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Nope. If it's unlocked, it's open for all.


Agreed. I leave mine unlocked for exactly this reason.


If it’s unlocked people want you to take it


If they’re unlocked they’re fine to take, I wasn’t sure when I was new either so only occasionally took a small amount of things. I keep all mine unlocked to anyone can help themselves, they don’t cost anything and regenerate pretty quickly anyway


Regenerate quickly as in you’ve been playing for hours non-stop, but it feels like 20 minutes?


HEY!! I resemble that comment.


Yeah I’m only speaking from experience


I return to my camp after every event, and I bet most veteran players do the same. So no, if I wanted to, I'd be claiming those resources every 20 minutes. (I do collect my free acid and adhesives from my tiny farm every time I return to camp)


I’m only joking. I’m like 130 and I swear my little butterfly thing is always full but in reality I’ll go out for like an hour or two before I come back to my camp.


I always only take one piece of cake because I don’t want to be a pig or anything…


I've yet to see anyone get assmad about purified water or popcorn But to echo everyone else: if it ain't locked it's fair game. Locking stuff is pretty easy, and if you forget to do it...well, that's on them. Also resource generators like that are infinite, so really what are they losing out on?


I specifically leave things unlocked so visitors can enjoy any of the food/drink appliances in my CAMP, as well as enjoy all of the buff appliances at my CAMP. So if I come home and I see you working out on my weight bench or exercise cycle, I'll make sure to get you a cold Company Tea and if you come up to the house, maybe you'd consider joining in on the piano, while I play the stand up bass..


If it's not locked, it's fair game. Go ahead.


Unlocked means you are free to take, unlock something, you get wanted.. and killed. If it was my camp, I’ll do it personally.




I've started feeling better about taking things. While I'm at the camp I'll also repair any downed turrets as my little thank you. It's not much but the gesture makes me feel nice and I don't know if there's anything else we can do... Are there any containers we can leave gifts in for hosts? I used to drop magazines on the doorstep but I've started worrying those respawn before anyone gets them.


Lvl 80 week or two old noob. I too would like to know if there is anyway to thank host beyond Camp/Heart emote.


No need to. If its a high level camp they likely dont need the resources. The heart emote is more valuable tbh.


fair, i guess im trying to think of a way to leave something as a heart emote when the host isnt home


I repaired 2 razorgrain crops as I stopped a super mutant attack on someone else's camp. I bet that lvl 1471 player where really happy I did that lmao


I KNOW logically that they probably don't notice, but it makes me feel better, you know? In the same way as like, if there was a drop box I could leave trinkets in, I know they wouldn't care, but it would make me feel nice to be able to leave a "thank you note" item (maybe gnomes or teddy bears, I know those are collectible. Maybe board games, I know there's a way for people to display cute junk once they have a chess board table). From what I've heard so far, nothing like a drop box exists, and I get that the high level people don't need anything from us, but if they aren't there to love emote at, it seems like it would be nice to leave a trinket.


Also look around for things in camps that will boost your s.p.e.c.i.a.l. stats for a time....😊😊


Any new players seeing this if you join the newsletter you can a free bowling machine that gives you a stats boost.


Do i do it in the main menu?


The guide to redeem it is here: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/63676


Thank you


This is my CAMP., Lit up Garage with Crafting Benches, Ground floor Bright clear Diner full of Free for all Mirelurk Boiler, Cookie Jar, Tea, Coffee Ect. Then on the 1st floor above that is a lounge area with Special Buffing items, Instruments and Mothman Tome.


If it's unlocked it's fair game. There's probably some people who just don't know you can lock it but that's really on them. About the only 'Rule' is that it's kind of rude to take more than you need, leaving none for other players. But that's just standard politeness.


Unlocked is completely free for the taking, I have all the resource generating camp items out in my camp and leave them unlocked for all that need or want some


Not in my camp, feel free to take what you need. There's plenty to share.


PLEASE TAKE ALL MY THINGS AS IT MAKES ME HAPPY! (Which is why it's unlocked in the first place.)


Unlocked is fair game. I have the word Free on my resource generator just in case.


If I don’t want you to take it. It will be locked. Enough said


I prefer if people use my recourses. I like to promote positivity to players. What’s mine is yours


Like others have said, if it’s unlocked it’s free game. And look at it like this, most of the stuff fills up in 20-30 minutes. So if the person isn’t constantly coming back to camp it just caps out and then no one is getting resources if you just let it sit. I’ll generally loot more from other camps than I do my own most days.


If its open take it, its all regenerating resources anyway. If i see if there a mirelurk steamer i always check what food is there and i always take the damage resist and carry weight foods lol


Take it if it’s unlocked! I keep all of my resources in my greenhouse garden. I have locked security gates on the entrances of the garden I close if I’m needing to collect myself, if I have all the buffs I’ll leave the gates open for anyone who visits my camp. I don’t put locks on any of the resource items, including my nuka collectron.


Anyone is welcome to my camp and take anything from my resources. I just wish you would close the damn doors behind you when you leave!!


This for real... I come home to find all doors open. Not just the entrance, also the bedrooms, generator shed, bar. Just all of them :|


Really though, these people raised in a barn or something? Lol


I'm in the process of building a power armor truck stop outside of the Rusty Pick, and I would be disappointed if you didn't help yourself to our complimentary refreshments


son-of-a!! are you tha one what tooked my nuka shine!? j/k - if it aint locked take it man..i keep it unlocked for a reason...mostly because im lazy..but also just in case folks need stuff. - free wood, cement, water, acid, radstag..etc.


If you have to pick a lock to get it - Don't - it will get you a bounty. Otherwise, go to town. I leave mine unlocked. Many of us do, specifically to help out other players passing by. Cheers!


While poking around a camp and taking a couple of freebies it came under attack by three super mutants. I repaired their wall and buildings after killing the mutants.


Souper new, level 17ish.


Take anything you want! Even knowing about some things being locked is more awareness than most people have, but yeah, if it's unsecured they want you to take what you need.


A good rule of thumb is if it's unlocked it's fair game, if it's locked then don't take it. I have all my stuff unlocked except the acid node extractor because I need it since I use a flamer and craft ammo all the time. But I legit have a kitchen with snacks, company tea, coffee, punch bowl, etc. all for the taking. I get sad when people don't take some birthday cake on the way out lol


My stuff is unlocked, free for all basically. For low and high level people out there, you need tea? coffee? water or something else? Well take a look around and you'll find everything unlocked, grab something to drink. Grab some ammo and enjoy what the wasteland offers you.


Popcorn,water,candies,nukacola,junk in my automatron box, sure. Its unlocked. But dont pick the lock and take my ammo machine 5.56. i live on those rounds.


i have a nuka cola themed camp and i like when people grab stuff. people, the stuff i have is part of the theme and it's there for you! feel free to: grab popcorn from the popcorn machine near the vendor. grab honey from the beehive near the popcorn machine. ~~grab chicken shit from the chicken coop~~ grab nuka colas from the nukatron. it's unlocked on purpose! grab nuka cola from the nuka cola mystery machine. grab nuka cola candy from the nuka cola candy machine. grab coffee from the coffee maker on the diner. grab food from the crops in the garden, i even put up a sign inviting you to! grab ammo from the ammo machine inside the building that says "ammo" and has arrows pointing to it. grab water from the various vintage water coolers. also, feel free to milk the brahmin. really, there is only one thing i don't want you to take, and for that reason i locked it. my aluminum extractor.


I'm so glad to hear about the honey.. that hecking Mr handy has a HABIT. ... Though I'm glad the brahmin pen plan I bought is for an actual Brahmin. I wasn't sure but I got it anyway. Super exciting. Rad away milk here I come!!! (And anyone else who comes by)


I have a little sign on my mirelurk steamer asking players to leave the jerky alone but it’s strictly honor system. Except, now that I got carnivored in radiation rumble I’m thinking about locking it.


I leave my coffee, tea, and commie collectron unlocked for everyone to take what they need. I lock my cookie jar and my moth sanctuary because I don't share cookies and I need the acid desperately for fuel. Cremator eats fuel like it's candy. Edit: oh also I lock my junk extractor at one of my camps because I need dat junk for myself


In my camp I leave unlocked water, honey, wood, mothman eggs, candy, waste acid, purified water, charisma/luck/intelligence buffs, extra adhesive (tree) mirelick jerky, and deer meat free for the taking. I like when I come back and they’re empty… I hope it helped a new player get by.


I have mine mostly all unlocked so people can take. A couple locked ones just to annoy Master Infiltrators though.


Unlocked doesn’t always mean they want you to take it but who cares


Yeah I agree with others, of its not locked it's usually fare game. I lock mine, but if I team with you then it's open for you to take.


If it's locked then don't take it, if it's unlocked it's free for the taking, In my camp the water coolers, the water boiler, the radstag stand, Chicken coop, popcorn machine, company tea machines, beehive, butterfly sanctuary and cement truck are all unlocked, so feel free to take from them. Just don't touch my Nuka Quantum collectron station, or my mirelurk steamer, as a cola nut carnivore I value my Nuka Quantums and smoked mirelurk fillets very much, my tree sap collector is also off limits because of the sweet sweet adhesive, if you break my locks I'll break your legs.


If I have resources unlocked at my camp, it means you can take them if ya want. From some of the comments, seems I'm not the only one who does this.


I have a Funhouse Camp with a bunch of coded doors and trapped rooms with free resources behind them. There's a sign with instructions on how to play. It's up front that you may die, but you keep what you find so long as you find the exit in the time limit.


I planted extra crops plz help yourself.


No, it's not bad manners. If a player has unlocked resources it simply means that they are happy for others to take what they need. They left the resource unlocked on purpose fir this reason. So help yourself! Its only locked resources that are off limits.


We keep those things unlocked FOR you guys. My water purifiers, nuka candy machine, and my Ammo Constuctor are all unlocked and right next to my vendors. I hope people take them, that's why I put them there. Sure, it sucks when I need that purified water to make diluted stims. But I'd rather have more wastelanders than some stims. (I usually have 200 stims and 150+ super stims, I can live without my Diluted Stim supply.)


I leave the water boiler unlocked for new players


Nope, nothing in my camp has ever been locked and i have all the resources available for people, please just help yourself :)


If it's unlocked, take it. If it's locked and you take it anyway, you'll be dead REAL SOON


Myself on my camp by Harper's Ferry I've got honey and water and tea and raw fertilizer and it's all open if someone wants it. I just set stuff up 'cause it looks neat and I have the caps or gold at the time it's on sale. Also have a Santa robot with a gift drawer to riffle through too. Also a bowl of those Halloween candies no one seems to want. :)


No, go for it. 


It’s safe to take , I made a camp specifically as a pit stop to all my fellow players new or seasoned. have just about every resource available


if i wanted you to not have a coffee id put it behind a door. hell i even put extras in my shop so you can always get a canned coffee for 2 caps per


If it ain't locked it's open stock


I wish there was low-budget signage to covey "open = free" or "take crops, but use a turbo fert grenade to regrow it."


Nah, if you come to my church, take evey resource, as Mothman its wise and knows to share


I didn’t know you could lock these. Oops


just go slow where things like vintage water coolers are concerned, there may be a stack unlocked for you to take, but ONE (as a owner reserved item) may be locked, too easy to find yourself wanted if you spam the take button.


I set mine up specifically so people can take them :)


Lol it's a wasteland and you worry about manners?


i personally think its ok, like on my camp i have a junk extractor and also one of those nuka cola bots, i used to have them locked but people just kept picking the locks open, so i gave up locking them and let people just take the loot if they wanted, i mainly wanted lower level players to take the loot and thats actually what i have seen the most, i don't see alot of high level players take stuff from them


Yes it's okay, in fact some people will purposefully set things out for other people to take


I even have signs pointing to mine to let people know to take em.


If it's unlocked it's fair game, it's meant for you to take.


If it’s not locked fuck em


It’s fine to take anything. Remember, pvp is part of the game. It’s generally accepted that if it’s unlocked it’s fine though.


take it all.


If its unlocked, presume it is okay. Same thing with anything that's on the ground, or abandoned in a random container.




If it's unlocked go for it


I leave mine unlocked for everyone, placed next to or close to my vendors.


The only thing I lock is the Santatron, you're not having my Christmas pressies! But feel free to help yourself to all the snacks and drinks.


Since you're trying to be conscientious, if you find a bunch of locked stuff and only one that's unlocked it might be a mistake. You're probably okay to take the resource anyway, but maybe inform the camp owner if they're nearby that it's unlocked.


While many of the players are absolutely correct that if it's unlocked, it's pretty much open season. There is one exception that I find aggravates a lot of higher players. This is especially true of some of the more generous players who load up their vending machines with cheap stuff for newbies. Don't empty their vending machines and then go sell it yourself or whatever. It's kind of like leave a penny, take a penny. Don't take all the pennies. You just look like a turd!