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Never in a million years would I have expected a map expansion but holy shit am I excited for this.


Honestly didn’t expect that level of investment into the game at this point incredible news tho


I am guessing fallout tv is gonna bring a shit ton of interest in this game.


Hmm.. Like wow maybe they want to tie in some of TV stuff into this game? That sounds killer!


They had the vault 33 vault suit like 2 weeks ago. I am sure more will be coming.


Ahh right right.. Slipped my mind


Not tie in but there will be non canon Atom shop items for sure


the tv show happens in like 2297 and in cali so i doubt we'd see much from it


Yeah it will catch the attention once the series arrives.


Better hope that series is a hit. If it flops so will so many of their plans.


Its looking pretty good so far. The one nice part about the FO universe is that they dont really need to adapt one story or whatever. Theres a whole universe to explore!


My first thought. Works both ways, drive lapsed players to the show as well.


do u have any stock predictions?


I mean, they have to do something with the Fallout franchise since the next main game is maybe over a decade away. Since Beth doesn't seem too jazzed about the idea off additional NV style spin-offs why not use the already, more or less, oiled machine that is FO76. It's also a steady stream of income through mtx and seems to be getting more popular as tge years go by.


Why a deacde away? Where do you have this information from????


Beth only really works on one game at a time and Starfield just dropped and Elder Scrolls 6 is coming next and based on the reaction to Starfield they're probably going to give ES6 a lot more time in the oven. I would not be shocked if we don't get a new mainline Fallout until 2030.


Exactly. I gave Fo76 a break but a map expansion and new quest line will definitely draw me back in. I’ve been out for about 8 months now.


ive been out for about 1 year fully but before that on and off college stoped alot of gaming but im so down for a map expansion im deffinlty coming back


Damn, I forgot bethesda has diffrent games to work on, I guess im gonna have to wait a decade for the next fallout


This but there are also mutliple DLCs already planned for Starfield. FO76 team is separate as I understand it (Austin).


Correct, 76 and ESO both are run by separate studios away from the ones making the mainline games.


Based on fallout 76, people said the same about Starfield. I’m worried about ES6 because the anticipation buildup and the underwhelming nature of the last two Bethesda games. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t bad games but pretty much everyone can agree that they are definitely messier and unpolished compared to what we were all expecting. I just hope they don’t screw it up! Edit: how did I know I would get downvoted by the PC master race funko pop kids 😂


i mean everything post fallout 3 from beth has been incredibly underwhelming in my eyes, and 3 was only a little above average. We won't ever see another Morrowind


Likely a little longer


Because Elder Scrolls is next and even that is a few years away.


Why not..? I've dozens of gaming pals who adore Fallout and only moved on from 76 because it wouldn't grow as they wanted and the paid DLC they were happy to buy never appeared. These guys still drop in now and then but they still say the same...where's the new maps...when will we get the next Far Harbour/Dead Money/Old World Blues/Point Lookout/NukaWorld...??! If they backed Fallout and embraced Nexgen only 76 or FO Online could be up there with the biggest online titles easily.


Should’ve been doing what ESO has been doing but I think maybe someone up at the top realized how successful ESO is and said damn maybe we should follow that model. Considering the hate ESO first garnered to where it is today is unbelievable. Haters will still hate but there is so much content in that game now it’s crazy


That's me. I love this game and have spent thousands of hours in it, I drop in now only here and there because I've seen it all. I learned every plan, unlocked everything, collected everything and there's nothing left. I always wished they would treat this game more like elder scrolls online and actually expand the world. I can't wait to see what they do.


I always play, but have it all, even 70/80/90% on the other four characters. I thoroughly enjoy 76 and often get lost in my Building or wandering around the map, running with some daft weapon for a giggle so I struggle with mobs for a change. During Nuclear Winter, where you could die in there and wander past the Map barrier back in Adventure, you could see how much more the game could be if they took the decision to open up the game further.


It’s not clear if they are utilizing that existing space beyond the borders or designing a new map like Far Harber/Nuka World. My guess is the latter and it will still “feel” like it’s all connected because they will probably extend the Savage Divide or maybe a SD/Forest hybrid aesthetic.


Yup..Somewhere around 5k hours I started to burn out hard


I've not quite burned out at around 4800+, but more maps like ESO is totally wat the Fallout community deserve..!


I would absolutely lose my shit if they finally decided to do FO Online... Same with Blizzard and if they ever decided to do a "Galaxy" of Starcraft instead of World of Warcraft. If they made a SWTOR like MMO for Starcraft, and an MMO of Fallout in the style of ESO... Microsoft would absolutely be fucking shit up for a long time. But....Activision Blizzard has to want it. Bethesda...has to want it. But after Starfield and more Call of Duty News. WoW still being subscription based in 2023/soon to be 2024... I don't see it happening. =/ Sea of Thieves finally got a PVE server after how long? and its still not what it needed to be. These companies keep dragging their feet on much needed QOL and upgrades.


I mean I’m in that same as your friends camp too, but the Nuka World DLC in 76 was, Imo, much better than the Fallout 4 one


The game is one of the biggest money makers in Bethesda history. We love our pretty hats and gun paint.


Ditto, the artwork is good food for thought too!


Yeah, the artwork gives me some Dunwich vibes.


I live not far from Dunwich (the one portrayed in AC Valhalla) and wondered what you were on about. It took me a few seconds to realise you were talking about H.P. Lovecraft.


Looks like we'll need proton packs.


I've always said what the Fallout series was missing was a good old sky beam. No scifi or fantasy franchise is complete without one! Also looks like Vault 63 (just the door in fact, possibly blown off??) on the left so maybe finally opening after the Vault Raids content was cut?


Same man 👍😁👍 I can’t wait Lets Goooooo👍😁👍


That is incredible actually. I thought expeditions was the end of life expansions


I honestly quit years ago and was waiting for a real expansion to the game. After getting my hopes up for the Pitt I also figured it wouldn't ever happen, especially after Atlantic City really doubled down on that terrible approach. It's a shame they focused on the expedition style instead of regular fallout style expansions that I assume most people would want. I imagine there are a lot of players like me who left without regular expansions over the years.


Artwork is titled 'storm concept', and it looks like there's a Vault 63, from the stray door. Storm seems to be originating, or hitting a cabin too. I wonder if this has anything to do with the Atlas Observatory Weather Controller. I mean, a beam like that, looks pretty man made.


Vault 63 is in the Ash heap, so this might be slightly south of that then.


It’s smoldering as well. Since the vault door for 63 is underground in the Ash Heap I wonder if it exploded due to whatever is going on within the vault, leading to the door to be launched into the countryside and the red lightning storm Definitely super interesting


It’s confirmed the map expansion is south of Appalachia into the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia


Radking pointed out in his video that the building is almost exactly the same shape/appearance as the famous Big Meadows Lodge in the real Shenandoah National park.


If thats the case I have to file a restraining order against Todd. Every Fallout has been in a place I have lived or currently live/lived at the time of release... The guy is a stalker. That cabin is a few miles away from me. /s but I do live nearby


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe the brotherhood has been messing around.


YES!! Oh, Shenandoah, I hear you calling Hi-o, you rolling river Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you Hi-o, I'm bound away 'Cross the wide, Missouri


It was hinted all along on our radio!


This is awesome news. That picture leaves a lot of room for us to come up with ideas. It also mentions seasonal events having better rewards and being more frequent. Looks like they are expecting a lot when the series comes out. This shows a huge increase in detail and development for this game. Can't wait.


I was 100 wrong... Bethesda, can listen and act accordingly. I know this isn't and official road map, but compared to what we got last year, this is amazing.


I wonder if '76 is getting more love and money thanks to the TV show coming out, and Starfield's somewhat disappointing launch. And if the player numbers are up in the last few months (which they seem to be), that helps a lot, too.


yeah reading the article they said they expect more hype and fans coming from the tv show premiere so i’d bet you’re right


It must be pretty exciting for them, if the show doesn't suck they're about to get a ton of new eyes on their game. No pressure, devs.


A lot of people after playing starfield started 76 I’ve noticed weird pipeline no cap


Off topic, to be fair, starfield had an incredible launch… it was the player retention that was awful. I don’t know anyone personally who stuck around and is still playing anymore. Seeing their subs numbers on Reddit; it’s definitely dropped significantly since release.


Starfield isn’t disappointed my man


I agree I love it, but some people don’t like it which is fine.


I expected nothing and was still disappointed.


Image on website reminds me of the elder scrolls online harrowstorms


It does!


YES, I also thought about that. I wonder if they took inspiration on it. The Harrowstorms to me are one of the world events in ESO that look the coolest.


Well I’ll be damned. You think we’ll ever expand east from there into the Capital Wasteland? That’d sure be something.


Only problem with the Capital Wasteland, is that it's a Wasteland, especially in the time period of Fallout 76. The Capital was one of the hardest hit locations during the Great War. Even 200 years after the bombs fell, in the setting of Fallout 3, most of the land was still remarkably dead and the water was very contaminated. It was an actual sidequest plot point to find a small oasis of life. I imagine if we were to visit it NOW, it would probably be somewhere between the Glowing Sea from Fallout 4 and a Nuke Zone from 76. Which could certainly be fun, in it's own way. But it's doubtful that there would be any remarkable landmarks. Even Super Mutants and Ghouls wouldn't be active in the region yet. Unless they retcon some stuff.


I imagine we could visit the outskirts at the very least, or maybe have some Metro 2033 shit where we scurry around the subway stations we all know and love from Fallout 3.


Holy fuck that got me wired! Fucking metro style gameplay in FO76 would be top tier for any and all metro fans.


That would be awesome friend👍😁👍 Never played the metro games as still in my backlog LOL Fallout just seems be more tempting nowadays due the main mechanics that I love. E.G full base customisation, different builds. Nostalgia lol even though I have only ever played Fallout 4 and 76 LOL


There are some dialogue options in 76 regarding travel to/from the Capital Wasteland so I don’t think it’s intended to be totally uninhabited. Certainly the lore of Fallout 3 points to there being survivors


Yea but everywhere else kind of recovered nicely as of a Super Bloom of sorts happens like in that Far Cry Game?😁👍


Actually a high level Glowing Sea type area sounds pretty cool. And actually now that I think about it, not that it's my thing, it sounds perfect for an extraction-style multiplayer mode.


Like a Risk vs Reward mode? Get loot and get out sort of thing? That could be really fun, yeah.


A capital Wasteland Expedition would be cool. It'd have to be done right, of course but I like the thought of an expedition into an almost still smouldering DC


Probably not. People hated on The Pitt Expeditions because they didn't go somewhere new and the story had no weight since we already knew how the Pitt ended up. Fallout going to new places gets people excited, and it frees up the writer's hands to go in different directions rather than "here is how area X looked like before it eventually ended up how it was in 3"


Yeah, revisiting locations is problematic when you've decided to set the game 200 years before the previous appearance of that location. On the other hand, apparently just 25 years was long enough for all the cars, roads, and buildings to decay in Appalachia to *the exact same extent* as they did in Boston after 200 years... unless maybe everything was already falling apart before 2077, which is plausible.


Real life Appalachia apparently has trash roads, plus the seismic activity from the region's mines and the bombs, combined with general pre-war who-gives-a-shit-ness makes me 0% shocked at the state of the roads


Awesome! New places to nuke? Can't wait ... but will have to. "Later in 2024" means fall at the earliest.


yeah hope so and judging by that apocalyptic picture a new world boss!


I know we still have Atlantic City part 2 coming in March, but Bethesda tends to not disclose upcoming projects until around 6 months before release since gamers have a short term memory. It'd be well out of the ordinary for Bethesda to announce this so early, and if they are wrapping up development soon for Atlantic City there are likely devs working on Shenandoah already. Or this is just out of the ordinary and they are announcing this way ahead of time


It’s bethesda, later in 2024 means mid 2025


And I initially typed just that but decided the news of a map expansion was too good to start throwing shade right off the bat so changed it. :P


Haha I appreciate the optimism, I do have that aswell but it’s fun to chat shit sometimes lol


Maybe we’ll get to access the big lake south of Watoga finally


Holy shit! I’m so excited fucking pumped. Time to hop back in full tilt…I’ve taken a little break


I'm shocked. And also, way more excited than I should be at my age about a game map expansion!!


If they only put as much as effort into F76 as they do ESO, this game would be fucking insane. Don’t get me I wrong, I pour hours into this game. We just need to see more give a damn from the devs.


I’ve said this for years. If they just looked at eso and stole a few ideas 76 could grow exponentially


This is awesome news! I guess I'd better find all of the map markers in the original map now. Time for exploration quests!


I just wanna go stomp the yard in my backyard in Baltimore. Bodymore Murdaland update when 🤣💀🤣


Ohhh nohhh. See you in da harbor, hon.


There better be a crumpled Natty Boh factory and Ol Bay seasoning item too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hoped this was the case when we got the ~~surveyor's~~ cartography table, you can see the known area doesn't take up the whole table. Outstanding, this might be what the game needs!


nice..will go check my table after work tonight!


I’m taking a look now, and not really seeing anything more south than the ash heap and craberry bog on the cartographer map


I am genuinely shocked, I really didn’t think they would ever do it. And Shenandoah is the new area? Absolutely awesome for anyone who hasn’t been there IRL.


Here's a sneak peak https://images.ctfassets.net/rporu91m20dc/29VJj2ZfuEjirKMlar5nl0/a1c0b12ecb85b5ff28860e9fa7190474/F76_storm_concept_art_in-body.png




Calm down, everyone calm down, ITS HAPPENING!


I wonder what towns they might include, the park is on the other side of 81 which puts my hometown right in the middle. I wonder if they can recreate the dog food smell....


Hope we get mutated turkeys


They could jess' quick lunch. The hot dogs would be no different than before the war. Radiation might have even made them edible.


I grew up in the Shenandoah valley I’m so excited


Wonder how big it is going to be and how the servers will cope lol


I'd prefer to see them move it to Nexgen soon. Surely the only way for the game to evolve properly.


Technically they already have, it is called 60FPS but LOL but yea, I understand what u are saying friend👍😁👍 Haptic feedback / adaptive triggers and 3D sound on a fallout game would be sick 👍😁👍


If they don't overhaul the servers this will go south, hyped but still with ya mate lol


It’s going south regardless lol they said it very clearly in the letter


I like the way you think lol You are correct, eitherway, it is going south indeed 😂


Hope they fix the Bugs and Increase Stash Box As Well or is this wishful thinking LOL 🤞😁🤞




I'm excited!


It’s gonna be a big year because of the show. There’s no reason not to ride those coattails. Gonna see a ton of new players on April.


I wonder if its an instanced expansion that splits the player population, or if they are actually making the core world larger.


I’m really (pleasantly) surprised at how much they continue to support this title.


Hyped for this but I was hoping and coping for an non expedition sized map expansion of The Pitt. I hope that they will make it happen next year even if they have to reuse the same maps/areas of the Expeditions As a local man that used to live near The Pitt I would love to see it happen.


That’s what the next AC update is. An explorable map


I’m well aware of the AC Part 2 map expansion coming next March. I was hoping and coping that they would give The Pitt the same treatment like they are about ready to do with Atlantic City. Unless they have plans for a later date I’m gonna keep huffing the copium.


Yah my hope is since the works been done for the Pitt they can translate what they learn from the AC exploration. That is unless contracts and other red tape stop them. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.


I'm pretty sure that's also coming in AC part 2. I remember them mentioning wanting to do that at some point at the very least even if not in part 2


I’m hoping for more mothman cultists lore, perhaps even encounters with the interloper. During the mothman equinox, the tomes mention passing through Virginia. It mentions Galax specifically which is quite a bit south from the border, but of course they don’t have to play by the rules of actual distance.


dude i think about the interloper all the time!!! i know f76 is cryptid heavy but gosh i really wish they’d lean into it more


A lot of the recent content has mentioned/ referenced south of Appalachia. It’s supposedly where the Mothman cultists come from and it’s been mentioned several times in Blue Ridge Caravan related stuff as well.


Wooee my neck of the woods too. Hope to see my town featured.


Hope its not just anothe expansion like the pitt or atlantic city but an actual map expansion.


^ this.


Holy shit this was unexpected especially this late into the games life but goddman i'm not complaining. Given the blown off vault 63 door in the image im assuming Vault 63 will open for us and be our passageway into this new area but thats just my tinfoil hat theory atm.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Man I wished I play Fallout 76 from the start. Started all alone, then settlers coming in, then some sealed vaults are starting to open or get opened. The story progresses through every updates.


Yeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!! I'm so happy, best news this year for me !


Please Bethesda we need Asian server or a relay server to improve our connection quality from Asia.ping&lags are unbearable now.


One of those art pieces has the vault 63 door in it, almost forgot that was in the game since I think it’s the only vault we are yet to explore in the game. I’m excited to learn how that plays into the story of the expansion Edit: it seems I am not the only one to notice this


I'm bricked up right now


I just started a new character because of this news!!


I just wish it wouldn’t crash on PS5 ever hour or so.


Probably be 2025


I hope some of the "several additional features and improvements" includes cross-platform play (or at least cross-progression). I started playing on PC and I'd like to play on Xbox, but that would mean starting from scratch with a completely different character.


If it’s true, all the whinny redditor posters on this sub will have to shut up


Alway said they'd do it and it was needed...regularly told by the 'know betters' the game was done and the map was it, game was more likely to shutdown... Knew with 5 being an age away Bethesda wouldn't sit on 76. Fallout is the main man for them and Starfield's reception has only compounded it for me. Great to hear it. I can only hope for all of us that they embrace 76 and evolve it into Fallout Online...so many would return !




Nice and excited 😊


Good, goood! 👍




Freaking fantastic!


About damn time, I was thinking boring expedition missions was going to be the only way to see new places.


About time!! So hyped. Now if only cross play would be added


This might actually bring me back to the game honestly. I've pretty much left it for ESO.


Oh that sounds fun actually...I've pretty much explored the map to death...


Ok, that sounds fantastic. They really turned the game around. But I thought they mentioned there being innate obstacles preventing mainland map expansions?


Spoiler: It will be full of awkward BoS.


On top of the America’s Playground update to make Atlantic City all one explorable are? Damn, eating good


Holy shit did not expect a map expansion after the next part of Atlantic City I thought we’d just get more expedition stuff nice to see they’re still following their plan to actually put in content


Bethesda be cooking


Holy shit, that is hype!




They say life is old there, older than the sea...


Freaking sweet we’re going to the upside down


Hope it's not just an expedition. A map expansion sounds fun.


The television show will bring in an influx of new players. So doing a real dlc expansion makes sense. To keep players playing, because it's going to take that to battle the real nuclear bomb that set to be unleashed by Rockstar games.




Interesting that they mentioned improvements for the builders. Wondering what that may be


Maybe the fallout TV show isnt so bad after all!


I am reading the comments over the beam in the picture creating the storm and it coming from the earths surface. But what if and i mean what if it are the Zeta aliens having the strom as a short protection and the are getting stuf from that place where the beam is hitting. So the new boss battle will be going in to the beam in to the mothership and defeating the Zetan's from the inside out.


Wow that’s amazing news! It’s a little vague so I’m wondering if the expansion will be seamless and with the current map or if it will separated. (Is that Vault 63 in the teaser image? A doorway to this new area perhaps?) Either way it’s very clear the new expansion will be just as the main map is… a large world space to explore, camps spots to be found!!


Yessss!!! Also.. maybe they’ll finally open the Whitespring Resort locked rooms and Vault 63.


Holy hell, didn't expect this at all! That's huge! Especially this far in game's life!


My camp is along the southern border amongst the many lakes and creeks and I've always wondered if they'd expand further down (as it looked quite detailed). Also from my roof, you can see down into the forested valley, it looks so serene! I can't wait!


They are no man skying us


We are getting what we asked for and a bit more


But will it be an expanded map we can build camps on, or another expedition.


The street sign is pointing to Shenandoah park, which is east of our current map. I looked but couldn't find any references to the suspended boulder on the right side of the pic. The little camp at the 4/5 o'clock position from the center building looks like a barbarian camp from Civ 5.


Fallout but in Ohio


Well if it's as tiny as the expeditions I wouldn't expect much. Unless it's a full map or at least half the original map it's not much.


I am expecting it to be at least the size of a biome like the Ash Heap, toxic valley, Cranberry bog.


I'm totally shocked. I would have bet against a map expansion, let alone one that expands to my home. So excited to have my home represented in my favorite game franchise!


When does this update come out is there a exact date


Listed as end of June in the community calendar. While we dont have an exact date, 25th seems like a sure bet.


I really hope it expands enough to have Mount Weather in it. Even now Mount Weather in VA is shrouded in mystery but they can do so much to help build this into the map.


Should be interesting. Wonder what factions they come up with and creatures to see


I hope this bring clan bases, larger scale fights and/or raid type battles. I do think it would be entertaining to need to supply NPC forces for various bonuses in missions of this type too! Ammunition and supplies used to be so very limited, but now the are beyond over abundant. It would be nice to have some kind of event like that to put them towards, rather than just dropping them into the void. It would also help to build up a clan style base mechanic too, where members’ shops would be available through the clan base, and the clan had its own storage, cap reserve, etc for use of improvements. There’s only so far this game can go with limits to the team aspect! Opening that up would help keep the flood of new players engaged long-term!


Are we going to get consistent map expansions like eso in future?


Thank god! Now Bethesda, DM me lets talk about the Ohio expansion that needs to come. Also maybe we can get wheeling and parkersburg added to the games??


Cool, about time we had Daily Ops 3.0!!! (i wish it could be a joke...) But lets stay optimistic, if its a real map expansion then great. It will be nice to explore actual open-world instead of a jazzed-up dungeon tile.




Mathematical!! I’m excited for this! Been so long I’ve forgotten what a good quest feels like 🤩


i’m curious if this is in response to how shit starfield is, that the only game other than ESO to make good money with is fo76


I havent played this game since it came out on PS4. Is it worth diving back into with a new character? I dont have my PS4 anymore but I can get it on PC. I remember having alot of fun with this game despite its low popularity at the time.


Yeah this is simply a tie in with the Fallout TV series on Prime.


Or and I know this is a wild one those worthless jerk offs could actually work on getting the game to work right holy shit make the fucking game so it stops crashing constantly


Fuck yeah. I saw both the dolly drive thru and the vault survivor outfits bundled with other junk. Was gonna skip, but will buy them just to show support to beth for this.


I am interested in this new map expansion, but I am not confident about this live-action show at all...


Let’s tamper our expectations. Hate to get overhyped over very little like: Pitt, Atlantic City, Brotherhood “DLCs”, and others.


Really I don't think they even need to expand in that way or via expeditions. When they could have stuff like mole miner cave ins reveal new underground layers that could even connect to misplaced vaults. Or have robots start up building plans set up years in advance that no one was around to shut off or correct the mistakes in their corrupted blueprints. I'd rather they actually start using some of the space they do have. Would love to see something like a massive cave inetting loose dozens of juvenile scorchbeast the size of lions, or invasions of weird invasive species from other regions. Are so many ways things they could be doing to expand on to give more value to what's already available. Especially if they used new system to randomize how they are dished out. Give actual value to exploring places you would otherwise never revisit. And make it worth people's time either through rewards or crazy experiences that create lasting memories they can tell others.


ESO has had numerous expansions, from entire explorable zones like Morrowind and Elsewyr to Dungeon DLC with four or five separate dungeons in each pack, to new classes, abilities, spells, and powers. 1. Craglorn update (2015) 2. Imperial City PvP Zone DLC (2015) 3. Orsinium Zone DLC (2015) 4. Thieves Guild Zone DLC (2016) 5. Dark Brotherhood Zone DLC (2016) 6. Shadows of the Hist Dungeon DLC (2016) 7. Morrowind Chapter (and its prologue quest "The Missing Prophecy") (2017) 8. Clockwork City Zone DLC (and its prologue quest "Of Knives and Long Shadows") (2017) 9. Summerset Chapter (and its prologue quest "Through a Veil Darkly") (2018) 10. Murkmire Zone DLC (and its prologue quest "Ruthless Competition") (2018) 11. Wrathstone Dungeon DLC (2019) 12. Elsweyr Chapter (and its prologue quest "The Demon Weapon") (2019) 13. Scalebreaker Dungeon DLC (2019) 14. Dragonhold Zone DLC (and its prologue quest "The Dragonguard's Legacy") (2019) **\[THIS IS JUST THE FIRST FIVE YEARS\]** Since 2020 they've had a *yearly* schedule of a new area of Tamriel, a new set of dungeons and trials, and then another with new content, meaning *actual* content and not just cosmetics, like whole systems, jewelry crafting, antiquities, and companions. That's 3 to 4 actual full-featured DLC/Expansions every year for the last four years. What do you think Fallout 76 would have been like today if Bethesda had backed this game like they did ESO? Can you imagine? And before anyone says, "But they're really successful!" They bombed out of the gate just like FO76 did. But they stuck with it and made it better. They didn't just treat it like their ginger step-child, and let it twist in the wind. But hey, at least our subscription price is $2 cheaper! ($12.99 vs. $14.99)


ESO makes you pay full price for all of these things yearly on top of a significantly more predatory shop.


Full price? you mean for the huge chapter expansions? Because *everything* that has come out since FO76 release would be in just *one* of those. Not to mention you only have to buy the lastest one, and you get all the previous ones. And for the others, you can buy most of them with cash shop coins, That's not quite 'predatory'. Their mounts are with two-stage rarity, but then if FO76 had mounts, you bet Bethesda would be milking them for whatever they could get. But only three of those in that first five years required a cash price, and those were the ones that gave you everything; new zones, new dungeons, new raids, new spells, even whole new classes. I don't know what to say if you're happy getting minimal effort as long as you don't have to pay for a new full expansion.


You can't compare apples to oranges. ESO is 76 big brother.


They can and should be compared because it shows how either completely lazy or incompetent the people working on 76 are. No story content for over 2 years is completely unacceptable.