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Hey, smooth skin, just because we look different from you doesn't mean we're like those feral monsters.


That would be actually amazing if more rads effected your appearance lol


Or if Mutations did as well. Marsupial should give weird legs. Scaly Skin should give scaly skin. Talons should give talons. Eagle eyes would give eagle eyes. Plague Walker would be really disgusting depending on how many diseases that a character has with the maximum amount of effective diseases changes skin color and adds pustules. Electrically Charged would have electric arcs around the character's body. Of course, it would have to be something that players have to toggle on or off in options.


Id be one weird looking fuck🤣 ive got most of them


I've got ALL of them (minus herbivore) and I try to keep at least one disease going (surprisingly hard if you don't want to spend time on it) for Plauge Walker. Having all of them means I don't need "starched genes" because there's no worry about picking up one I don't want.


I just don't want the occasional radaway to ruin my good time


What, are you gonna trip and fall on a syringe? There's plenty of ways to get rid of rads. The one I use most often is to re-spawn after I die of rads....


This made me laugh way too hard.


It's not entirely a joke. Respawns do account for most of my rad removal, often due to death (violence or rad based) but also just logging in or server hopping. I do have a couple pieces of rad healing armor I can nap in to heal small amounts, and if I spend a long time in a blast zone I will chug a Nuka Grape (and then dance naked on the edge of the blast to recharge rads when done). I literally just sell any rad-away I find. Stims too.


I don't know if it was because I walked through someone's rad, shower or what, but one of my serums just randomly healed itself and that's never happened before so I am thoroughly confused and in need of a serum🤣


The original design plans did call for that, but it would've been too hard to program


I'm pretty sure I've come across NPC's that had the "egg head" mutation. It was pretty shocking, and yeah, didn't really mesh right with the hairdo. It would have made sense to have them be things you could set in the appearance editor, much like scars, muscularity, etc.


During the VERY early days of the game when things were extremely buggy, I remember running up to a train station and there was another player there in PA with the naked bug, so their body was all stretched out and looking insane. This was before I knew how mutations actually worked and I got super excited because I thought it was a visual mutation and this dude was just a monster mutant lol


That would be awesome for meat blood on face and vegetarians grass and mushrooms


Fun fact, they were supposed too. Somehow people don't remember that and Bethesda just let it slip quietly into obscurity.


Oh people remember! But in typical Bethesda fashion we are in the vast minority and it just fades into obscurity!


When I first got the scaly skin mutation I did a third person camera view to try and see if any changes on my skin lol


All the more reason to try and catch the Whoopsies.


This comment makes me want to marry u


It has for me. I’m a mutated half-man, half-Deathclaw! (I just have a Deathclaw mask on all the time lol)


Conan exiles has similar concept like rads, there is corruption and your appearance actually change... Its scary xD but amazing detail .)


I believe the original concepts was for this to happen, and the more rads the closer to a super mutant you looked


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha top fav response


I use a bloodied build because it allows me to kill things super fast at the higher levels but also gives me that "I could die at any moment" feeling that I had at the beginning levels. Best of both worlds.


I honestly run bloodied/unyielding so I can carry more crap. I think I may have a hoarding problem.


This! I initially started it for the high damage, but afterwards, I can't play without 400+ carry weight, it doesn't feel right lol


Same! I want to get out of the unyielding build but I love having 400+ capacity


400 carry capacity? Those are rookie numbers. You have to pump that up!


I have 575


I play full health and have 400+ capacity, then +75 with carvnivore and food. Don't even have deep pockets.


I'm full health non PA and my carry weight without buffs is 501. With a couple buffs I can push that close to 700. And this is with an almost completely min maxed build for damage output.


With what?


Just replied to another comment in this thread explaining how if ya wanna check it out. Too much to explain again lol but hope the info helps


Show me the way, carry weight is my priority, I'm such a hoarder. I'm sitting on 320, full strength (strong back, any perk effecting weight) after marsupial/before carnivore and with mostly deep pocketed armor I'm planning on getting the PA leg mod that gives +100 to carry but you have me intrigued *edit to say I saw you posted it elsewhere in the thread so I'm looking for it, thaanks


This is unbelievable without buffs. Literally unbelievable, as in I don't believe you and think you're exaggerating. Even with 15 strength, plus full legendary strength perk, plus +1 strength on each armor piece, plus strong back perk, that still doesn't come close to adding up. Feel free to correct me and explain how you're doing this without buffs, but I'm calling bullshit.


You’re new to the game aren’t you, getting 400/500 carry weight without buffs is easy, I’m sitting at 475 and I’m a full dmg build. There’s a lot of different things that can increase your carry weight and buffs just make it mental


Yeah, you must be new to the game lol. As another commenter said, getting 400-500 carry weight is extremely easy, add mutations and all buffs to that and it's possible to push it to near 800. Maybe learn how the game works? 🤣


Yeah actually not new at all and with uny armor in sitting at roughly 500 myself without buffs, but you specifically said full health and no buffs.


Correct, that is what I said. And I also explained how in another comment in this thread.


Holy shit! How?!


Base strength is 15 (actually I have 16 atm cuz I messed up my legendary perks, although I can only use 15 towards perks), maxed strong back, mutations, deep pocketed mod on all armor (my resistances are all pushing 600 so DR mods are pointless), and iirc, I only have one piece of armor that has +1 strength as an effect. Then by taking mutations again to cancel out the negative effects, using camp item buffs and food and aid buffs, I can get to 700 carry weight without a problem, closer to 800 iirc. Edit: forgot to add that you also want to have all maxed cards for mutations, starched genes, class freak, and strange in numbers. And always be on a team, even if just a casual team


My wife is in the 480s full health, all these haters doubting you are just dumb, shake'em off, not even worth the replies


Yep, just hating cuz they can I suppose lol


Call BS on that brother… pretty much..


You can call bullshit all you want, that doesn't make it not true. Not my fault people can't spec a build correctly so instead take the lazy bloodied approach cuz they think its somehow better. Dps is literally the only thing that bloodied does better than full health, and even then it is only slightly better dps if ya got the right gear. Not even enough of a difference to matter imo, I'll just use the one extra bullet occasionally.


i carry more than that with my armor build and backpack mod. I'm right around 460 with no unyielding. 550 in my union power armor


I’m at 480lb without power armour and on a team, but I go down to 450 in excavator armour lol


Same. My overall carry weight is 575, with an actual of 520.


And here I am with 295 carry weight


Eh, I never die using serendipity, ricochet, and dodgy. People always say “yeah if you want to die every two seconds!” Nope. Hardly die ever actually. I’m an unarmed bloodied build. Update: forgot to add legendary perk Funky Duds is epic for bloodied builds


"I'm unarmed!" (Proceeds to punch a deathclaw to death with bare hands)


Literally what I picture in my head


I don’t have Serendipity…… hmmmm


Of those three I only use serendipity. I want that "I could die at any moment" feeling. It's not an oversight.


i understand that... but holy sht it's frustrating when you're doing daily ops against exploding enemies in close quarters... otherwise, it does kind of keep it fresh


Don’t get me started on poisoning enemies. Every time you inhale their toxic fart it’s insta death lol


Except that the "I could die at any moment" part is mitigated by armor and perks. Most content is easier as a low health build.


an actual good bloodied build will make you more resistant than full health…it’s literally just better than everything else in game even some power armor builds


Squashing everything in the game without a care in the world.... How boring.


That’s… a stretch. What does bloodied get? Serendipity, a 45% chance to straight up avoid damage. And lots of AP to fuel Dodgy. What do they pay for it? 80% less health. No, I wouldn’t say bloodied builds are more survivable. “More resistant” is an argument you can make due to serendipity, but that’s still 1/2 chance to avoid damage vs having 1/5 as much health. Full health is more survivable. Hell my unarmed tank runs Solar armor (which doesn’t work for bloodied!) and can face tank Earl unbuffed, no stims, no vampire weapons, for a good long while. My bloodied melee can only hold his attention for 10-20 seconds before I’m going to have to do *something* to not die. *edit* lol! I didn’t realize you said it’s even more survivable than PA is. Yeah, I hope I don’t have to explain why *that* is wrong.


80% health is beginner stuff push that to 95% less for 30% more damage (adrenal + bloody)


I’m not sure if you’re trying to make a point re: resistance, which is what my comment is responding to, but sure, for max DPS, you go lower health. The vast majority of bloody players I see yo-yo between 10-30%. Average is around 20, for obvious reasons.


I'm stating you can survive even at 5% health while farming, yes certain ops or bosses you must adjust. The reason so many players are high rads is there is no real down side*(with a proper build)


I’m not making an argument about whether or not it’s possible. I’ve got 3 bloodied characters, I get the mechanics. I’m refuting his claim that bloodied is *more* resistant* than full-health. Because I also have a full-health unarmed tank character. I know the differences.


The amount of actual uneducated people who don’t have a full set of unyielding sentinel/overeaters like yourself acting like your 100% correct is pathetic and hilarious. You act like you know what you’re talking about but leave out lots of information and it dose matter what you have beyond just perks and mutations. You’re acting like a baseline bloody build is the ideal comparison when it’s not. With ricochet serendipity/dodgy on a full set of unyielding ap refresh with sentinel/cavalier/overeater you are 100% more resistant than a full health build. Even most power armor builds. Maybe if you actually had the gear or watched a video you’d realize you don’t actually know everything lol


Way to make assumptions, as well as be massively uniformed and repeating the same arguments that I’ve already pointed out the flaws in. I love that you’re calling me uneducated, and yet somehow believe you know that I don’t have a full set of . How could you possibly know what I do or don’t have? > With ricochet serendipity/dodgy on a full set of unyielding ap refresh with sentinel/cavalier/overeater you are 100% more resistant than a full health build. Hahaha. Oh boy kid. Ok. Show me the math. > Power armor is not a full health build that is a power armor build. Yep, I’m being verbally attacked by an actual child.




Low health builds can take advantage of the numerous mechanics that benefit such a build. Bloodied weapons increase damage as HP is lower. Unyielding armor increases all stats, minus endurance, as the HP is lower. Adrenal reaction mutation increases damage as HP is lower. Numerous perk cards ranging from increasing strength to straight up having a chance to ignore damage.


Ok thank you so much I questioned it a lot


In addition they have high rads, so they don't heal accidentally and stay low health.


Don't use perks to heal rads you will make them angry.


If they're smart, they've already blocked shared perks.


I didn't even realize you could do that. It's not often where I run into a random teammate sharing a bad perk like that though. If I do I just leave the team.


I play every day and am still waiting for a random teammate to share any card at all, lol. No one seems to ever consider sharing cards!


That's because, when you use the build changer to swap over to say your crafting build and then swap back to your normal build, it unshares the perk you had set up to share. And if you don't pay attention (like me) you won't be sharing that perk you thought you were.


That's crazy, most of my builds have 9 points of charisma so I can share 3 point cards, and I always share fireproof during an ops with exploding enemies.


They just barely added it last patch.


How do you do that? I don't run bloodied and can't imagine ever needing it but that sounds like if I ever need it it would be nice to know


It’s a setting, I think under game settings. It was just added on the last update I think


The other day I started a team with one of my full health characters. I hadn't played as bloodied in a while, so I forgot about Born Survivor, and I was sharing it. Couldn't figure out why so many bloodied players kept joining and immediately leaving.


When I get low I get high.




They are basking in Atom’s glow 🙌


They're ghouls, fucking werldios


They're using a fullset of unyielding armour. It gives you +15 in all stats (except Endurance) it's good for doing extra damage and Xp gains.


And more carry weight, always the best prices, more AP, etc.


Yep it's a no brainer!


High risk, v high reward. Admittedly, I sometimes have to switch up my build for some DO or for “Eviction notice”, otherwise it’s pretty sweet.


Yeah I get caught out at EN when the damn emitter needs repairing lol


Rads give you Super Mutant Strength .... Of course only with the right build.


It’s a specific type of build: bloodied


Unyielding is the best armor in the game when you’re at low health. +75 carry weight, +*30% XP, insane vats, ect.


Dipping my toesies into the Rad filled pool to get that perfect amount of rads 😂


Because they like to live life dangerously Dangerously awesome


Dangerously cheesy!


I haven't been the same since I drank the funny green water.


tell me you just started playing fo76 without tell me you just started playing fo76


Bloody fixer Crew checking in


I run handmades, can I still join? Please?


Of course, Bloodied Brotherhood does not discriminate!


Bloodied Bow/Melee crew sounding off


Wait, there's two of us?


good old bloodied builds. the lower their health, the more damage they do, ala glass cannons. while their health does give me concern, it is a play style they like to do. similar to Borderlands


How to tell people you're new without saying you're new. 🤫😉 Seriously though, look up bloodied builds. They do way more damage the lower the health. Having rads stops health regeneration. 👍


Bloodied beybeh.




It’s a Bloodied based build (lower health higher damage). Think if it as an old school MMO DPS class.


Radaway is in short supply.


Bloodied Gang YESSIRRRRR


We love to live dangerously~


Explosive Bloodied build. How to live on a razors edge.


Bloody heavy guns build for the win. :3


Bloodied 4 Life!!!


Those people are bloodied builds. High rads and low health, paired with Unyielding (or overeaters if PA), the right perks, and some decent weapons, you got yourself some dps


This is a good post and valid question. I’m glad it’s not another crying post about how Beth needs to change things.


Long story short, Bloodied build. The perk "Radicool" gives you +5 to Strength when the player has high rads.


Bloodied builds. Nerd rage. Unyielding gear. Lots of perks and options that make them really powerful.


Mutant simulator 2018, "No green stuff here"


Counter point….while you can kill things fast as a fully kitted out bloodied build, as a fully kitted out full-health build you can still kill things fast. It’s all about understanding what perks and weapons etc will help you best.


Its for the bloodied legendary effect on weapons. Lower the HP the more damge it gives.


more for the bonus from unyielding on armor, and adrenal reaction plus bloodied on the gun. honestly the unyielding is the best part. +15 to SPCIAL each with five pieces of unyielding armor


I know unyielding is used in conjunction with bloodied. But the main reasons folks go low HP is for the bloodied first and the unyielding second i believe. Not disagreeing with ya just pointing out one is the priority the other is a support for the priority.


maybe some, idk... but i did bloodied for the unyielding. don't even have a bloodied vats weapon, just a ***m25v25v fixer, a *2s railway rifle, ***aa?? bow... adrenal reaction gives a damage boost to any weapon at low health


>adrenal reaction Guess thats what im doing wrong with my own cheese build. I dont got that mutation. Lol Thanks for the reminder. HAHA XD


all good. i run ten, just dropped chameleon... speed demon egg head eagle eyes adrenal reaction marsupial healing factor bird bones grounded scaly skin herbivore


The Bloodied build is the only reason for this. Legendary and perhaps one of the most popular builds to this day, next to the drug-using Junkie and the massive juggernaut tank builds. I won't mention the other effects because they are only recommended for specialists, although it is true that anti-armor also has its benefits, but it can be replaced with Perks and weapon mods. What's also considered good is the Quad effect, which is widely used and practically matches almost anything. Armor has similar effects. Unyielding, Bolstering, Vanguard, these are the most commonly used effects.


Only _some_ do! Players use the rads as a way of artificially lowering their health so as to get increased damaged out of weapons that are enhanted with the 'Bloodied' property. This delivers increased damage the lower your health is. People who use these so-called 'bloodied builds' also frequently make use of the 'Unyielding' enchantment on armour which gives a +3 to all stats when you are at low health--which for a bloodied player is all the time. That is why you should always hang on to pieces of armour with that enchantment and put it in your vending machine in order to charge the bloodied builds through the nose for it! There are also perks like 'Nerd Rage' among several others which also activate permanently for those at bloodied levels of health. In all using a bloodied weapon and having your character tricked out to use it optimally can grant a very large increase to your character's power. However there are those like me who do not have the patience to be so constantly flirting with death. After all it doesn't really make much practical difference if you one-shot a Lvl. 100 Super Mutant or instead require three seconds of automatic fire to deal with him!


Bloodied is the only way to be! Gotta keep that health around 20ish!


It’s all about the build you do. If you have a complete bloodied build (Armor and weapons) then it makes your damage output skyrocket. There are several perks such as Nerd Rage, and Radicool that would boost your strength, damage resistance, damage output and ap regen. There are so many you can stack to make it so you have that low health high rad setup but you’re almost impossible to kill without someone having an executioners weapon.


Use a ton of radaway, keep an ample supply handy, I suggest grabbing the chemist backpack, it reduces the weight of all your chems by 90% and I would also grab the stimpack and radaway plans as well... Cheers, Smooth skin


Bloodied build low health = more dmg Also we don't eat our vegetables 🤪


Vegetables are for sissy builds. We eat radioactive garbage. Give me bloodied, or give me a tato.


Some run a build called "Bloodied" and it raises strength or some other perks when at 20% or lower health. If you have 80% rads, stimpacks will never take you over. I don't recall the exact perks but, I know someone who runs like that and, it works for them. So far as mutations, get the Starched Genes perk card.


They are using Bloodied weapons and Unyielding Armor. Also mutations. All of which increases our damage to nearly god like status.


I do it cause I have all the mutations and don't want to get rid of them yet. I've chugged liters of milk but its never enough


Nuka Grape clears a lot of rads without the risk of losing mutations. Hit me up if you're on PS, I'll give you a stack of it.


Good man🫡


Thats so sweet of you, unfortunately I'm on pc, but I'm going to keep an eye out for that stuff!


I'm on PC and am running around with 80+ in my backpack. Hit me up, ign Wendy_Go.


If you max out "Cola Nut", it clears ALL your rads.


Hey starched genes 2 under luck and they stay locked in


My friend told me about that card, im a hit too low to unlock it yet but im definitely going for it.


Bloodied build : prevents health going higher , but increases damage dealt , basically glass cannon build


Dandy Boy Apples. Eating lots and lots of Dandy Boy Apples.


Those are players who wanted to play super easy mode. Low health builds are low risk and high reward, which makes them a popular build.




Nope. Not this time lol


Some players have a glitch that’s been around since launch that means radaway doesn’t work in them :)


Is that a real thing? I’ve noticed it takes a couple radaway before I see movement on my bar


that's called lag


Nah I’m just posting nonsense




[Thank](https://youtu.be/nxy9yu-IpLw) me later.


Because we like to torture ourselves


Don't let those low-lifes fool you, unkillable heavy weapon PA is where it's at. You can just stand there spraying a hose of hot death on everything that moves, like an unkillable god, while they crouch and hide like dainty cowards.


I love when new players sometimes throw me radaways telling me I need to cure all those rads, and they get anxiety from being at such low health 😂


Short answer: pipe is life.


I don't have a build for low HP but when I go into a nuke zone farming for Flux I just let the rads fill up. There's no point in going through 15 radaway so I just heal when I leave the zone


Radicool Perk


My main is a bloodied lever action for sneak crit hits, a bloodied handmade for most all else with a mutants fixer as a 3rd option. It’s cute when a low level rolls up on me and drops their hard earned radaway cause they think I’m about to die.. lol!!


Because low HP builds are overpowered


I wanna try a bloodied melee build. Might incorporate it into my vats crit spam


It's to maximize "nerdeage"


More damage from adrenal reaction at low health, unyielding armour more special stat buffs at low health, etc serendipity perks proc born survivor perk procs, and nerd rage perk if you use them all you can stack your stats and protect yourself at low health well


Don't you need that for a bloody/unyielding build? Keeps your health in the right area for maximum effect.


We hate life.


Because with the right gear and perks you gain 15 to each stat, damage reduction, and a huge damage bonus.


That’s the same question I had before I bought FO76 around late Nov 2021. I thought radaway are hard to find in 76.


How the heck do you get your carry weight that high? I had strong back perks but got rid of those cuz strength has like the only perks I wanna use for half the categories, and I think my carry weight is like 290 without PA on. Learn me oh benevolent gods 😂


Use perks for Weight reduction for weapons, armour, food, aid, ammo. You’d be surprised how much useless weight you carry


Bloody buddy


Healthbar neglect


How does the little amount of health vs stacked rads work ? Like can't you basically be 1 hit but you're just too powerful to let anything touch you?


Death is cheap. Rewards are way to good.


Praise Atom!


They love acute radiation sickness, which literally rots your flesh as all the cells in your body die from molecular damage. For some stupid reason in the Fallout universe it magically alters the laws of physics, causing the bullets in your guns to explode in the chamber with more energy and melee objects to move with more force, and thus cause more damage to what they hit. P.S.: yes I think a lot of legendary effects are stupid, and Bloodied is a prime example


They are known as the psychopaths that run glass cannon build's


Blooodied, baby…. It’s the only way to be. High kill rates, stealthy as hell, stack em like cordwood.


The pleasant tingle.


It's called THE BEST BUILD when you're so close to death enemies just pity you and don't try and kill you


It's called a bloodied build. There are perks and weapons that give you an ass load of damage for having low health the rads make sure that you stay in that range.


It’s called a bloodied build with curtain weapons you get a prefix legendary effect called blooded and it just increases damage the lower your health is so instead of always getting shot and stuff to keep low health people use rads to keep it all the way at the bottom it’s honestly the best build in the game in opinion I’m a bloodied stealth build I personally love to keep my rads down till I only have 20hp and I sneak everywhere with a full set of 3 star unyielding pices and nothing ever sees me even if I’m touching them


Bloodied, because it’s the only way to fly.


My friend likes to live in chaos so I have to actively chase him and use my radaway near him to get his to go down.


What rads?


I don't know if it was already covered but high rads gives bonus for spesific perk cards and also high rads help to keep healt low even when using stimpacks or other hp aid/food. People have many methods to maintain the rad levels (if you die your rads get couple percent less than optimal. People shoot gamma gun at their feed or use assaultron heads or consume toxic water or similar stuff


*drops a radaway* here you go 😃


Bloodied build simple as!


Bloody builds, low health = high damage It works… kinda lol


When you've been in the wasteland this long it'll happen to you too


I have an intimate relationship with the god of death.


they are playing "bloodied" that is, low health. With the right weapons, its a very powerful (high damage) build. Downside is bloodied is also very fragile - doesnt take much damage to kill them.


They are playing a build type called Bloodied and are typically using either Unyielding armor or Overeaters power armor. The largest benefit of being bloodied are the enhanced SPECIAL levels you get by using Unyielding armor. Specifically Intelligence, which affects how much XP that you get from each kill. It also has increased damage when using Bloodied weapons but it’s not that big of a difference when compared to anti-armor. In fact, some bloodied players prefer AA weapons. For most enemies, it’s a difference of a bullet or two. There are some posts here debating how often bloodied players die because of low health. After playing both full health and bloodied, bloodied players die on average about 3x as much as a similarly experienced full health player. For example, my buddy plays bloodied all of the time and I typically play full health. We have both been playing the game since it came out. When playing aggressively (constantly doing events like Earl, the Queen, Seismic Activity) and using a similar play style, I might die once every 3 hours it so. They will typically die, or get downed, once an hour. I think that it comes down to play style. For example, if you are constantly shooting from a distance and up high, then no matter what your build you are less likely to take enough damage to die. If you are mucking it up on the battlefield, the percentages kick in. So, if a bloodied player says that they never die, the first thing that you should ask about is their play style.


My nocturnal lever action does 272 at night!


It can be a 'big boy' build. Some like the challenge of potentially instantly dying. They have minimal defensive perks. True big boys use no defensive perks for maximum sweat.


There is really only one good "build" in the game and that is low-health/bloodied. There are a ton of cards to help you survive at low health almost as well as a full health player (minus a couple of situations) while letting you put out massive amounts of damage. It's supposed to he a glass cannon, but the game system doesn't really work like that, so it becomes all about damage. Which is why 95% of the players are low health builds. Bloodied just gives so much more than, say, a high-health Juggernaut build. And it's not like there are actual tank mechanics in the game where someone like that would be useful. It's one of the few reasons I stopped playing (I didn't want to be shoehorned into one build because the game doesn't offer many great alternatives). That and the forced grind every day for challenges, caps, bullion, scrip (especially with the shitty RNG return on investment) and daily ops/expeditions. It felt like I was being forced to play daily for hours and I just didn't want that.


Bloodied builds, that's why. That's usually thoughtfully calculated percentage of health.