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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5kj51/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:02:48 UTC"): > Glad you love it!! We've got the community calendar in our discord [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096164127950520510/11816747627501446... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5kw7j/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:05:26 UTC"): > Bulk scrapping is a great idea! Not sure if this is on their radar already but I'll let them know we'd like that as well down the line. * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5l3ig/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:06:52 UTC"): > The sheer volume and specific nuances with weapon balancing is almost impossible to present in a palatable way to read and understand if you're not a ... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5l8hv/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:07:52 UTC"): > What specific info are you looking for here? I've got a few different things for cryo between perks and weapons. * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5lcro/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:08:44 UTC"): > Save me a cup of that french vanilla cappuccino! Ughhhh I miss Tim Hortons. * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5ljqz/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:10:07 UTC"): > As far as I understand from the dev notes, it wasn't working at all and was not giving the 40% damage bonus. That's fixed now! * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5m8cl/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:15:03 UTC"): > It will match to their rank! Only on rare occasions, you may see a lower-star item so I worded that a bit vague there * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5mhxi/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:16:58 UTC"): > The build limit for the whole camp isn't increased, but now you can place a few prefabs down together before that you previously could only place one ... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5molq/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:18:19 UTC"): > Hahahha that was me going "I swear this will be the last time i write this patch note in particular" XD * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kc5n2z6/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-05 23:21:11 UTC"): > I'll check in on the specifics of this one and get back to you, but if it was a fix in the PTS then it did make it into the live game. * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kcaomyn/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-06 23:35:08 UTC"): > It is definitely a LOT of deep dev speak & engine jargon. Someday I would love to document every single itty bitty change like text fixes and art asse... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kcap6zm/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-06 23:39:01 UTC"): > Maybe we should add a daily challenge to absolutely obliterate Mr. Gutsy's haha * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kcapzlk/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-06 23:44:40 UTC"): > Everyone here is a DUNKIN lover and it kills me. It's very upsetting that there's no Timmy Hoho's this close to the border in maryland! I'm from ohio ... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/18befj9/atlantic_city_boardwalk_paradise_update_notes/kcaq8dq/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-06 23:46:25 UTC"): > What info are you looking for RE: flame arrows? --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


> Legendary creatures will now always drop a legendary item of matching rank. Best update of the patch. Now Eviction Notice will be 20 3 star scrip instead of a bunch of ones and twos.


I suspect that they will change the amount of 3\* that will spawn


Don’t think so


More scrip and also a greater chance of actually usable drops. 1 and 2 star are almost always scrip, 3 star is a much greater chance that I’ll stash it for keeps.


Which means the machine will run out of Scrip sooner, which means more stuff to hoard until it resets...


Oh well, time to raise the cap again. 1200 a day sounds right.


Interesting 🧐- AP: Entering and being in VATS no longer drains Power Armor Fusion Cores. These actions still use AP.


This is the best news here for me. No more burning through a dozen fusion cores a day.




Sounds like it'll be a small savings, but firing a weapon will still drain the fusion cores. It'll (hopefully - haven't tested yet) be a little less annoying, but still a resource we have to manage. Fusion core drain seems to be tied to AP usage, but it's not linear. I have no idea why it's not linear. This gets rid of the drain that was happening when you were in VATS but not actually firing.


VATS dependent heavy weapons like the plasma caster and crystalizing cryolator just got better. Edit: Looks like the core drain is still heavy in VATS, but now you don't lose charge just from tapping the button. Not great.


And: Legendary Creatures: Legendary creatures will now always drop a legendary item of matching rank. Can't believe they finally changed this...


Wonder if they lower the 3 star spawns at Eviction Notice in response to this change


Emergency hotfix tomorrow lol.


I hope not… I’m looking forward to walking out of my next EV with 15-20 three star legendaries as well as another 15-20 from my mule that I have perched up on the rocks lol


This is by far my favorite change in the whole patch.


Back at launch, this used to be the case. It was changed around one of the first patches to the game. Man, I miss the original nuked Whitesprings glowing ghoul xp runs.


The buff I didn't know I wanted


It’s a small tweak, but it should save a decent amount of charge.


"Entering and being" is worded purposely? Attacking with vats still drains cores, or it now negates it completely?


Shooting while in VATS will still drain cores.


Unless they didn't set it up right, yes, attacking with vats should still drain cores. It's just that activating and sitting in vats won't.


I like to use VATS to know where to aim in my PA, even if I am not gonna fire with it. Neat change!


This exactly Sometimes I use VATS just to find a mob that's camouflaged


Monkey Paw: Now exiting VATS drains two cores


Yeah, I only use PA for Ops and Encrypted, but that seems pretty major, along with turrets healing you now with Electric Absorbtion. I usually sneak through silos, but perhaps a PA run is a really solid option now.


>but perhaps a PA run is a really solid option now. It was always solid for silos. Troubleshooters PA, Electrical absorption, ricochet, and a vamp weapon turns silos into a magical place where nothing can kill you. You don't even need to fight anything until the end (I still do because the noise gets annoying after awhile). The only thing that'll be different in silos for me after this patch is that I can go back to not using Sizzling Style since handyman flamer's damage won't be absurd.


Yeah that's a huge change. Using vats in power armor killed my fusion cores more then anything else.


Plasma caster, power armor, vats build just officially became the best build in the game for everything outside of bosses 😎


I have so many Mr Gutsy’s to get revenge on


I can’t wait to run a silo & not worry about a single Assaultron wiping out 4 chiefs in one laser blast!


Yeah, fuck those guys.


Is that what non-physical npc weapons refers to? I sure hope so


Have an upvote. This made me laugh.


Maybe we should add a daily challenge to absolutely obliterate Mr. Gutsy's haha


Nooooo all my baby deathclaw eggs I've been fostering & incubating for 5 years lol. Anyone want to adopt them? Lol


This is a change I don't like. I use some Deathclaw eggs in display cases in my camp along with the frog to make a lil creature habitat.


Awh i hate that for you!! Do u have the Ogua egg plan yet? Maybe could substitute some how


I do have the Ogua egg plan, I'll have to burn the display case and put it on a table or something to make it fit inside the case. Or just switch out the egg for a cracked one. Not the end of the world but just annoying lol.


you might have to put them in the freezer that prevents them from going bad until you can figure out how to breed them with frogs in the future and start a theme park


"clever girl"


Life, uh... finds a way.


I would do that but I don’t trust that freezer at all. Things still decay during server hops/load times.


I have so many Deathclaw Eggs. I'll have to make a mule just for them. Haha


Same!!! I once had 500, im down to 55 after i traded a few.


Oh, we're not supposed to eat them? Oops.


Seems like I started playing the game at a good time, pretty excited for this


Welcome to FO76, where we occasionally just get game changing updates that vastly improve the game lol. Seriously, last time they gave it a whole 4k 60fps update on current gen hardware and it didn't even get an announcement, it was just there lol


Very excited to see the updates to the forest region. I’ve had my base there for the last year and really like it. Hope the new daily is fun


I this these new areas will be my favorite part of the update. Some wonderful spots being utilized in the forest


What sorts of updates did the Forest get?


It got 3 new locations, including a Brotherhood Outpost like 50 feet from my base lol. The other locations are some mothman cultist areas. There’s a new vendor at Gilman Lumber Mill that sells backpack plans. They also increased legendary creature spawn rates in the forest region!


Sounds pretty cool, thanks!


Prefabs: We've increased the build limit so players can build both the Pittsburgh Palace and the Hunter's Lodge. AWESOMENESS THANK YOU


> Starting loadouts – Whether you're playing Fallout 76 for the first time or working on your third or even fourth character, you can skip the introductions and jump right into Level 20. Ok. That's handy for mules.


Very solid update, not even sure where to begin when I login lol there's so much to check up on and do.


I'm just going straight to the Whitespring, that's where all the new quests start so they will take you to the new areas.


Thank you /u/Ladydevann for posting the update notes so quickly. I'm very excited about this update. I was playing it a lot on the PTS. IMHO you guys did a great job with this one. I'm happy that Union PA will now be dropping and no more 1 star disappointment from 3 star enemies. One question though if I may? When does the new community calendar come out?


Glad you love it!! We've got the community calendar in our discord [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096164127950520510/1181674762750144654/image_16.png?ex=6581eb61&is=656f7661&hm=45441744c1d8bd2da6e6ec58d1e8aad83d4ee18c06823f9af60a79ecd9531e7d&)! It's also going out on social in a few moments and will be in the final Inside the Vault for this year next thursday. Translated versions are a bit delayed so anything outside of English, check back on :)


Thank you for the reply and for the link. Double XP events in Dec. and Feb. are very much appreciated. :) Please thank the team for their work and a thank you to you as well. Happy Holidays to you and the Fallout 76 team!


I just had 3 star Union drop, but I can't loot it lmao


Same. Looked pretty cool too. :(


Welp, hook it up to my veins already


Very excited!!


Was surprised by the additional fast travel locations in the Forest. >!Settlers, BOS, Blue Ridge, Raiders, and Cultists (x3) !< Did I miss any?


1 Star Animated Cards......sweet


I finally have a reason to open perk packs again!


But only 100 at a time now lol


Gonna be a lot of *fun* scrapping the 500 cards from those 100 packs.


Bulk scrapping is a great idea! Not sure if this is on their radar already but I'll let them know we'd like that as well down the line.


A liquidate button with confirmation could be neat, maybe removing all but a single copy of each card at each rank? Though I don't know how that might affect animated ones. Thank you for pointing them towards this! Even if it gets shelved haha. It's always enjoyable when the perk system gets a QOL pass.


Am I blind or am I not seeing a fix to be able to craft the Union PA jetpack again? Someone help my dyslexic ass.


There’s a bug when trying to exit the Neopolitian at the end of the exhibition you are locked into the loading screen. This happened twice to me and once to the team leader as well as the other two players on our team.


Yep, same here. Really frustrating as it doesnt seem to let you finish the expedition.


The only reason we got the first one done was a couple left and came back into the team then the leader left and came back and it saved the process luckily and had us outside next to the vertibird.


Increased build limits in camps means plastic flammingo counting time!


I don't think it's the overall build limit. They're just allowing us to build a Lodge and Palace in the same camp.


I've been seeing camps with what seems like every prefab structure under the sun for a while -- it's *gotta* be build limit, right? 🤞🤞


The build limit for the whole camp isn't increased, but now you can place a few prefabs down together before that you previously could only place one or the other of.


I'm not seeing anything here about daily ops plan drops.


So nothing about the explosive aspect of cryo damage being nerfed. Guess we’ll need to wait & see


I wonder where the elemental damage being affected by perk cards went. People were real excited about Radiums, and I was about poison and fire weapons.


Half the time the patch notes don't mention like 80% of weapon balance changes, so it could be it made it in but isn't mentioned above. I think you/we will have to test it afterwards.


The sheer volume and specific nuances with weapon balancing is almost impossible to present in a palatable way to read and understand if you're not a developer. I tried to get what I could in there but if you see any missing notes please let me know.


No worries, I think it is somewhat expected that weapon balance changes aren't substantially included in the F76 patch notes at this point from those who have been playing for awhile. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and they haven't changed as much as the PTS led me believe. Anyway, I don't blame you/Bethesda, agreed that it is probably pages long of "adjusted variable x by 2%" or something like that which barely anyone would read or understand. At least from my perspective, you/Bethesda included the important stuff. Hallelujah on that change to energy damage from enemies!


It is definitely a LOT of deep dev speak & engine jargon. Someday I would love to document every single itty bitty change like text fixes and art asset adjustments, typos, things dont impact players like getting stuck in a crack in a basement somewhere... floating objects, and z-fighting so people can see just how many different teams are involved.... but no one wants to scroll past all that to get to the "good" stuff. I think it was the last patch where we renamed HUNDREDS of camp items and that alone would have been a thousand words haha. So fun behind-the-scenes fact... when you see a note like "General localization fixes." or "fixed various areas where players could see out of world/get stuck" that's us summarizing at least 100 bugs into one haha. And then you have instances where we didn't change anything but some other seemingly unrelated bug will make it look or feel that way. If you ever get to chat with a game developer on ANY title for any game, ask them what was the wildest side-effect of a bug fix in their game was. Everyone regardless of what they work on or where has at least one fun story! Anyways, I'm rambling now LOL. If you do ever see a significant change that wasn't in the patch notes, please always feel free to bring that up. We're all human and do miss things on occasion but never want to miss a patch note with something in it players were really interested in reading about.


What specific info are you looking for here? I've got a few different things for cryo between perks and weapons.


What about nerfing robots laser damage?


They worded it quiet strange, but they did it: Enemies: Adjusted damage received by players from non-physical NPC weapons. non-physical NPC weapons = Laser and Flamer Hopefully


It’s up!!!


where are the new donation boxes located? I didn't see one at Nuka World or the Whitespring Mall. do the donation boxes share the same inventory? like if I donate at Vault 76, can someone pull my donation from one of the other donation boxes?


>We've adjusted the limit of Perk Card Packs you can open at one time to 100. this made me giggle


I'm very new to the game at level 11. I don't understand the seasons and different places. Atlantic City? How do I get to it? Sometimes I open a screen and there are icons set into the shape of a star. Sometimes I can click them and get something and other times not. I have no idea what any of that is LOL. Steep learning curve for some of it and typical fallout for other parts.


Nooooooo my collection of Deathclaw eggs!!!!


Beeing able to get animated 1 level perk cards is such a nice change, full animated loadouts are possible now!


This will be my endgame goal now! Now if only it would stop giving me the same 10 animated cards in endurance and charisma


What is an animated 1 level perk card? I understood it as just the perk cards with only one star?


Correct, previously cards like Greenthumb or Awareness that have a maximum of 1 level were not able to be found in card packs. The 4th card from every Card Pack is animated, so there's now a chance to get those 1 level cards as animated versions.


Ooh okay. The " Animated" part just confused me a bit


Too bad so many cards just never drop animated, and yeah without proof i won't change my mind.


Had no idea legendaries couldn’t spawn in the forest ?


Saw that foods that grant melee damage buffs effects and costs have been “adjusted”, with three new light variants added. Can someone please break this down /provide any level of detail? As a melee build I’m feeling kinda uneasy.


> Food: Deathclaw eggs now correctly spoil into spoiled meat Well that sucks. Had one displayed for that very reason.


>Fixed an issue with the 40% Power Attack Damage not correctly dealing damage. What changed? Is it better or worse?


Well, it went from additive, to broken, to multiplicative. I suspect it's back to additive. Too bad but we will know for sure in a few hours Edit - still multiplicative for regular melee


If 40pwr goes back to additive then SS becomes the only viable 2nd star for non auto melee. Lame


Yeah it made perfect gameplay sense for non auto. It did kinda render every other 2 star null for auto. They did that themselves when maxing the auto axe and chainsaws speed tho. So idk lol. What they choose to focus on will always be a mystery


Still multiplicative


As far as I understand from the dev notes, it wasn't working at all and was not giving the 40% damage bonus. That's fixed now!


I loaded up my drink fridge with Tim Hortons refreshers and got like 60 Honey TimBits for this 😹😹


Save me a cup of that french vanilla cappuccino! Ughhhh I miss Tim Hortons.


I just moved here from California and I hated them at first, then I got those TimBits 💖 I am HOOKED


Everyone here is a DUNKIN lover and it kills me. It's very upsetting that there's no Timmy Hoho's this close to the border in maryland! I'm from ohio and even in columbus we had them :(


uh, what about flame arrows? Who cares about how many packs you can open when what we want is changing level ups directly to points? ...and can I get an extra character slot to try the new experience?


>Legendary creatures will now always drop a legendary item of matching rank. So do the drops now match the creatures, or is it the other way around?


It will match to their rank! Only on rare occasions, you may see a lower-star item so I worded that a bit vague there


thanks for all your hard work! I'm soooo excited to play on the live servers.


Dumb question, to start the Atlantic city thing I just do the expedition or there's a quest somewhere first? Just to know, my game is still updating lol


Go to map and push x if you’re on Xbox. I assume it’s square on PlayStation. You’ll be prompted if you want to go to Atlantic City or the Pitt and which mission you want to complete. Pretty straightforward


Awesome thank you, I wasn't sure if i needed to go somewhere in the map first


I think the thing I like the most about the new expeditions is that it's possible to play them solo and complete all of the additional objectives to get the maximum number of stamps. That's what I found most frustrating about the Pitt -- in "Union Dues", it's really hard to protect all of the Union workers from the trog attack when you're on your own unless you're at a really high level and/or have a specific build; and in "From Ashes to Fire", it's really hard to find all of the survivors without any help. But in "Tax Evasion", you can get the maximum haul of stamps without needing others.


/u/Ladydevann I'm not sure if you're the one to talk to but ever since the update dropped my camp in Helvetia can no longer be placed. It looks like the build borders around Helvetia have been expanded significantly beyond what they were. I'm absolutely gutted by this - it was my favorite camp and I spent money so I could create it. I bought the entire Helvetia Easter build kit bundle along with other rustic, cottagecore things and even the Pilgrim outfit so my small cottage and character would look like it actually belongs with the landscape. This tiny little change just crushes me. I know they planned to build a new location at the scrapyard by Vault 76 but changed it after they saw how popular the spot is. Is there any way this change could be similarly reverted? I was so proud of my cottage camp, I had just put the finishing touches on it and completed it. It was so cute and finally perfect! I also used the new Army Base kit to build a small voting office next to it like the one in town. I could video the camp and show you if you're interested, I'm still able to see it on a custom server. I'm just so sad to lose it. When I logged on last night to start grinding the new season and Expeditions and saw I could no longer place it, I just logged back out disheartened. It's a silly thing to say but this legitimately ruined the entire update for me.


Lol get wrecked loyal Consumer


Still no fix to the **very** unstable FPS in Series X? In the open world it varies from 40s and 50s, but never quite reaching proper 60 fps


Pretty noobie question, because I am one only been playing 3 days, but what is the easiest way to stay stacked up on stims?


Launch vet that takes breaks and just came back here: you should be finding plenty throughout the world just playing normally, but if you have a particular playing style that leaves you short (such as not wandering very far or doing too much), check player vendors. As an example I always keep 100 stocked for 10 caps each, and super stims for 15. It really annoys me that no one answered you on this.


They ruined Deathclaw eggs!!! Not cool.


Dang, I've recently come back to the game after several years and started a new character, I'm currently at level 13. I would have waited a few days if I knew I could skip to level 20 and get a pre load out. I wonder if I should start another new character.


The load outs are just okay. You can get those 7 levels pretty quickly anyways. Just me, but I'd just keep going.


~~If you know what you're doing, the level 20 starting option is actually worse.~~ You're fine with the level 13 character as you can choose the proper cards. And you'll be over 20 in no-time anyway. Edit: you might actually be better off starting at 20 if you want some free points at the start! Apparently you get a few extra.


I wouldn’t say the loadouts would make things worse. There’s some questionable perk choices in the build, but I wouldn’t say there’s anything egregious in there. It’s great for new players, however, especially since it lets them hop right into wastelanders and steel Dawn/reign.


It's easy to get to level 20 quick. Just join a team, go to some events and tag everything. Namely radiation rumble and moonshine jamboree👍


Why not? Try it out.


That's what I'm leaning towards, just don't want to do all the starting missions all over again since I did them two days ago.


I have 3 characters. My last one is about level 200 and hasn't been in the wayward yet.


Thanks for the advice everyone. Gonna power through some events this evening.


The update is here! Time to switch all my weapons around and make a different perk build to keep it fresh. Lol


I switched to a pistol build yesterday


I CAN FINALLY USE MY NW PAINTS AGAIN!!!!! Next up to fix, being able to craft the vault tech university jumpsuit again. 🙏


Thank you for animated 1 star perk cards :)




ugh, vats without targetting is useless. I'd rather pick what I'm hitting.


Cool beans!ehat did they mean by the food stacking though? I can guess the melee one was a nerf.


Sweet sweet sweet


Game just came online. Everytime Im about to load in, the game crashes now


Sounds like it should've been the Halloween update, cause we just got TRICKED instead of treated.


Oddly, I can get in on a private server. But public ones are a no go. Was surprised to see that they put a point of interest in the cave under my main base though. A cultist Organ Cave


Curious. I'm relatively new to the game (Level 103 only character) so this is my first update of this sort. Pretty excited for all the new content/POIs. Hope you're able to get on Public soon, compadre!


Finally i got a tent with a crafting bench. 😋


Something happened to the Yao Guai ribs recipe. I killed one but only had Bear Claws listed at a cooking station. No "Light" ribs either.


Where is it on the map


Can't tell if it's a bug, but I think I did a total of five expeditions today to grind stamps. At the end of the fifth, I didn't get any rewards save for half exp. Tax evasion seemed very buggy, but at the end of the mission I only received half EXP, no stamps, modules, ammo or legendary items. Wondered if they have added a "cutoff" of how many rewards you are allowed to have? Or it was just a very unlucky bug. I've also had the game freeze on the last part of the mission where the leader must speak to Lennox, waited a bit but when logging back no rewards either.


So I just started playing fallout 76 again a couple of days ago on a new character, currently level 7, is there anyway for me to get the boost to 20, like do I have to enter/reenter the vault or just make a new character?


June the new vendor (WHERE)


Behind the questgiver at the lumber mill near vault 76.


I started a new character yesterday thinking the start at LVL 20 option was added ~1 year ago. Guess it took some time to go from PTS to live.


I never got the one reward I wanted from the last scoreboard, even tho I earned it. I completed the board for the season. And yet the enclave tent doesn't come up as owned or even visible in my shop. Yes. I submitted a support request (or three). And no resolution. Kinda pissed off as I wanted the amount storage (I am fo 1st). Just putting it here incase any Bethesda person sees it and can help. I can prove I finished the board. What's a girl gotta do to get that tent she earned!?


I love my fixer with the rusty paint.


Has anyone found where the legendary enemies spawn in the forest?


Is there a way to access the boardwalk without going through expeditions?


Finished both of the new expeditions and loved it! Is there a way to go back to the locations without entering an expedition just to explore?


Has anyone else been having an insanely amount of issues connecting to the server since the update? I get, maybe 10mins of play, then I’m disconnected from the server.


I can’t even log in currently, was wondering if others were having issues


Geeze. It’s pretty annoying. I play using WiFi but my husband uses an Ethernet cable and he’s not having too many issues. Sometimes he’ll have issues signing in but once he’s past that, he’s fine. So, if you are hard wired in maybe it’ll help? I don’t have an Ethernet port on my gaming laptop so I can’t even try the theory right now -_-


But how do i get to Atlantc City???


It's the backpacks for me. I've been trying so hard to get one for so long. I've just been getting distracted with everyone else and other projects and then I finally put effort into doing so. I'm sad but also happy that we can get the vault tech one now. I actually bought the plans! Unfortunately when I went to craft it, it did not show up. Is there something I'm missing? I'm so lost with the wording. I understand when you leave the vault you get one, but what does that mean for settled players? Just buy the plans? I'm at a loss.


Any info on radiation damage, cause for some reason I am now taking alot more radiation damage while in my power armor, gone from less than 1 per second in a nuke zone, to 13+ a second. Nothing about my perk cards or mods have changed.


> AP: Entering and being in VATS no longer drains Power Armor Fusion Cores. These actions still use AP. Wow!


27gb on ps5? Time to delete some shit lol.


Just cause the update is 27gb doesn’t mean the game is going to increase by 27gb


I only have three games left on my PS5 because of 76 and it's updates. Tryst me, deleting shit becomes mandatory. Gotta get more memory. I'm out of games to delete...


Game(s)? We're only allowed one at a time apparently.


You didn't spring for the $1000 console with *just* enough room for *two* AAA games?


R.i.p to seeing lvls 1-19 come out of the vault !


This is definitely going to change my donation box contributions, but at least now players starting at 20 will be able to modify most of their gear right out of the gate. Getting weapons like lasers at level 5 that you couldn't mod until level 20 bred a lot of players dependant on the few weapons you could mod, like hunting rifles. Level 1 players couldn't even mod the 10mm they start with.


Any bets that they changed the name of Guinevere's outfit without fixing the first person appearance?


Just tried "Tax Evasion" .... Um.... Being completely swamped by more than twenty enemies with OP weapons right at the start? Fire bombs and flame throwers and 40mm grenades hitting me constantly and "Sneak to lose enemies" as well as Chinese Stealth armor completely ineffective? Hm..... I died twenty time before tossing a single thing into a dump truck, from getting swarmed on like a room full of cats with just one food bowl. My 2mmEC did way to low of damage that usual.


I tore through them with a B25ffr50dur EPF no issues


Why oh why do we have to run around doing baby level quests in order to travel? Why can't we just go? The Pitt fizzled and died for me (and ended up souring me on FO76 overall) because of moronic quests to get a travel ticket, so I can go someplace else and run around a large place looking for glowing mounds of something. I don't know who the heck thinks this makes for exciting gaming.


Yup. I was “okay” with talking to the NPCs to get there but then they wanted me to collect 30 dirty pillows. I still haven’t gone to the Pitt lol




Hahahha that was me going "I swear this will be the last time i write this patch note in particular" XD


So...the Weather Station is for changing it to clear weather only (BOOOO), or is that not what "(Clear Weather)" is supposed to imply? (WOOOO)


there are diffrent "weather stations" that change weather to state their describe. That free one indeed change weather permamently to "clear" but there are other station at scoreboard that change weather to i think "fog/night" (its not clear lol) Plus theres in atom shop weather station:snow -that make it snow at your camp


Entering the Neapolitan casino is completely bugged out for me. all the characters are naked and not moving but i’m getting shot and killed almost instantly. I can’t interact with anything either. Burned through like 400 rounds of 45 killing the performers who attack you in waves. Fucking sucks that I had to quit the game and lost all that. Not looking good.


how long to wait when server back on


Syntax Error


> Perks: Berry Mentats highlight effect now extends with Chem Fiend Perk. Oh Bethesda, you funny. You mean, "Berry Mentats highlight effect is broken again." It has not worked properly for me since the last update. Now it does not highlight enemies at all.


I want to come back to this game so bad but I’m not willing to start my journey over on a different platform. For the love of god add crosssave!


So no mention whatsoever of the terrible performance of the game? Don’t get me wrong this is a great update but crashing issue needs to be addressed immediately. I enjoy the game but the constant crashes are really making it hard to enjoy the game.


How do I get the Power Axe if they will be removed from Giuseppe's shop??? I was saving stamps to reach the 500!!! damn it


Read. Only learned plans are removed for ease of use.


You are totally right! Sorry and thank you for the remark!