibe just gets on my nerves


It's strange how many people simp for Curie, like she is so innocent and childlike. Kind of shocking they made her a romance option.


I'm feeling called out right now lol Can't say I critically examined the dynamics of her relationship to the main character.. she just seemed really sweet and that made me like her x.x


Give her a melee weapon, and YOu'll see she is far from innocent and childlike...


Watching sweet, cherubic Curie go full beast-mode with a melee weapon is kinda terrifying.


And in her synth form she is technically related to the Sole Survivor.


How? I Definitely missed something important while playin


AFAIK Every Gen 3 Synth is related to the Sole Survivor because his Son (Shaun), was the DNA template for creating the Gen 3 Synths in the first place.


Agreed - it creeps me out, she’s also got that savior relationship with you from releasing her from the vault and helping her get a human body- and as she’s experiencing emotions for the first time it feels so inappropriate that flirting or romance is an option with her.