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Aye. Just a shame you cannot have more than 1 ally or have things that actually work like a pool table or a poker table even. Stuff to encourage social activity.


Imagine if you could have all allies and robots active at the same time.


should at the very LEAST be allowed in vaults.


It would really feel like you’re rebuilding Appalachia and creating a community if you could have all your allys in your vault


I have to go through load screens to get into your vault. Let ppl go crazy and make it worth it.


No, but you can have an ally, a scavenger bot, an animated vendor bot, and a tamed pet


A tamed pet? How? Do tell!


I think it's a perk card? Maybe a legendary? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere.


I think you're right about the perk card. I'll be impatiently waiting for it 😒


Requires wasteland whisperer, you aim your gun at them and if they yield they will follow you back to camp


Thanks! Which special is that? Luck maybe?


It should be under charisma.


if you have animal friend (lvl 1 for smaller creatures like molerats, 2 for bigger ones like radstags and 3 for giant creatures like mega sloths) and encounter a lone animal at a random encounter spawn you can aim ur gun at it and a "tame" option will replace the "pacify" option!! an in depth thread can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/rt0j54/how_to_tame_a_pet_updated_for_2022/)


Thanks for the info! Guess I need to wait for the perk card. 😒


There's a functional 9 ball table on this seasons scoreboard. 🫡


functional as in i can play a game of pool on it against someone elseor functional as in it has an animation?


Just an animation. It plays you through a game.


Aye. Got one from before. Used to play yahoo pool back on the late 90s in a browser. Surely they could put that in the game. Couldn't see it being too demanding.


Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw has a working pool game in it and you'd be surprised how much time and effort went into coding a working game that doesn't desync. Now add server ping and multiplayer to the mix. It ain't Yahoo pool.


That would be cool. Same with the pinball machine.


“Functional” 🤡


Wait that thing is functional!?


Most of the Atlantic city gambling plans like the roulette table and one of the card tabled + the slot machines are all functional but we could use more stuff like them


I still say Wildstar had the best housing system - but 76 is pretty good - but it would be VERY good if they'd just ease up on some of the weird restrictions, glitches and terribly organized build UI.


I never played Wildstar sadly. Was it open world in a similar scenario?


It was more like a traditional MMO experience. Housing was instanced, but you had a lot of control over where you could place furniture. This allowed you to create some wild things on the little floating island they give you to build on. They also had reasons to visit it daily. I still prefer the housing in Fallout 76. Going off your username, I hope they add (decent) housing to Guild Wars 2.


RIP Wildstar


I just posted the same thing then scrolled down and saw this comment. I miss that fucking game SO much.


I hear ya on that - it was such a unique setting. Like an 80's Saturday morning cartoon come to life =)


Yeah and most of the community was cool. I miss our daily morning coffee thread on the official forum.


Wildstar was good, but IMO hands down ESO is the best housing system, and before that I'd say Ultima Online :P


How is Star Wars Galaxies not on the list? Not only did they have player houses (with full three axis item manipulation for decorating) but also complete player *cities* with voting and everything!! It was amazing!


My guild made me the mayor then never listened to me. *sad panda*


This was my only thought honestly. Galaxies was amazing, and I still go back and play Legends every once in a while


I miss Galaxies.


Depending on which flavor you liked more, there are definitely a couple emulators that have decent communities.


Game was way ahead of its time. Player cities were amazing. Used to spend so much time going from place to place checking out houses and vendors. Some places were crazy good. Also used to love raiding them. 😂 Definitely some of my favorite gaming memories ever.


The vendors were cool, I even opened my own little one selling shop parts I got from space, for reverse engineering. So many cool systems and mechanics in that game.


Agreed ESO is the best. I was part of a housing guild and it’s mind blowing what folks do there. Also easier to place things … cobble as they say items together. But … FO76 has the best Open World … where all of the dwellings can be experienced as part of the landscape. You cannot see a player’s ESO unless you are friends or Guildmates.


Yeah, but again, if they made 76 building how ESO is, with more lenient placement and being able to adjust stuff with more uhh finesse.. itd be better.


Yes it would be. 👍


Your bugging


Naw, ESO is great, the amount of control you have over placement and the amount is awesome. UO \*was\* great, because it was highly customizable, especially compared to everything else on the market for \*years\* If Fallout had some of the tools ESO did, I'd give it to ESO, but man it's lacking some stuff that'd really take it to the next level.


I'd settle for just functional consistency. If it has a system to check valid placement of objects, then green should fucking mean green.


This is Bethesda's land, there will be *no* logic permitted thank you.


"It just works"


Um... no, Todd... no, it doesn't.


Haha was just "yelling" at the game yesterday for this issue! That and the awful and illogical sorting of items


Oh yeah, the menu for items is a fucking mess. It was a mess in the beginning, but now its just absolute shit. No order to it at all.


> weird restrictions See: Me trying to properly wall off my camp and having small gaps between each panel that people can still go through.


Question is, would enough players agree to the downtime that could be necessary to completely revamp things and do a major patch, like that? I think they would, only there's a small, cynical part of me that wonders. I would not complain if Bethesda said, "hey guys, were doing a major overhaul of certain systems, so 76 is not playable," for however long it takes to do. If it fixed things, that is...


They wouldn't need to take the game down for such a thing - they'd just add it in as part of a large update.


God I miss Wildstar...it got so much right but really blew it with the endgame. This time of year we'd be enjoying the Super-mall in the Sky event. That's still the best seasonal event I've ever seen.


I felt so freakin’ disappointed when I tried to build an outpost in Starfield and it felt directly inferior to F76. Especially with locking most of it behind tons of skill points, so you have to sabotage your early playthrough if you want to enjoy a minor side element of the game… was missing 76 every moment.


Starfield wise, we definitely have more items than 76 did at launch, but we're definitely spoiled by how much there is in 76 now. I spend so much time building, it was a huge draw for starfield for me. The snapping points are a bit much, and it'd be nice to have alternative habs, airlocks, ways to build structures, maybe shopkeepers or other npcs and such. I'm also looking forward to more building glitches coming out as people get familiar with the way the system works


Sounds like what they said but with more sugar coating




I started off a kinda disappointed in outpost building in Starfield when I first looked at it, but once I got into it I really liked it, it’s a lot more versatile that it appears on the surface. As to the points, you only need 2 in outpost engineering to unlock all furniture and decorative objects, and then ideally one in botany and one in zoology, but those are nice to haves not have to haves


I agree with everything you said. In no other game, I've ever played, can you build a house, (despite it's quirks) that you enjoy building, and have a vendor to sell items to other players for their various needs. Of all the survival type games I've ever played, th8s game is definitely the best, hands down.


Conan Exiles has better building, but fo 76 wins in the decorating category imho. Hopefully they will tweak CAMP restrictions/ buggyness at some point because it could be a whole lot better!


SWG would like to have a word


Upvoting for accuracy. So great. Every single item in the game 3D modeled and can be put anywhere in your home you want. Player cities! Decorating spaceships! Awesome times


Please be quite...i am drowning in nostalgia


Star Wars Galaxies had a very good system for its time.


SWG was brilliant! Really liked how you could decorate by merging, raising and lowering, and the all-axis rotation. Very precise control, and you could use almost anything in the game to decorate your homes.


And the sheer amount of rare/anniversary/legacy items that you couldn't even get anymore except for from player vendors for an insane price. I remember searching high and low for the rebel speeder bike cap from Endor.


OMG you just reminded of an extremely rare item I absolutely treasured, a wearable armband that very rarely dropped from the Dathomir Witches.


I know the exact one. I spent a full summer building a set of all black Mando armor, was like the crowning achievement of my 12 year old life at the time.


Respect! No one I knew had one, and I was GM of the Teräs Käsi Order - we trained recruits on Dathomir.


Eso has a better house decorating system with the means to no clip and rotate objects, the problem is it can only be done in pre designed houses and it is incredibly expensive to do ingame because of the rarity of the items. But if 76 let us no clip our camp objects then it will be so much better.


Wish we could freely place inventory items around our camp also


Ultima Online had the best, but 76 is pretty good.


what UO and 76 have in common, which I have spent more time with than any other game thing, is "houses"


I love my UO house - I had a very cool custom build I put together that was a sort of small castle with an internal courtyard. I was also saddened that WoW had no housing, not even EQ style instanced stuff.


I used to run a tavern (officially featured in a guidebook!) and small village around it. I spent at least 10 times as much time just screwing around there as I ever did in the game proper.


If you could find a place to put a house down that is!


>But there's so many times when I'd be doing housing in ESO and get discouraged because you just won't naturally have people visiting your CAMP. Putting the player vendor in your own CAMP (and nowhere else) was the best decision they could have made in this regard because it drives foot traffic like nothing else could. On top of that, camp plans as a player trophy system makes building a lot more satisfying than in other games even with the placement limitations we have. Compared to the awful guild trader system that ESO has, its particularly striking. Of course it helps that 76 had the camp system at launch while ESO only added player housing a few years in and has a very different transaction model.


FO76 feels a lot like Star Wars Galaxies with its housing system.


Duuuuude I came here to say this! That's why I love settlement building. I used to love setting up home on Lok in SWG and even made friends with the mayor and my neighbors.


You must be talking only about claimed areas. FO76 feels like a limited version of FO4's building system. I don't think FO76 building is anything like SWG. Can't use anything you pick up to decorate, no prefabs, no built-in merging, can't rotate on all axes, can't move along the z-axis, no text commands. I'd take SWG's building model any day.


I really like the camp system in 76. I really wish they would have done something similar in Starfield. I’ve been really happy with the camps I’ve built, but struggle to get into the outposts. Bethesda got it (mostly) right in 76 🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed the base building in Fallout 4. There’s something definitely unique about the camp building in Fallout 76 — and I agree it must be the social aspect. Sharing my work with others in the world means a lot given how much time I sink into it.


No other game comes close. I've seen crashed UFOs, role play style pop shops, full size museums, giant robots and endlessly more totally unique camps. I honestly can't think of any other online game that let's you give such unique personality to your "base".


Yeah its one of my favorite things. There's for sure QoL areas that need improving like the logic system and not having us rely on "glitches" to get some things done. But you can still do so much. I appreciate games like Conan. But I never saw as unique builds as I do in Fo76. And when I did build in that game, outside of PvP nobody cared about my base or visited it haha.


Well said. It feels like things are real in the game. And it’s cool to visit and to be visited by other players. Great creativity.


I'm always amazed by how creative some of the builders are. Even with the same set of objects I don't think I could get the results some of these players have come up with. :)


I think Lord of the Rings online has it beat but they've had a few decades to polish their system. The only other system I've felt was comparable was Wildstars (RIP). In fact, if Wildstar was still going I'd probably be playing that instead. Sci-fi/adventure is much more my thing.


I really like Valheim's build system. Though its closer to Minecraft in that each world is a different instance and you can only have like 9 players on there. But the housing and players keep me coming back to FO76


The crew who designed it were all Ultima Online alumni. They brought a lot of experience and learned lessons with them.


Now that’s a fun fact! Makes so much sense. I love both games. Custom housing in the open world was an amazing thing in UO.


Wild star housing trumped it . You had the ability to rotate/skew/scale/impale any item an any area you wanted .completely free form. However I have spent 1.6k hrs in fallout 76 now and I'm only level 335 ,having spent around 1k of those hours involved in building above and underground . It's my end game . I adore it.


I agree OP because I like that people randomly show up and buy stuff, off load and load up on supplies and go on their way. All without a loading screen.


For those of you that need to learn more about building skills and tricks - I recommend you to check out MisterChurch on YT.


I, for one, think it's pretty cool that you can visit other peoples' camps and see what they've done. Some people get REALLY creative. I am forever impressed. My building skills are lowkey dogshit


Yeah there's a lot of fun stuff people do. Haha we all start with dogshit building skills :D. Just takes practice! You'll get there.


I like to put my camp at existing structures and work with the indestructible framework


I agree. I spend 90% of my time messing with my camps when I play. There’s too many options, themes, locations and just general ideas. It seems kind of endless (addicting).


It almost feels like Minecraft with sick decorations and guns lol


Plus after watching the suburban tunnel girl's TikTok, I find the plausibility of an underground vault shelter even more realistic and immersive.


Fallout 76 is kinda my favorite, I wish it had the scale and rotation options that most objects that no mans sky has


Beth please increase the camp budget 😭


Ohhhhh crap you just reminded me that I have those refuge to build too... Nice ! The budget limit was reached unfortunately with the camp... Next weekend Will be busy haha


I totally get what you mean by feeling part of the world. I have my CAMP set up underneath one of the bridges in The Mire and I get frequent visitors. I’m glad my CAMP can act as some sort of refuge where players can stop by to repair their stuff or restock on water etc.


I really want one of those corner stairs from many of the small houses. The one that goes up a bit then hangs a right. That would be awesome and I could use the space to my advantage.


Yeah I would love some more reasonable/space friendly stair options that you see in the game already.


I completely agree. I struggled big time in ESO getting materials and resources etc. Found it so hard crafting. Where as in Fallout76 it’s much easier to collect crafting materials and crafting C.A.M.P’s is one of my favourite parts of the game 🙂


Wait till we get domestic pets and spouses and mistresses and ghoul booty calls.


I like the freaky cut of your jib.


Wouldn't it be nice if they replaced Custom Worlds with a "Mega Server" with an increased player limit and a focus on camp building and clan meet ups.


Yeah I wish that could be a thing. But I think part of the issue is performance. Server would probably explode if they had like 50-100 players on at once haha. So for now you just have private worlds for meetups.


Man I wish I could feel this way but if anything I feel the opposite. I would say Conan Exiles does building better, and The Old Republic, Rift, and even ESO do decorating better. The CAMP system feels so neutered that whenever I try I just think I wish I was playing Fallout 4.




There have been quite a few mmo's with housing systems. Some of which are still around.


Being able to place your camp anywhere is doing a lot of carrying here if we're to say that 76 has the best housing system. It's the only game where even placing walls looks bad. There are huge seams at every angle, and everything is just massive blocks. Minecraft looks less square than the houses in Fallout 76 and it is oh, so very difficult to make something that has any shape whatsoever. And then we get to the stuff you can actually place, 90% of which is from the atom store, and all of which looks mishmashed and out of place. I go to most camps and I don't think "ah this is a space where somebody lives", I think, "ah, there's that cryptid plushie again, and some huge tanks of aliens and super mutants, right next to the Slocum's donut vendor doing a jig, which is in the room with the chair made out of a living and suffering ghoul (once a person with thoughts and feelings), a childish collection of teddy bears, 50 office water coolers bubbling away, and then what looks like again, a child's racecar bed". And that's not to mention all the little arcade machines, strength testers, shooting galleries and mini games, where you can watch your player character act out an animation but not play the game yourself. Then the popcorn machine, the collectron, the ammo factory, and all the usual twaddle that everybody placed in their camp. I am never more aware that I'm playing a game than when I visit camps. And don't get me wrong here, I'm not complaining about how people decorate - I think that the issue is that the things they've been given aren't the sort of thing that results in creative and attractive homes.


I agree pretty strongly here. If we were given more clutter, more ability to place it, and clipping was more forgiving (it already can be, if you confuse the game enough, know tricks, and are very lucky! Just loosen it a little!) It is hard to generate a consistent aesthetic. You can do it, it takes skill and having been around for the right scoreboards, though. However, a lot of this is just the nature of player housing, which will always to a degree look the most like you say just by default. The defaults are no longer good in 76, which is again inevitable in a cosmetics driven game unless you have extremely strong art direction.


It's very frustrating because you're exactly right about getting the stuff to make a consistent theme. I feel like I need to be watching the game constantly to make sure that I pick up on the sporadic offerings from the scoreboards, as well as the atom store. I tend to play a lot at once and then not at all for months, which just isn't the kind of player that they encourage. I remember last year (technically two years ago now) they gave away a whole prefab which looked pretty good (Wild Mountain Rifle Range I think it was), and as soon as I saw it I started thinking of different things to do with it. But when I actually loaded into the world and checked the challenges to complete it, I couldn't get it. Because I'd missed the first week of the challenge, I couldn't collect the mystery reward enough times for it to count or whatever. The scoreboards also have a lot of what seem like leftovers from other scoreboards too, so even if you look at it and say "that's not the style of furnishings I like", you might miss the perfect items that were hidden along the path that have nothing to do with the current theme. I don't mean to just complain, but it seems that's what I've done again lol.


Yes, I missed that one too! They shouldn't ever show you a reward you can't get in an event that is still ongoing. That is just irritating. They tend to stagger the styles, yes; I've managed to gather a consistent set of science/modern stuff but it took years, maybe half the scoreboards, and multiple atom purchases. There's an entire rustic side here that I don't want at all, and it's harder to build a midcentury modern look than I would expect given the theme. At a minimum I should be able to build anything I see in the world, and all junk objects should possess a placeable version that uses that item as the components. This is at heart the same bullshit you used to get in Ultima Online with "rare" items that were stuff like spittoons and plates, though. Still dumb. Never do this, games. I will say that a lot of very good stuff is in holiday rewards and daily ops, though. If they put up junk items for stamps I'd do a lot of expeditions; a lot


You’re not wrong. The focus on stuff that seemingly belongs in an eight year old’s dream room really does grate when there’s a lot of common sense building and decorating stuff we’ve yet to see. It’s also true that the system itself doesn’t encourage building attractive and lore accurate camps. Is it any wonder when faced with the punitive fussiness of it (and the now comically disordered build menu) that many players just choose to build a huge wooden cube, fill it with a smattering of random crap, and be done with the process.


The thing that sucks most is logging into the game, not able to place the camp and notice I left my camp building perk/SPECIAL setup active, which means I'm seriously overloaded. Can't fast travel, can't sprint, can't really fight. Skip worlds until you can place your camp and notice that you don't spawn at the camp now but somewhere else. The game should always try one of your other camp locations and give you free fast travel there.


Yeah its good but too bad the shops allways filled with garbage most of the time


Eh I get the difficulty. A lot of people suck at understanding in game markets. I'm an aristocrat main and I constantly shop around to see what people are selling. I see a lot of people overcharging for trash, selling useless items, etc. For my, my biggest sellers are the following. Desirable consumables, craftable outfits, CAMP plans (rare ones are good money), and scrip. If I'm really short on caps, which I rarely do, I can toss some good roll weapon on there and get like 20-30k caps within a week. Quicker if I post on the market subreddit. I'd really like them to put in a better trading system for item to item trades. I hate having to rely upon mules. I'd rather just not deal with it and hoard items haha. As a "trader", my biggest wishes for this game in that regard is to strengthen the consumable market to encourage a better economy + do item to item trading more.


I'm taking about atomic shop


A question to those who made a camp with the vault walls, what did you all use as a roof and why can I not use the upper floor? Am I not understanding how to use it?


So the vault walls were originally, I believe, made mainly for the vault shelters and building inside of them. I think they come bundled with it. That being said, I'd recommend the following roofs. Flight roofs of the Army Base and Responder's buildkit (cement). The asbestos roof (dark angular roofs). And finally the whitesprings buildkit roofs (greenish metal (oxidized copper I believe) with a white finish. For the upper floor, I'm not sure what you're asking.


I was trying to figure out how to use the upper floor as a roof and it was just not letting me clip it to the top of an existing wall unfortunately. I ended up giving up


Unfortunately, it is a floor and not a roof! This is a ridiculous distinction that should not be made. They should: 1) Make texture of floor and geometry of floor separate. 2) Let me put a floor where a roof is. 3) Be way less picky about what I am allowed to snap to a wall edge.


City of heroes had their bases.. basically godmode


Camp building in FO76 is inferior to Fallout 4 but I have learned to make the best of it. Of course in Fallout 4 you could use mods which raised it to a whole other level. I'm often in awe at the creativity players put into camp building, especially internal decor which I am useless at.


I'd love to see a basement build. There's a pre built house on the south of the map that has a basement. I made a camp there a while ago and loved walking in to a basement. I put my shelter door down there and it was pretty cool and in keeping with a subterranean shelter.


What location markers are nearby? I was thinking up the hill from Garrahan with the wood resource and greenhouse, but I don't recall a basement there.


It's right by the house with the greenhouse. There's often a legendary sheepsquatch roaming there so I moved my camp.


Yeah I do like that area. Its like a little farm community next to it that once existed. Its a fun area to build. My biggest issue with some of these "off the beaten path" locations is I notice that I get far far less visitors. I often find that if I build near popular locations (events or just high traffic areas), I get so many more visitors. Still fun to experiment with them though.


No praise until they increase build limits for camps. Or improve the efficiency of all the items included in the box instead of just premium items that embarrass them when people can’t even place them anymore 💀


I really liked FFXIV's housing system for how much control you had over tweaking objects and how easy they made it to do item merges. I do like the open world aspect of FO76s housing, but it really needs some quality of life updates to meet its full potential in my opinion. It has so many placement bugs that make building prohibitive. Allow us to have more refined control of the vertical and horizontal axis placement, bigger build budgets, more small items to make it look more lived in. I'm optimistic about the future of the housing of this game though. Hopefully with the new tv series coming and the big update in the works, we'll see some of the camps systems refined.


Minecraft exist tho