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Woo hoo! 127 copies of the mole miner gauntlet plan!!!!


ALL the mounted heads for one lucky winner!


Funnily enough, I'm still missing some of those so that'd be a lovely find.


Bruh fr lmao. If anyone have some head plans they can sell me on PC id be grateful lmfao


I think i have them all. I'll be online in about 30 minutes: aleoso


Wish I was on PC. I got a ton of ones I have from the Holiday Scorched.


I have alot of plans across 3 characters lmk what u need I might have it


You dont need to buy them. Presents were duped into absolute oblivion a few years back since they use to not weigh anything so there's tons of people with thousands upon thousands of those head plans, especially the ones that don't weigh anything. Although human greed never ceases to amaze me so I wouldn't doubt if someone with 10k of them wanted you to buy them from them. If none of the ppl in this thread come through, just put up a LFG asking if anyone has one of each of the mounted heads you can have. I keep about 500 of each of the ones with no weight on me on Xbox so that whenever I come across low levels I can give them some head(s)


Stop giving head to strangers!!! It’s unhygienic


I wish I knew how to get the.mounted owlet


I need that one, I need the deathclaw head, the mounted bee head. And some other of the "rare" ones. I saw a few in vendors but damn they're like 2999 a head. Inflation or what lool


Yeah there's no way I pay like $3,000 since I only have like 2,000 caps anyway... The deathclaw would be cool though I don't think I have that one yet either


Which ones u missing I got spares on xbox


If you're on Playstation I've got a ton


I'm on ps gamertag CryBabyBrooke


Funnily enough I looked in a donation box yesterday and someone had dumped like 10 mounted heads plans


If you're on Playstation let me know which ones you're missing I probably have them and they absolutely will never sell in a vendor


Oh you'd be surprised. I sold 4 yesterday. Low level players don't have them, and even some higher levels don't have them all. I happen to be someone that does and I sell them for under 25 caps most of the time.


I was about to say I list almost all my plans for 10-20 caps because I figure otherwise I’ll just throw them away


> they absolutely will never sell in a vendor You mean you wouldn’t sell them in your vendor or you think no one would buy?


They didn't sell in my vendor...


Someone dropped a bunch of mounted heads at my trading post yesterday!


I’m so sorry.


Someone bought like 300+ of those from me a while ago for 1cap a piece… I really have no idea why.


Probably at max caps and was just looking to transfer some to you.


Yep that’s what I’d do if at max caps.


Or they plan to resell them or drop them off at train stations in the donation box. I've done that when I find them that cheap. The donation box I mean. I don't need to resell them, I've got enough plans for that already.


lol no only about 5 of those :)


Fuck yeah I’m short on those. Can you spare a few?


There was only 127 put in the donation box. Why would you think there are any to spare?




Yay thank you for the 200 spoiled meat.


Lol hey I’ll turn that in to fertilizer and sell the bulk 😂


TIL you can do that


Basically the only reason I collect plastic at all is to make extra bulk items. People will pay 25 - 50 caps all day for bulk materials like copper or aluminum


Shit..I've been selling mine too cheap then


This one got me LOL


I did this with my Stash yesterday. My stash has been maxed out for about a year and I was tired of it. Donated roughly 800 lbs of materials alone. Insanity.


I've got 1st because I have a serious hoarding problem. I just looked last night and I'm carrying over 2000 bobby pins. I'll be leaving some of those in donation boxes. And that's just the bobby pins. You wouldn't believe what's in my scrap box. I actually got a laugh out of some level 1000 plus idiot that decided to mess up my camp. (I'm only level 588 because I don't play to 'win' just to have fun, so I haven't done the min/max get as many XP as possible bit.) He tore it up pretty much leaving it in ruins. I stood there and watched him, then I just fixed it instantly and stood there spamming the laugh emote. Rinse and repeat like twice more with me laughing the entire time. I guess he didn't get the fact that nothing he could do to my camp would have the least bit of affect on me. Maybe he thought I'd get mad and PVP, who knows? He logged off after that. I guess I ruined his fun.


He wanted you to move your camp. Probably where his was.


I guess server hopping was out of the question for him then...


Some are just lazy. I have hopped multiple times to get my camp set.


Same here, but I also have multiple camps, so sometimes I just switch locations.


Same, either that or hopped looking for certain mods/plans. If I pop into a world where my camp spot is taken, usually just make a quick trip to relevant vendors to see if they have what I'm looking for and move on


Maybe, but to be honest, he could have simply server hopped. I was on with a friend of mine that day and we were chasing treasure hunters.


Wow I play to have fun and I’m level 120 💀


I've been playing 3 years.


Wow, i never have more than about 50 Bobby pins. I drop the excess in various spots.


Amazing idea going to do this now so I’m not at max stash weight enjoy lucky person


The other day I dropped 400 lbs of plans, I went from 1200 to 700+ at the Flatwoods Church donations, made one level 24 very happy.. never have to buy a single venderbot plan again


That’s how ya pay it forward dang. I don’t play that much. I’m def a casual.


I did that with all of my treasure maps.




I’ve got three in my vendor, I’m on Xbox- GTAggie07.


Were on pc, can I still do that?


No cross play.


tragic, thanks anyway u/Cheap_Assistant_5170


I just sold one to a pretty low level player for 500 caps. That's the second one I've sold in a week. I'm on PS4, so if you're on PS4 friend me and send me a message. If I get another one I'm happy to let you have it gratis.


I definitely need one for my Nuka Quantum warehouse employee lounge c.a.m.p 🥺


Idk if you are on PlayStation but I'm pretty sure I have like 2 copies. My SN is hotheadkilla91 Let me know it's you or I will not accept it


I need one of those 🥺 I've spent sooooo many hours/days grinding and all I find are mounted heads 😭


That's actually a great idea. New year, fresh start. I've got so much junk in there or sitting in my stash that I no longer need. It would be nice to have a stash that isn't full...


I have a ton of 'display guns' I'm sitting on because, well, memories. I may turn them over to my second character when he gets to level 50 and can use them.


Chemistry and tinkerer bench plans always make my heart sink when I find them. I think I donated 10 of each one day.




Naw I dump those as I pick them up


I put them in my charger and then put a few in donation boxes after they hit 100%. I had a guy I gave 10 to one day come by my camp and drop 3 depleted ones off. I gave him 5 and put those 3 in the charger. I typically have upwards of 20 fully charged ones on me at any given time. (Yes, hoarder here.)


I did the same thing on Christmas. It was liberating.


Meanwhile, I just want a vintage water cooler lol


It’s also one I need


Why? I thought you meant you literally dropped the bike item in the box and it allowed it.


I got rid of my fallout first so carry weight is really a thing now so I just emptied my vendor in to the donation box outside 76


I was considering fallout 1st until I saw the outrageous price.


$100 a year, that only $8.33 a month. That's what, less than 2 pints of beer? FO76 will easily save me from drinking 2 pints a beer a week, so I'm fucking saving money with this game.


assuming $1 is the equivalent of 100 Atoms, the monthly Atom amount alone is worth the value; then you stack all other 20+ benefits of FO1st on top of it and $13 seems like theft at that point (as in you stealing) or you save $30 and just buy it for the year like i do. $10/month is chump change compared to other subscription services, and i definitely get my monies worth.


That's if you value prepurchasing atoms every month. I'd subscribe for the other benefits without atoms for $2-3 per month.


the Atoms are honestly somewhere in the middle of my "reasons for subscribing" list, but yes, it never hurts to just have some for random cool stuff (like the Light Em Up' bundle) the weekly free perk card packs, carry weight boosters, perfect bubblegums, scout's banners, lunchboxes, basic repair kits, and scrap kits; not to mention exclusive free monthly items, exclusive S.C.O.R.E rewards, scrap box, ammo box, a survival tent, and a private server? crazy value imho.


Na atoms are the main reason I sub to F1 for the year at a time $1 =100 atoms You get 1650 atoms =$16.50 The rest of the F1 Is basically free


i never said they couldn't be a reason for subscribing, it's honestly cheaper than purchasing the valued Atoms even for month-by-month payments.


Agreed, FO1st isn’t as bad as some other subscription services. Like that GTA online sub service is completely useless, I feel bad for people who are buying that.


I think the price is also factoring the subscribers are paying for the servers and designers/developers maintenance fee for each seasons. This is the thing that most players forget. It's an online game. It's got some monthly/yearly budget to maintain. That's how I see it. But If it's too much for you, it's fair. Everyone has different value of things and money restrictions


It’s a better deal now than it was when 1st started as they’ve added a lot of extra benefits.


Search “how to reduce carry weight in fo76” and master the use of weight reduction cards in strength, intelligence and agility.


I don’t need to hoard plans and recipes I already have. I’ve gotten everything I really want that 40k caps can buy. Why not distribute the wealth


COMMUNISM DETECTED ON AMERICAN SOIL (no fr, you did something good today)


chad behavior


I use so many carry weight reduction cards my build is not nearly as effective as it could be. I'd be like OP and just dump most of it except I'll need it once I do.


Thanks for the 2500 spoiled meat ❤️


Mmmmm food for bloodied builds 🤤


Food for any builds, really lol. I feel like non-bloodied players sleep on a lot of the easy-to-make stat boosting food


Some people just don't want to be awesome lol 🤷‍♂️


Seems that way lol. Meanwhile, I'm still holding off on committing to either carnivore or herbivore because both sides have too many good buffs that I'm not ready to give up


Carnivore is pretty badass for melee, herbivore for just about everything else. The only thing I miss about meat is carry weight boosts, but rad ant lager does an alright job at it


Hey, it makes fertilizer. Although I don’t know why I’d need that much, but still…


reminds me, about a week ago a friend and i found probably over 1000 plans in a donation box by the wayward.


i had a ton of fixers i made for each level tier...it just tossed em in the donation box at the top of the world train station.


They do need to connect them all like the stash box


i should do this with my stash box and get rid of all the named weapons i have that i will never use lol


I mean I see it this way. I can only use so much. I could try and collect everything but to me I picture and excited causal gamer like me getting super stoked and having a good time. And well those are the people I want to play with so I try and be one


Thank you if you dropped 400 stimpacks, I took em!


Xbox ps pc???? Gt????


PS4 gamer tag is skittles8119. I had to get rid of my fallout first so weight is a thing now. So I’m just gonna gift or drop what I can’t vendor when I play. Spread the joy


The name you see here is my tag on PS4. Friend me and I can hold scrap for you since I'm keeping my 1st subscription. If you need scrap for stuff, just jump on where I am and I'll give you anything you need. I can't let 1st go because I'm hoarding too many materials. (See my earlier post in this thread. LOL)


I’ll add you so we can play though


Cool since about 1/2 my old friends from my earlier days of playing have not been on in months. They've all moved on to other games, unfortunately. Some of those guys and ladies were a real blast. (Literally they dropped nukes all the time! LOL)


I gotta say it is getting kinda old but I still have expeditions to check out just kinda out of quests grinding that raider rep


I actually haven't done all the main quests so I have something left to do. It's pretty common for me to do that with all games because I simply like to run around 'doing shit' rather than the quests. LOL


Word and well I’ve got pretty much everything I need. But I really appreciate it.


I drop my stuff in the mountains in an obscure place. No sense making it that easy. Plus giving it away in those bins just waters down the market for other people selling.


It's a game, the market doesn't matter lol


A single person doing a good thing for other players isn't gonna water down the market, hundreds would have to do that consistently for that. If someone walks to my camp and asks for something from my vendor thats 5k caps or under I will usually just give it to them for free because caps are easy to earn. 76 is one of the most welcoming/positive communities for a reason.


I will too. Gave away a a few jet pack power suit and a bunch of Christmas plastiforms and paper lights the past week. But the dumpsters have been busting at the seams. Like excessively.. Tis the season I guess.


Waters down the market This is the same game where people say some weapons are worth more than the caps you can actually carry, right?


To be fair, some might have been worth that much to some people before the great legacy purge. I remember back when 5.56 was the alternative currency for higher-valued items. Not surprised BGS ended up getting rid of those though..they technically weren't supposed to exist, and a good majority of em had been duped like crazy.


The representative for the 1% of F76 players who are toxic has entered the chat.


Cool you used a buzzword, you win. 👍


I should probably do this as well, I've got an insane amount legs I don't use


I did that last night. Great minds lol.




They seem individual


132 fusion cores at 54% or less. But seriously. I love the donation boxes. They should be at every major location as well